
I frequently host Ladies Luncheons/Mini Conferences....
YourGFEAssistant 287 reads

...and provide a network of support professionals in the legal, financial, health and beauty areas. Attendance ranges from 20-60 ladies from across the US. Contact me for additional information.  

Your GFE Assistant~
Sexy Toni

So I've recently decided to set out on my own as an independent provider here in Orlando, after being an agency girl since the beginning. Talk about a learning curve lol.  

But the thing that I'm struggling with most at the moment is the sudden lack of people to talk to about work!  Before, I was constantly texting or emailing people from the agency, sharing stories, asking questions, and brainstorming new ideas.  But now, I've lost a valuable community of people that I could be open and honest with.  And yes, I saw that there's a Providers Only board here on TER, but I haven't been granted permission to join yet.  

So my question is, ladies, where do you turn for support? I know I can't be the only one around here who's desperate to swap stories over brunch with someone who understands!

Although I've never been an agency girl,  I'm in the same boat. I moved here almost a year ago and listened to someone whom I THOUGHT was a friend. All I'm going to say is, Turns out it's just been a one sided friendship. It hurts as I've lied for her and put my reputation at risk. I've now come to realize that the value I put into friends most likely won't be reciprocated. We've known eachother for years.  

I value Integrity and Honesty, unfortunately not everyone else does. My advice,  be leary,  don't poor all out and make yourself vulnerable.  
I'm a constant optimistic,  I believe there ARE supportive LADIES out there. It's just going to take a bit of time to find the right ones. This can be a lonely business,  have faith,  I do


Wow.. Sorry to hear about your "friend", but thanks for sharing your story! Great advice.

life is full of them. Personally, I talk to G-d when I need someone to share with regarding "the Biz".  
I was an agency girl, MANY MOONS ago, in NYC and the transformation to independent was fluid FOR ME.

I will warn you, be careful who you "talk to" and what you say to other providers as an independent.
Do NOT trust that just because a woman is in the same business she is your "friend". FRIENDS are few and far between in this business and to recognize one takes TIME.  

So, back to my original statement, you're not an agency girl anymore, you're self employed now, congratulations!!!! You have the ability to make more money :) Nothing worthwhile in life is easy. Good luck.

You're absolutely right.  But come to think of it, I think that's true of making friends in any professional situation.  I've definitely encountered similar situations in my "real" professional life. It can be cutthroat out there!

...and provide a network of support professionals in the legal, financial, health and beauty areas. Attendance ranges from 20-60 ladies from across the US. Contact me for additional information.  

Your GFE Assistant~
Sexy Toni

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