
Re: Nice to see the Old Florida board this excited! Carry on. EOM
ValerieXXX See my TER Reviews 286 reads

Oh something bad just happened that shows manipulation against me as a result of this thread!! This is what I am talking about now brace for impact!!! People now looking for freebies at My expense!!

-- Modified on 3/22/2016 6:44:58 PM

Then you have the good, the bad, and Fugly!!! Lol
I have been reviewed here many times over.
The one thing I can say is I do not manipulate the "numbers" or what is written about me.
What I Can say is I own it.
I have had tens and some lower than I would like but the thing is we all have good days and bad
that is life...
One thing I would like to change in the "review" process is how I meet my dates.
We all have our countermeasures in that to stay safe and out of harms way in many many aspects.
While we can not go off grid with the state of the economy and the many other providers who for  
some reason or another get into the lifestyle we all have to stay safe and secure yes gents you too.
My reviews reflect how I feel that day and I always try to make my date's fantasy come alive.
Yes I can be chatty and we all have our idiosyncrasies but the one thing I am sure of is I own it.
The subject of fake or manipulated reviews has come up from time to time and though we are in the
your pleasure is our business how do you ladies and gents feel about this.
Are there fair forums for both ladies and gents or can you tell me if you feel that as a provider you must be yourself  
No matter what. Are reviews fair and balanced or are they a tool to manipulate...
What say you
Oh and I do know that numbers and reviews are manipulated by some but not going to reveal anything....

I think Valerie that your note about your countermeasures for safety sake rings true for most of us. For the gentlemen reading, Do understand our locations need to be safe and secure for both of us. Please think of that when writing a review and so you will never put a lady in harms way. Locations of a lady or where they have you meet or call from should never be noted for the wrong person to see.

The numbers game is probably the thing that is most unpredictable. As Kelly said and I visited that website myself ..... Here's her words   " if you are unable to give me an 8 or higher please let me know before you put up a review "  So does she beat them up into submission to get all 9's and 10's .... Kelley your phony review friend needs to go wrestle her

Now for the Fantasy review which is the gentleman's way to relive the time he has spent with me .... I want to read how great my BJ was, how gorgeous I am to him, how breathless I made him feel all and all the perfect nuances that made it special but please don't add services I don't offer. Gentlemen read something I just don't do like greek and think I do ....  

Yup my one review I fought to get removed and finally did    

Kisses Haley


I know darn right well you are speaking of me and while the bottom line is this looks bad on you
I will comment!!

Yes you are right I DO have that on my site and for good reason!! NO I do not beat the guys into
submission...give me a freaking break and quite being so dramatic over something that is not only
stupid but none of your business!

Why do I have it? Because as those of us who have been in this world for along time know that
guys who use 6 and 7's think it is a nice number and it does hurt us.  If someone does use those
numbers oh well. I would never and have never asked someone to change their numbers so  
DO NOT go accusing me of something that is clearly a lie!

Plus the main reason I have that is because if someone is unhappy with a session I want to know  
about it and how I can change. That is the total truth.

And for my final thought...I actually saw that years ago on another VERY HIGHLY RESPECTED providers
site and loved it...Hence I got her permission to use something along the same line.

So do not go and start drama with me cause in the long run it hurts you over something so
stupid and again is none of your business!!  


You know I am going to stay out of this situation but what Makenzie has a point
I respected a booking package months later I reserved the right to refuse after honoring a year later yea he mentioned I keep my word but the review he wrote was not flattering to me at all.
People go through changes my schedule was tight for five years now starting my work outs again.
This person had no right to I feel write a lousy review and don't you love it the clients who write this crap should really look at themselves they stink, they are fat, and can't get it up or even cum.
That review can not come down but I will say this better not to write the fucker at all being this is our bottom line and there should be something in place to keep crap like this from happening.

GaGambler441 reads

Otherwise why do we even have a scale that runs from 1-10, we might as well just have a scale from 8-10 if no woman ever gets a score less than an 8.

and it looks like TER agrees that MR is guilty of review manipulation because it looks like she has found herself delisted. I guess that solves that problem, doesn't it?

Yes, there should be something to keep things like this from happening, it's called good, consistent service. As for the occasional outlier bad review of an otherwise very well reviewed lady, almost no one pays any attention to a single 6-6 review lost in a sea of 9-9s

and if truly want to get rid of a bad review the honest way, a reviewer can always re-review you after 90 days, There is nothing to stop you from offering to knock his socks off in a subsequent appointment as an inducement to him re-review you if you were simply having a bad day.

Well nice to see you again!! Lol
The review of me was scored low but otherwise the narrative was very good.
Things change with people over time and that is true with me.
Life does take a toll and sometimes we can not always look our best or be our best.
I think you failed to read the part that says I OWN IT..... Taking full responsibility.
But of course you would not mention that you like to play games with me.
I am not playing now, so end it where it is.
My thoughts are with family right now as I am losing a family member so tread carefully.
The subject is about manipulation and people's thoughts and point of view.
Personally the numbers thing gets my goat what are we cattle?.......bite your tongue....
What is done is done and before you mention it GA if I do not feel up to par I postpone said it ,
So no need to repeat

Posted By: GaGambler
Otherwise why do we even have a scale that runs from 1-10, we might as well just have a scale from 8-10 if no woman ever gets a score less than an 8.  
 and it looks like TER agrees that MR is guilty of review manipulation because it looks like she has found herself delisted. I guess that solves that problem, doesn't it?  
 Yes, there should be something to keep things like this from happening, it's called good, consistent service. As for the occasional outlier bad review of an otherwise very well reviewed lady, almost no one pays any attention to a single 6-6 review lost in a sea of 9-9s  
 and if truly want to get rid of a bad review the honest way, a reviewer can always re-review you after 90 days, There is nothing to stop you from offering to knock his socks off in a subsequent appointment as an inducement to him re-review you if you were simply having a bad day.

By the way when am I known for giving shitty as you put it service? Can count on one or two fingers lol all depends on the gent and the chemistry if both are not good then well it happens.
Something that I should not be blamed for it seems when things go wrong we providers take the blame and pay for it in our review process highly Unfair!
Another point besides numbers that I did mention is our countermeasures for our protection that is ignored.
I do not want people knowing my procedure, that puts me in harms way, in many aspects Not Good.
There is much to cover on this subject not just numbers.
I like to keep my life Seperate from this and anything mentioned in a review that I am trying to contain is counterproductive.
I for one do not like that.
That should Always stay off the table period.

GaGambler422 reads

I must have missed the part where sellers of a service get to dictate how buyers of said service have to act, That's one.

and I guess I also missed the part where you get to tell me what I get to say on a public discussion board.

Aside from that, nice to see you too Val. any more tips on how not to get killed or kidnapped in Costa Rica? You are always such a pleasure to have a conversation with.

Nice to see you too bro agh the bouts you and I have had!!
CR is a thing of the past for me don't miss it.
In a service industry you always give your best no matter what the situation is I know I do.
As for the public board we as providers have ways of screening and of hooking up. That part lets just keep between us,
all eyes are on this board friend or foe and it is in my best interest to protect my clients and myself that is first and foremost.
Other than that courtesy and respect must always shine through no matter what

GaGambler382 reads

Not every waiter, hairdresser, doctor, lawyer et al always give their best, and neither does every hooker.  

I suppose it would be nice if "courtesy and respect" would always shine through, this thread is just one of many that prove otherwise. I also doubt that your ways of screening and hooking up are any kind of state secret, you've already admitted both publicly and privately that you don't really know "all that" and you are at least as fallible as any other woman here.

BTW, we never really had any "bouts" to speak of, it was more of a matter of you talking a bunch of foolishness and me setting you straight. Hardly "bouts" IMHO.

I will confess, I did hold you in higher regard than MR until this thread, please don't prove to me that I misjudged you. I still think you are on a higher plateau than her despite all your issues and problems, or at least I certainly hope so.

Of course my friend. We have our agreements and disagreements in the end of the day both opinions are heard.
Males and Females see things differently but this is where we can come together and sort it out.
Our mindsets are very different and we have to hear both sides.
One thing came up and I am going to touch on it as for discounts I have Aleays offered discounted rates for summer and holidays.
The review of Me in question and it is not about me but how I felt about the process mind you is I have a package that offers two visits to the gent for a very low rate to be fair to all in different economic situations.
It is supposed to be for that month but things got in the way I remembered that person almost a year later and honored it.
Up to speed? Good.
Now life gets in the way and hormones as well as running another business during a medical crises I can't work out.
Fast food and exhaustion takes place now this person is back in town and I honored the package. That being said we all have to realize that shit happens and not to punish the other party.
I still give everything all I got but felt the review process should not be taken lightly as it is our living.
Sometimes the gent forgets this and I am running point on this I felt the need to remind is all.
This does not have to get butt ugly give and take is a must period.

I also think you missed the point of if a lower number or review comes in for me I OWN IT!!
The person is an out of town person so if he wants to revisit and review again fine I do have that but I do not ask And I certainly don't tell a person what numbers to give me.
Also as someone pointed out they might think they are giving me a great review but I am not to say or manipulate said review of me.
End of story.

Oh and as an athlete in the female kick boxing world and Mauy Thai that is why I am an AdvoCare Advisor And distributer.
Because of "life" I am in the process as we fighters call cutting weight and the last time I did that got back into my Junior size 4
Well on my way of fixing That problem as well as helping others do the same.
24 Day Challenge Baby!! Hell yeah!

GaGambler376 reads

Something both your last reviewers mention about you,  

So, I take it you are trying to "explain" the reason/s for your bad reviews and not trying to "deny" them. That's a good start and better than a lot of providers who claim everything not 100% complimentary about them is a bald faced lie.

BTW, it's not just fighters that call it "cutting weight" and I am sure when you get back down to your "fighting weight" I am sure your reviews will reflect it.

Right now, I would have to say the "system works"  You have been making a lot of excuses, but so far I don't hear any denials from you that your last two rather sub par reviews weren't deserved. I hope you take the attitude of "I am going to do better" and not simply blame the system like many other providers seem to do whenever they get a bad review.

Just questioning certain aspects that allow info that can harm the security of provider and client.
I don't make excuses for anything just its a fact that I have had a couple years where I dedicated a lot of time to another business so my work outs took a back seat.
Not the first time for me lol
Years ago a review popped up saying I had gained weight then got back into my routine and poof great reviews again.
I am older I am not a supermodel life gets in the way,
And I am once again taking time to do something about it, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for some

GaGambler293 reads

Personally, I think you are rather foolish to be working out of your actual home, but that's your business not mine.

and I will give you credit for owning your weight gain and doing something about it.

It's funny, before she was delisted MR was listed as "baby fat" ROFLMFAO!!! I would like to thank Admin for giving me the plus 2 for correcting that no so little issue before delisting her completely.

Lol women and weight is like yo yo's
Ok so I am not junior size four but women's size four hence MILF!!
At this stage of my life, want to just enjoy what I do, take my Kawasaki Ninja out for a spin,
and enjoy the rest of my life.
Now I am not ranting about the latest review keep that in mind like my header the good the bad and the ugly, sums up All reviews whether it is on me or others.

I think her point is that an underhanded gentleman can give you a low score to get a subsequent free session.  While this is infrequent, there certainly are bad apples.  And if you got a bad review because the guy is a jerk, or his penis is too big, or he was annoyed because you won't see him off the clock, why would you offer him a free session to rewrite a review (which would be necessary to induce him to see you again).  For that matter, if the guy is smelly, or you don't like him, why would you want to see him again?  TER has offered to return a review to a reviewer to rewrite that I did not think was fair and could prove.  Honestly, I am so busy I have not bothered to do this.  

Is our job to please our clients or to monitor our reviews?  Monitoring reviews can be a full time job, one which I don't like.  It inflates our price, because it takes me more time to deal with all the back office of this hobby.  

I prefer a stress free environment.

If a guy has bad breath, stinks, shows disrespect, or can't perform the provider can't give good service.    You will get a low score.   No one ever pays attention to a couple of low scores.    The larger trend is what most depend on.     I asked a lady about one bad review.    She said the guy had rotten teeth and bad breath.    She was special and knocked my socks off with her service.   Wow.

up I know how u feel.. I know I can't please everyone. I never claim to be someone I'm not. I tell my clients that I am not barbie. I am a milf. I don't wear dresses. I am more like a friend that makes u feel good n helps you relax. I am chatty. . But on the same hand.. just because I am not a model isn't a reason to be rude when writing a review. You saw my pictures and knew what I looked like when you booked. But more power to u girl. Stay true to urself. .

How ya doing??? How's life in the No Spin Zone LOL!!!!!! Couldn't resist...

NOLAlover218 reads

Do you really think "liking" your own posts impresses anyone? Seriously!

the new reviews section of a city I am planning to visit, I will read reviews of providers with a score of 7/7 and above. I make my decision of who to see based on what I read in the reviews; not on the numerical scores. If there is conflict between what is in a lady's profile and what is written in reviews, I will PM several reviewers to get additional information.

If I meet an especially attractive provider at a M & G and there appears to be some chemistry, then I will read several reviews to see if she offers the services I am seeking and her rate is within my price point.  

When writing a review, I will make some notes within 24-48 hours after the date recounting what transpired. When I have enough time to submit the review, I will go through the process of completing the profile and then paste in the written narrative.

throughly. I don't let the TER number system influence me.. One "bad"' ugly, or "fugly" review doesn't matter. Every one has a bad day from time to time. Hobbyists sometimes don't choose their dates as wisely as they should. This leads to disappointment. I not only read the reviews of lady I am eyeing but  also the other reviews of the hobbyists that wrote the review.

There are many resources to use before picking a lady. Up to date photos, well thought out and informative personal web sites, reviews on TER and other web sites. I do my research and select in my price point. Some ladies don't make the cut for whatever reason, but only after thoughtful consideration on my part.  

When I write a review its based on my experience and not what someone else wants me to write or score. I don't let prior reviews influence me.

Bottom line, the number system is what it is, reviews matter but a sporadic outlier is not a big deal, when you have multiple positive reviews. If your reviews are all trending toward the negative use it as positive reinforcement to improve your game.

BTW---in 8 yrs of hobbling I've not yet felt the need to write a "bad" review.

That is the correct way to choose your date. Sadly the numbers ratings have always been a part of this hobby on certain forums but I feel is degrading to the lady.
I have awesome numbers and some bad, mediocre and good.
The point is the review.
If you reveal the way a provider sets up the meet which in my case is very well known that makes me uncomfortable.
That sets me up.
So Stop it!
The numbers crap has to go Bye!
Reviews write them but know that the lady makes a living and a bad day is a bad day.
I will not take appointments when things are not right with me or the situation it is better to postpone.
That is the best way to avoid bad dates and bad reviews unfortunately we have people you can not please worth of shit or you are being set up for failure by a jealous provider, you can have sunshine and rainbows coming from your kitteh that still won't matter if the date is a set up I have wondered on some of them and it is well known I have bad blood with a couple women on this forum one who I see is not around anymore but caused me grief and her shrill team.
There are mitigateing factors that come into play so be aware and stay safe.

Well here is the battle of the sexes in this industry and I can say I for one learned a lot!!!
Please stay on point and sorry there was collateral damage to one provider but this is how we view it and must abide by forum guidelines whether we like it or not.
Keep in mind we are a Family and we Must look out for one another that is how it is supposed to be.

Posted By: ValerieXXX
Then you have the good, the bad, and Fugly!!! Lol  
 I have been reviewed here many times over.  
 The one thing I can say is I do not manipulate the "numbers" or what is written about me.  
 What I Can say is I own it.  
 I have had tens and some lower than I would like but the thing is we all have good days and bad  
 that is life...  
 One thing I would like to change in the "review" process is how I meet my dates.  
 We all have our countermeasures in that to stay safe and out of harms way in many many aspects.  
 While we can not go off grid with the state of the economy and the many other providers who for  
 some reason or another get into the lifestyle we all have to stay safe and secure yes gents you too.  
 My reviews reflect how I feel that day and I always try to make my date's fantasy come alive.  
 Yes I can be chatty and we all have our idiosyncrasies but the one thing I am sure of is I own it.  
 The subject of fake or manipulated reviews has come up from time to time and though we are in the  
 your pleasure is our business how do you ladies and gents feel about this.  
 Are there fair forums for both ladies and gents or can you tell me if you feel that as a provider you must be yourself  
 No matter what. Are reviews fair and balanced or are they a tool to manipulate...  
 What say you  
 Oh and I do know that numbers and reviews are manipulated by some but not going to reveal anything....

In these the worst of economic times and many now joining the ranks as providers and hobbyists looking for a break we Must Remember we are Family here in this forum and for those who want to improve their odds in this vicious game let us show restraint and compassion as we are all much more than provider and hobbyists.
We are parents we are best friends we are lovers or hubby and wife..... Not me anymore but hear what this really is a fight for our very survival we must respect it.
Thank you for your OPI's  
Love you all!!!
Yes GaGambler you too

Posted By: ValerieXXX
Well here is the battle of the sexes in this industry and I can say I for one learned a lot!!!  
 Please stay on point and sorry there was collateral damage to one provider but this is how we view it and must abide by forum guidelines whether we like it or not.  
 Keep in mind we are a Family and we Must look out for one another that is how it is supposed to be.  
Posted By: ValerieXXX
Then you have the good, the bad, and Fugly!!! Lol  
  I have been reviewed here many times over.  
  The one thing I can say is I do not manipulate the "numbers" or what is written about me.  
  What I Can say is I own it.  
  I have had tens and some lower than I would like but the thing is we all have good days and bad  
  that is life...  
  One thing I would like to change in the "review" process is how I meet my dates.  
  We all have our countermeasures in that to stay safe and out of harms way in many many aspects.  
  While we can not go off grid with the state of the economy and the many other providers who for    
  some reason or another get into the lifestyle we all have to stay safe and secure yes gents you too.  
  My reviews reflect how I feel that day and I always try to make my date's fantasy come alive.  
  Yes I can be chatty and we all have our idiosyncrasies but the one thing I am sure of is I own it.  
  The subject of fake or manipulated reviews has come up from time to time and though we are in the  
  your pleasure is our business how do you ladies and gents feel about this.  
  Are there fair forums for both ladies and gents or can you tell me if you feel that as a provider you must be yourself    
  No matter what. Are reviews fair and balanced or are they a tool to manipulate...  
  What say you  
  Oh and I do know that numbers and reviews are manipulated by some but not going to reveal anything....

NOLAlover258 reads

You can EDIT a comment for several hours instead of posting to yourself repeatedly often within minutes of the prior post? Geeeez Louise!!!!

Had to catch and old friend up.
I don't know you so don't start with me.
Had a point I wanted to make with the other message and that option of editing ran out....
as you can see from this response.
Since I have no idea who you are and you seem to like attacking people,
ignore me and my post you don't want to start with me.

-- Modified on 3/22/2016 9:56:59 AM

NOLAlover228 reads

if my trying to help you look smarter than you really are and leads you to attack me so be it. Keep it up gal, you're great entertainment!!!!

Glad I entertain hey I am paid for it!!! I don't like attacks at all and your comment about my last post
was not very nice at all.
This thread was started to make a point and get opinions on the subject matter.
How whether or not I reply without editing resource is not the issue you brought that up.
So please keep talking...... Show us what you are made of.
At least people know me here and what I stand for, will take, will not take , before I bite hard!

NOLAlover255 reads

to be honestly I didn't think any of my comments here were overtly harsh or mean. If you took it that way, my apologies. Sorta? You deserve kudos for starting the best train wreck here since the days of Cinnamon, BSC Looney Laney et al. Well done!!!

Lol nothing personal we are cool apologies if I took it wrong and seemed overly defensive  
Got a target on my back because of this train wreck and frankly I have always been in the middle of controversy that is no secret. Peace

Oh something bad just happened that shows manipulation against me as a result of this thread!! This is what I am talking about now brace for impact!!! People now looking for freebies at My expense!!

-- Modified on 3/22/2016 6:44:58 PM

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