
Re: Wait, what? You in church?
randomvr301 778 reads

My mom was Roman catholic and so am I.   You mean I should not go to church, participate in their activities, help

There are several churches in Tampa Bay area offering food to those who are unfortunate.   Either volunteer or donate food and help the poor.    I will be volunteering and donating food at one of those places on SR. 54 in Wesley Chapel, FL.

Merry Christmas to all and do something good and be blessed.

My heart goes out to the homeless..yes..
but I volenteer .. for droping dog and cat food to "shut-ins" and the elderly..so rewarding....
The animals have no voice!
We should all volenteer in some way..
I am so glad you posted..the remind us to count our blessings!
Thanks desiggolfer..your t he coolest!:)))
XOHappy holiday to People and Pets!!!
Keri Diamonds


Posted By: desigolfer
There are several churches in Tampa Bay area offering food to those who are unfortunate.   Either volunteer or donate food and help the poor.    I will be volunteering and donating food at one of those places on SR. 54 in Wesley Chapel, FL.  
 Merry Christmas to all and do something good and be blessed.

Wonderful Keri.   It always feels good if we do something good by helping others, people or pets in need.   I have volunteered in hospitals in Tampa Bay area.

Just don't talk politics with those poor guys... You will scare them away...

Also, have you ever thought of doing something good anonymously? Perhaps tag teaming with anonymousfungus would help?  If you ask me act of boasting about your philanthropic endeavors makes you only look narcissistic and needy, and takes away the focus from any good achieved by the said act. Think about it..

-- Modified on 12/21/2014 12:42:07 PM

Care to join me this Christmas day at the church?     If you need address of the church, just PM me.    Charity work in public cannot be anonymous, we need more and more people to get in to it.    This is something I do during Thanksgiving and Christmas.    Check my postings during Thanksgiving.

Again I am asking, would you care to join me?    I will PM you the address.

And there are plenty of people who do charitable work anonymously..

That does not mean you have to trash people who are seeking people to do it in a public way, like in this forum.    In this type of volunteer work, the main thing is to motivate people.   I have seen during the three years I have done this, the number of people offering food and time has grown enormously.   At least 4 of them are TER members in the Tampa Bay area who live in the neighborhood.      I also post on bill boards at local supermarkets.

With your posting undermining what I do and my requesting others to, you have proved yourself to be a total jerk.  

-- Modified on 12/21/2014 4:54:17 PM

towards America, everything American its a little hard to believe that you would be actually doing something this philanthropic with not just your time but with your money also. I find it rather unbelievable that someone who seemed to have spewed nothing but hate about America seems to have a softer side for same Americans who might have fallen on hard times..

If you are telling the truth, perhaps you are a complex creature, and my advice to you would be to reconsider your stance about this country....

In a democracy you have to hear both the sides out on issues, culture and happenings.   My critique of what I think is wrong in the country does not translate to hatred.   Get your air waves cleared.   Many Americans have made inflammatory statements about other countries without knowing much about it nor traveled out there in the first place.

You belong to the Bush era where if you are against his Administration you are Anti-American.

I don't know if I'd judge you to be anti-American or not.  But I will agree that criticizing this country when you think it's wrong is profoundly patriotic.  If not, then what would one call those who continually criticize our current President?  The funny thing is that during the Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations, a lot of them were probably chanting, "America, love it or leave it."  Now you'll hear some of them talking about moving to Central America if The HildaBeast is elected in two years.  Can you spell hypocrisy

Being anti gun violence, anti police brutality and anti war does not translate to "hate" for the country or unpatriotic or un American.    Put that in your spell checker.    Those days of being branded anti American if you criticized  Iraq war ended when the last President left office.

It is a shame  some of you jerks are brining politics in to Florida Escort Board.

I don't need to use my spell checker to know that I actually posted a post supporting you, but you were apparently unable to comprehend it.  Please go back and read it again.  Read it very slowly.  Then when you come back to apologize I will happily accept it.
Also please consider re-taking Reading Comprehension 101.

America is a third world country and you are moving the heck out of here..

Did you get scared by the recent attacks in Sydney cafe?  We can always have discussion about problems in America without sounding like we hate the country. Its a fine line, but most adults know how not to cross it.  You, on the other hand, have crossed it long time ago..

Nicky, doesn't log on P&R board due to poop flinging fest that goes on there, but just for the sake of researching golfer's posts, he should.. I would also recommend shower right afterwards..lol

CubaGoodingJRsMama549 reads

And did he say someone negative about Orlando?

Bless this great country and Orlando too! BTW can we come to your SB party or is it full already? Sounds like a total gas man!

You will lose your membership in the Bad Boy Atheist Club. LMAO!

My mom was Roman catholic and so am I.   You mean I should not go to church, participate in their activities, help

And if you think my comment about being an atheist was telling anyone else to do, you are quite wrong.  If you wish to believe in sappy fairy tales, be my guest.

To see if he is really telling the truth and to meet him in person to observe and report back whether he is really as clueless as he comes across..

GaGambler650 reads

but cancel or postpone a trip to Costa Rica just to meet Hadji???!!! I think NOT. lol

With any luck he will take up diving when he gets "down under" and make a nice little curry snack for a Great White somewhere along the Barrier Reef

My brown mothafucahin ass would be freezing in snow, ice and freezing rain over here..

GaGambler723 reads

They not only have planes, but they have three major "aeropuertos" servicing the DC area, Hop a plane and come join, I am sure you can find a "culo marrone" (brown ass)  much cuter than your own to make you forget all about the snow back home.

Inicky liked it so much last year, it was several weeks before he ever made it back home.

Hey maybe we could invite ValtreXXX to come join us. She could peddle that white ass of hers down there and keep us all knee deep in chicas and cerveza. lmao

BTW, speaking of ValtreXXX, I think she got her nose in a joint, you should have seen the nasty things she said to me via PM. I don't think she like me anymore. I guess it's a good thing I can afford my own chicas y cerveza. lol

Unless by that you mean ten weeks, LOL!  And that doesn't count the ten days I was there last December. However, I plan to break that record next year.
And for me it's "chicas y vodka."  
Pura Vida, perras.

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 4:46:44 PM

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