
STEVEMARK 2 Reviews 11894 reads
1 / 27

Does anyone know what happened to Mel, one of my all time favorites?

sfloridian 14 Reviews 9439 reads
2 / 27

Steami handed LE her appointment book during the Operation Flea Collar!


Tattletail 12991 reads
3 / 27

She and every other provider pulled in by the Flea crew.
She was the sweetest provider out there.

sfloridian 14 Reviews 8527 reads
4 / 27

Steamihott wrote down a diary of all her appointments with names and numbers and handed this over! No one else did that!


-- Modified on 12/27/2003 9:31:53 AM

Tattletail 10010 reads
5 / 27

Do you think that she had a choice?  You make her sound like the bad ass here.  She got caught in the LE net.  Should she have done time?  There were those who were calling LE and supplying info not asked for by them.  I think that this was painful  for all, including Steami.

sfloridian 14 Reviews 9057 reads
6 / 27

No one was aware that Steami was taking notes. For her to have handed these notes out, she did more damage than all the other arrests COMBINED!


-- Modified on 12/27/2003 5:58:54 PM

hhenrry 1 Reviews 9163 reads
7 / 27

steamihot kept a diary that listed all her clients and phone numbers and handed it over to LE...

why would an escort keep  such records??   and then tell LE about it??   seems all she had to do was BURN the damn diary..

then she could tell LE she burned it and cannot remember all the clients names and phone numbers..

steamihot squeeled like  pig...

she made herself 100K and then turned in the clients that paid her all that cash..

hopefully she has a good life now

Tattletail 10434 reads
8 / 27

Just how is it that you two know this about a diary and what may have been in it?  Did she tell you she had it?  Did LE tell you?  All I've seen is the dictation of the LE interview.  Weren't those questions made from info that they got from interviews with other providers and clients?  It seems they got info by squeezing both ladies and gents.

-- Modified on 12/27/2003 8:42:50 PM

sfloridian 14 Reviews 7299 reads
9 / 27

Tattletail responded at 12/27/2003 1:45:33 PM after I raised the issue that Steami released her diary:

>>Do you think that she had a choice?

And suddenly Tattletail contradicts herself later by playing innocent and now writes:

>>Just how is it that you two know this about a diary and what may have been in it?

All her records are in the public and it doesn't take much to get access to these records to see the damage that Steami did with her little diary.

Now my observations: out of the blue comes this 'character' named Tattletail and all of her posts are in this particular thread. Secondly all of them are defending Steami's action. Care to explain your obsession with Steami? Is that the reasoning behind your handle?


Tattletail 9208 reads
10 / 27

I'm a guy.  I have no agenda here,I saw Steami a long time ago and thought that she was nice...very nice.  I don't know about a book.  I asked how you know about it. I read Operation Flea Collar when it was a web site (think it's gone now).  I didn't read or get the sense that they were reading from a "book" when they asked the questions.  Most of the questions to the people on OFC seemed similarly posed.  So I was just wondering how you seemed to know about a book.  I just never saw anything other than statements from posters about this book and wondered how they got that info.  

I wouldn't put it past LE to let info like that out so others felt pissed and then tell more.

I've always felt that this thing came down harder on some than on others and that there were those who got called in and those who didn't.  I would like to think that nobody gave up anything that they didn't absolutely have to.  I imagine the pressure was intense.  I think that Steami had a lot to worry about.  I can't immagine that she would have done anything unless her back was against the wall.  I say that because I liked her.  I know that there were those who didn't and that they would say negative things about her way back when.  Just wondered if this was more of that.

hhenrry 1 Reviews 9059 reads
11 / 27

steamihots interview and testimony could be purchased online....

I purchased it AND read it....

it is very clear that LE had steamihots diary..

in other interviews with providers LE would ask the girls if they kept a diary or any records...one girl replied "why would anyone keep a diary"??   and LE's reply was    "you would be surprised"...

steami has a good life now I am sure and I do not think any of her clients were busted..

steami walked away with alotta cash and a good scare..

but she scared a few people herself with that damn diary

sfloridian 14 Reviews 8960 reads
12 / 27

>> I just never saw anything other than statements from posters about this book and wondered how they got that info.  

As I mentioned before, the records are PUBLIC and rather than throwing out innuendos please read the facts first.


>>I wouldn't put it past LE to let info like that out so others felt pissed and then tell more.

What makes you so sure that Steami is so innocent in this? Why don't you wake up out of your Steami fantasy and SMELL the coffee?

Steami went beyond co-operation and handed LE a golden platter by providing a diary with names, handles,  & numbers for the last 2 years. No one else had done this!


Tattletail 8370 reads
13 / 27

Now I see the mention of the diary.  

So my question for you sfloridian is why that nastiness toward me?  If you read hhenrry he stood in the same position you do.  Yet he resoponded so much differently.  You chose to assume that I was a woman hinting that I might have an alterior motive.  I was missinformed and you two provided info that corrected me.  But you SHOUTED at me.

I just went back and looked at everything I wrote.  The only thing I said that was off was "She and every other provider pulled in by the Flea crew." in my first post.  Everything else is just asking questions about how you knew this stuff.  Nothing particularly hostile about that and certainly nothing to bring on the vitriolic nature of your responses.  Once I got the info I asked about I see your point.  It's simple.

I did like her.  Beyond that I think that think that there are probably circumstances none of us are privy to that all the people involved in this went through.  Didn't these ladies have legal council?  I see that Melanie did.  I also see that she was interviewed by the State Attorney.  Weren't all things considered before actions taken?  Didn't lawyers pull the strings?  I don't know, I wasn't there.  Not challenging you sfloridian, just asking a question.  I guess I like to give nice people the benefit of the doubt and don't think of so many folks as being vindictive.

Now, as for the comment about LE. I do think that they use tactics such as telling one person that another ratted them out when they didn't just to make the first person feel betrayed in hopes they well start telling on the other.

Lastly, I agree, the diary was a bad idea to keep.  And at this point I'd be willing to bet that she feels the same.

-- Modified on 12/28/2003 1:36:31 PM

-- Modified on 12/28/2003 1:40:18 PM

-- Modified on 12/28/2003 1:48:53 PM

sfloridian 14 Reviews 11274 reads
14 / 27

>>OK, bought it, read it, see it.

If you bought it, you bumped into your name...

>>I did like her.  

Since you were a client of Steamie's, how did it feel to see your name and phone number on the internet?

>>I guess I like to give nice people the benefit of the doubt and don't think of so many folks as being vindictive.

You still think she is nice?


hhenrry 1 Reviews 8216 reads
15 / 27


what bothered me about reading the interview steami gave to LE was steami seemed to be very proud of herself during the interview...she seemed to enjoy the attention she was recieving

note that is says she giggled and laughed more than once during the interview...

LE had the diary long before the interview...LE would have never known about a diary unless steami TOLD them about it

steami earned thousands and got away clean...

her clients were not as lucky...they got embarrasing phone calls and had thier private phone numbers and names posted on the internet and the clients did not earn a dime ....  they PAID with more than just cash

Tattletail 8142 reads
16 / 27

I guess when I read it I don't think "giggles (don't recall that they stated giggles but I'm not going thru it again) I think "nervous laugh" as I imagine being grilled by LE.  

Guess I just tend to come from a different point of view.

sfloridian 14 Reviews 11742 reads
17 / 27

>>I think "nervous laugh" as I imagine being grilled by LE.  

Funny how you have not felt anything for being exposed, but you give us an up close view of how Steami felt being grilled.

>>Guess I just tend to come from a different point of view.

Yeah...that is EXACTLY the view point of Steami!


-- Modified on 12/29/2003 9:34:18 PM

Tattletail 10029 reads
18 / 27

First lets correct that grammar.  It shouldn't come as A surprise... not it shouldn't come as NO surprise....that's a double negative.

Now. It's very obvious you don't like Steami.  It's also very obvious that you have a real problem with me and the way I've stated things.  I didn't respond to you above because you write with venum and ill placed inuendo.  hhenrry, as I said above, seems to share similar views about Steami as you, but is less vindictive in response.  

You have made stupid assumptions.  I am not Steami as you ASSumed.  I am neither a provider nor a female.  I will not reveal my TER name to you because of just this sort of BS.  What someone like you would likely do with the info on the 33 reviews I've posted and the put downs you'd continue on with can only lead to problems.  Is there any good side to you?  Or, do you just like to find a sore spot and pick away at it ad infinitum?

I stated how I felt.  You chose to fuck with it.  Your choice.  I made my acknowlegemants above when sent to the OFC link.  You continued to want to berate and put down.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but on this assumption YOU ARE F*CKING WRONG.

And just to settle your curiosity, my name was not mentioned in the LE transcripts and yes I'm glad it was not.  Another fase ASSumption on your part.  You're not exactly batting a thousand here either.

hhenrry 1 Reviews 8391 reads
19 / 27


if your name was not mentioned in melanies diary then you never saw her..

I met steami when she first got started and I only met her ONE TIME... but she still had my personal number and email address in her diary... she also had countless other names with home adresses and phone numbers and email adresses in her diary that she handed over to LE and then were put on the internet..

why would she leave you out if you enjoyed her so much and saw her several times??  

the only person steami protected was HERSELF!!   she hung her clients out to dry

I agree with SF on this one...I think tattletail is steamihot melanie

Tattletail 10995 reads
20 / 27

I read the info on the link that sfloridian gave and I bought.  I read all of what I could find of Steami's interview by State Attorney Traner or what ever his name was.  I saw a lot of guys names in the 100 or so pages of transcript, but in all there were only something like 20 or so mentioned that I saw.  

I definitely did not see mine.  

Also I can't imagine that with her starting some where in 2000, as I recall, that she only saw the guys mentioned in this interview.  Ahe had to have seen many more.  And at least one more that I am ceretain of and that is me.  I am not disputing the my name may have been in her book. Sfloridian said "If you bought it, you bumped into your name..." and "Since you were a client of Steamie's, how did it feel to see your name and phone number on the internet?"  I didn't see my name there and that is what I was stating.  

I just don't get why you two continue to think that I am her.  Why in hell you'd care. You wrote, "why would she leave you out if you enjoyed her so much and saw her several times??"  Where did you get the idea I saw her several times?  I had a long date and felt a good connection.  I never said anything about several times.  You are too wrapped up in trying to figure out something here that is way more than reality and more than I ever attempted to convey.

I stated that I liked her.  I did.  I stated that I didn't know about the book and asked how you knew.  A simple statement.  And the truth.  I stated that I hadn't read the info on OFC until sfloridian linked for me. That was the truth. I acknowleged that I read the "laughing" interpositions by the transcriber differently than you and that is how I am (keep in mind that you are mad at her, you were listed I was not mad at her as much as you and I wasn't listed...that was my perspective...I understand yours, can't you understand mine?)  I read from the perspective I had and not from others.  That's just what was in my head at the time I read it.  You needn't make a big thing of that.  It also doesn't mean that I'm right and you aren't.

I'm going to go back an look to see if there is any more to read from this book, but I only saw what was mentioned under witness interviews then under her name.  If the whole book was published I might just be there.  But where is the whole text of the book available to me?

You are there in her book.  I feel bad very bad about that.  But, did you see hundreds of guys named?  And I bet that over those 3 years she saw more than the number of guys mentioned in the OFC report.  Now, the book may have had a bunch more.  I also didn't see any mention that I can recall of guys who were not living in Florida.  I do not.  Perhaps that is a reason I was not mentioned.

What do I have to do for you two?  Send a pic of my cock and balls?  I AM NOT STEAMI!  I liked her, I am not her.  I'm not even close to this issue really.  I just saw her name and then some remarks that I thought were untrue (keep in mind I hadn't read OFC at that time).  So I wrote something to sort of be kind and to counter the negative.  Wow, I had no idea of the viciousness going on out there.  Now I find myself pissed that you two insist that I am her.  Of course you will believe what you like, but you are both F*CKING WRONG on this point.

-- Modified on 12/31/2003 12:50:54 PM

-- Modified on 12/31/2003 1:07:39 PM

-- Modified on 12/31/2003 1:12:54 PM

hhenrry 1 Reviews 10393 reads
21 / 27


it does not matter anymore about days gone by...I am sure you are doing well..my guess is you miss the excitement and cash that comes along with being an internet escort..

I am convinced tattletail is melanie for one reason only..

why would a GUY named tattletail take so much time to defend melanie??

I really do not care one way or another..so lets just drop it

sfloridian 14 Reviews 8436 reads
22 / 27

First lets correct your spelling since you felt being so perfect:

1. "venum" is spelled venom
2. "inuendo" is spelled innuendo
3. "acknowlegemants" is spelled acknowledgements
4. "fase" is spelled false

Next time you feel the need to throw stones, make sure you are spotless yourself!

Now back to the content of your message: explain to me the part of you having 33 reviews on TER using a HANDLE, but you still need to come back with a DIFFERENT handle to cover up your HANDLE???

And of all the handles to pick, you hand picked it to show your true colors:

"One who tattles on others; an informer or talebearer"

That should explain it all, but there is more...

For someone who thinks Steamie is so nice and has defended her through thick and thin on EVERY single post in this thread, you sure seem to have thrown out a nasty attitude when we said Tattletail=Steamie...is it because your cover was blown?

You also claim to have met her ONCE, but you have posted 8 times in the Steamie thread and talk as though you know her like no one else...and for someone claiming to be out of town, you sure seem to have a big interest in this particular thread on the Florida board! Seldom do you see me in the other geographical forums.


-- Modified on 12/31/2003 7:29:43 PM

thirsty 2 Reviews 10653 reads
23 / 27

based on his review history. If this is actually a provider, she has written an aweful lot of bogus reviews over multiple years.


Tattletail 9421 reads
24 / 27

You do know the truth about who I am and as I have stated more than once here.  I am not steami.

Tattletail 10195 reads
25 / 27

I'll give you all the spelling goofs and typos.  I am a lousy speller.

I also sould not throw stones around that sort of thing.

As for my handle: You know SF, there really is no definition of tattletail, it's a made up word.  I've used it before and selected it as a mixed spelling of tail and tale with one who tells on others.  I just picked it.  You have picked it apart to the Nth degree and you've done very well at that, NOT.  So what?  All that crap about my alias means absolutely nothing.

Thirsty has confirmed the fact that I am not a female (see above).  Ergo, my cover was not blown.

As for my defending steami through thick and thin on every single post.  That's BS.  Just go back.  My defense has moved to trying to explain to you dodos why I said what I said and that I'm not her.  You just don't want to buy it.  You seem hell bent on me being her.  Tough shit.  I'm not.

As for the use of an alias, I am now convinced that it was a wise move.  Ass holes like you would look at my reviews and make comment on the ladies I've seen and rip into the way I said them and the flames would spread.  That seems to be what you are like.  I used the alias to contain my remarks to steami and not link me to any other providers or my location.  It's anonimity and that is presumably why this board has aliases available.  You just can't stand for me to be other than what you want me to be.  Again, tough shit.  Too much hatred going on here.

My thanks to Staff for their unsolicited support.

-- Modified on 1/1/2004 10:02:35 PM

Tattletail 9364 reads
26 / 27

I'd say you need to read below.  

I'd say you need to re-read what I've written.  My defense of steami has stopped several posts ago.  I have been responding to the insistance of two jerks that I am her.  Now you can see Staff has confirmed that I am not a provider.

Why? because I can't stand people who do what you've done!

hhenrry 1 Reviews 9683 reads
27 / 27

ok tattletail...you are not steami...who cares??

some people cannot stand what steami did when she WROTE DOWN peoples names, addresses and phone numbers and kept them for 2 years and then handed them over to LE ...

that is not a nice thing to do...

it was very easy to think tattletail was steami when tattletail defended steamies actions...

make a date with steami  I heard she moved to texas

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