
What do you do when you get confirmation that someone is trashing your reputation....
LookMaNoHands 689 reads

Are you talking about Cinnamon again....yes. I thought she was banned from TER.

Posted By: LoveLaneysRedLightShow
...... I've been aware of outward actions against me and suspected that someone has also been bashing me back channel in the boys club. I've been subject to some recent bad (and I think fake) reviews lately. I've been told twice who the individual/s is/are behind the hate campaign. What do you do when you're in a position where you don't even know what people are saying much less being in the same forum or discussion to be able to defend yourself?  
 In all of the years that I've been providing I've never experienced anything as vicious, hurtful and outright wrong as these two people have put me through. In addition to the bad reviews and negative back channel comments I've been subject to a continuous inpouring of fake email, phone, twitter, P411 etc inquiries that are meant to waste my time and to of course, book my time and then cancel last minute. I've been threatened with physical violence and have been threatened with vandalism. The worst thing is that one of these two people found out where my family lives and paid a visit to my home town. They placed a call to me just .5 miles from where they live and work and left a threatening voicemail referring to me by my civilian name (to further the insult and degradation I'm sure). They implied violence against them. I've saved the voicemail message and still have it on my phone should I ever need to file a police report on behalf of my family. As if threatening physical violence wasn't enough they have gone online and connected ALL of my civilian information down to my voter ID number and then linked ALL of it to my TER reviews. I've had to ditch my long time civilian phone number for obvious reasons and start all over with a new number. Through ALL of this I've held my tongue, I've let most of it roll off my back and have ceased to take legal action even though I have a mountain of email and phone recordings documented and archived for just such a reason. These people have brought me to my knees. I'm scared for my safety ALL of the time now and am constantly stressed about the next thing that's going to appear online.  
 The crux of the male part of the hate campaign is based on my refusing to give a free session to a heavy hitter who's been trolling the boards since it's inception. I've NEVER offered free sessions to moderators - period. He didn't like my answer so has been working against me ever since. I remember sharing a conversation with this individual once and have a very clear memory of him laughing and bragging that he was able to run a well known NYC provider out of the city and to some hidden town in CT. It was like he banished her to no-where-ville. I also remember this same person telling me was being dragged into a Florida courtroom by a provider he dated for a period of time. When they broke up he ruined her, stalked and harassed her to the point that she had to hire an attorney. This same individual is publicly known for outing one of his best (MALE) friends in the NYC community. The person he outed was a very good person who was the best M&G host the city has ever seen. Once violated by this man he left the community and has not returned.  
 The crux of the female part of the hate campaign is a predisposition based on comments made to her by her male counterpart, a tour planned in tandem and then a stupid, silly girl fight that should have been left in the city we toured together LONG ago. Because I made one comment to a girl who didn't like what I said I have received email after email insulting everything from the pit bull I rescued last fall to my walked in Christian Louboutin shoes. I can't even mention some of the below the belt things she threw at me - they're just too disgusting. Since the fallout I have seen everything I do being copied or re-appropriated in some fashion or another. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery; Quite frankly, I think be imitated by someone who apparently hates me is creepy!!  
 Their alliance to one another can't go too terribly deep because when I spoke to her directly about why she was doing all of this and to let her know I was considering filing an injunction against her she was quick to mention his name and to throw him under the bus. She immediately pointed the finger at him and named him by name to me. (Note to self -- you never know when your "friends" are going to turn on you - or better, when your adversaries are going to turn on each other)  
 As I said before I've held my tongue for a *very* long time. I thought that if I ignored them and their hate antics that eventually they might just go away. Unfortunately, they must like the hunt or the smell of fresh blood because again today - something landed in my inbox that has thrown me off balance once again. I'm now at the point of deciding whether to remain on TER and to try to keep rising above all of this cyber warfare or if I politely and respectfully say goodbye to TER and remove all of my reviews? I know of a woman in NYC (actually two) who have had to pull themselves from TER permanently and to continue working without reviews for the same reasons I'm considering doing so. I'm in contact with one of the ladies regularly and she said her business has never been better since taking the "no-review" route. Her upward growth in the city (NYC) - bigger apartments, sun decks attached, a new chaise lounge for the upcoming summer confirms that she is. So now - I face the same decision - should I stay or should I go? That's of course a rhetorical question that only I can answer.  
 I know this post will probably lead to a lot of comments and some of them will probably not be favorable. For that reason, I'm going to distance myself from the follow up --- because -- quite frankly --- I don't know if I'm ready for what people are about to say. Note that throughout my post I never once insulted the people I'm referring to. I've no interest in doing so as it's not productive or healthy. Mostly - I wanted to finally speak up and say something to defend myself. It was time.  
 xo Laney  

...... I've been aware of outward actions against me and suspected that someone has also been bashing me back channel in the boys club. I've been subject to some recent bad (and I think fake) reviews lately. I've been told twice who the individual/s is/are behind the hate campaign. What do you do when you're in a position where you don't even know what people are saying much less being in the same forum or discussion to be able to defend yourself?  

In all of the years that I've been providing I've never experienced anything as vicious, hurtful and outright wrong as these two people have put me through. In addition to the bad reviews and negative back channel comments I've been subject to a continuous inpouring of fake email, phone, twitter, P411 etc inquiries that are meant to waste my time and to of course, book my time and then cancel last minute. I've been threatened with physical violence and have been threatened with vandalism. The worst thing is that one of these two people found out where my family lives and paid a visit to my home town. They placed a call to me just .5 miles from where they live and work and left a threatening voicemail referring to me by my civilian name (to further the insult and degradation I'm sure). They implied violence against them. I've saved the voicemail message and still have it on my phone should I ever need to file a police report on behalf of my family. As if threatening physical violence wasn't enough they have gone online and connected ALL of my civilian information down to my voter ID number and then linked ALL of it to my TER reviews. I've had to ditch my long time civilian phone number for obvious reasons and start all over with a new number. Through ALL of this I've held my tongue, I've let most of it roll off my back and have ceased to take legal action even though I have a mountain of email and phone recordings documented and archived for just such a reason. These people have brought me to my knees. I'm scared for my safety ALL of the time now and am constantly stressed about the next thing that's going to appear online.  

The crux of the male part of the hate campaign is based on my refusing to give a free session to a heavy hitter who's been trolling the boards since it's inception. I've NEVER offered free sessions to moderators - period. He didn't like my answer so has been working against me ever since. I remember sharing a conversation with this individual once and have a very clear memory of him laughing and bragging that he was able to run a well known NYC provider out of the city and to some hidden town in CT. It was like he banished her to no-where-ville. I also remember this same person telling me was being dragged into a Florida courtroom by a provider he dated for a period of time. When they broke up he ruined her, stalked and harassed her to the point that she had to hire an attorney. This same individual is publicly known for outing one of his best (MALE) friends in the NYC community. The person he outed was a very good person who was the best M&G host the city has ever seen. Once violated by this man he left the community and has not returned.  

The crux of the female part of the hate campaign is a predisposition based on comments made to her by her male counterpart, a tour planned in tandem and then a stupid, silly girl fight that should have been left in the city we toured together LONG ago. Because I made one comment to a girl who didn't like what I said I have received email after email insulting everything from the pit bull I rescued last fall to my walked in Christian Louboutin shoes. I can't even mention some of the below the belt things she threw at me - they're just too disgusting. Since the fallout I have seen everything I do being copied or re-appropriated in some fashion or another. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery; Quite frankly, I think be imitated by someone who apparently hates me is creepy!!  

Their alliance to one another can't go too terribly deep because when I spoke to her directly about why she was doing all of this and to let her know I was considering filing an injunction against her she was quick to mention his name and to throw him under the bus. She immediately pointed the finger at him and named him by name to me. (Note to self -- you never know when your "friends" are going to turn on you - or better, when your adversaries are going to turn on each other)

As I said before I've held my tongue for a *very* long time. I thought that if I ignored them and their hate antics that eventually they might just go away. Unfortunately, they must like the hunt or the smell of fresh blood because again today - something landed in my inbox that has thrown me off balance once again. I'm now at the point of deciding whether to remain on TER and to try to keep rising above all of this cyber warfare or if I politely and respectfully say goodbye to TER and remove all of my reviews? I know of a woman in NYC (actually two) who have had to pull themselves from TER permanently and to continue working without reviews for the same reasons I'm considering doing so. I'm in contact with one of the ladies regularly and she said her business has never been better since taking the "no-review" route. Her upward growth in the city (NYC) - bigger apartments, sun decks attached, a new chaise lounge for the upcoming summer confirms that she is. So now - I face the same decision - should I stay or should I go? That's of course a rhetorical question that only I can answer.  

I know this post will probably lead to a lot of comments and some of them will probably not be favorable. For that reason, I'm going to distance myself from the follow up --- because -- quite frankly --- I don't know if I'm ready for what people are about to say. Note that throughout my post I never once insulted the people I'm referring to. I've no interest in doing so as it's not productive or healthy. Mostly - I wanted to finally speak up and say something to defend myself. It was time.  

xo Lane

If it's the same "lady" I feel for ya. She is one vindictive redhead. She lives her life on the keyboard furiously typing hate mail to her imagined enemies.

I know all to well how vindictive some people can be with threats most would not want to deal with. I wish I could say things will return to normal but they never do. Do what you need to find peace

Wish you well .... Kisses Haley

LookMaNoHands690 reads

Are you talking about Cinnamon again....yes. I thought she was banned from TER.

Posted By: LoveLaneysRedLightShow
...... I've been aware of outward actions against me and suspected that someone has also been bashing me back channel in the boys club. I've been subject to some recent bad (and I think fake) reviews lately. I've been told twice who the individual/s is/are behind the hate campaign. What do you do when you're in a position where you don't even know what people are saying much less being in the same forum or discussion to be able to defend yourself?  
 In all of the years that I've been providing I've never experienced anything as vicious, hurtful and outright wrong as these two people have put me through. In addition to the bad reviews and negative back channel comments I've been subject to a continuous inpouring of fake email, phone, twitter, P411 etc inquiries that are meant to waste my time and to of course, book my time and then cancel last minute. I've been threatened with physical violence and have been threatened with vandalism. The worst thing is that one of these two people found out where my family lives and paid a visit to my home town. They placed a call to me just .5 miles from where they live and work and left a threatening voicemail referring to me by my civilian name (to further the insult and degradation I'm sure). They implied violence against them. I've saved the voicemail message and still have it on my phone should I ever need to file a police report on behalf of my family. As if threatening physical violence wasn't enough they have gone online and connected ALL of my civilian information down to my voter ID number and then linked ALL of it to my TER reviews. I've had to ditch my long time civilian phone number for obvious reasons and start all over with a new number. Through ALL of this I've held my tongue, I've let most of it roll off my back and have ceased to take legal action even though I have a mountain of email and phone recordings documented and archived for just such a reason. These people have brought me to my knees. I'm scared for my safety ALL of the time now and am constantly stressed about the next thing that's going to appear online.  
 The crux of the male part of the hate campaign is based on my refusing to give a free session to a heavy hitter who's been trolling the boards since it's inception. I've NEVER offered free sessions to moderators - period. He didn't like my answer so has been working against me ever since. I remember sharing a conversation with this individual once and have a very clear memory of him laughing and bragging that he was able to run a well known NYC provider out of the city and to some hidden town in CT. It was like he banished her to no-where-ville. I also remember this same person telling me was being dragged into a Florida courtroom by a provider he dated for a period of time. When they broke up he ruined her, stalked and harassed her to the point that she had to hire an attorney. This same individual is publicly known for outing one of his best (MALE) friends in the NYC community. The person he outed was a very good person who was the best M&G host the city has ever seen. Once violated by this man he left the community and has not returned.  
 The crux of the female part of the hate campaign is a predisposition based on comments made to her by her male counterpart, a tour planned in tandem and then a stupid, silly girl fight that should have been left in the city we toured together LONG ago. Because I made one comment to a girl who didn't like what I said I have received email after email insulting everything from the pit bull I rescued last fall to my walked in Christian Louboutin shoes. I can't even mention some of the below the belt things she threw at me - they're just too disgusting. Since the fallout I have seen everything I do being copied or re-appropriated in some fashion or another. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery; Quite frankly, I think be imitated by someone who apparently hates me is creepy!!  
 Their alliance to one another can't go too terribly deep because when I spoke to her directly about why she was doing all of this and to let her know I was considering filing an injunction against her she was quick to mention his name and to throw him under the bus. She immediately pointed the finger at him and named him by name to me. (Note to self -- you never know when your "friends" are going to turn on you - or better, when your adversaries are going to turn on each other)  
 As I said before I've held my tongue for a *very* long time. I thought that if I ignored them and their hate antics that eventually they might just go away. Unfortunately, they must like the hunt or the smell of fresh blood because again today - something landed in my inbox that has thrown me off balance once again. I'm now at the point of deciding whether to remain on TER and to try to keep rising above all of this cyber warfare or if I politely and respectfully say goodbye to TER and remove all of my reviews? I know of a woman in NYC (actually two) who have had to pull themselves from TER permanently and to continue working without reviews for the same reasons I'm considering doing so. I'm in contact with one of the ladies regularly and she said her business has never been better since taking the "no-review" route. Her upward growth in the city (NYC) - bigger apartments, sun decks attached, a new chaise lounge for the upcoming summer confirms that she is. So now - I face the same decision - should I stay or should I go? That's of course a rhetorical question that only I can answer.  
 I know this post will probably lead to a lot of comments and some of them will probably not be favorable. For that reason, I'm going to distance myself from the follow up --- because -- quite frankly --- I don't know if I'm ready for what people are about to say. Note that throughout my post I never once insulted the people I'm referring to. I've no interest in doing so as it's not productive or healthy. Mostly - I wanted to finally speak up and say something to defend myself. It was time.  
 xo Laney  

providerincognito550 reads

but God knows she should be.  She is the source of more drama than just about anyone else on TER.  

Why the Florida guys don't see it is beyond me.  I guess they are all just too busy thinking with the wrong head.

LookMaNoHands551 reads

Maybe she's just banned from posting on the discussion board & not the provider ad board.
Which is a good thing for all.
Wonder, does she still host M&G's?  That's a scary thought

DickFitswell505 reads

Any and all boards she has ever been on.

It totally baffles me that the PC allows her to even be involved with her parties... I am guessing it is cause she just needs an extra CUM DUMPSTER. Business is business $$$$$$$ lol. Bottom line.

She just can't control herself,  it is really sad.

Although I have NO SYMPATHY for her....she is her own worst enemy.
Needs to get back on the meds.

Sorry to the ladies here and everywhere that she has tormented, and outed...a lifetime ban on TER is in order !

Her freebies to the white knights is the only support she can muster here or anywhere.

Just my .02


Is is the USA sex guide? I have heard and been bad mouthed by alot of those guys. So have alot of other providers. But you get use to it. U can't please everyone and never kiss anyones a** just because they threaten you. If they have nothing better to do with there time other then b rude and talk trash ....Ignore them! Don't give them the power to make you feel bad or control you!

..... do they post reviews on girls who aren't members of the site? I'm not a member as far as I know.  

Thank you for the cheering up. It just gets stressful after a while -- and insulting ---- and scary. I never know what's going to be thrown at me next. I'm certain one of their minions was able to schedule an appointment with me. While in his company he pressed every single hot button there was to press. He asked all sorts of weird questions related to the chaos that it couldn't have been coincidence. I could get long winded and give the play by play but who has the time, energy or interest. Let's just say that by the time he left I felt violated and stripped down. --- Yes, I know I'm in the naked business but I felt so vulnerable and exposed that all that was left was my women's intuition telling me he looked me up, booked my time and purposely used and abused my good nature.  

As any good woman in this business knows - sometimes all we have is our women's intuition. Any provider who's a smart provider knows when to trust her gut.

issues....and why would a gent want to see someone who appears a bit "off" or would attack another in this great hobby? We all should be sticking together as we all have one thing in common - participation in this arena. While I understand posts designed to keep everyone safe and away from the "ripoffs", con artists" etc, I never understand the back stabbing that goes on. I sleep very well at night~ who wouldnt want to?
So sorry for you Laney

I could not agree more .... I am always instantly suspicious of anyone that starts talking poorly of another ... we judge other people by our own standards, and the trash talking is merely a reflection od someone's character .... or rather lack there of ..... IMHO ...

deadagain5578 reads

and threatened month after month because of a simple girlfight
Then for her to enlist the help of the NJ scum bag who has nothing better to do then to stalk providers 24/7 is over the top. The rotten spice girl should be shunned and banned like her rotten peach fuzz friend is.

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