Las Vegas

If you are not early, you're late EOMteeth_smile
ramav8r 9 Reviews 1155 reads


First let me start by saying that I love the women of Las Vegas but what's with the always being late? Now 15-20 minutes late to me is on time. But 1 to 2 hours??? Really, is it in your DNA to be late or is it the weather or?
So Guys, when do you say "fuck it" and cancel or do we accept this as being "it is what it is"? I have a shame on me because I waited close to 2 hours for a young lady. I had a great time with her and would see her again,but in the back of my mind that really bugged the fuck out of me. She never knew that I was ticked.
So when do you guys pull the rip cord? 1/2 hour? 1 hour? or.....
Oh, Tiffany M, this doesn't apply to you....shit you're always on time and early...luv ya for that.
Ok, that's my bitch for have a good day

Nikki Avalon is habitually late, but I'd wait forever for her...  I am giving myself an erection just thinking about her. If a provider is keeping in contact with you when she is late, the time is indifferent to me. If no word, I start looking for alternatives after 15 minutes.

It throws me off.If anything Im early to everything.So its not all Vegas ladies.Even being 15-20 late drives me insane.

I find myself sitting in my car for a few minutes before the date so I don't show up before it is appropriate. I have never been even 5 minutes late for an appointment so it blows my mind to hear that some ladies run late constantly. Are you making the date the same day and she is squeezing you in? Surely if you made the date in advance she plans her day around the date.  

It is just plain bad manners and rude to be late. But I guess that is what some of you guys are looking for, to be abused. So it works for the ladies and yourselves. Otherwise you would stop putting up with it. Believe me if after 15 minutes you left your room and cancelled the date it would only take a few times of that happening before the ladies caught on and would start showing up on time

In any other industry if you were 1-2 hours late, you would be fired and replaced. Can't imagine dealing with that kind of nonsense under any circumstance. I think my max was 10 mins due to a "housekeeping" issue or traffic, and that throws my mojo off. It's mutual time and respect. I'm seriously floored.....

think they are more important than the people they are meeting. Just that simple and to her, she knows she will most likely never see you again soooo she is right. If professionalism isnt really her forte your just not that important.

Disorganization has something to do with it some of the time, but really just see sentence number 1 for your answer.  

Im really sensitive about being on time and so as to how long I would wait...well after 15 minutes with no contact Im calling her. If she does not pick up Im gone.

my first boss always use to say, early is on time ,on time is late , and late is never goo

1-2hr late with no contact is unacceptable.1-2hrs late with contact and emergency well things happen...
But,that is crazy to have an appt set and not make it on time and 1-2 hrs show up like everything is all good.
I have been late before due to traffic and I think the longest might have been 15minutes but I kept in contact and let the gent know before our appt time.And I kept in contact leading up to me arriving at the door and I also stayed longer to make-up for being late.
Unfortunately some do not respect another person's time.

Is it possible she thought the date was at a different time? I would have called her after 15 minutes to find out where she was...but that's just me.  

Posted By: hpygolky
First let me start by saying that I love the women of Las Vegas but what's with the always being late? Now 15-20 minutes late to me is on time. But 1 to 2 hours??? Really, is it in your DNA to be late or is it the weather or?  
 So Guys, when do you say "fuck it" and cancel or do we accept this as being "it is what it is"? I have a shame on me because I waited close to 2 hours for a young lady. I had a great time with her and would see her again,but in the back of my mind that really bugged the fuck out of me. She never knew that I was ticked.  
 So when do you guys pull the rip cord? 1/2 hour? 1 hour? or.....  
 Oh, Tiffany M, this doesn't apply to you....shit you're always on time and early...luv ya for that.  
 Ok, that's my bitch for have a good day

Life happens. I've had to reschedule before. I realize cars break down, or you forget to get gas, or there's traffic, or trouble finding a parking spot. As long as there is communication it doesn't bother me. On my Vegas trips when I'm there with people I don't have the ability to wait an hour or two, since I usually schedule a morning appointment and just tell my friends I "slept late." ;)

If I'm flying solo it's not a big deal, but after a half an hour without communication and not being able to reach her, I'd probably head down to the casino and have fun while I wait to hear back.

I schedule weeks in advance of my trip though, so I've only had this problem once.

An hour if she's communicting with me maybe.  Other cities besides Vegas a half hour with communication.  

Posted By: hpygolky
First let me start by saying that I love the women of Las Vegas but what's with the always being late? Now 15-20 minutes late to me is on time. But 1 to 2 hours??? Really, is it in your DNA to be late or is it the weather or?  
 So Guys, when do you say "fuck it" and cancel or do we accept this as being "it is what it is"? I have a shame on me because I waited close to 2 hours for a young lady. I had a great time with her and would see her again,but in the back of my mind that really bugged the fuck out of me. She never knew that I was ticked.  
 So when do you guys pull the rip cord? 1/2 hour? 1 hour? or.....  
 Oh, Tiffany M, this doesn't apply to you....shit you're always on time and early...luv ya for that.  
 Ok, that's my bitch for have a good day

Agree with some other comments. Everyone's time is worth something and there are too many other options out there. I hear about some providers that are always late and I just don't see the reason to book them. I might have other plans by the time I have waited two hours.  
In my opinion if you are going to be 5 minutes late you text to say I am running late and I will be there in xxx minutes

I will cancel, unless they contact me prior that they are running late. But I do not expect my date to start until they arrive. I always appreciate when they are on time.

maybe you should think before you talk.  

for one, you booked an hour with me, and i stayed over two.  
on top of that, you SHORTED me on the payment for the hour you did pay for.  

you have no right to complain about shit

Ms. Bunnie the thread wasn't intended to single you out, it was a blanket statement based on my experiences. As far as the "shorting you", you and I have have discussed this and I'm willing now or on my next visit to do whatever is needed and more to clear this up with you. And again my sincere apologies.
So please don't take this as a personal attach on you because it ain't. I still dig ya...ok?

RokkKrinn1080 reads

...that they are *always* "running a little late".

Yes, there are exceptions to every anecdotal observation like this, but my experiences pretty much confirm this.  I've dealt with on-time-ers, little-laters, way-laters, etc.  Never had a NCNS.  And usually, anything beyond a "little late", I get a phone call or text, so I'm never that upset.  I mostly do longer dates and rarely am "squeezing" time into a tight schedule, so it's no big deal to me.

And in the interests of full disclosure:  Sometimes I am the one who is running late, so I sort of understand.  There's something about the Vegas environment that almost facilitates tardiness.  There's almost always more traffic than you expect, on big weekends there are those unannounced DUI checkpoints, etc.

Even in the straight civvie world:  I have a (legit) massage therapist who does house calls.  She's great, and does fantastic work on me--but she's always at least fifteen minutes late, sometimes even longer.  And she only lives a few minutes away from me.  It's just the way it is in Vegas--I've kind of learned to roll with it...

...strict schedule. I want my date and myself to both be relaxed rather than stressed out about being a little late, and, like Jaydalee noted, as long as we keep in touch and updated about any minor delays, no big deal. But, if I had a show to catch I would let my date know that if it was too late, we'd have to cancel.

10 to 15 minutes late is reasonable, traffic, or some other delay.  It would only be courteous to call and with cell phones noexcuss not to.  However, if 15 minutes pass the appointment time comes and goes with no call, I just might go enjoy other things.

I kinda go by the same rule..
I mean, if you're running late because things beyond your control then let the person know. If the appointment can be kept, awesome...

Today I had a half hour. I'm back east where those exist.. The guy was 21 minutes late!

He didn't have a hobby phone, apparently his crappy one had just died...

He has tons of history and perfect refs...

I started the email at 2:18. I sent it at 2:20. I sat down and turned the tv on. Knock, knock.

I canceled the meeting. I had someone else at 3.. He was like, no apology, no nothing. Blamed it on construction. And the directions that I gave him. One, I didn't give him any directions. Two, because he knew where the hotel was.

I asked what we should do at this point.. He says, "Oh I see..  You want money."

Well, I have been standing at the door for the past 20 minutes so to not have you knock and wait.

He gave me $20.  

It was a pretty rad experience. :)

I have seen many vegas women and one never showed up (this was about 4 years ago, she was notorious for this behavior and had many posts on her about this, she is no longer in the business).  Two others had some reason and never met me, whatever...  But overall most of the women have been great and on time.  A few have even showed up early which was a pleasant surprise.  After 20-30 minutes get out of there, your time is important too.

How about responding to a thread that holds some legitimacy

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