
bushyannette See my TER Reviews 237 reads

Dad saw the specialist for a second opinion. Not good .. stage 3 .. it spread. Getting body scan on the 20th and surgery on nay 5th. Gezzz I'm in shock but luckily I will b up there on vacation at that time.

Who knows about cancers? I'm asking bc found out this morning my father has oral cancer but isn't a smoker or drinker and has ocd with cleaning his teeth and my mother on Monday told me she has cervical cancer.  

Does anyone have any personal info to help me understand either/both?

Cervical Cancer is caused by bad cells in cervix located in lower part of the uterus.   It is normally diagnosed early with PAP test and is treatable.   All cancers are rated from low to high risk by Stages,  1, 2 and 3.   Stage 3 is beyond cure.

Oral Cancer can be anywhere in the face (lips, mouth, cheeks and throat (also called Pharynx).  Throat cancer can be fatal if not treated early.   During throat cancer treatment, patient is usually fed thru tubes as they will not be able to swallow like normal people.

Treatment range from radiation therapy (for early stage cancers) to surgically removing cancerous parts of the body and followed up by chemo therapy.  ( most patients go bald during chemo therapy)

The key thing to all types of cancers, is how early it is diagnosed and treated.

Good Luck.

Thanx 4 the info. We will c Monday what stage my father's cancer is and mom's on the 19th.

A note of more importance.    Have father and mom have health insurance?    Cancer treatment is very expensive.   If they are old enough and have Medicare, it only covers part of the expenses.   My mom had breast cancer in two phases and all the expenses, treatment, chemo therapy and RX came close to $250,000.

Yes my father has ins. Mom doesn't. ..

Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body, ie: organs... Melanoma being one of the worst ( skin cancer ) If cancer cells spread fast and attack a majority of the body it's end.... to say it nicely... Go with your mother/ father to their appointments if you can and learn as you go.. Cancer treatment centers are what comes to mind.. Sorry for this news, a double whammy and best wishes.

Yes it's a bad month for our family ..I would go with but they r in another state. And I live paycheck to paycheck so to speak. But I do have my tickets to go up n visit them at the end of the month for 2wks. Funny I planned this trip months ago be4 all this..

why not ask the doctor that gave the diagnosis? if you where that concerned.

Because I'm not in the same state nor do I know who there doctors are..  

Being a cancer survivor myself, maybe the best advice I can give is:  Get a second opinion.   No matter what the doctor says, no matter how impressive his or her resume is, no matter how good looking he or she is, get a second opinion.   And good luck

Posted By: annie1117
Because I'm not in the same state nor do I know who there doctors are..  

Both r going to a 2nd doctor. Dad on Monday n mom on the 19th.

Dad saw the specialist for a second opinion. Not good .. stage 3 .. it spread. Getting body scan on the 20th and surgery on nay 5th. Gezzz I'm in shock but luckily I will b up there on vacation at that time.

My father has had the surgery a 10 days ago. He is home but in bad shape. And said he is refusing chemo if they say he needs it bc of his bad heart..

Waiting on results of the cervical cancer biopsy

My father is now in icu diverticulitis

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