
A few helpful hints I have learned .
guybeingaguy 4 Reviews 636 reads

Not sure if you have VIP or not .
You SHOULD have better luck staying in the top 10 providers in your area . They are in the top 10 for a reason .
Also , when reading the reviews .............Click on the guy writing the review , if he has only one review I would disgard it completely . If the same lady has a few reviews where this is occuring , then that is a red flag and I would NOT see the lady .
I add about 5 years to the posted age and 10 lbs to the weight . I actually like the " mature " ladies , society has convinced them to lie about thier age I guess . Legit ladies will update pictures a few times a year , where if you see an ad , and clearly the pictures are old and NEVER change , then think with your big head .
Again , trusted hobbiest's will tell you in the review . You need to read about the last 10 to get a " feel " for her and is everything legit .
It's your dime and if you feel the need for the " connection " to be made then take control of the date and slow it down to your liking .
BUT ......If you only paid for and hour and you spent it searching for a " connection ", then it is what it is , don't blame her , maybe just extend it or end it  .
Good luck , and searching for the one who rocks your boat takes time , just as the civie girls do .

I am 0 for 3 in finding what I am looking for... Common theme is misrepresentation of age and not spending enough time before hand making a connection.

So, I'm gonna slow down and smell the roses :)

Just curious about where in Florida you might be. If we are in the same area I may have a suggestion or three. Pm me.


Posted By: crwdplsr2011
I am 0 for 3 in finding what I am looking for... Common theme is misrepresentation of age and not spending enough time before hand making a connection.

So, I'm gonna slow down and smell the roses :)      

Well...As I'm laughing at myself trying to answer this :)

Somewhere between a booty call and a real relationship... LOL, got no idea. Well, actually I do. Really want to have a closeness that allows for some intimacy. LDFK is a strong desire and that takes passion. So, I'm seeking someone that I can connect with and enjoy some mutual passion... This requires mental stimulation as well... I like a woman who is strong, or at least gives the impression she is. Confidence is a bang bang turn on...

LMAO...again not what I'm looking for. I don't have time or the energy for the real thing...to much drama in civie world! What I want is out there, its just a matter of looking, tasting, and living.

BTW, more crazies on Match than anywhere else, except maybe POF. Now POF is the place to get laid, but those women are UNSTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not all of them, so don't go hating...)

...when you see a provider, bring the envelope, have fun, leave on time & don't be clingy....it's fine to be looking for "lust" in the hobby,just don't be looking for "love", lol....& hopefully you have VIP to conduct your research properly.

and the ads are limited on personality or pictures. I can't tell what kind of phone conversation you might have had but most ladies express as little as possible via this method but their friendly attitude should flow through.

One lady offers massage an another seems to have some dom theme energy. Neither had a website listed anywhere ! Being a newbie with 2 reviews under your belt for Feb you should get some free VIP time. Do a search for Tampa reviews for the last 4 months. Read many of each ladies reviews and go to their website. A website can really give you a better idea of the ladies likes and dislikes as well as personalities. Many more pictures will be available as well. Now do a bucket list of the ladies you wish to see and note donations and websites to refresh your memory when it's time to see them.

What you seem to be looking for isn't something you plan it just happens. People just click and become friends or they don't. We never know which lady/gentlemen works for us until it happens. I have gentlemen I have met in the business that have been in my life for many many years.  Being open and friendly is always a good start but you only have the time you pay for so don't think that a lady is being unfriendly if she doesn't have all that much more time. The longer you see someone the more comfortable the time comes and goes. Don't ever push for extra anything or things start feeling like a hustle.

Happy hunting

Kisses Haley

I am a un-retiring hobbyist from years back so I am acquainted with the process. Many changes have occurred in the industry and in my own life, which led me to see who I saw and have seen to date. Each experience was a search for something, that something was not known but is getting dialed in.

I love over simplifying on these threads, because to do otherwise would mean a dissertation size answer for a lot of these musings...

Years ago I was very active on another board and just like this one began to experience a connection with certain ladies. Reading their post and playing in chat led to many a fruitful time for all involved. Which is why I decided to come here and play, that other board now seems dead with little action. Don't know why and don't really care, its not my business.

I have preferences that I go with, you know that feeling you get...oh yes lustful desires... Well, the photos of the ladies, price, and location fit what I thought I wanted so off I went. Is it their problem, NO... I bought what they were selling and didn't enjoy the outcome they way I wanted to. My issues... they performed as they advertised...

There are a couple of ladies on this board that I have bantered with that more than rock my boat, unfortunately they live to far for a quick hello so I will wait. Another one much closer requires references, so I am working on that too. If money was no object, I would fly in what I want and spend an entire weekend playing, but alas that is not going to happen.

And Ms. Haley you would be most correct in the "what I'm looking for is not planned, it just happens"... I am looking for that click. I'm not a loon and evidently have become quite emotionally unavailable once someone mentions "commitment"... I'm not the possessive type nor do I look to bargain and I always plan ahead for extra inning$ if I am having fun. It is time that I'm paying for, right?!?!?!?!

Maybe its role playing, but even then I am very in tune to a woman's feelings whilst with her. If she is faking, I know it and then it becomes mechanical. I have had great sex in the civie world that turns very mechanical once "love" and "commitment" enters the picture...

I've been told I'm a great guy, a great catch... well, I have a bad boy side that likes to be fed and I'm not interested in being caught and fileted... I respect all women, except haughty...I can't do haughty. I appreciate all things that make a woman a woman. I am a hopeless romantic that is just buying time until I am ready to be "emotionally available." When will this be... Maybe in 10 years and if you truly get to know me you will know why I say that. My life is not my own right now and I'm good with that.

To the rest of the guys that read this, I'm me and I like me. You like you and don't "hate" on my sensitive desires... I enjoy a true courtesan... I love playfulness... I adore demure behavior... Class comes in many different shapes and sizes, but it has to exist...

The more I write, very therapeutic by the way,  the more I discover what I'm truly looking for. It's not like I can go talk to anyone about this, right ?!?!?!

Also, to the great guys back channeling me, I really appreciate the advice.

Not sure if you have VIP or not .
You SHOULD have better luck staying in the top 10 providers in your area . They are in the top 10 for a reason .
Also , when reading the reviews .............Click on the guy writing the review , if he has only one review I would disgard it completely . If the same lady has a few reviews where this is occuring , then that is a red flag and I would NOT see the lady .
I add about 5 years to the posted age and 10 lbs to the weight . I actually like the " mature " ladies , society has convinced them to lie about thier age I guess . Legit ladies will update pictures a few times a year , where if you see an ad , and clearly the pictures are old and NEVER change , then think with your big head .
Again , trusted hobbiest's will tell you in the review . You need to read about the last 10 to get a " feel " for her and is everything legit .
It's your dime and if you feel the need for the " connection " to be made then take control of the date and slow it down to your liking .
BUT ......If you only paid for and hour and you spent it searching for a " connection ", then it is what it is , don't blame her , maybe just extend it or end it  .
Good luck , and searching for the one who rocks your boat takes time , just as the civie girls do .

A connection occurs because one is there. Same as in a bar, office, or anywhere, you meet and its "yeah, that's what I'm talking about".

Is that available in the hobby? Hell yeah... Its not love, its passion or just the right fit of two endings. Its what makes you want to be a REGULAR!!!!!  

I want to care beyond the hour, it is who I am...

This is what happens when I do not get enough "nooky" the claws come out teehee ( all will be well again by Friday )

There is no substitute for experience.  While we may find and recommend someone to you, there is no guarantee you and she will click.  I, for one, am not going to do your research for you, that's your job.  You can go on ad infinitum about what you are looking for, but even if she exhibits all the characteristics you describe, again there is no guarantee that she will be the one.

If you are 0 for 3, sounds like you didn't do all the research you should have.  If I had gone 0 for 3 with my first 3 providers, I'd take a serious look at how I chose them, something is obviously missing.  With regard to the age thing, it's a commonly known and assumed fact, that the older the provider is, the less likely she is posting her true age.  Some use the 7-year rule to figure out true age.

When you said 'not spending enough time before hand making a connection',  exactly what did you mean?  Exchanging emails or phone calls before meeting, or spending part of the time you are paying for chatting?  If you expect her to take time to email you numerous time or talking on the phone, you will soon be known as a time-waster, not something you want.  If you want to spend the first part of your date talking, I'm sure she will accommodate you, after all, it's your time to do with as you wish, not to mention, easier for her.  Not quite sure what you mean by a 'connection', you're not to find a girlfriend, and she is certainly not looking for a boyfriend.


I've done it a few times. You just have to be willing to travel some and pay attention to the discussion boards.

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