Las Vegas

Hey guys don't feel so bad!!!
Sierraoflv 7313 reads

Last night I had an appointment with someone and he no-showed!  I swear!  That is the 2nd time that has happened to me since I have been working....but I called and talked to him for a long time and thought we got along great called him twice and no reply!  Man, I am starting to think that I need to get a new body or something because I know I have a good heart!!  Anyway, my point is that it happens to us too guys and now I am starting to wonder if she showed up to see my 2 clients when she asked for references.  Oh well, I can understand if something came up but there are just too many guys saying the same thing.  I just don't get it!!!


Was wondering if anyone from board has seen Tara. ( Very good reviews, does she live up to them?

FunTimer7187 reads

I set something up with Tara a couple of weeks ago while I was in Vegas. She did all the screening and we finalized the date. When the time came she no-showed me!!! We even talked a few hours before our date and then nothing. No call to cancel and I even tried calling her and still nothing. Her reviews are good but all never try her again!!!!! Big waste of time!!!

Vegas1Tara9912 reads

my apologies, please accept.  if you contacted me via email before posting then I will be responding to you personally regarding my issue.

JustED7356 reads

She "literally" no-showed me too, two weeks ago. She actually did call 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment, but I later found out that her excuse was fabricated.

I had been warned that she can be un reliable, but I took the chance. We also talked several times in the preceeding days.
Too bad you can't review someone that you don't actually "see"

Vegas1Tara8472 reads

my apologies to you as well... again I will be contacting you personallly via email with my thoughts on this.  

wondering 'just ed'... are you really 'just hal'?  

i had a date with a hal and after speaking with him i called back to the hotel and asked for hal just by name not giving room # and he wasn't listed ... but ed same last name was and so was anthony same last name...

i always do this.. something about my safety and fictitious names don't mix well for me.

JustED7893 reads

Hello Tara:

No I'm not Hal

About once a month someone posts asking if Tara is O.K. because she no showed-no called on him.  Apparently it's quite common for her to no show-no call.  Her reviews are good, so if she actually shows up you can have a good time.  But of course, she has to show up.  By the way, she no showed-no called on me a few months back.

Sierraoflv7421 reads

I talked to her last week I think for 2 references of couple of clients of mine.  She sounded really nice but I think maybe she is scared of other things so I don't think she means to not show up I think she is just scared sometimes............could be wrong though, just my .02 worth!

Well, I'm another victim of Tara's no shows two weeks ago.  Had a 7 pm appt, she called, said would be 30 min late, called at 7:25, said she went out to her car and it had a flat tire, that she called a taxi, they said it would be 30-45 min and then she said 15 min to get to me, said it would now be 8:30 before she arrived.  Never heard from her again nor did she show up.  Also, in my case, not the fact that she was scared, two other providers that used to work with her, 1 I had met with twice and she told her to look for my email originally.

Vegas1Tara9302 reads

you are 100% correct sir... i am wrong, i should have taken the time to call and cancel and at a minimum after fact i should have contacted you personally to make ammends.  i did not.  publicly, i can say that i had a very (understatement) bad week in mid January and it only got worse as i left town on thur. (1/22) for a family member's medical emergency in texas.

It appears as if Tara might not be someone you can count on....
I called her voice mail around the first of the month and she called me back and we talked about setting up an appointment for early March.
We chatted pleasently for 25-35 minutes and she seemed REALLY cool. She said she might enjoy talking with me again on the phone before our appointment because it seemed as if we had hit it off as friends in at least some small way.
She mentioned that sometimes she has time free on Mondays and she'd e-mail me and let me know and maybe we could talk the following week.
The next day I e-mailed her a little "hello" and "thanks for talking with me" type e-mail.
I assumed sometime in the next week I'd get an e-mail from her.
I never did.
After another week passed I sent another e-mail.
No reply.
So, I called and left her a voice mail.
She never returned my call.
So then --- I sent her an e-mail last friday night and someone who said that they were her brother sent me an e-mail and said she was out of town dealing with a land dispute and would be back Monday and would be free that afternoon.
I replied back and siad thanks and I'd try to call her then.
This past Monday came and I called and left her a voice mail.
No call back.
I tried again on Tuesday with no luck and so I sent her a brief e-mail with my e-mail addy and cell phone number.
I tried again with the voicemail yesterday and today with no luck.
So, I am tapping out. Tap out or pass out --- I guess I'm down for the count.
I understand that providers are people too and they have things come up and unexpected circumstances that happen that they have to deal with.
But she seemed so friendly that I am a little disappointed.
I think that a person should have plenty of time to respond to an e-mail in 3 weeks and that if you leave a voice mail on a Tuesday it's not too much to expect a reply in 10 days or less after that.
Maybe she decided that she didn't want to see me or talk to me for some reason.
If that's the case --- then that is her right and I can respect that.
Like in Jerry Maquire --- this isn't "show friends" it's "show business"...
But if that's the case I think that a quick one
or two line e-mail telling me that it's not going to work out isn't too much for me to ask.

BUT, As I said in the subject line ---- I'm not perfect and I could be in the wrong here.
I may have said something, inadvertly, in our telephone conversation that put her off.
Or maybe a serious family emergancy came up that is taking up all her time.
Or she could have been involved in a accident.
Or she could have been kidnapped by terrorists who plan on holding her for ransome in exchange for a lifetime TER membership package.
I don't know.

If I am way off base here, I'll apologize.

But right now --- I'm kinda feeling the same way these other guys do....

Vegas1Tara9217 reads

i want off of your 'shit list'!  

this is the second set of posts regarding me and no-shows... certainly a very different pattern than monthly!  

the first set of posts followed me having the flu for ~ a week... i remember exactly getting it the thursday before thanksgiving.  i called beforehand and cancelled directly more than a few appts ....

but there were a a couple of appts. that week that i wanted to meet very much as we had been communicating and shared interests... so i didn't cancel them beforehand thinking i would feel better and as it turned out.. over the weekend i'd wake up feeling better, but after a few good hours it was downhill till the evening feeling like shit hit when i just wanted to cry instead of calling last minute to cancel.

Regarding Tara, she is one of the best when she shows up. I have seen her and like so many others she has no-showed me also. If you call her the best thing to do is have a second choice handy.

Sierraoflv7314 reads

Last night I had an appointment with someone and he no-showed!  I swear!  That is the 2nd time that has happened to me since I have been working....but I called and talked to him for a long time and thought we got along great called him twice and no reply!  Man, I am starting to think that I need to get a new body or something because I know I have a good heart!!  Anyway, my point is that it happens to us too guys and now I am starting to wonder if she showed up to see my 2 clients when she asked for references.  Oh well, I can understand if something came up but there are just too many guys saying the same thing.  I just don't get it!!!


Vegas1Tara7078 reads

Thank you for allowing me to be human...

I have been unexpectedly out of town and unavailable since Thursday (1/22).  Thank Goodness, you and Sierra said something outside the Tara-Roast and 'what have you done for me lately' agenda... otherwise you would think i was a worthless shit.

I know I made some errs in the past and bolted without notice due to an emergency but I have also added my share of warmth, grace and steam to the Vegas scene.  

Thanks for the memories... s..x, oops I mean comments,
Hugs and kisses, Tara

Subject line says it all, personally I wouldn't bother if I were you.
A provider who doesn't show is worthless to you no matter how good the reviews are.

So my feeling is that if you are considering contacting Tara, that you have a second choice in mind as well that you can call if she falls thru....

Vegas1Tara8604 reads

ok, look here, you are part of the Thanksgiving crowd... unfortunately it looks like this board has those who may hold a grudge and play politics to get even, ahead, whatever

... over and over..

just my 2 cents, Hugs and Kisses, Tara

My appointment you no-showed was two weeks before Thanksgiving.  I'm not trying to play politics, I just don't want any other readers of this board sitting in their hotel room like you left me.  Luckily for you this message will show up on page two so hardly anyone will read it.

Another example why a good agency is best! They make sure the provider shows up. If it's not who you wanted they will tell you and send someone else. It is better then waiting and having no body.

Vegas1Tara6958 reads

Guess the judge and jury have spoke.... Tara does live up to her reviews... when she shows up... so have a back up.  

I would add - when speaking with me please use your real name that you are registered under at the hotel.

maybe it wasn’t a problem with me.
Maybe this wasn’t a bad reflection on me.
So again, I do sincerely apologize but my feelings
Were hurt and I responded.
You were not on my “shit list”.
I thought I was on yours and I didn’t know why.
So, I won’t post any other messages about you other than
These 2 I posted today and I will leave you alone.
For what it’s worth --- I think that you are a charming and
Beautiful woman and I wish I could go back and erase my posts
About you. I’m very sorry and I wish I could take it back.
I know that our meeting has been canceled and that I’m
Probably on your shit list for life.
I do feel bad though and I wish things had went differently.
I am sincerely sorry and I am apologizing to you publicly

I think you guys should give Tara a break. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control. I have met Tara once and she had had an accident on the way to meet me, called to let me know she would be late and then showed up at the new time and everything was great. She lives up to her reviews and more. I will contact her again the next time I am in Vegas. If she is so unreliable how come she has such great reviews?

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