
I hope your vagina was adequately attended to!
2Magician 81 Reviews 1039 reads

Self gratification, or an admiring lady or gentleman! Much!

Posted By: LoveLaneysRedLightShow
How Do You Plan On Challenging Yourself In 2015?  
 Last year, I challenged myself in a variety of ways. As some of you may know I spent half of the year living in NYC. I could probably never accurately detail how much work and time it takes living between two states – which was a challenge in itself (subletting my apartment in Tampa, moving my personal items into storage, floor to ceiling cleaning the space for tenants, driving 2000 miles alone with two cats in summer travel traffic -- twice, living out of a hotel for a month - on and on and on) but the real challenge for me was to spend the 6 months living possession free. For my adventure - I took only my cats, clothes and computer. My comfy bed, my wide screen TV, my pots and pans, dishes and all of the comforts of home remained in Florida. I slept on a thin foam mattress on the floor and used a plastic table and folding metal chair as my computer desk. Other than those few items, the floor was my chair, my table, my vanity and my dresser. I *chose* to do this exercise to remind myself of my experience moving to NYC from California September 1 of 2001 and the extreme challenges I faced after September 11th. I wanted to re-distinguish the difference between "need" and "want" in my life and to start exercising more humility and gratefulness in my attitude toward life. I think I gained something from the exercise because upon arriving back in Florida I promptly went through everything I own and purged myself of at least 1/3 of my belongings (and still going!!!). I've been able to donate a little of everything to a person who has nothing. I'm committed to being less of a consumer and to spending more time investing myself in building and maintaining friendships and participating in the small communities I've come to be a part of here in Florida.  
 Now that it's 2015 I'm looking for a new way to challenge myself. This year I think I'm going to challenge myself to finally finish a creative project I've been working on for several years. I figure it's now or never and if I don't continue to test and push myself - regardless of whether I'm successful or whether I fail - that I'm wasting precious space on earth soooo - here I go on a new endeavor with another unknown outcome.  
 To my fellow friends and community members how do plan on challenging yourself in 2015? What are some of your more realistic resolutions or goals for the new year?  
 Love for you to share!  
 xo Laney

How Do You Plan On Challenging Yourself In 2015?

Last year, I challenged myself in a variety of ways. As some of you may know I spent half of the year living in NYC. I could probably never accurately detail how much work and time it takes living between two states – which was a challenge in itself (subletting my apartment in Tampa, moving my personal items into storage, floor to ceiling cleaning the space for tenants, driving 2000 miles alone with two cats in summer travel traffic -- twice, living out of a hotel for a month - on and on and on) but the real challenge for me was to spend the 6 months living possession free. For my adventure - I took only my cats, clothes and computer. My comfy bed, my wide screen TV, my pots and pans, dishes and all of the comforts of home remained in Florida. I slept on a thin foam mattress on the floor and used a plastic table and folding metal chair as my computer desk. Other than those few items, the floor was my chair, my table, my vanity and my dresser. I *chose* to do this exercise to remind myself of my experience moving to NYC from California September 1 of 2001 and the extreme challenges I faced after September 11th. I wanted to re-distinguish the difference between "need" and "want" in my life and to start exercising more humility and gratefulness in my attitude toward life. I think I gained something from the exercise because upon arriving back in Florida I promptly went through everything I own and purged myself of at least 1/3 of my belongings (and still going!!!). I've been able to donate a little of everything to a person who has nothing. I'm committed to being less of a consumer and to spending more time investing myself in building and maintaining friendships and participating in the small communities I've come to be a part of here in Florida.  

Now that it's 2015 I'm looking for a new way to challenge myself. This year I think I'm going to challenge myself to finally finish a creative project I've been working on for several years. I figure it's now or never and if I don't continue to test and push myself - regardless of whether I'm successful or whether I fail - that I'm wasting precious space on earth soooo - here I go on a new endeavor with another unknown outcome.  

To my fellow friends and community members how do plan on challenging yourself in 2015? What are some of your more realistic resolutions or goals for the new year?  

Love for you to share!
xo Laney

pretty high there!  

My challenge this year will be to get two (more) businesses up and running. And to devote more time to grant writing for a nonprofit for which I am honored to be a board member.

Not everyone can do it and from what I hear it's a very tedious process so hats off to you for being chosen by the nonprofit!! And 2 (more) businesses? You're sounding a little bit like super woman!

Here's to 2015!  
There is a great feeling in the air- the pulse of possibility abounds!

I began an introductory Vine to Wine class in Sept (I'm also doing an on-line Unified Physics class, but that's another story) and have mapped out 2015 with classes, a study group, and testing through both  the Court of Masters and W Set.  It is a LOT of information, takes great focus and I love it!  
All the pieces of an entrepreneurial Sommelier lifestyle fit my skill sets and passions.
And yes, I am drinking very good wine these days!

Naysayers can take a hike (I'm being nice here): WE have he freedom and the means to indulge our passions and pursue the avenues of life and experience that we choose...outside the box and at our own pace.

I say THANK YOU!!!

Happy New year, everyone.  GO FOR IT!!

Power of Positive thinking

xoClair Jordan


Posted By: LoveLaneysRedLightShow
How Do You Plan On Challenging Yourself In 2015?  
 Last year, I challenged myself in a variety of ways. As some of you may know I spent half of the year living in NYC. I could probably never accurately detail how much work and time it takes living between two states – which was a challenge in itself (subletting my apartment in Tampa, moving my personal items into storage, floor to ceiling cleaning the space for tenants, driving 2000 miles alone with two cats in summer travel traffic -- twice, living out of a hotel for a month - on and on and on) but the real challenge for me was to spend the 6 months living possession free. For my adventure - I took only my cats, clothes and computer. My comfy bed, my wide screen TV, my pots and pans, dishes and all of the comforts of home remained in Florida. I slept on a thin foam mattress on the floor and used a plastic table and folding metal chair as my computer desk. Other than those few items, the floor was my chair, my table, my vanity and my dresser. I *chose* to do this exercise to remind myself of my experience moving to NYC from California September 1 of 2001 and the extreme challenges I faced after September 11th. I wanted to re-distinguish the difference between "need" and "want" in my life and to start exercising more humility and gratefulness in my attitude toward life. I think I gained something from the exercise because upon arriving back in Florida I promptly went through everything I own and purged myself of at least 1/3 of my belongings (and still going!!!). I've been able to donate a little of everything to a person who has nothing. I'm committed to being less of a consumer and to spending more time investing myself in building and maintaining friendships and participating in the small communities I've come to be a part of here in Florida.  
 Now that it's 2015 I'm looking for a new way to challenge myself. This year I think I'm going to challenge myself to finally finish a creative project I've been working on for several years. I figure it's now or never and if I don't continue to test and push myself - regardless of whether I'm successful or whether I fail - that I'm wasting precious space on earth soooo - here I go on a new endeavor with another unknown outcome.  
 To my fellow friends and community members how do plan on challenging yourself in 2015? What are some of your more realistic resolutions or goals for the new year?  
 Love for you to share!  
 xo Laney

My challenge for the New Year is to visit a city by plane once per month, and Orlando is first on my list this month. I also want to get photos taken more often, drink more water and stay fit. I have a few more business resolutions too but those are the main challenges for me! We'll see how they go!!

Best of luck with your challenges and great question!

I'm in tune with you on the water thing!!! That's been a big goal of mine for a while as I'm a chain cola drinker. I've been doing great lately by setting a rule to wake up with a glass of water and to make sure water is the last thing I drink before going to bed at night. Another trick I use is to fill my insulated cup full of ice chips and to then pour in just enough water to cover the chips. It makes it more like slushy and kind of fun to drink and chew on the ice (can you say oral obsession!!! lol).  

: ) Laney

My challenge for the New Year is to actually finish school again and get my massage License, i was waiting to find a stable place to live as i've been traveling around for the past 2yrs or so and massage Lic.Doesn't transfer state to state.
 Im going to exercise more and hopefully stop smoking cigs and get back into my spiritual community and attend drumming circles,etc. im with u nikki on visiting a city by plane once per month or so& get photos/Vids taken more often.  

Good luck to all this New Year!!!!  
XoXo Kayli

Last year was the beginning of my journey as a local provider. first couple of months being a full-time provider were tough. there were ups and downs but I never became bitter or spiteful (for any real length of time, I'm allowed to pout just a little bit) about or towords anything or anyone with the expection of the BlackList.  

  With new friends and the help of all my lovely ladies I look forward to this year as I plan to have even more adventures!

-- Modified on 1/9/2015 4:03:16 AM

Your post looks like an alias without links to your ad websites and reviews. Do you have a profile with TER? Where are you based? Listing yourself with TER is one of the best ways to get discovered and to make those monthly plane trips successful.  

To your credit - I wouldn't say you've made mistakes. I would say you've been on a learning curve! And last, forget those silly blacklist sites. Most of them are bogus and pretty much anyone can appropriate an alias or pretend to be someone other than themselves to make a post on them. Its just another way for people to terrorize others online and to date they've been successful.  

One of the sites that have been particularly out of line, slanderous and all together irresponsible with people's identities has been pulled down and a major lawsuit has been filed against them. They're guilty of extortion in the sense that they demand almost a thousand dollars to have content removed --- regardless of if it's valid, truthful or honestly submitted (ie. none of the submissions or "blacklistings" have been verified). I don't believe there's a place for these kinds of websites and hope to see all of them expire eventually.  

Good luck with your endeavors and may the New Year bring you all sorts of new joy and reasons to keep looking to the future!!

xoxoxoxo!!!! Lane

Hi Cassie, I'm Victoria. You mentioned you're rather new in the hobby. Are you a member of Verify Him yet? If not, you should definitely join! It's an awesome network for providers to connect, chat, exchange info about travel, book travel plans and even keep a blog (and also to verify references/review clients via that Blacklist you mentioned.) My clients who request it, I leave them a good review there so that it becomes easier for them to see new girls when they decide to. It is a great community. If you're not already a member, feel free to send me a message and I'll be happy to send you a link! :)

Posted By: CassieSutton
Last year was the beginning of my journey as a local provider. first couple of months being a full-time provider were tough. there were ups and downs but I never became bitter or spiteful (for any real length of time, I'm allowed to pout just a little bit) about or towords anything or anyone with the expection of the BlackList.  
   With new friends and the help of all my lovely ladies I look forward to this year as I plan to have even more adventures!

-- Modified on 1/9/2015 4:03:16 AM

Finish getting my American citizenship (i was born in germany) but raised here in florida
Aswell as get my drivers lic. fixed so I can get a car again .It was taken for having a car in my name that had no insurance. Damn junk yards..lol don't have to change the name on a title. but that will cost me like 200 to get my name removed and then another 150 for my driver lic to get reinstated  

 Last but not least Hoping by the end of 2015 I will find a regular job that I enjoy and leave this business and all the stresses that come along with it. Even tho I will miss all the great people I have met thru out the years. But my son is getting older And its starting to feel like its time to grow up myself And move on in life.

This is one of the best threads that I have read to date on TER. there is something about doing the kind of work we do as providers that reminds me to live a minimalist life, to travel light and be free, unhindered, bold and sensitive to nuance without the clutter of the mind. Moving from San Francisco back to FL was kind of like your experience of going from FL to NYC. This year, I want to further that for myself. To love the natural beauty of FL where I have come to live and sink deeper into my naturalist, to trust in my intuition as a quirky, niche market provider and really revel and the kinds of clients I have been meeting--down-to-earth, working class, good guys. basically I want to trust myself more and be wilder, sweeter, and more strongly guided by wonder and intuition.

Also, I want to simplify my life as an artist and come across more clearly. A new, more direct approach to writing my novel and maybe, actually doing some veyr honest performance art at local venues around sexuality and health.

Self gratification, or an admiring lady or gentleman! Much!

Posted By: LoveLaneysRedLightShow
How Do You Plan On Challenging Yourself In 2015?  
 Last year, I challenged myself in a variety of ways. As some of you may know I spent half of the year living in NYC. I could probably never accurately detail how much work and time it takes living between two states – which was a challenge in itself (subletting my apartment in Tampa, moving my personal items into storage, floor to ceiling cleaning the space for tenants, driving 2000 miles alone with two cats in summer travel traffic -- twice, living out of a hotel for a month - on and on and on) but the real challenge for me was to spend the 6 months living possession free. For my adventure - I took only my cats, clothes and computer. My comfy bed, my wide screen TV, my pots and pans, dishes and all of the comforts of home remained in Florida. I slept on a thin foam mattress on the floor and used a plastic table and folding metal chair as my computer desk. Other than those few items, the floor was my chair, my table, my vanity and my dresser. I *chose* to do this exercise to remind myself of my experience moving to NYC from California September 1 of 2001 and the extreme challenges I faced after September 11th. I wanted to re-distinguish the difference between "need" and "want" in my life and to start exercising more humility and gratefulness in my attitude toward life. I think I gained something from the exercise because upon arriving back in Florida I promptly went through everything I own and purged myself of at least 1/3 of my belongings (and still going!!!). I've been able to donate a little of everything to a person who has nothing. I'm committed to being less of a consumer and to spending more time investing myself in building and maintaining friendships and participating in the small communities I've come to be a part of here in Florida.  
 Now that it's 2015 I'm looking for a new way to challenge myself. This year I think I'm going to challenge myself to finally finish a creative project I've been working on for several years. I figure it's now or never and if I don't continue to test and push myself - regardless of whether I'm successful or whether I fail - that I'm wasting precious space on earth soooo - here I go on a new endeavor with another unknown outcome.  
 To my fellow friends and community members how do plan on challenging yourself in 2015? What are some of your more realistic resolutions or goals for the new year?  
 Love for you to share!  
 xo Laney

Wow, can I start with that? Laney, that was awesome to hear of your awakening and enlightenment this past year! I too took some time away last year to " find myself". I have had a rough past few years, as I have gotten back on my feet from cancer a few years ago. I took it easy at first, and I have slowly but surely gotten myself back in the business. I was in need of a break to reevaluate my entire LIFE and see where I go from here. So, last May I took off! I left my house, my animals with a friend, all my belongings and all. I packed a suitcase with a few goodies, grabbed my guitar and took off to sublet an apartment in Miami for the entire month of May. It was the time of my life! It was, as Laney explained, a very freeing experience. For me, even more so....I stayed in the part of town that is mostly Haitian. I did not speak a lick of Haitian Creole, and they hardly spoke English. It was a beautiful experience all the way around. I had to get back to myself, there were no others around to distract me. I came back after a Month rejuvenated with a new purpose and understanding of ME.....

My goals for this year are to keep moving forward and make the BEST " Me" that I can create for myself ......Love hearing these stories ladies...man we are the shit! ;)

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 11:07:47 AM

It's refreshing to be able to see another side of people. It's amazing to see how truly intelligent most of are and how diverse we are in our interests outside of our secret lives and personas. I wish some of the fellas (and a few more ladies too) had joined in as I think it would be interesting to hear from them too.  

Now we need to get to work and to be sure to check back in on each other from time to time to see how things are going and to support each other in reaching our goals.  

Cheers all!
xoxo Laney

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