Las Vegas

Ginaxoxo.........more news!
TravelinLover 41 Reviews 3253 reads
1 / 19

I visited Gina again on Thursday, which was exactly three months from the date of her accident, and Friday. Once again, I was amazed at the progress she has made in the two weeks since my last visit! She smiled really big when I walked into her room Thursday evening. She knew I was coming, but not exactly when. After I placed some new flowers on her table and gave her a few of her favorite candy bars, I told her about all the people who told me to give her their best wishes, and I showed her the responses to my last post, including some e-mails. Gina was very touched by all the people who care about her! She can't wait to rejoin the Vegas TER community and thank everyone personally!

While I was there, Gina needed to go to the bathroom so she called for a nurse. But instead of asking for a bedpan, she wanted to show me how she could walk to the bathroom. So the lady who came in set up her walker and I was able to see Gina walk to the bathroom! The last time I visited her, she couldn't even put any weight on her feet! The lady stayed with her in case she lost her balance, but she didn't, and slowly made her way to the bathroom safely. I was impressed!

Gina was in a very good mood that evening! We reminisced about some of the fun times we had shared before her accident, and Gina laughed a lot! She asked me to massage her hands and feet, so I did. She was impressed with my skill at that and I was surprised! I never knew I had that ability, lol! Well, there's a first time for everything!

A few days before I arrived, Gina suffered a minor (I hope) setback though. Her right arm and side were hurting more than usual. We think she might have strained her broken clavicle and broken ribs in her physical therapy. They x-rayed those bones and determined that they were not completely healed yet, but that they are healing properly, so I think that pain won't last too long.

The main concern Gina has about her complete recovery is the functionality of her hands and fingers, especially her left ones. She has nerve damage that affects her hands, probably from the broken bones in her neck or the bump she took on her head. I have paid particular attention to her hands every time I have visited her though, and I have seen some improvement each time! So while nerve problems are unpredictable, and very slow to heal if they do, I think her continual progress is a very good sign.

When the nurse came in with Gina's nighttime medications, I said "goodbye" and told her I'd see her again "tomorrow".

I came back about noon on Friday and Gina wasn't in her room. I went to the gym where she does some p.t. but it was empty. So I asked about her at the nurse's station and no one knew where she was! We finally found her with two of her therapists in a kitchen, where she was making cupcakes! Her therapists told me that that would be good for her, both physically and mentally. She had already mixed the ingredients and was stirring the batter when I got there. Then she scooped it into the cupcake holders and added some candy sprinkles. While the cupcakes were baking, Gina walked across the room with her walker and then sat back in her wheelchair while we waited. Then we all helped her frost the cupcakes and Gina and I both ate one. They were very good!

I took a lot of pictures throughout that whole process! Later Gina wanted to pick one for me to post with this message. She chose the one below, because she wants to show you all that she still has some good oral skills, lol!

Then her therapists took her back to her room and helped her get into her bed. Gina and I chatted and laughed for a few minutes and then someone came in to take her for some more x-rays. I kissed her goodbye and left then.

Friday evening I called her and she was very excited! The x-rays that were taken a few hours before showed that Gina's neck no longer needs to be restrained. So the bulky neck collar she has been wearing for three months is a thing of the past! Now she needs to redevelop her neck muscles so her head feels like it weighs less than a ton, lol!

All in all, it was a great visit, and I am very encouraged that Gina will be all better! She is already pretty normal both mentally and emotionally! She still has a long way to go to be back to normal physically, but I think she will, and in record time! Her attitude remains very upbeat!  


-- Modified on 10/21/2006 3:41:46 AM

Smarty1101 61 Reviews 4792 reads
2 / 19

Not nearly as great as your constant updates my Good Man, but worthy of mention none the less.

As many know I monger in DC from time to time. lmao. I visited a very nice provider there that is well known in their community, but not ours.

This lady is all that to be sure, but more importantly, it was the very first time in my secret life, that I left with an envelope in MY hand. WTF Well it was a donation for the Gina Recovery Fund. Yeah, from a Washington DC provider. You have to know that was a heart warming, contribution done strictly from the soul. Especially, since I did not ask for a donation. I will be going to the bank again on Monday. Great to be home again though.

So for Meal Ticket, this is not an illegal ad post on my part, but clearly the lady needs recognition. Do not delete.

Introducing Petite Nicole:

And as a final note, it seems that Gina girl, is doing better and better all the time. However, we cannot forget that the fund, is an active fund and gets used for taking care of things. If you have it in you to contribute again, or maybe this story can stir your soul too, please give.

Smarty Pants

GreyGoose2000 73 Reviews 1558 reads
3 / 19

You have gone out of your way to help Gina out in her time of need. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are an asset to our community. Gina is lucky to have a friend like you.

I know your kindness has only been witnessed by the Las Vegas community. I posted about this on the General Discussion board because I think the entire community needs to know how much of a good guy you are. We always hear about the bad guys, and its time the good guys get some recognition.  

-- Modified on 10/21/2006 12:40:53 PM

ljmontana See my TER Reviews 3047 reads
4 / 19

He gives and gives and gives ~~and no one better mess with him.!! ( those people in Phoenix)..LOL. cause I`ll just  might   make a trip to PHOENIX.. !!

baconracer 1 Reviews 2900 reads
6 / 19

on the lady here...not only is she "all you could ask for" but she has the biggest heart and most loving nature I have ever or out of this hobby of ours..

My only review here on TER....and I gave her the 10 x 10 she deserved..

Having said that I will go "back" to DC and leave all you guys to the "Sin City" fun...


keg1969 2017 reads
7 / 19

Gina is really lucky to have him in her corner, and again, I agree, he's a credit to our community. Keep up the good work! Gina and the rest of us really appreciate your efforts.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 2949 reads
8 / 19

Yes he is !!!! If more men were like T.L. the world would be a better place…………. So no one better mess with T.L. or I will have to join L.J. on that trip …............Now that can be very dangerous  *wink wink*

in_minnesota 3 Reviews 1845 reads
9 / 19

to read the updates as they come along.  First of all you are so happy for an amazing recovery but then you see how everyone supports eachother.  It does make you feel good.

Thanks for sharing.

CCWS 2 Reviews 2045 reads
10 / 19

Did you direct that I me my dear????  LOL

ljmontana See my TER Reviews 1622 reads
11 / 19

NO Mr BOO BOO..., its not all about you anymore..LOL> Its all about me.. !!~~ you could maybe help him out though.. he`ll remember you from Q S`s  party, well,  maybe..LOL  > I`m not sure after the brownie episode anyone will remember. !!  . man that was funny!!>>

ljmontana See my TER Reviews 2445 reads
14 / 19

BADGE>>>> LOL.. and I don`t think anyone was as scared as Travlinlover...LOL. but that was from the Brownies, not the hard thangy>>LOL

keg1969 2334 reads
15 / 19

Man, LJ, all I can say is, maybe I should go to one of these parties with you LOL!!!

Z06Vette 4 Reviews 1769 reads
16 / 19

Great news that she is continuing to progress..

bifur 3 Reviews 1941 reads
17 / 19

Good to read, and thanks for the update. Give Gina my best wishes; I've been following her story closely since the accident, and I'm hallaciously impressed with her recovery and her spirit!

And you, TravelinLover, deserve a lot of credit for being such a loyal friend to her. :)


dlarson54 13 Reviews 1526 reads
18 / 19

I really appreciate your keeping me up to date about Gina and your personal e-mail, regarding which, I am interest to see if she got my postcards from the Virgin Islands. When I was 13 I got sick from mono and was bid riden for 8 weeks.  To pass the time I would write letters to companies whom I had an interest in their products. At the time it was interested in hunting and fishing magazines.  I tryed to tell her about that but discovered that a postcard does not have much room to tell a story. But I tried. It was fun because for months I recieved all kinds of free stuff I never expected in the mail from these companies.  I though she might like the story. I think I got the main point accross but my hand writting is bad so I do not know if she understood it.  So in the next postcard I just said get a PhD. What else is there to do but to begin to catchup on all that reading begining with Plato and Aristotal.  Anyway, I have probably bored all of you as much as Gina is borded.  I remember Gina telling me she wanted to start her own business someday.  I hope she still can.  I mean, I know she can, and I wish her well. Just a little advice, take accounting/bookkeeping. I took philosophy and history. Forget that just read good stuff Gina.  
Dave the newspaper guy from Illinois

TravelinLover 41 Reviews 1857 reads
19 / 19

Yes, Dave, Gina got your postcard and she was very happy to hear from you! I didn't ask her if she could read it, lol!


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