
onemoretime 232 Reviews 570 reads

Makes you look even more needy and neurotic posting this on here.

Dear Community,

Though I have experience as a hobbyist, I recently acted so foolishly that one would think I'm a rookie as a hobbyist and a Man...

Recently, I was communicating with a beautiful woman from this Board, and we were setting up plans for a date. I was really excited; we seemed to connect intellectually and I was quite taken with her, and fantasizing about our evening.

Our emails to this point had been fun, intelligent, witty--just a very pleasant bantering back/forth.  Then, I sent her a different email that was vastly inappropriate--sexual, graphic, needy, intense--telling her about what I wanted for our session.  I never thought about what it would be like to receive such an email, let alone out of the blue.  But I was determined to share my hot mess with her, and I screwed everything up.  Providers are not psychologists or therapists. It's important to always be mindful of boundaries.  I did not.

So...the lady in question received the email, and did not respond. I sent her another email apologizing.  No response.  My final effort was to send her a PM asking her to please accept my sincerest apologies.  No response.  Obviously, I have bothered this lady enough and she doesn't want to hear from me again--that's painfully obvious.

I can say to myself "lesson learned," and remind myself to keep correspondence appropriate, always. But what I did really nags at me. This wonderful, beautiful woman's impression of me when from positive to decidedly negative.  Epic fail by me as a hobbyist and Gentleman. How could I do something so stupid?


with a hundred thirty-two reviews, I can't help but wonder why you thought it was ok to do what you did?  Must have been a serious brain-fart on your part.  Hope you have learned your lesson, painful thought it may be.


Makes you look even more needy and neurotic posting this on here.

it here was a courageous move, IMHO-I disagree with any opinions that you are neurotic, etc.-You know you messed up and I applaud your mea culpa -Every one screws up on occasion-and I seriously doubt you'll make such a mistake again-Have a good weekend-

Rufus-T-Firefly455 reads

By telling your story here you are providing a valuable warning to other guys who could get into the same difficulty.

Thanks for sharing! we all have life lessons .. your cool!
glad ya posted!
hugs..and sending kisses..

Thank you for the responses, they are much appreciated. The point of the story was to provide a cautionary tale, not a neurotic self-shame expose.  I was wrong, and hope in some way to help another person avoid making the mistakes I did.


best to apologize. Lesson learned, move on to the next provider. Your admittance of your mistake will help other hobbyist. Thanks.

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