
love a provider
whomeandu2 1 Reviews 367 reads

I have been in a relationship with a provider for the past 5 yrs she is the love of my life. She no  longer work unless she want something special and I will not buy it for her. Let me say I am not a jealous man I do not have unlimited funds just a avg. Joe When we got together she had her own life and I had my own life but we put them together I ended up doing her verification of her clients because I cared fur her and her safety. as our relation grew and trust was strengthen  she left the business except to see her special clients

Ok sitting here bored doing emails. And a old friend popped in my head. How she fell in love with a client married him and moved over seas with him after 3yrs he wanted a divorce n wanted to take there kid from her. She wasn't giving up that easy. She wanted a happy life with him.Wks later she was found dead. ((The reports said she jumped but the proof is she was pushed)

Which brings me to my question.  What do u think about providers n clients falling in luv n having a none business relationship?

..can't wait to see the responses on this one!  It's a topic that has been rehashed many, many times over the years on the Provider Board and the General Discussion Board. It is a true dilemma.  

In my opinion, very seldom does the client/provider personal relationship work.  Don't get me wrong, it can in a small percentage (I would say 5%) but it takes a lot of work as does any relationship. I know 2 of these relationships where is it is currently working well. However, I also know of at least 20 of these relationships that have had drastic, devastating outcomes.  

There are so many variables to consider.  Will the provider continue working? Does the client continue to hobby?  What is the financial make-up of the relationship? How long have each of them been in the hobby? How long have they known each other?  How much has each of them disclosed? Was the provider/hobbyist married/single when they met?  These are just a few of the questions that really anyone will need to consider in any relationship.  

BUT, most importantly to be considered is the level of trust. Is this someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with? Falling in love is one thing. If it is TRUE love, it will last. There will be hurdles as in any relationship. It is how they are handled that makes the relationship work.  

Always Sexy~

Sorry to hear about your friend. May she rest in peace

Ya her passing was a few yrs back. But I don't see how the trust can b there when u know where the others been.

Most Professional ladies know it never will work dating  or a relationship with a client!!
and  if any one  thinks it will ...are kidding them selves!
When ever you are having Sex .. it will always come to mind "how many?"

Love ya all on the TER Fla Board!!!
Kisses and Stay cool  welcome to a hot summer in Florida!!!

... a person's hobbies or profession is not the key here. There has to be trust in ANY relationship, not just provider/client.  

When two "civilian" people meet, she could have been a slut in high school/college and fucked 500 guys or vice versa. He could have been a playboy and been with 500 women in his lifetime. Do "civilians" go into a relationship saying "hey I fucked 100 guys in the last 5 years" and be totally honest?  

When you meet people, you have to realize that it's their past that made them what they are today. The past should not matter as it cannot be changed. Most importantly it should NEVER be held against someone either. Granted, history does repeat itself, so that's why you have to look at the total circumstances. Were they married or in a relationship when they were promiscuous or were they just sowing their wild oats :)  

Whether you meet a guy at grocery store or as a client, trust is trust. The past is the past. You have to learn to accept it or just move on.

Always Sexy~

Although it's easy to catch feelings both ways, at the end of the day, the woman is playing a part. She is an ideal image or the best version of herself every time she walks through your door. So although the client may fall for her, he's falling for her escort self not her real self.  
I think it's relatively easy for both parties to fall for the fairytale relationship we create in our little meetings.

Gotta agree with you Ashely....guys are in this for a heck of a lot different reasons than the women.....does not make for a very realistic future when seen in the open

Anyone remember 'Pretty Woman'?

I have to agree, the number of successful relationships is low to be sure.

I also think that when a provider leaves the business (retires) that should be in her past and any future relationships are built in the present and should not contingent on past lives.  

If she decides to tell her partner about what happened in the past, then that is up to her.  Sometimes it is best to leave the past in 'the past' and this would be a great example of doing such.

Sure it can work , but just like any relationship that people get into the chances are it's not going to last for your lifetime. Sure it's a lot more complicated than that but it's takes two who can adapt to this unique situation. It takes understanding each others wants, needs and desires , and knowing each other to the core. It's hard as fuck to make any relationship work.

One girlfriend has been married for over 10 years and is very happy. I don't believe there have ever been any real struggles in their relationship because of how they met. I think they are very grounded in what's important to both of them : their families, which is very large with children and grand kids on both sides.

Another has been in and out of relationships with gentlemen she meets in this lifestyle just because she is lonely. They don't last long and most times she feels used in the end.

My other two friends are happy in their relationships and neither looks like they are struggling with issues.  

What you see is not always what you get in any relationship but much harder for us ladies. As a provider your always trying to put your best foot forward. Part actress, a little therapist, and putting on your best face is not something you can be 24 hours a day for the rest of your life. Certainly not having to hide your past is easier to live with, trust issues aside for either partner can be complicated in any relationship but love and attraction between two who partake in this lifestyle depends on individual comfort levels.

Kisses Hale

I have been in a relationship with a provider for the past 5 yrs she is the love of my life. She no  longer work unless she want something special and I will not buy it for her. Let me say I am not a jealous man I do not have unlimited funds just a avg. Joe When we got together she had her own life and I had my own life but we put them together I ended up doing her verification of her clients because I cared fur her and her safety. as our relation grew and trust was strengthen  she left the business except to see her special clients

It was about having companionship, and a roll in the hay, while on the next business trip.  I followed all the rules for newbies, except that the lady was unavailable in Philly on the evening I was there.  Frustrated beyond words, I hit my local board, and saw that a lady from SoFla was traveling to NYC that week-end who interested me.  E-mail sent with pertinent info that night...she responds the next day...we exchange e-mails and phone calls to further establish comfort level, and meet in person a couple of days later in NYC.  Little did I know what that would lead to.  That lady is still my friend to this day.  Many of you who she is, as I've not been shy about my good fortune.  How lucky can you get?  

Not that she's alone...this has happened more times with other ladies than I could ever have hoped, though not usually with the same intensity.  Although it's not perfectly ideal, yes, it's possible that you can form long lasting relationships that far exceed what you ever thought possible or could have imagined.  Then again, life's been good to me, so far...why would it be any different in the hobby?,  

As she said above, trust is key.

Anything is possible! I'd be happy just to have a relationship period!!

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