
Re:Repeating ISO Kya and Molly in Tampa
Jimbomania 8 Reviews 10651 reads

It'd help maybe if you posted a picture or link or something to help jog people's memories, rather than have people search them out and hope it's the same girl.

From what I've heard, BeMySecret isn't very reliable at all, so beware. Not sure about Molly ... is she from Tampa or was she traveling, if so where from, etc.?

A little extra info would help a lot.


qp49853 reads

Way back in beginning of August I posted an ISO for Kya (AKA Danielle, Dani, Gabi) and Molly (AKA Ginger), both in Tampa and I understand both advertising as providers.  Hard to believe that these 2 lovelies have been able to stay under the radar for so long.  Kya is currently with BeMySecret and Molly apparently is an independent.  Any news or experience with either?

It'd help maybe if you posted a picture or link or something to help jog people's memories, rather than have people search them out and hope it's the same girl.

From what I've heard, BeMySecret isn't very reliable at all, so beware. Not sure about Molly ... is she from Tampa or was she traveling, if so where from, etc.?

A little extra info would help a lot.


qp412405 reads

Thanks for the interest.  Kya is listed on Eros-Tampa as being with the TampaBayBeauties agency but they recently dropped her.  The BeMySecret agency now represents her and their site is bemysecret.com and she is pictured there under the name Danielle (although the Eros pictures are more current).  I am told she danced most recently at Pink Pony but am not sure if she is still there.  Earlier clubs included Mons and 2001 and others, all of which apparently had fallings out with her.  Her 2 TER reviews are not very promising but she is a beauty and with more info maybe I'd take one for the team.  As for Molly, all I know is that she danced for several years at Mons under name of Ginger and was an absolute knockout, but eventually bowed out of dancing maybe 3 years ago and bacame a day manager.  I now am told she has moved on from Mons and has advertized in NightMoves or V2 that she is escorting.  Unfortunately I missed the ad so have no contqact number.  She is a terrific girl who to my knowledge has had no trouble with anybody and would be a nice find if anyone out there has a contact.  I see no TER reviews, but here again with more info I'd probably happily take one for the team.  Molly, if you happen to see this how about posting back with a number or email address and we'll make contact.

Well, I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to take one for the team. But I'd suggest playing smart as well as hard. Two not-so-good reviews, done by guys who have only a few not-so-good reviews of their own isn't a good sign. And the one guy said she isn't as good looking as her pictures.

I've seen it posted by long time hobbyists it's not a good idea to see a lady with less than three reviews. And I always check the guy who wrote the review to kinda compare the reviews he's done as well.

Couldn't find Molly at all ... perhaps if you have a picture or a link to a picture her face/picture might ring a bell.

All in all though, think with the big head not the little one. In my three months of research before entering the hobby I came to the conclusion to avoid any agency at any time ... unless they are known to be a good agency. Why take the risk, spend the money, or even take one for the team knowingly ... only to be that disappointed, that much more broke and not having a good time? That's a big part of what the hobby is, having some fun.

So I'd suggest finding a good independant who is well reviewed and provides the type of service you're looking for. There are certainly some hot looking, quality independant women in and around the Tampa/Orlando areas. Buy yourself a VIP membership if you have to find the juicy details and be able to private message people like myself. It's a lot easier to help people find what they're looking for when we know what they're looking for. Also, you might post on the In Search Of Board. Someone there might have some specifics for you.

Happy Hunting and Happy Hobbying,

qp411623 reads

To uncover a guy who really thinks this stuff through is a find.  You are right of course that I should get on with the primary goal of having fun.  These were just 2 ladies I had seen up close in the past through their dancing so seemed worth the extra effort.  Something kind of magic about that.  For what it is worth I went so far as to try to set up a date with Kya to verify that TampaBayBeauties did in fact dump her, which they did, and did the same at BeMySecret, where I found she has been reduced to a mere 200/hr among a bevy of skaggy looking 200/hr girls, so real bad vibes there.  As for Molly, I would still go for her if anyone were to provide a lead.  She is apparently independent and having known her both as a dancer and manager can attest to her being a super sexy, classy and responsible gal.  I know we should never put our reps on the line for the next step (her performance as a provider) which at this point is an unknown, but I've a good feeling there.  Wish I had a pic to post but I don't.  Anyway, your take on the process is a good one and I've followed much of it in the past and will continue to in the future, I am sure to my endless delight, but have to say that taking a flyer now and then seems an adventure in itself.  I have to admit though that guys never sound too happy when they have taken one for the team only to find out first hand why nobody else had done so, so am catching on to the fact that the adventure aspect may be way overvalued.  Thanks again for responding.

It is a process. Your money, time, emotions, etc. are at stake ... as are the providers'. Why spend all that going through a what you know is most-likely to be a disappointment? The thrill of the hunt? Hell if I wanted that I'd be at a bar/club somewhere getting rejected. lol

Also, and sorry if Danielle/Kya reads this ... not to be taken personally ... when I'm looking at photos of providers; check their expression. It's a good indicator to their mood/character. In the pics of Danielle I've seen, she usually has a half-pissed look in her eyes, as if she's bored and/or not really wanting to be there. If ya see that look in any ladies' eyes, don't waste your time. Pretty good chance if she's not having fun just taking pictures, what's she gonna be like in person after seeing X number of guys on any given day? The eyes are truly the eyes to the soul, so look into them and read what they say.

And if you've been to Mons Venus, from what I hear ... just about any girl there will meet you afterward. Again, that's what I've heard, haven't been there yet myself, though I've been by it a few times and it's always packed! So the ladies must all be good and good looking.

If you must see a lady from an agency type place, I'd suggest seeing someone at a place like The Facade or The Legend of Sensual Secrets, which is close to the Ray-Ja Stadium. The place is cool with its themed rooms, and all the ladies are awesome. Especially Phoenixxx Blaque! She'll ride ya hard and put you away wet man. Tight, tiny, pretty little thing that's also done porn.

Good luck in your searching, hope you find what you're looking for. If ya need any other info about who's good, let me know. I've been researching for months, so I've seen and read-up on a lot of the local mid-Florida ladies.

Happy Hobbying,

qp410535 reads

You know, I did see that in Kya's pics, and you're right.  She looks pissed and bored and like she really doesn't want to be there.  Sure explains her reviews.  Anyway, thanks for the straight talk.  I know we call hobbying fun, but it's really more than that.  I fills a void otherwise tough to fill when one's past the bar pick-up stage, and who wants a life without the joys of sex?  Good hunting ...

tampa2512342 reads

try looking at www.msgoodgolly.com. let me know how it goes i am interested also.

Ms. Good Golly Molly has awesome reviews.

Not certain it's the same Molly though.


qp49603 reads

Not that your Molly doesn't look good and look forward to your review if you take the leap, but other Molly is maybe 29, bigger busted (nicely enhanced), and girl-next-door in public but sensuous as hell in dancing and I expect in private.  Only came to me second hand that she is advertizing in local Tampa mags for escorting, but if true I would guess she is a real gem.  Still looking ...

Ms. Good Golly Molly is awesome, and man would I love to have a review of her to write up after a date. But I think, not positive, think she's closer to the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area.

I'll flip through July's V2 mag and NightMoves to see if I can find a Molly in there, if so I'll let you know. You can pick those mags up at a lot of places, and they're free.

Happy Hunting,

ejh4958068 reads

I saw Ms. Molly as my first official "Welcome to Florida" experience and she was wonderful.  Located in W. Palm Beach but travels frequently.  Well, well worth it.

Thanks for the info. Ms. Molly's reviews are awesome, and she is certainly on my list of must sees. Her and about 30+ others!! lol


ejh4959498 reads

I'll tell you what Jimbo, I couldn't of picked a better provider for my first taste here in beautiful south Florida.  After living in Phoenix and working in Vegas for the last 5 years, I've seen a provider or two (LOL) and she's ranks very nicely.  The beauty of being down here now seems, as you mentioned, the absolute wealth of quality.  I can't wait!!!!!!!

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