
Not one single time in her post did she say that she did not have insurance.
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 837 reads

So, why all the posts about Obamacare, Medicaid, Canada, Australia, etc.?

She never mentioned not having insurance coverage, so one must assume that she does.  Her concern -- and would be my concern as well if I were in her position -- is replacing the income she is losing while incapacitated.  She chose to ask for financial assistance.  Some people have disagreed with her choice.  That's their prerogative.  

Of course, the poster above with a different TER handle every month or so seems to feel like her problem is just another example of America getting fucked by the healthcare industry.  He is using her unfortunate illness as a way to make yet another political statement.

Bottom line is this.  The OP's health should be your concern.  Not the political issues of the state of Florida and its Governor.

that the sun would end up most likely killing me.

After my surgery on April 16th, I met with the oncologist a week later for the pathology results. He explained to me that I would have to have surgery again because the margins weren't clear, and then chemo to follow. I am stage 3 and it was in my lymph node coming from the original mole that was excised in 2012.

When I went to the surgeon last week, he wasn't so sure about doing surgery again because this time they would have to go deeper into the muscle and then have plastic surgery after and chemo to follow.

Because of the differing opinions, they brought in another doctor for consultation. This radiology doctor suggested radiation on the area and then chemo to follow.

Tomorrow at 1:15pm I meet with the radiology department for consultation, and at 3:15pm I meet with my oncologist. I would certainly hope that they have a plan for me and they are not leaving me to make any decisions. MY CHOICES REALLY SUCK! I still have to do another PET scan and a brain MRI, however, I am severely claustrophobic and not sure how I'm going to do the brain MRI.

I am able to work at this time and desperately need to as I haven't worked since March 17th (I had an appointment this week woohoo) nothing rough and wild, just my usual sensual take my time giving pleasure appointment.  

I would personally like to thank the three people that sent me money, you know who you are and I appreciate you so much. If 100 people gave $10 each I would be able to pay my mortgage and my maintenance, but as of now I am behind 2 months and am only paying for my car payment because it's in my mother's name and I don't want to ruin her credit. You can send me a PM and I'll give you my address. My email is setup for PayPal if you find that more convenient. You can use my address as the return as well, just please send it certified.  

As of now I'm able to work so let's do this gentlemen! I sincerely thank you for your prayers and support.

Please wear sunscreen and ladies that provide... stay out of the tanning booth. Melanoma is a very aggressive cancer. You don't want to go through what I'm going through now. Take my word for gospel.

I would have pm'd you but I don't have VIP right now.     Yes, we all have opinions, yes, people go overboard with each other, but for goodness' sake, a fellow human being is going through something that is life-threatening and you choose to reply something like that.    

I like free speech, I like people being able to say what they think but your reply should be an embarrassment to you.    This is not about being a WK, there ought to be some common decency, no wonder this world is so fucked up

Pangloss is quite right, That rainy day comment was so callous, it was offensive.  We must all find a way to help this person just because it is the only decent thing to do. If Paypal does not work for you, give an extra envelope to the next Fort Lauderdale provider you see and ask her to forward it it to Hot Cougar MILF.  I know for a fact there is so much fornication going on in Fort Lauderdale an that an ample sum could be had quickly if clients kicked in too.

And I want to do naughty things to you as well lol grrrrrr! Thank you for helping me in more ways than you know. Being able to share my story that may save another from going through this horrific disease called CANCER is my goal.  I don't want to be a statistic.  And I am scared.  And some of you are afraid to be human.  It's okay. I don't hide behind an alias and try not to hurt people who aren't trying to hurt me. I help people on the corner all the time with food and money.  I believe in what goes around can be you tomorrow. And you never know what is going to happen tomorrow. So live and let live. Capiche? GaGambler you must get this message to your pee little brain soon. And hope you never have to go through what I'm going through now.  Have a great night.  Be happy.

And get a life while you still can. I can't say the same for me and shame on you. May GOD bless you even though you're pathetic and not human.

What comes around.... goes around!! His day will come.. PM coming to you :)

preaches.     To think, I spent 7 years baking myself in Miami Beach, what is happening to you could very well happen to many of us here in FL.   Anyway, the rest of us are pulling for you.

GaGambler614 reads

I mean if I have a choice between either buying an overpriced health care policy that I neither want nor need, or face the prospect of paying thousands of dollars in penalties, all in the name of covering "everyone" why the fuck isn't HCM covered?

and while we are on the subject of health care, why didn't take steps to be sure she wouldn't slip between the cracks. She has been a working hooker for years, charging several hundred dollars an hour. Not to sound callous, but with almost a hundred reviews here, she must have made a pretty penny providing, why is she now our responsibility. I will feel much better about giving the same amount of money to a fifty year old coffee shop waitress who finds herself in the same circumstances, but can only make $250 in a good WEEK, not in a single hour.

and please don't bring God into this, God is the one who gave her cancer in the first place if you believe in that type of thing.

SnglMaltMan735 reads

Where on earth did you get the notion that Obamacare was supposed to replace her lost income. I don't read in her post that she is not getting care, she needs help paying her bills. Whether you want or need a policy is not relevant until you slip and fall, break your hip and taxpayers pick up the tab for your ER visit

Stay focused grasshopper!

GaGambler836 reads

her math adds up to a thousand bucks taking care of her through the next two months, one hundred people each sending ten bucks" If she is able to work as she claims, wouldn't her efforts be better spent getting four appointment rather than a hundred handouts?

I respect people trying to get through hard situations through ingenuity and hard work, coming on a fuck board and asking for handout does nothing to earn respect or even sympathy from me. If she was incapable of working, that might be a different matter, but I would have a lot more respect for her if she had come on here, told her story and offered a special two hour for the price of one, or some other such offer to "earn" her bills rather than preemptively asking for charity while she is still able to work.

Focused enough for you grasshopper.

GaGambler716 reads

and considering I do rather well for myself, it makes me feel good to help the less fortunate, but I get no joy or satisfaction out of helping people perfectly capable of helping themselves.

It would be the same if I went broke and suddenly faced getting kicked out in the street, and trust me I have been broke many times. But do you honestly think that anyone here would feel sorry for me and want to help me out? Of course not, and neither should they. If I go broke, most likely it will be my own damn fault, and I have had plenty of time to "put away for a rainy day" If I don't do so, and end up in the street because of it, I would be too fucking embarrassed to ever ask for a handout, and I hold hookers that make more in a hour than many people make in a week to the same standard.

Call me callous if you like (not you of course), but I will save my money, my sympathy and my charity to those who find themselves in situations where they never even had a chance. I would rather give a helpless, hopeless person a chance in life than enable someone who should be doing just fine on her own. Quite frankly I find her plea for help to be pathetic and insulting, but that's just my opinion, I am sure there are others here who just think I am a cold, heartless bully. I can live with that.

GaGambler675 reads

Since when is fear of Law Enforcement and Bible Thumping synonymous?

Gambler, I think you are a fair guy, a guy who uses his head.  I also agre on the Obamacare clusterfuck, you and I really have a lot we agree on, but this is not an issue to play with.   We have a lady in need, she has a disease that is scary as shit and I do not give a flying fuck as to why it is that she has money or not, I have empathy for her situation.   I also think that she is gutsy as hell for coming out and saying "I need help."   Would I do it?  Probably not, but that is part of what I admire.   She can work right now, but that has not been the case over the last couple of months.  Let's help someone who needs it and who has been honest to the core, this is really not the time to make a statement about how great we have been at dealing with our adversities.

GaGambler534 reads

Especially if you've read many of her posts here over the last few years telling others how to live their lives.

Send her some money if you like, I will reserve my charity for those who never had  a fair chance in life, and trust me there are PLENTY of people who would love to trade places with HCM right now.

Just remember you or I would be laughed off the board if we were to do what she is doing, and as I said before, rightfully so.

GaGambler just because you worked here on TER as a POS WHINY ASS SO CALLED MOD OF A FUCKBOARD, you don't know anything about my life. I don't want your charity stick it up your ass with the 100 dollar bill that follows you all over this board.  I don't tell anyone how to live their lives. And please give me the link to where I have. You are really showing the low class self that you are. God damn I bet your mirror can't even stand to look at you.  But yet I still feel sorry for you.

Oh and you think there are PLENTY of people who would love to trade places with someone who has MALIGNANT MELANOMA STAGE 3 IN THEIR LYMPH NODES AND IS PROBABLY GOING TO DIE FROM THIS FUCKING DISEASE?  Take the cock out of your ass and your mouth so maybe anything that is in your head you call a brain can think.  I mean FUCK REALLY did you just say that shit.  Read it to yourself again.

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 12:19:51 AM

thisbud4u854 reads

That is the most disgusting comment that only a pervert can make in a situation like the lady is in right now.    If she were in one of the countries like Canada, UK most European, Australia she would not have to worry about who treats and who pays.    Health Care should be a right and no one should go through what this lady is going through.

GaGambler689 reads

All you have to do is cash in that non existent plane ticket to Australia, and you can send her enough to  pay her bills for a couple of months.

Come on Hadji, put up or shut up.

Either you are a hypocrite about giving,  or you are a liar about having any means, which one is it?

Hey Hadji since you're so compassionate for every $1 you give I'll give $3. Put up or shut up. AU baby. Soon please?

GaGambler599 reads

Who else will kick in a few bucks to buy Hadji a one way ticket out of the country?

I am surprised he didn't go on a rant about how HCM could have avoided skin cancer if she had only been born brown. Well he actually has a point on that subject, but lets see how he fares in the heat of the outback, and lets see it soon.

GaGambler509 reads

They can just drop him out the window about halfway there, I'll be sure to pack him a parachute. Really, I  promise. lol

thisbud4u763 reads

The bald Medicare Fraudster SOB sitting in the Governor mansion has refused to implement all parts of Obamacare that helps people in low income group and has refused to expand Medicaid.   He has even blocked provisions of the law that would give low premium policies.

In this lady's case expanded Medicaid would have covered her treatment.    

I read some goofball here is writing "Obamacare should have taken care of all this".    Only an ignorant retard can say such thing without knowing how Obamacare has been sabotaged in Florida

GaGambler594 reads

Since you hate this country so much, why are you still hanging around?

And just how much money did you send to HCM big shot? Just like all libs, you are only generous with other peoples money.

So, why all the posts about Obamacare, Medicaid, Canada, Australia, etc.?

She never mentioned not having insurance coverage, so one must assume that she does.  Her concern -- and would be my concern as well if I were in her position -- is replacing the income she is losing while incapacitated.  She chose to ask for financial assistance.  Some people have disagreed with her choice.  That's their prerogative.  

Of course, the poster above with a different TER handle every month or so seems to feel like her problem is just another example of America getting fucked by the healthcare industry.  He is using her unfortunate illness as a way to make yet another political statement.

Bottom line is this.  The OP's health should be your concern.  Not the political issues of the state of Florida and its Governor.

We all know what Hadji's all about. Bashing everyone he disagrees with, hating the country and state he's chosen to reside in while reneging on his promise to head to the great nation of Australia. I wonder why he's not there already.

GaGambler678 reads

Contribute to the "send Hadji anywhere far away from here" fund that is??? lol

thisbud4u589 reads

I did not bring up Obamacare and some nut job wrote 'Obamacare should have taken care of it'.    Any talk of health care is not a political statement but for many a life and death situation.  

Have you ever heard of Disability Insurance ?     That is when insurance pays if you are not able to work and earn an income.    This is what is being denied to residents of Florida by a Governor who is a Medicare fraudster himself.    So don't say there is no connection between the political situation and the problems the lady is facing.    I am sure she is not alone

HCM, I have had 4 open MRI over the years, bad back. You sit in a chair and a huge disc is behind you, they shoot the MRI, pretty good results, there is one in Orlando. They also claim another "open" one but you lie down on a disc, then they lower a top disc down til it almost touches your nose, the sides are open around you but it still freaked me out, I got the f**k out of there. Lastly, they can make you real happy with drugs, eeven put you to sleep, if the open is not an option. You are in my prayers, sweetie, I will pm you! Xoxo

hospitals I can go to only have closed machines.  One of the nurses in the Oncologist's office called around to outside facilities and found a place that charges 675. I also know that get putting to sleep in and of itself is dangerous let alone being in that little tube. Seriously, I'm freaking out just talking about it. And there ain't enough valium that's gonna knock me out for the whole procedure. Yep really freaking out now. I was in closed mri machines previously last year doing my hip in what ended up being a partially torn hamstring, and my face was about 4" from the inside tube, and I had to be pulled out half way through the scanning. Ideas anyone?

Thank you for having me in your prayers. ;)

the FUCK you're talking about. Here's a timeline for you asshole. Try to read and comprehend.

I was living in Asheville NC taking care of a relative from January 5th to February 20th when I got cabin fever and had my car winched up the driveway so I could make the 12 hour journey home to South Florida to visit my 95 year old grandfather who was dying. I saw him that Tuesday night and he died in the morning. I am Jewish and he wasn't buried until a week later. I was scheduled to have a PET scan in mid March, so I decided to stay in South Florida and not go back to Asheville until I was in the clear. On March 17th I contracted Strep throat, bronchitis and the next day ruptured my ear drum. The antibiotic they gave me for the strep didn't clear the ear infection or the upper respiratory infection. I was put on antibiotics for another 10 days on top of the original 7 days. Are you with me now or should I do the math for you. I don't believe in working to get my clients sick.

On March 26th I had my PET scan and MY WHOLE LIFE CHANGED IN THAT SINGLE DAY. It showed a 13mm hypermetabolic nodule in the subcutaneous fat overlying the left neck base and upper back. I was diagnosed with melanoma in 2012.

On April 16th they did surgery to remove the mass and sent it to California to the pathology lab, that report takes about 10 days to complete. On April 23rd I received the worst news of my life... the melanoma traveled from the original site and now is in my lymph nodes, stage 3. To top that off, the margins weren't clear and my oncologist said I would need further surgery and chemo. My surgeon believes I should have radiation and chemo.

GaGambler you have no fucking idea how painful it is to have muscle, tissue and lymph nodes cut from your neck and back. This week is the first week that I can even tolerate trying to do normal activities without being on constant pain medication.

Do you think I've been sitting on the couch eating bon bons? Do you think I feel great about asking for money? Why don't you ask all of my clients that reviewed me HOW MUCH TIME WE WENT OVER THE CLOCK, or how I listen to them, or how I ask them if they'd like another msog. You don't know anything about me so I think you should not post anymore of your bullshit.

Stay on the general discussion board where you harrass everyone and their mother, because remember you are so perfect.

You really showed what a little prick you really are by picking on thisbud4u ON THIS THREAD. You just can't help yourself. Why? Because you're an unhappy little fuckwad.

Now won't you just leave the Florida board. We don't take lightly to bullies or your kindergarten mentality.

You can either help, or better yet, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE.  

This picture is looking down at me showing my neck where the surgery was. Give me a second and I'll find pics from my first surgery in 2012.

You are a disrespectful piece of shit. You are so unhappy with yourself that is all you can do to others to make them unhappy. Try looking in the mirror MR. PERFECT ASSHOLE and hope and pray you are never in the position that I am.


-- Modified on 5/6/2015 10:36:45 PM

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 10:45:27 PM

thisbud4u626 reads

I love it HCM and you could not have said this better.    This guy is a fucking asshole, has multiple TER handles and hides under multiple aliases.   He acts like he is a knowitall at the OTB.  LOL.   The moment someone writes about Government programs that helps the needy, he jumps on it using all his different handles to short circuit the poster.    I am sure he will be the first one to go to an ER for freeloading!

I pray for your recovery and have sent you a PM about how I will help you.  Ignore all these assholes who are here slinging shit all over without any offer of help (exception those you have recognized and acknowledged.  They are blessed)

I will keep in touch with you thru your treatment program.

Foot in mouth disease Mr. GaGambler, I presume is what you have. Just go away, please do us all a favor. You think you are something you are not.

I can relate HCM. Granted not to your severity. but after having a mole or two removed on my back only to have to go back and have a surgical procedure recommended by a pathologist in southern CA, maybe the same one for you, to remove more around the area because of the "margins" and end up like you above.. Been thru that twice on my back.. So I can appreciate your dilemma there... It's PAINFUL!!!

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 4:59:51 AM

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