
redrah2324 5 Reviews 857 reads

open your menu up, maybe greek?

Been back for over a wk now and not one client.. just a bunch of no show no contact fake bookings..

As for your biz, who knows.  I'll bet someones getting clients there.  So maybe you should work on your marketing, your "look" and your pix?  Get that average score from its current 6 up to at least 7 or 8 and that might work wonders.  I didn't check out your menu but that could be an issue as well.  
I'm sure you can do it, since there are lots of guys rushing to give even older girls 9s and 10s.  Get on that band wagon and it's "Happy Days Are Here Again!"

-- Modified on 1/15/2015 5:41:30 PM

JackDunphy951 reads

Your pics are not good. Have you met with Aldo? He seems to work wonders and the gals love him.

Have you thought about a winter discount?

Everyone needs to change things now and again.  

Go get 'em Annie!

I have been giving out major discounts left and right And nothing. As for photos. I have prof. photos just get told by alot of clients they hate them b/c they don't get to c the real person in them

GaGambler1038 reads

but I am not sure that you really want to hear it.

So rather than say it out loud, just click on the link. Sorry, but you asked

yes my older reviews were mixed but my new ones are avg or good

JackDunphy880 reads

JD is working on a make over.

Yes there is a lot of work to do but at least we are starting with something. I don't think she likes my gym idea but she cant argue with that on a rational level.

Remember when you were only ^___?

Ok, later you turned into ^___^ but it took time didn't it?

Give the girl a chance to make some changes.

JackDunphy1006 reads

How about a gym membership then? Many girls in p4p have let themselves go and bounce back.  

Start with a healthy diet and some form of exercise 3-4 times a week, cardio wise.

A new bod, a new haircut, maybe a tan and a new outlook can turn around your biz.

Then get new pics after all the above.  

You just need a makeover. Trust me Annie, it can make all the difference in the world to a guy and you will be healthier to boot.

Good luck!

yes this might all b true but some guys like the thicker kinds of ladies.

JackDunphy1036 reads

Come on Annie. you seem like an intelligent gal. Do you really think there is a bigger market for thick or in shape gals?

Yes some guys are chubby chasers, I understand, well I don't understand it but I am trying to say I know they exist.

But do you want to attract the lowest common denominator or shoot higher?

The bigger your potential client base the more you can charge too. You see?

Here's my advice:

Drop the weight. Get a tan. Let your hair grow long as you are a tall girl. Work on make up. Do you know someone that can help there?

You will see a HUGE difference.

Your way isn't working right? Ok then. Try it my way and I can virtually guarantee you success.  

You can make an excuse all day about that gym membership but you will help your health as well. Nobody wants to get their big old ass on a treadmill, I hear ya. But...

I believe in you. All you need is to believe in yourself. :

ya and when i was 40lbs thinner I had no boobs (A cup) And everyone said my bones showed.And my reviews were sucky back then.. Im the right hwp for my age .im very healthy other then my acne....I take good care of myself n eat a good diet. I do workout twice a week for 2hrs aswell. I am the only person my family who isn't 300lbs+.. so i think I'm doing pretty good. As for make-up. Hate it. always have.

GaGambler1340 reads

but maybe this is not the business for you?

There is no shame in NOT being a hooker. I mean I can't make a living on my looks either, and my ego is just fine despite that fact.

I am going to be a bit blunt here, but in this era of "grade inflation" it takes an 8-8 MINIMUM to be considered a decent review. you only have two reviews in all of 2014 and one of those is a 5-7. I am not going to comment on how "I" think you look, but a woman who is getting 5's for appearance, unless she is getting solid 9's and 10's for performance is going to have a very hard time making a rate she can live on in this business.

Do yourself a favor, learn to like makeup, hit the gym AND lower your price point until you get a following of guys who like what you have to offer, or seriously consider another line of work.

Annie, I sincerely mean every word I just said. Us "board bullies" have a reputation for picking on providers, but you sound sincere and I have no desire to have fun at your expense when you are down and genuinely asking for advice.

BTW twice a week at the gym is a nice start, and so is eating right, but keep in mind that this is your livelihood. Work harder if you want to be rewarded in this business.

JackDunphy604 reads

She just doesn't want to make the changes. It's her life. She just shouldn't complain about it being "slow" though if she refuses to make herself more attractive.

Oh well.

I really did think she had potential.  


-- Modified on 1/16/2015 10:35:59 AM

open your menu up, maybe greek?

I happen to agree with the others that polishing the chrome is a limiting factor . This is limiting your clientele choices FAR more than your willing to admit or make changes to ....
Your choice entirely !!!!!

Right now is the tourist season and your slow ?
Lets look at Orlando and your "market" .
What comes to mind - Disney World , manufacturing , hospitality , universities .
Disney : its a potential client coming in with the wife and kids . He's NOT going to hobby during this time in all likelihood :)
Disney staff (employees) are a HUGE portion of Orlando's population ! They make minimum wage - they can't afford to hobby .
Industrial manufacturing - blue collar just living paycheck to paycheck .
Hospitality industry - see blue collar comment above .
College and university students - Do I NEED to explain this one :)

I'm in Ft Lauderdale and south beach Miami .
What comes to mind ....
Mega Yatchs and Ferraris are everywhere !
It's tourist season here and it's BUSY ! People spending money left and right ! You can't come here and "indulge" if you will, unless you got money .
Think of Miami and Ft Lauderdale and all the tourist events and conventions , boat shows , Art Basel week , air shows , car racing , cruise ships coming and going .....

See what I mean ?

Your "issue" or problem is two fold - Polish the chrome and find a better market as your current system is broken in your own admission , we are just trying to help 'ya sweetheart !
I wish you all the best and good luck !!!!!!!

You're totally right, but you're forgetting one huge group of potential clients-- Convention attendees.  The convention industry brings a ton of businessmen into town every year. I-Drive is always crawling with men traveling alone, many of them with the discretionary income to indulge in their hobbies.  

Orlando may not attract the same level of wealth as MIA, but I feel like a quality provider should be making at least somewhat steady income from that alone.  Ladies? Thoughts?

I know this thread is about Orlando and Annie's lack of business there at the moment but,  
my point is, this particular profession, IMHO ... can be a success ANYWHERE.
"If it is to be, it is up to me".

Annie, I like you. I have liked almost everything I've seen you post here in the discussion forum.
I think you are intelligent, sweet and down to earth. I think you'd probably make someone a terrific wife.

You get out what you put in, simple as that. Ask yourself this ... How important is this business to you?
Is it important enough to get a bicycle (I don't like exercising in a gym while living in sunny Florida)
and riding that bicycle an hour a day, everyday? Or swimming at least an hour everyday?
Eating nothing but salad and tuna out of a can (or a bag these days) until you lose the belly?

No one here has suggested you become emaciated but, the "matronly" look is beyond a "niche clientele" ...  
take the BBW's for instance, their hair, nails and clothing are normally very sexy.  
As I said above, IMO, you would make someone a terrific wife,
that is a compliment Annie and I mean it. THIS business may very well not be for you.


Posted By: MrAyers77
You're totally right, but you're forgetting one huge group of potential clients-- Convention attendees.  The convention industry brings a ton of businessmen into town every year. I-Drive is always crawling with men traveling alone, many of them with the discretionary income to indulge in their hobbies.    
 Orlando may not attract the same level of wealth as MIA, but I feel like a quality provider should be making at least somewhat steady income from that alone.  Ladies? Thoughts?


don't worry about it. All I have been doing is letting it all roll off my back. I refuse to let someone make me feel bad about myself.

Miss.Cates812 reads

Who are any of you to be so judgemental about another? I think that you all should take a long look in the mirror, look deep into your soul and try and find some kind of compassion.  No one can appeal/please everyone, that does not make one a undesirable provider. I for one think that Annie has a unique look that is appealing in more than one way and that she has a pretty good repor with most on this board. Some of you that have responded to her post need to take some of your own advise. Please do not let these shallow minded people detour you from being the happy, loving provider that you have become. It is slow as there is a lot of new talent available during the tourist season, you know that verity is the spice to a mans life. Hold your head high and keep smiling through all this, you are a beautiful woman!

weetheart, she ASKED. I was very clear in stating that I LIKE ANNIE.  
I also find her attractive however, this is a BUSINESS  
and I have been in this business a long time.

Let me put it to you this way, MANY, BEAUTIFUL young girls dream of being fashion models BUT,
designers are looking for "hangers with legs" ...
in other words, they can take a 5'10", very skinny girl and make her a model HOWEVER,
the gorgeous, sweet, wonderful girl with a curvy figure who stands 5'2" has no hope of being a great success
in that business. That doesn't mean that life ends for her .... we are all unique.

New talent should have NOTHING to do with the amount of business a provider gets.
Hobbyists will ALWAYS want variety.  
A good provider WANTS her clients to see as many other providers as possible,
that is part of what should keep them coming back.

A week with no calls could lead to being short for one's bills at the end of the month.
That is a scary thought. If I didn't like Annie, I would not have bothered replying at all

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