
Once you go black.... ;)red_smile
DGL17 9 Reviews 299 reads

Best wishes thru this next round and in the days and months ahead. I'll
wear my black T-shirt tomorrow!! Good luck and keep positive and happy
thoughts and take each day as it comes!!! Sincerely, David...

Get your dirty minds out of the gutter lol!

I just wanted to let everyone know I'm having surgery again tomorrow.  In 2012, I was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma, had surgery on my mid-back, they took out 2 lymph nodes in my neck and they were negative.  About a year ago, a very small bump started to grow about 3 inches from the lymph nodes they took out.  I thought the bump was from the lymph nodes they took out, but recently within the last 4 months, it has grown in size.  I had a PET/CT scan in March and received bad news that my Melanoma has returned, and this time around I will need 1 year of Chemotherapy.

As you can imagine, I'm totally in shock.  To make matters worse, March 17th I contracted Strep, Bronchitis, Upper Respiratory infection and the next day ruptured my ear drum.  So it's been about a month since I'm able to work and now have to deal with this.

I would ask that you wear something BLACK tomorrow and you get down on your knees and PRAY FOR ME.  I would sincerely appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.  I don't know if I'll be able to work once the chemo kicks in.  So for those of you that have an extra dollar or two, I would appreciate help in any form.  My email address is available for Paypal and I'm thanking you in advance in case I'm not able to after my surgery.  I am not the kind of person to ask for help, but I'm going to need my family and friends during this difficult time.

My surgery is scheduled tomorrow at 8am.  I will try to get back on here to give you some updates.  I will miss you all.

Tara xox

I for 1 have lost 4 family members to different Cancers. I know Its tuff. And wish u the best  n will pray all turns out well.

I'll be wearing BLACK tomorrow and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You will in this battle.

    You may not SEE hundreds of responses, but please know there are hundreds and hundreds of folks like me, that would not normally "respond", but  they WILL keep you in their thoughts and prayers.  
   All the best to you !


My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us up to date with your progress.

Definitely donating to your paypal!


wear black tomorrow and keep you in my prayers. I'll look forward to your updates and will also email you for donation info. Good to reach out like this- we will all be pulling for you!

I volunteered at a local Cancer Center for about a year.
I was always recharged leaving there because the patients had the best attitude to get through this challenge life had put in their way.
Seeing the treatments they would go through would make any issue I had seem so trivial.
Staying positive is the best RX!
My prayers are for you to back better than ever when you get through this.

Best wishes thru this next round and in the days and months ahead. I'll
wear my black T-shirt tomorrow!! Good luck and keep positive and happy
thoughts and take each day as it comes!!! Sincerely, David...

Hi Tara,  
You can and will get thru this. We never know why or how these things happen. The only thing we can control is our attitude. May you be blessed with all the strength and courage to deal with this over the next 12 months. As you know, I've been thru this. Please keep me posted and feel free to ask any questions you have. My best advice is to try to keep up a positive attitude and force yourself to get out and continue living your life. Be as productive as you can. You will not be able to do everything you did before to the same degree, but if you can do it at 50% it will help you keep into your routine. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. It's going to be okay

On the way to the hospital for the big day. Didn't get one minute of sleep lol my upstairs neighbors toilet ran all night and the sprinklers came on around 4am... I thought it was raining. When I looked out my window to see what the noise was, I saw a15 foot stream of water spurting straight up in the air and hitting the asphalt lmao go figure!  

LOL my neighbor just woke up and the toilet isn't running anymore - go figure!

over the years.  Even though I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, you have brightened my day on more than one ocassion.  

Saying prayers for you to win this battle.

a quick recovery and healing-You're in our prayers-

Saw the post yesterday had problems with my computer so couldn't post until now. Saw that you are out of OP and in pain. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been through such an ordeal as this. Get well and keep moving on in your recovery. My prayers are with you! Get well soon!
HUgs Always JoJo

and you are right cancer sucks.  I too have lost 2 family members to it and I hate it.  But you are strong and  
a fighter.

I always have a positive attitude toward life and try and smile as much as I can.  Even when I was  
ill last year all the nurses couldn't believe how happy I was....hey maybe it was the drugs.. But nope
I get my strength, determination and mind set from my mom...she is a fighter.

You will concur this thing and come back full speed...you are in our thoughts and prayers!!


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