
It is called marketing.
Foodyguy 29 Reviews 419 reads

They are looking to be in your mind when the little one wants sex.

You can always block or ignore or even respond to those you have no interest in.

I hope that is your biggest issue in this world

LifeSucks!1754 reads

Over the many years that I have been  dabbling about in this hobby, I have come across some things that really piss me off an I have called people out on this board in the past for saying and/or doing some stupid crap. Now, I am asking for your opinions here- let me explain.

When I am deciding to see someone, I use TER as my primary (and usually only) source for research. I look at the ads, scan profiles and reviews and then make a decision on whether I want to contact a lady or not. One thing that happens that just really pisses me off is when women PM me out of the blue to tell me that they are available. This happens way to frequently- the last time was on June 3. Why does this piss me off to no end?? I know you are available- I see your ads. The reason that I haven't contacted you is because I saw something in your profile or your ad that turned me off and I have decided not to pursue seeing you. Am I just being a big crybaby here? If so, fine, tell me and I can take it.

The other thing that pisses me off even more than the unsolicited solicitations is the texts from women that I have seen that I have no desire to see again. Obviously, I have your number and I know how to contact you- don't you think if I wanted to I would? You don't have to text me to tell me that you're lonely tonight- honestly I don't care.

Now, there are women that I have seen that have texted me or called me or emailed me after our time together- but we had mutually agreed to do that before our time together ended- that is NOT what I am talking about here. The unsolicited solicitations are what are pissing me off- am I just being a big pussy about it or does it piss anyone else off too? Also, ladies, what is your opinion of making these contacts? Is it a part of your marketing plan?  

Thanks for your opinions.

What a rough life you have, go spend a day in the ER at Jackson Memorial to get a perspective on how you sound like a whiny bitch.

They are looking to be in your mind when the little one wants sex.

You can always block or ignore or even respond to those you have no interest in.

I hope that is your biggest issue in this world

Seriously... if you want to convince guys of how sought after you are, the absolute LAST thing to do is beg for business be that in a 'pick me' post or random spam... it is considered SPAM if no one asked for that PM. If a guy posts an ISO, totally different.

Yes Pick me response to every post whether they fit the description is annoying and my further denigrate what standing they already have.  No disagreement there.

However I often get emails or pm's from providers that I have met in the past letting me know they are in the area on a given date.  I find that quite helpful.

Telling a former client who asked that you let him know when you were back in town that you are going to be is one thing... spamming for business when the guy does not want to see you is another. That is what the OP is referring to. I know this because he messaged me about this very thread lol.

I AGREE 100%

Posted By: London Rayne
Seriously... if you want to convince guys of how sought after you are, the absolute LAST thing to do is beg for business be that in a 'pick me' post or random spam... it is considered SPAM if no one asked for that PM. If a guy posts an ISO, totally different.

I would NEVER text a gent randomly and I only contact those who gave me specific permission to do so when I am in their area - and then it is an email

Ok, first off, I completely understand being upset by a provider texting or calling you without warning or even permission. To me, that's basically an invasion of privacy since she has no way of knowing whether or not she's interrupting your personal life by doing so.  I absolutely get that and I think you'd be well within your rights to kindly let the provider know that you'd prefer not to be contacted.  

But that being said... getting pissed off at receiving unsolicited emails seems like a liiiiiittle bit of an overreaction.   A reasonable reaction would be-- at the absolute most-- succumb to a moment of annoyance, spend 5 seconds responding with, "Please remove me from your mailing list", and then enjoying the blissful freedom of going about your day. But if that's simply too, too much to ask.... why not just click "delete"?  

Think about it from the provider's perspective for a moment.  There are roughly eight million women on this site (or maybe it just feels like it lol), why on earth would any of them assume that not only has every man on here has not only seen her ad, but that they've read it and checked her schedule? It would be one thing if we could see a specific list of people who have looked at our ads, but we can't.  So in the interest of casting a wide net, some of us choose to email people in the area.  Oh. The. Horror.

You're a lucky bastard if this is the most pressing issue on your mind lol.

any rights..
 Plus  i think he just do not like women.. if he would .. - it is dreams of all men to have choice and be in harem at list in fantasy ..
 No fantasy and  bitter character .. soon there be no any woman around. ..

LifeSucks!350 reads

Wow- I must be sexist & hate women, huh? According to that logic, I would be okay if a TV/TS sent me an unsolicited solicitation because that would be a guy & you are saying I am sexist. Also, I hate women? Now, that's a leap & I am not sure how you got there. Hate is such a strong word- there might be 2 or 3 people in this world that I truly hate & none of them are women. Interesting. I do have pet peeves & things that piss me off- right at the top of the list are ignorant morons who speak without really thinking about what they are saying. And you know what? Not only women do it- men do it too- about half of the time. Take the time & read some posts on this board- every so often when there is not an ISO post, there is usually a guy making some kind of ignorant moronic comment. Maybe you would like to be a part of his harem.

GaGambler417 reads

of course with Blah Blah Blue it doesn't seem to make much difference how long she thinks about it before posting, she still rarely say anything that makes any sense. lol

Never.Landed467 reads

Is this really what you've stooped too? Picking on a girl who's trying to participate even though english isn't her first language? You're stalking her the same way you've done others, getting called out about it like on other boards, and becoming nastier by the minute. For some reason, from long ago, I remember a funnier, wiser, Gambler.  

Or maybe you just managed to look good in comparison?

Funny, when I shop at various stores online it annoys the living shit out of me when they SPAM me to beg for my business again. I know where the store is located, know the site and can shop there when I choose to, not when they want me to because it's a slow month. I can say the same for a hair salon, dermatologist or any business I choose to spend money with.  If they are doing such things, don't get pissed when the guy or gal asks for a discount... I know I sure as hell would if someone kept bothering me to get my money all the time... unsolicited.

I was really responding to being annoyed by providers that you HAVEN'T seen messaging you.  You're right, if you've already seen a client and he's chosen not to rebook, it's probably not going to help business or your relationship if you start spamming his inbox. Messaging potential, future clients seems more like sending a random flier in the mail than ending up on some mailing list for a company you've purchased from in the past.

And luckily for all those deeply irritated by the practice, it's just as easy to throw it away.  Actually, it's even easier as you don't even have to walk to the wastebasket lol.

returning to my area.  It gives me time to not schedule anyone else if I want to see the returning provider.  Unsolicited begging, that I am not a fan of.  If she's not getting the amount of clients she wants, something is wrong with her service, IMHO.  There is a reason why guys are not calling her.  If I have not seen her previously, why does she think I would want to see her now?


I don't see the harm in pms through TER. I've received them unsolicited and am not troubled.

Texts and phone calls unsolicited are a real NO NO in my book. I would never see a lady that resorted to that approach. All phone communication needs to be pre approved. I've not had that happen but I only have given my number to ladies that I am planning to or have seen. To date all have been respectful of the boundaries.

No need to spam people's email or send unsolicited texts that can end up been seen by the significant other.

Could make a similar hate list about things us guys do and it would be three times as long.  

 I must have a little dick or something because I never get contacted by providers.   Heck I wish they would.   I guess I don't hobby enough or post enough reviews to get contacted a lot.

Posted By: LifeSucks!
Over the many years that I have been  dabbling about in this hobby, I have come across some things that really piss me off an I have called people out on this board in the past for saying and/or doing some stupid crap. Now, I am asking for your opinions here- let me explain.  
 When I am deciding to see someone, I use TER as my primary (and usually only) source for research. I look at the ads, scan profiles and reviews and then make a decision on whether I want to contact a lady or not. One thing that happens that just really pisses me off is when women PM me out of the blue to tell me that they are available. This happens way to frequently- the last time was on June 3. Why does this piss me off to no end?? I know you are available- I see your ads. The reason that I haven't contacted you is because I saw something in your profile or your ad that turned me off and I have decided not to pursue seeing you. Am I just being a big crybaby here? If so, fine, tell me and I can take it.  
 The other thing that pisses me off even more than the unsolicited solicitations is the texts from women that I have seen that I have no desire to see again. Obviously, I have your number and I know how to contact you- don't you think if I wanted to I would? You don't have to text me to tell me that you're lonely tonight- honestly I don't care.  
 Now, there are women that I have seen that have texted me or called me or emailed me after our time together- but we had mutually agreed to do that before our time together ended- that is NOT what I am talking about here. The unsolicited solicitations are what are pissing me off- am I just being a big pussy about it or does it piss anyone else off too? Also, ladies, what is your opinion of making these contacts? Is it a part of your marketing plan?  
 Thanks for your opinions.

I like it when providers text me to let me know they are available.  If I am not interested, I reply "no thanks" in a nice way.

If you received  text and you are with your wife?
 How you would explain THAT

I think texting without any notice via email is very rude ..
( as well I think call to provider without ANY in introduction is just evidence
 of being VERY non cultured and non a gentleman- never call before you made a proper introduction)

This should never ever be a problem for anyone.  You should have a separate burn phone and unconnected email that you use for hobby purposes only.  The phone should only be turned on when you are trying to make a date.  Once you set these things up you really will not give two hoots who texts you.  Ignore them or respond to them at your preference.

Never.Landed331 reads

Dude, you ARE aware you can block numbers, ignore users, calm the fuck down, all that good stuff, right? Riiiiight??  

It is tacky, but not tacky enough that you should be pissed. Shoot, just glow in the knowledge of not being blacklisted if that's what it takes! Not everyone has providers knocking on their door, I assure you! lol

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