Las Vegas

Do not forget to take a deposit
HBS1 34 Reviews 5532 reads

Las Vegas is a great place to play.  Unfortunately (for the ladies) it also has a high “no show” rate.  I recommend that you think of taking some sort of deposit.  Also, the LV market is driven by tourists and visiting businessmen.  We locals are only a small fraction of the action.  That said – have fun and prosper

I'm almost reluctant to dip my toe into the sea of wonderful Vegas providers but I keep hearing how GREAT AND EXCITING a place Vegas is now. And, I don't want to step on any of THEIR toes. I'm a mature (in the very real sense of the word) GFE  who tours the major US cites and is based in Tampa. Please take a peek at my reviews here and tell me HONESTLY if there is any interest in my visiting Las Vegas in that capacity. Many of the girls in Vegas have already graciously provided me with references for friends who have wanted appts with me in other cities and Tampa and I thank you again. If not, I'll just come visit.

Smiles and Soft Kisses,

I would have no problems seeing you if you came to las vegas.. Your reviews are very good and you are very attractive. To me i just want to have a good time and not be rushed. your reviews seem to provide everything i want. I am 38 and live in las vegas

Wow! I'm excited and amazed at the responses. So, although it's a few weeks away yet, I am planning on being in Vegas Aug. 23------? right now. Originally I thought the 23-27th but I'm hearing some weekend requests. I'll be providing incall at a VERY nice hotel. Let's get to know each other and have some hot fun in the adult playground of the world.

Smiles and Soft Kisses,

Las Vegas is a great place to play.  Unfortunately (for the ladies) it also has a high “no show” rate.  I recommend that you think of taking some sort of deposit.  Also, the LV market is driven by tourists and visiting businessmen.  We locals are only a small fraction of the action.  That said – have fun and prosper

Many thanks for the advice. I've had a great time already just reading the reviews you two randy gents have written. I hope I also get to experience some of that hot Vegas fun. If so, I know it won't just be scorching outside.


Unless you don't want to work a lot (or at all), you might do what most providers in town do and not take deposits and take poor clients (last minute cancels/no shows) as a fact of life.

The problem with most guys coming in from out of town is that they want someone to come to their room now.  When they call, they expect you to be there within the hour.  While this doesn't mean you won't find good clients who book in advance, the excitement that is Vegas just seems to cause guys to do dumb and/or expensive things (like drive almost an hour or more to a brothel, call agencies, look for bar girls, solicit dancers, etc) or just basically wait til the last minute (which isn't condusive to deposits).  The worst ones tend to be short on cash cause they spent most/all of it.

Most locals aren't really in on the action cause it the going rates tend to priced out of the market (and do dumb things like gambling away our spending money or worse).  Many escorts in town are outcall only so if we desire an incall cause it's more convienent than picking up a cheap mid-week room somewhere, it's a much smaller selection to choose from.

Good luck,

jackxfrost4747 reads

I just checked out your website Anneke, and I think you're fantastic.  If I'm in Vegas that week, I definitely want to spend some time with you.  How much notice do you need?  Thanks.

Hello Jack,

A big thanks for your kind words. As for notice, I can only relate to other tours. Usually, I am booked before I get there but this is my first time in Vegas so I don't know what will happen. Why don't you go to my website and send the asked for contact info plus a reference from a provider you've seen recently and we'll get you verified? That way, if you need to book an appt. last minute and I have the spot or a cancellation arises, which I hear happens often,it can be handled promptly. Geesh, that sounded cold and businesslike. LOL I should have said, I can put my sexiest outfit on of your choice, light the candles, chill the champagne, turn the DVD/CD player on,,,and hang on..... panting for 30 minutes.

Smiles and Soft Kisses,

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