
Don't you worry ...
LoveLaneysRedLightShow See my TER Reviews 516 reads

...about my projects dirty little piggy. I've got myself covered in that department. How's that new Sexy T copy cat business doing? Doesn't look like it's going anywhere.  

And no love you don't rattle my cage at all hence the reason I originally posted. You are NOTHING but an aging ho who thinks she'll never expire. Have you taken a good look in the mirror lately Hun? No makeup, no Botox, nothing but frying that skin in the sun. Dehydrated skin with butt fake sun tan lines isn't as cute as you think. In fact, it's pretty nasty to look at and a whole lot of fun to laugh at so please keep posting those ugly selfies because you can't afford to pay for new professional ones. Oh yeah- what happened with your bestie at GLS? Hmmm - piss someone off on that front too? Keep going Ms. Piggy. With every comment I make about you the easier it is for others to figure out who you are too. Hell baby - this isn't how I make my money anymore so I have nothing to lose by exposing you. Keep tempting me.  
Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
who are you talking to? But good to see I can still rattle your gourd. Its loud when I do that. Don't you have other far more important things to be working on? Like that NYT best seller? HAHAHAHA

I would like to send a generous thank you to the provider who stalked and terrorized me for over 2 years. You won in making me feel bad about myself. You made me believe I had no friends and no clients. You ran me out of Florida. You followed me from state to state making sure my life was miserable. I truly didn't know who I could trust or where I belonged. I want to thank you now for everything you did to turn my world upside down. I want to thank you for forcing me to look forward to the future. I want to thank you for forcing me out of the business. You were my booster shot. You helped me transition from a career I was starting to feel trapped by and to pursue a dream I never though possible. Because of you I'm thrilled with my life right now and because of you I'm living my dream.  

It's funny how so much negative energy you expelled ended up working in my favor. I know that if this post ever makes it to the boards that you shall be notified and that the terror will likely begin again. Do your best my ginger sister because you can't touch me now and my love, you shall never be able to touch me again.  

xoxoxox Laney

GaGambler744 reads

It sounds like this person still has a LOT of power over you.

I have a question for you, Does this OP really make you feel any better?

For the record, I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about in your OP, nor do I want to here the whole, most likely sordid story. I am just a bit curious as to your motivation for making this OP. Quite frankly it looks like just another "look at me post" by someone well known to be BSC, but that is simply my opinion, I am open to being proven wrong.

It does seem as if she wants to re-open this "wound" and is daring her "tormenter" to screw with her again. She even gives out a hint the person has red hair.  I'd have to know more before believing her, because if she has been tormented like this it is indeed despicable. But given her post and her history I'll have to remain a skeptic for now.

LifeSucks!410 reads

I kind of agree with these "board trolls". What's wrong Laney? Not enough attention lately? This whole thing had disappeared about a year ago when you left for "a new life" in New York. So, fast forward a year and what have we got? Granted, its a break from all of the ISO posts that this board has become, but bringing this whole thing up again? Just get on with your new life #(I've lost count) and stop rehashing the past of something that was basically a figment of your creative imagination.
By the way, life sucks, doesn't it??

LtNeilBriggs517 reads

I'm confused. This board had seemed so peaceful. Now this? What's the point? I agree with GaG your biz model must be totally in the tank. I mean WTF?

people keep telling me i'll grow up and be glad i didn't drop out
they keep telling me i should enjoy the today
i have to live how i want to live but according to the rules
isn't it strange? this paradox of ideas
constant disagreement with the self

so i just decided
that like the cinnamon taste on my twisted tongue
i'll keep it to myself
even more than before

i'll pretend like i listen when i'm thinking about Iceland
but trust me dear-o-someone
i won't be here long
for you to tell me anymore
what to do
where to go
to enjoy and be joyous
to forgive and forget
the monstrous situations you know nothing about
the villains in my nightmares

if i want to live in suffering
and destroy the little gratefulness-to-be of the moment
your perspective won't change my mind
to daughters and brothers and friends of my father.
to everyone and no one who keeps trying to change my mind.
to cousin who listens to brother of mother
i swear, one more time is enough.

coyote de luna
May 9, 2014

thanks for sharing!...GREAT POEM!!
to the lady that has been Stalked.. I feel bad for you!...we all have our fair share of drama but...
 ..REMEMBER YOUR SELF WORTH!...BE stronger than your excuses!!!..  
just my 2 cents  
Hugs for ya kido
Keri diamonds

LtNeilBriggs542 reads

Do you believe all you read from a gal you don't know? Think there's any substance to the underwhelming show of support for her and her 'look at me' wail? Are you blonde? Sorry for all the questions. 😍

There was a point that I wanted everyone to know her name and her horror but she's an older gal like me with dependents and escorting is her sole income. I wouldn't feel right doing anything that might affect her ability to provide for them. That would make me as awful a person as she is. Awful I am not despite what the usual board trolling haters have to say. Same ole, same ole - day in and day out with them. lol.  


Posted By: LillyLockHart
for this.Cyber bulling is no Joke!

LtNeilBriggs593 reads

she seems to have enough class to avoid taking your bait which makes me wonder who truly is the 'victim' here. It seems that with your lack of reviews, and sudden bursts of frantic, woe is me type posting, you're the desperate one here. Pitiful. Good luck to you regardless.

Btw, since an alias in your 'world' negates an opinion, how did your mom name you lovelaneysredlightshow? What a silly name.

GaGambler588 reads

Thanks for confirming this for us.

and "hate" is such a strong word, do you really think that anyone here could have such strong feelings for someone they have never even met? You truly flatter yourself at times, and yes this is one of those times. The truth of the matter is, you are simply not that important enough to me for me to spend the energy required to hate someone.

BTW do you ever manage to generate any traffic by posting these threADs? Or do you just use them to rant a little and get shit off your chest? Just curious, If you don't want to answer I certainly understand.

LtNeilBriggs512 reads

She's just a old, washed up, bitter, angry, broke hooker. Its rather pathetic. Frantic replies to each post. Total hate. And I thought she'd moved to NY. Guess that didn't work out did it?  

And how intersting no local FL gals are coming to her defense here. This is all such old news and she just can't let it go. Broke. Bitter. Buttugly. What a way to go through life.

-- Modified on 4/27/2015 4:09:11 PM

I'll post as frequently as I like thank you.  

And my dear - you sound like you *want* to know me so well. Tis too bad you don't have your story straight at all. Thank you for being so very interested in me. I'll let you know when I publish my book so you can buy one and hopefully get your facts right.  

Bring up other pros. Go for it. I never proclaimed to make any besties through the business. As for the old, washed up hooker thing yup - uh huh - you're right and that's why I have a real job now. I have no desire to become a madam or someone's booking agent or to be nearing 50 as a provider tweeting my ass off and hoping that somehow I'll be the one 50 year old exception who will be working until she's 80. NO thank you! I took the leap and I made it to the other side --- ahem, the original point my initially positive post.  

So yes, please join my dog pack and let me control you too!!! Alias postings are highly amusing to me and a great stress reliever after work. Thank you so much for the FREE ENTERTAINMENT. Please do go on.... oooohhh grrrr. I'm so angry right?? LOLOL!


-- Modified on 4/28/2015 6:18:52 PM

LtNeilBriggs523 reads

If you completed the "leap to the other side" what may I ask are you still doing here other than acting as cannon fodder? All someone has to do is post 30-40 words to you and we get 3-400 in return. Quite the life ou have hahaha!

It's funny how diligently you stalk me and follow my every post. It leads me to believe I have a great deal of control over you  – and you know what?– that excites me!

You make a scene around everything and anything I post and then expect me to fall silent to your harsh words. Is that really reasonably?  

You think you're in control of everything TER board bully but it's clearly *I* who's controlling you. I've been around the board –– hmmm --- how many posts lately? Shall we compare my numbers to yours? You say that it's me who creates drama but you're always on hand to turn it into a four letter word when there's really no basis. If I came on the boards and said the grass is a lovely shade of green today you'd follow right up behind me with "the grass is blue , etc, etc, etc., mean, mean, nastier, nastier".  

You go out of your way to implement your best schmear campaign any time I post outside of the photo only or provider only board. That lends itself to stalker behavior does it not? I, on the other hand have NO idea where or what you're up to and could honestly care less. I definitely don't follow you anywhere so ––– what's your obsession with me?  

I'm trul sorry you're still so, so, so angry over whatever you're still so, so, so angry with me over and I'm sorry that you can't be happy for me. Thank the heavens above that I don't have to put up with you and all of your ugliness anymore for once again – I'm free of you, of her and of the horrific behavior that never ends around here.  

Question me and belittle me and say what you will. It doesn't matter and you don't matter. My status on the boards no longer matters to me. My website is winding down. If that's me coming to the board to drum up business just try to book an appointment with me and see how long it takes me to reply to you and see how much longer it takes to book an appointment.  

Like I said before I'm living my dream. I'm working 40 hours a week and I'm loving it.  Despite my positive place and outlook I know you'll still find a way to try to drag me down and I'm sure you'll question how I have time to post when I'm so busy. My answer - ambitious people tend to stay busy and even though "Love Laney" is no longer my career I will still moonlight and enjoy what she still brings to my life for as long as I choose to. With that said I'll post whenever I like and I won't feel guilty about it because you say I should. ––– But, just so you know you are one of the MAIN reasons I stopped posting and you're one of the MAIN reasons TER is having problems getting people to write quality posts. I know what's been going on and you going from board to board to be jerk all over the place isn't helping drive traffic. If anything you're a perfect example of why members might be leaving. Think about it. Let it sink in. Think about it again.  

And finally, if there's anyone who's ever needed a hobby outside of the hobby my dear GaGambler I'd say it would have to be you. Bike, hike, volunteer whatever. Do something that might make you a little happier.  

I know you'll come for me however you can on that statement. Go for it. I'm still in control. :

LtNeilBriggs515 reads

You say you 'control' GaG yet here's this looooong pitiful, bogus diatribe. And drama? Um, who started all this crap by 'poking the bear?' You did. And why should anyone be happy for someone who's clearly so unhappy with their state in life? I'm no psychiatrist but you need some help. Fast. Good luck

I did read the headline, which made me LOL.  Control? Bwaaaaaahahahahahaha!
I do get it that you can't possibly know how nuts you are.

GaGambler462 reads

and why do people always claim that others are "angry"???

What in the world do I have to be angry about? and even if I did, all I would have to do is compare my life with the sad existence of BSCLaney, and I would be cheered up immediately.

...and I'm certain I'd never ever touch or play with his fiddle. Ga - I **do** play you like a fiddle. You're here like the good dog I know you to be – right where I left you – waiting for ME! Good dog!!!  

And the reason why I don't reply directly to your posts is because I have you on "ignore user".  Makes you even more invisible than you already are in the world. Poor lonely man who only knows how to get women one way – by paying for them.  

If those women don't fall in line with what he (probably more like a redhead she) DICTATES he/she tries to demean, belittle and humiliate. C'mon Ga - you've been around long enough to know ––  humiliation is not free

LtNeilBriggs437 reads

If he's invisible to you why are you talking to him? Just asking...................

Hmmm - he came for me my darling. Not the other way around. Have u been paying attention?

Fine. I''m nuts. What else you got board stalker?  

Looks like I control you too. So fun!!

It's obvious who you meant when you said ginger haired. And you aren't above anything. Why drag this up again is beyond me. If you REALLY wanted it to be over you would have never posted this drivel.

Haven't you post before how great you life is blah blah blah? And she's not even in Florida anymore so it's highly doubtful you could affect her business. This isn't even thinly veiled.

Get OVER it!

Gangbangcream3.14624 reads

Oh your so sweet you even mention she is old and with children. You have a big mouth and all this post is doing is opening an old wound. Get over it. Move on. If this new career is so great then why are you still here?  How was NY? Things have been peaceful in your absence!  
Hopefully this new career turns out better than your last venture.  

And where is this lady now? Retired? Married? Living a truly happy life? Not around.  
Clearly you are a trouble maker!  
Go figure you had to find a new venture, who would want to book with all this drama you create?

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 12:50:28 PM

I have always been amazed at the amount of time and effort some put into negative actions.  May you continue to heal and really get passed the pain.

LtNeilBriggs543 reads

As to your defense of this um delightfully BSC lDy but in reviewing your uh 'harem' it's quite clear. She's fit in quite nicely! Well played sir!

LtNeilBriggs480 reads

where all your provider white knights have gone? Seem to have disappeared no?

OK - I know Laney and I also know where the name came from. I have been with her,  albeit only once. But the two hours I spent with her - I found her to be classy, honest, sincere and delightful. Ok so I don't know that I would classify myself as a "white knight" but find it repugnant to trash someone you don't know. Laney wanted to say something to "someone" - and so she did. End of the story. I wish her well. I remember our experience and thank her for it. She is a very pretty woman who actually has a lot of depth. The very best to you Princess.  
(Oh - and yes, I did write a review on her - look it up)

Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
where all your provider white knights have gone? Seem to have disappeared no?

.....tongue out and tail wagging as you wait for me to post how can I say no to a fresh little bitch? Good dog!!! Now then, what else can I make you do for me? Beg? Sit? Speak? Awwww. I've already gotten you to speak!!!! Good doggie. Now go fetch a life!!

LtNeilBriggs488 reads

You're the one with the new life away from here remember? Not me. This is my new life! And I love it!!!! What's a CBJ btw?

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 6:00:49 PM

Maybe with some decent obedience training you'll learn a thing or two. Once again - thank you for the FREE time and entertainment.  

Your inquiry is about as relevant as you'll be in another year or so. Besides, you know the answer to the question. What's CIM and swallow with every client you meet? Gross! We know you offer freebies in exchange for reviews. Talk about sleep your way to the top! Shall I keep going and mention your 250 dollar secret BP ads? Your website says you charge 400. So -- what's the problem? Getting older? Caused too many problems (that u always try to project onto EVERYONE else)? Not the "it" girl anymore? Are these the reasons you continue to create multiple aliases and hide behind them? Are you in fact hiding because you know the truth and you're scared to death about it coming out? Is that why you can't and won't step to me as your username alias? Speak doggie! Speak!  


Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
You're the one with the new life away from here remember? Not me. This is my new life! And I love it!!!! What's a CBJ btw?  

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 6:00:49 PM

LtNeilBriggs498 reads

who are you talking to? But good to see I can still rattle your gourd. Its loud when I do that. Don't you have other far more important things to be working on? Like that NYT best seller? HAHAHAHA

...about my projects dirty little piggy. I've got myself covered in that department. How's that new Sexy T copy cat business doing? Doesn't look like it's going anywhere.  

And no love you don't rattle my cage at all hence the reason I originally posted. You are NOTHING but an aging ho who thinks she'll never expire. Have you taken a good look in the mirror lately Hun? No makeup, no Botox, nothing but frying that skin in the sun. Dehydrated skin with butt fake sun tan lines isn't as cute as you think. In fact, it's pretty nasty to look at and a whole lot of fun to laugh at so please keep posting those ugly selfies because you can't afford to pay for new professional ones. Oh yeah- what happened with your bestie at GLS? Hmmm - piss someone off on that front too? Keep going Ms. Piggy. With every comment I make about you the easier it is for others to figure out who you are too. Hell baby - this isn't how I make my money anymore so I have nothing to lose by exposing you. Keep tempting me.  

Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
who are you talking to? But good to see I can still rattle your gourd. Its loud when I do that. Don't you have other far more important things to be working on? Like that NYT best seller? HAHAHAHA

... You LOVE to call me crazy. Thing is, how crazy are YOU for stalking me for over THREE years because I didn't respond to an angry text message from you?? What about threatening my parents with a baseball bat? What about making that threat after finding out where they live and physically going there??? That's what's crazy!!! What's also crazy is you copying every single photo shoot, every ad concept and how I reply to my clients via email. What's wrong? Not smart enough to put two words together all by yourself? Well of course not because you're a parasite with no originality of your own. Man it feels good to say all of this. I've held my tongue for too long.  

Again, thank you for the free hours of entertainment this week. Is been most generous of you. I hope you can recover it through your cheapie BP ads from 772.

LtNeilBriggs572 reads

Not sure who you think I am but if you spent five minutes of research you'd find I'm not whomever you may think I am. You're not only BSC, you're embarrassing yourself and the entire FL ter community. Stop. For everyone's sake. Please.

Posted By: LtNeilBriggs
Not sure who you think I am but if you spent five minutes of research you'd find I'm not whomever you may think I am. You're not only BSC, you're embarrassing yourself and the entire FL ter community. Stop. For everyone's sake. Please.

LtNeilBriggs395 reads

then why are you continuing to come back? Just curious.

And maybe others have the same question - so let me respond to it openly!
The review I did on Laney was written two years ago - I have been a TER member since 2008 and I really don't write a ton a reviews but the ones I do are - at least by my standards - are spot on. So the question was "If Laney was so great - why did you only see her once"? So Im going to suck up my dignity and respond to this - first I live "a hike " from her, secondly - Laney is not cheap - lol and I am a married academic (although on a college level - I don't make a fortune) and money can be difficult for me to hide. If Laney was less pricey - of course I would have seen her much much more. Now you have heard "the rest of the story"

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