
What's the catch?
gr8tguy456 59 Reviews 1145 reads

Curious if this has ever happened with anyone.  I recent saw a new provider who I have not reviewed on TER.  We hit it off right from the time the door opened.  I know the GFE experience is supposed to be like that and I understand it is for only the time that we agreed to meet for the hour.  But this was my first experience that was way more than that.  We went way over time.  The last hour I just let her roam through my social media site on my phone and look at my pictures of where I have been and what I have done.  She was really into my travels and we just chatted for a while - just like if we were in a relationship.  

Here's what has never happened to me though.  She pulled out her real, personal phone and asked for my number on that phone.  She gave me her full real name for my phone to know it was her.  Then she asked me if she could join me on my next trip to the mountains in the US.  It's a place she's never been.  I actually mentioned she could meet me there, but she said it would be great to drive to my house and then we could drive up together - about a 10 hour drive.  I kind of thought that would be great to have a travel companion since I usually travel alone.  But then I started thinking.  I really don't know who she is.  And she doesn't know me.  Yes, our time together in that hour was awesome, but we just met.  I kind of blew it off thinking I wouldn't hear from her.  But, then last night, she texted me and we just had a normal conversation.  In that conversation, she mentioned looking forward to our trip next month. O_O  

So, what should I do?  Keep in mind, she is a beautiful model and I'm an older, overweight guy. ha.  We are actually only about 10 years apart in age.  I have my concerns about spending a week with someone I've only known for an hour.  I'm happy to pay all her expenses, but is she want me to pay for her time also?  She has not mentioned that and every conversation is just about wanting to go see the mountains and hang out with me.

Has anyone ever developed a relationship like this with a provider or client?  I did have a similar one about 10 years ago.  But, that was more of helping her out and driving her to get groceries, dinner or the bank since she didn't have a driver's license.  It was fun hanging out with her, but it was clear we were just friends.

Bring up her donation. You don't want to get in a spot whereas she will say, now where is the donation and you don't have it. This actually should be a priority. I have encountered guys that think that I will go places with them and not expect anything but be real: this is a pay for play deal. Now your girl might be different. If she says, no donation, forget about it or whatever then you can proceed how you want but until then bring it up to her and get it straightened out before anything more happens.

Apologize for your moment of Lust: preventing your clear-headed decision.  

 And ask her to remain professional (not personal) and to harbor no hard feelings between you.


No girl does that. There is a catch. Watch ur step..  
Being friends with clients or traveling with them is something that develops after multiple meets. If she after the 1st meet is like that I'm sorry to say it's a big red flag.

Posted By: gr8tguy456
Curious if this has ever happened with anyone.  I recent saw a new provider who I have not reviewed on TER.  We hit it off right from the time the door opened.  I know the GFE experience is supposed to be like that and I understand it is for only the time that we agreed to meet for the hour.  But this was my first experience that was way more than that.  We went way over time.  The last hour I just let her roam through my social media site on my phone and look at my pictures of where I have been and what I have done.  She was really into my travels and we just chatted for a while - just like if we were in a relationship.    
 Here's what has never happened to me though.  She pulled out her real, personal phone and asked for my number on that phone.  She gave me her full real name for my phone to know it was her.  Then she asked me if she could join me on my next trip to the mountains in the US.  It's a place she's never been.  I actually mentioned she could meet me there, but she said it would be great to drive to my house and then we could drive up together - about a 10 hour drive.  I kind of thought that would be great to have a travel companion since I usually travel alone.  But then I started thinking.  I really don't know who she is.  And she doesn't know me.  Yes, our time together in that hour was awesome, but we just met.  I kind of blew it off thinking I wouldn't hear from her.  But, then last night, she texted me and we just had a normal conversation.  In that conversation, she mentioned looking forward to our trip next month. O_O    
 So, what should I do?  Keep in mind, she is a beautiful model and I'm an older, overweight guy. ha.  We are actually only about 10 years apart in age.  I have my concerns about spending a week with someone I've only known for an hour.  I'm happy to pay all her expenses, but is she want me to pay for her time also?  She has not mentioned that and every conversation is just about wanting to go see the mountains and hang out with me.  
 Has anyone ever developed a relationship like this with a provider or client?  I did have a similar one about 10 years ago.  But, that was more of helping her out and driving her to get groceries, dinner or the bank since she didn't have a driver's license.  It was fun hanging out with her, but it was clear we were just friends.  
If it's too good to be true....it probably is.

A situation like this could certainly happen.. It is odd someone is willing to spend that kind of time and travel long out of the area after only a first meeting.. Is she a well reviewed lady or newer to the scene?? As others have said find out of this is pay time or mutual fun time and know expectations in advance.. That is priority number 1.. but do tread carefully.. Think with the correct head as always.  If it's all real and good enjoy yourself!

You're thinking...
1. What if this hot beautiful model is falling in love with me? That is awesome! (That would be awesome, by the way)
2. I don't want to ask her about the money. It's a good idea, but if she really just likes me for me, I might insult her or scare her off. Then she's gone.

I think you need to face facts. Hot models don't run off with guys like you and me, especially after one date, unless they think we're Daddy Warbucks. Even if you had met her under different circumstances- like a regular civvie date - women don't behave that way.

Perhaps...Come up with a polite excuse. You've got to travel for work on business, you'll be out of town helping your Mom, or better yet you pulled a groin muscle at the gym - no mountains or sex with a pulled groin! A polite excuse, then exit stage left.

Anyway, I don't mean to make light of the situation. At the end of the day, don't get your heart set on this girl.

She wants to drive to your house?  Seriously?  Start running and don't look back.

sounds like the gent is a "newbie"
read the threads on the boards also TER as helpful info on how to get into the hobby correctly! and to stay safe...
do not worry...you at least did not get robed or have the silver braclelets on...
you have to know the protocal!..and no she will not fall in love with you..
it is usually strickly business  

sorry for the typos...
wanted to get this message out asap

Hope all is well on the TER board..here in Fla and we missed that hurricane!!!
love ya all
Keri Diamonds VI

Thanks for the advice.  I've been in this hobby for around 15 years.  I did develop a friendship with one provider about 10 years ago.  It was clear we were just friends and we pretty much just did errands together.  

Trust me, as some have elegantly put it - I want to make sure I'm thinking with the right head. ha.  Thus, the reason for my post.  I wanted to see what others thought and if anyone else has had a similar situation.  I have all of her private information and she is the one who is initiating the conversation.  I wouldn't mind having her meet me on my vacation.  But, when she mentioned driving to my house and riding with me, that's when the red flags started waving.  Maybe if we had seen each other several times and spent time together, but not after just one meeting.  If she does have ulterior motives, she is a fantastic actress. ha.

I guess I was kind of hoping others would have had a similar situation or advice on how to confirm if this was legitimate.  But, pretty much everyone is confirming what I already knew.

JanetRenosBeard330 reads

What would you do with it if she ruined YOUR life? Call the cops on her? They'd laugh at you. What does it tell you that she gave it all to you so quickly? How do you know it's accurate? For crying out loud. Fifteen years and this is what you have to show for it??

Why would she drive to your house first? Why not drive to her house and then go... You are doing all the driving anyway.. It all does sound fishy... Like to know what becomes of this.. Good luck..

It would save me 8 hours of driving if I didn't have to pick her up. ha. :)

(She lives 4 hours away in the opposite direction.)

I see.... but something still doesn't smell right...

Did you give her the impression you were Daddy Warbucks?

I always make sure to give the impression I'm a man of limited means who just wanted to see her so bad he was willing to pay her rates. That makes her feel flattered and keeps her from getting any wrong ideas so it's a win-win situation

I don't need to give the impression! I AM! LOL!

I had a multi year relationship, SD based with a provider who agreed to go on a once in a lifetime trip.  I laid out the money for first class air fare and hotels.  Called her to confirm our trip and she tells me that she wants a very large sum to go on the trip, one that she helped plan for.  I was stunned as this had not happened before and our trips, while short term, were alway part of our arrangement.  I would be very specific in understanding how this lady plans to play.  My woman was Tia Liang and I have not heard a word from her post the call where she told me the "fee".

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