
Ladies::::Psycho Alertsad_smile
Zsa Zsa 9246 reads

Hi Ladies, this must be that time of year for losers or something. I usually meet some wonderfully sweet and honest guys but there is a real F***ing creep running rampant. His numbers are: 954.***.6771 or 312.***.9978 or 954.***.6625 His names are: Christopher, Steve, and later I found out Mark.

He is appoximately 6'2, 215 lbs, white, immaculately dressed, dark brown hair, glasses, greenish blue light colored eyes. Charming, kinda plastic if you know what to look for.

His MO is that he wants to book an overnight and he's traveling at the last minute, actually on the plane and all. I'm always willing to accomodate the professional gentleman and I do overnights all the time, so everything seemed kosher.

He posed as a British traveler, flew me to FT.Lauderdale, never showed up as "himself" or checked in, flaked out, posed as an educated stranger looking for love so he could try to pick me up as a "girl-at-the bar" (as if) and cancelled my return ticket so I would have to call the same "stranger" for help, who then in turn could have caused me great harm. Never,never,never

He purchased the ticket for me and everything seemed fine. When I got there he had not checked in to the hotel yet and called to say that he was late, which was acceptable. It was'nt until 2 hours after that that I realized maybe he wouldn't be arriving.

You won't believe this but he actually tried to pose as a stranger at the lobby's bar in the hotel while I "waited" for "Christopher" my date and tried to pick me up like we just met so he wouldn't have to pay the overnight fee! I recognized the voice and it all made so much sense to me all of a sudden. Of course I did not let on that I had recognized his voice even though he used a fake british accent on the phone. I parted ways with my stalker and casually returned to the front desk where I was told that "Mr. non-existent Christopher Murphy" would not be checking in and no he did not leave the room key available.

Too very ironic that the guy at the bar had said that "he probably got held up in customs, I live in the condo next door" Yeah right. I discreetly ducked away from the front desk when I heard the inevitable. I did NOT let him see me leave the resort, I hoped he did not follow me from the bar.

When I returned to the airport he had cancelled my return flight home! Of course us ladies know to have extra cash on hand when out of town but when a person goes through the task of booking a flight and allowing you to arrive and they are actually booked into a 5 star hotel, which I verified. You think they're o.k. Not the case. Thank God I'm just fine. Never broken and just better informed. I still can't figure out if he was a rapist, muderer, psycho or all of the above. You call it.

Intelligent men does not equal honest men ladies and if ever need a reference don't hesitate to call me. Jonh Gacy (serial killer) was very intelligent

Moral of the Story: Freaks and Creeps are very creative nowadays and your safety and health is more valuable than money. Don't let bad situations like this deter you from enjoying the company of wonderful people and just be weary of last minute plans, make appointments and embrace your regulars. They are true gentlemen.

For more detailed info ( yes, more ) call: 813.486.8315 or email [email protected]

-- Modified on 2/5/2004 11:04:11 AM

cinrye8401 reads

Reading that makes me ashamed to be of the same gender as that pathetic loser, weirdo.

Wow, it's great to fantasize and live it out once in a while with a beautiful woman but this guy needs help and needs to be put away before he does harm

Samanthaofny200311244 reads

When your doing an overnight I'm assuming you expect a round trip ticket plus your fee. Do you insist upon any of this up front? or just the round trip ticket? Is it out of line for an Escort to expect to get paid in full along with tickets in hand before stepping upon the plane, or the very very least upon arriving at the airport to be picked up by her "date". I can understand a guy not  feeling great about forking over several thousand dollars prior to arrival but personally I'd feel more comfortable and I do think it is fair to expect payment in full upon being picked up at the airport on the ride to your destination. Guys....what are your thoughts? I  mean just booking an overnighter shows that you do trust the escort to a point. Who books an overnighter with someone they have heard nothing about?

cinrye9079 reads

I definitely would never pay all up front.  I would provide for transportation up front (i.e., either actually obtain the ticket for the provider or provide payment for a ticket after confirmation that the provider has made a reservation) and maybe a deposit up to 20%.

Even with a provider who has a good reputation, unless you're certain 100% sure that she won't rip you off, you never know if she'll actually get on the plane.  She can always say that you were a pyscho loser who's making stuff up and thereby uphold her reputation as a trustworthy non-ripoff provider with the general public.

I would think it would be an escorts policy not to book an overnight, especially one that required travel to a different city with someone they never met before. As for payment, I would expect the escort to require that the airline flights be in her name and ticketed for both ways, to require payment of half her fee in advance.

Just thought of this after learning I'd nearly gotten ripped off with an on-line purchase for computer-stuff:  Ehay has
as escrow account option - the provider could post an item that
she and the client agreed upon, pay thru eBay and then release funds after the date. Just an idea. I, personally, have never had a problem with ladies with good TERs or BDs. Amnd, I always provide a photo of myself so she'll recognize me at the airport.

that is why i never ever do an overniter with anyone i never saw before..

1. it is dangous to sleep over with one eye open thurout the night!!!
2. he might be a killer , creep or weirdo, now you are stuck with him!!!
3. and what happen to you!!!!
if i dont know him , no way!!!
i am not in need of the money so much.. to go thur all of that..
lesson to be learn sweetie.. we are not selling avon here!!!!
be safe..

Guys like that really screw things up for true gentleman who just want to have a beauty by their side.
I guess it works both ways, so sorry love,but not all men are like that.

Zsa Zsa11822 reads

I'm glad to see alot of people read this post.

For the record, I required and recieved a 50% percent deposit thru paypal. I also required and recieved a rounndtrip First Class E-Ticket.

I got to fly on one half of the ticket when I checked in.

And I had recieved my confirmation email from paypal before I even Got on the the plane.

I had referenced his job and residence and phone info and all checked out.

When I called to change the time on my return they told me that since it was an electronic ticket that the other end had been cancelled and rescinded to the card it was charged from.

Then after buying myself a ticket and getting back home and checking mh email I noticed that paypal had sent me another email saying that the transaction had been cancelled.

A word on paypal. Transfer all your funds into your bank account ASAP!

I still love guys he was just a really rotten apple! I know he didn't spoil the bunch though, smooches ;)

xoxo Zsa 813.486.8315 [email protected] www.zsazsa.net

GirlFriday10479 reads

I believe "Christopher/Johnathan/from NY" is in Atlanta too.

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