Las Vegas

HA HA I like the long distant races my self but hey sometimes you gotta sprintregular_smile
Veronica ReDD 4302 reads


Us hobbyists get to pick our girl down to the smallest detail, just wondering how the providers feel when someone of a different race or ethnicity shows up?  if you don't like blacks or hispanics or whatever, do you ask during the initial phone call, or do you wait until you see them and do you fake it or provide them with different service? just an item for discussion...

I do not judge a person by his/her race , color or looks.

Personality , attitude and hygiene  is what counts !

xoxo CindySpice

Well said I totally agree,
I like a person for who they are not what they look like.
There are great guys and gals of every color religion ect...... and pre judging someone from outside appearence can cost you a great friend or lover........Peace everyone can't we all get along.....I think we can :)

As a Black Eurasian Male with a Spanish surname ---

I am treated better by providers than I am at the local Denny’s

Ok.. this is how I handle each situation>> If he is an African American.. I run and hide.. If he is Asian.. I slowly sneak out the room.. and tell him I need to retrieve something from my car..If he is Native American.. I go buy an Indian suicase of beer.. and tell him to have a good time.. If he is Spanish.. I ask him if he is busy tomorrow.. because I have some yard work I need  to get done..>> but if he is a Caucasian.. I double the rate.. PLEASEEEEEEEEE

I guess that means I can come see you, so be looking out for little flashing lights in the sky, I'll be landing on your roof in a min !!

LOL  good post lj  :)

.. Lets not stop in at that bar in Mars. ( remember.. I got kicked out for drinking too much alien Juice and telling Redneck-alien jokes.. ).. !!..I`m waiting.. !!!.. LOL  ;)

You know, this topic brings up a point I'd been thinking about.  There's a provider who generally posts in the Other Cities thread that specifies she caters to White men only.  She's welcome to her preferences, but it kind of makes one wonder about her attitude in general.  I have to think that poor treatment at the hands of a hobbyist is more a function of social standing then of race, and one's rates will dictate the social standing of one's clients.  If someone has rates low enough where they attract the riffraff I'd have to assume she'd face the same kinds of problems irregardless of the client's race.

While I am a Black man, visually I look about as racially neutral as one can get.  Hell, Vivica Rayy even thought I was Jewish until she asked :D  I've never had one provider treat me in any way that I thought could be construed as motivated by race, whether I decided to wear my hair straight or curly.  I've gotten inquiries during pillow talk with about every provider I've visited, but not a one of them treated me one bit differently after I've let them know.  Hopefully sometime within my lifetime it won't matter at all in any endeavor and we'll all see each other just as people.

R44291 reads

I think it may be a area issue.  Being from the north believe it or not I have seen the race issue.  I have had providers in DC and NY not want to see black guys.  I really like LJ's posting.  Nice open attitude.  Some of the agencies have told me that certain girls on their web site will not see black guys.  When will some people grow up.  We are all just people.

nightthunder4903 reads

Well personally I like the middle distance races.  Like the 1500 meters or the mile - you have to have both endurance and speed to win.  Sprints (like the 100 meters) take only a huge burst of speed but no real endurance.  Long distance races like a marathon take a ton of stamina and endurance but real speed isn't necessarily required.

Now as to how providers feel about different ethnic groups . . . last I looked providers are people.  How do people feel about different ethnic groups? Some are racially biased and some are not. Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't.

Next question.

This board has sunk to a new low! Who cares? I certainly don't. As a wise friend said...what a bunch of dumb s$%@ts.

Let's get back on topic, kids.

Nikki Avalon5422 reads

Race isn't an issue with me; otherwise I wouldn't be a member of A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)

However when it comes to Alien races, I prefer humanoids. The Grey's don't have any parts to play with and the Reptilians scare me.

Actually I have a fantasy about a an allien guy who can change shape to be what ever I need and radiated heat....but hey thats just me........Hmmm or maby a guy made out of Jelly

.. you asked for it... A.N.S.W.E.R..." ASS NOT SORE WITH ENTIRE RACES..?????>>> LMAO... OK>. I`m done!!!!

Good to have you back.  You've been missed here.  Now, if I could just get my act together, we can actually get together.  I promise to keep my alien at home that day.

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