Las Vegas

Hooray!They caught him!
scorpiobill 2 Reviews 10201 reads

Sadaam Hussein didn't look like such a bad-ass today did he? He looked like a disheveled,homeless old man.However,he will have a home for the rest of his life-in jail! I thought they'd never find him.Hooray!

FSinIndy9858 reads

..that he had all that moola with him!   Couda, wouda, shouda had one helluva partee in Vegas!!

But seriously, let's all hope this is the beginning of some degree of civility to Irag and significant lessening of danger for our awesome military!

Amen! I hope these neighboring third world countries noticed the "mini-Hitler" was pulled out of his hole,disheveled and helpless(and alone).This should serve as a lesson,whether you like the USA or not,don't engage in this type of behavior,or the free world(which seems to be limited to us and England)will stop you.

Seems to me that it was W's Daddy (not to mention W himself on the campaign trail) that said we were not going to be the world's policeman.  If we are, shouldn't we demand at least proof the guy's a threat?  Where are the WMDs, nuclear program and Al Qaeda connection?  If we want to go after real threats, how about those Saudis who harbored the bin Laden family and spirited them out of the US after the 9/11 bombing (with White House assistance) before the FBI could question them?  How about North Korea with its real nuclear program (at least real compared to Iraq's.  If our job is to now patrol the whole world "taking out" whoever we deem needs taking out, how long before the Indians, Chinese and most of the rest of the world figure out that absolute power corrupts absolutely, even when that power is wrapped in the US flag?  Sorry, know this is not a political site but too many of my brethren (Army and Marines) are dying in Iraq for no good reason other than W needed to start another war.

I agree with most of what you said.I have not much use for Bush or any Rep.for that matter,I'm a working man and member of a union.What happened,is very SYMBOLIC,if you wanna f---with the US in words or actions,you may be found in a hole,shivering in your rags!It may discourage.What is Bin Laden's condition,hiding in a cave?No,we can't take care of the WHOLE world,but some of these dictatorships,especially the ones who want to f--- with other countries may be DETERRED by this!I wish it didn't have to get to this point,but it's human nature that a few egomaniacs get a LITTLE bit of power,then want to control others.At least in this country,there's enough liberty and checks and balances to stop that from happening here.

Nikki Avalon9668 reads

Well said Phunhog! You've raised some very important questions, but I doubt that the current administration will be forthcoming with true answers.
I just finished making a short anti-war film. Anyone interested in veiwing it can download it at

I think whether a person was FOR this "war",AGAINST it or somewhere in the middle,a lot of people would agree there is something very "questionable" about it,to say the least.I am not a fan of our president,there is something "questionable" about him,his character and motives.Bill Clinton looks pretty good right now,his biggest scandal was with Monica Lewinsky,which was more amusing than anything else! Well,unless George W. pulls off some real "miracles",in the near future,I don't see him getting re-elected,I believe a lot of people are afraid of what he may want to do next time around.

that he was found in posession of AMERICAN money and AMERICAN made weapons?

   The rest of the world wants to piss all over this country, but thay can't wait to get their hands on all our cool stuff!

fortitude8996 reads

They are of either Russian or Chinese manufacture.  I know this from having had to face and go up against many of them 1967-68, in another of our wars.

Yes the AK47's are Russian weapons (pseudo-technically German since they are knockoffs of the German STG44). The American money was funneled to Saddam by a Jordanian bank which acquired it from the British.
A question for those who deem themselves wiser than most; maybe you can help me see your light. Isn't it better to engage militant Islam in a time and place of our choosing rather than allow them to set the stage at their leisure and hit us unawares again? Are we really obligated to act stupidly and naively in our relations with the rest of the world? Placing combat troops in Iraq does indeed give terrorists a target, but this target is more prepared to fight back than the civilian targets they would prefer to engage and would otherwise be planning to attack.

And yes Iraqi Islam is not particularly militant; that's why they fought a long war with their militant neighbors in Iran in the 1980's. My point being, our troops in Iraq will serve to drag these terrorists to Iraq where they can be destroyed. There are considerable numbers of outside agitators there already. Furthermore, our presence in Iraq gives pause to other fundamentalist governments which have been labeled as sponsoring terrorism. The Iranian theocracy is still holding power, but it's hand is trembling at the spectacle of American power next door. The last thing they want to do is lose this power, and now they know we can and will take it from them if provoked. I'm sorry if I ramble, but the best way to deal with a threat is to stare it in the eyeballs and punch it hard and fast. At the very least, Saddam and Iraq are now an example to make governments think twice before aiding or harboring terrorists. Finally (and I'm sure you're grateful for the word) a weapons program has been discovered in Iraq; prohibited weapons were found by inspectors even before our invasion; and if sources are accurate WMD have been discovered in Iraq but for political reasons this information has not yet been released.

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