
SweetMarissaK See my TER Reviews 307 reads

The same goes for that stupid "I found you on site xxx" button!!
It's so annoying! We aren't lost! You didn't find us.
If you're short and don't go out of your way to be sweet & respectful in the initial email, we assume that's how you'll be during our date.
Many of us weed through dozens of emails a day: a few, "I found you", a few, from what I can only assume are still in grade school (no grown man would think he'd get anywhere talking to a lady like that) a random dick pic, the regular stalkers, then the great gentlemen that cross all the T's and dot all the I's. The last are the only one's me or my assistant respond to.
YOU set the tone for YOUR date.
Start making it great!

What is going on in Tampa?  Over the past day, most of the providers I contacted don't reply.  I usually just text something benign like, "Hi, saw your ad.  What's your hour donation?  Are you available today?"

Try introducing yourself first and offering some references.  Many ladies ignore one-line texts.  I don't even publish my number any more because of things like that. Also if you want rates, check out their website.  

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 2:04:18 PM

I repeat the same lines over and over again when it is on my ad. Make sure you have read their entire ad or pertinent pages on their website.  
Yes, introduce yourself..Be polite..It will get much farther at least that what works for me "What's your rate", "Are you available" Is very abrupt!
Example ...  
Hi I'm Joe I am in Tampa this week. I notice your ad on XXX. I would like to know if maybe available on Tuesday at XXX time.  Looking forward to hearing back from you,
I hope this helps !
Chloe Ward  

Thank you to both Angie and Chloe.  I always appreciate when providers take time to help out.  For the record, I always check their sites for rates.  A number of them do not have sites with rates.

-- Modified on 3/11/2017 4:05:41 AM

take 10 minutes and write a thoughtful well written intro of yourself like a short mini match.com ad for example,  then your are doomed for failure in this arena.. Tampa is loaded with lovely lasses but if your curt with " What's your rate?" or a short sentence or two you will be ignored like the worst plague there could be! A little effort goes a long way to show 1. You are serious. 2. You are not a dirtbag 3. You'll end up having a nice time.

Dear cuteprof,

your message is way too short and doesn't sound serious in meeting with the girl. We all want to be take serious and not our time or yours to be wasted away. She might not respond because she may have all the information you're looking for provided on her website. Plus a provider knows you're being serious by providing all the requested info through her booking form or email (whatever she prefers) .... she needs to take time out her busy schedule to make time for you ;-)  after all.... no one wants to be stood up....
Well in my opinion if they don't have a website at all then it's like buying a cat in a sack.... You never know what you're getting :-D

Good luck and kisses


no pm on TER please send them to [email protected]

-- Modified on 3/11/2017 8:31:00 AM

like others have said your intro is to short.. most ladies have a web site and have a booking page on there site.. might try that from now on..

there are a a lot of great ladies in tampa some live there full time and this time of year a lot of ladies travel to tampa or Orlando..

good luck

I think your major problem is the hour donation question. That information should be available somewhere on the internet and if you can't find it you could just say you were unclear and could they point you to some where you could find the information. Asking a lady how much, is a no-no, both for legal and simple etiquette reasons. It just isn't the proper protocol.  

If you belong to a service like P411, you can get away with a brief request like, "I saw your photos and they were lovely and I would like to meet you" because there is other information available in your profile. If you are just sending a message like that via email however, it probably doesn't go over so well.

Posted By: cuteprof
What is going on in Tampa?  Over the past day, most of the providers I contacted don't reply.  I usually just text something benign like, "Hi, saw your ad.  What's your hour donation?  Are you available today?"

The same goes for that stupid "I found you on site xxx" button!!
It's so annoying! We aren't lost! You didn't find us.
If you're short and don't go out of your way to be sweet & respectful in the initial email, we assume that's how you'll be during our date.
Many of us weed through dozens of emails a day: a few, "I found you", a few, from what I can only assume are still in grade school (no grown man would think he'd get anywhere talking to a lady like that) a random dick pic, the regular stalkers, then the great gentlemen that cross all the T's and dot all the I's. The last are the only one's me or my assistant respond to.
YOU set the tone for YOUR date.
Start making it great!

Definitely read everything on the ladies website and see which way she prefers to be contacted.  
If you emailed me that I would hit the delete button automatically.  

Best of luck,

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