FKK Clubs

Re: What are my chances...
rod8239 13585 reads

I'm not sure about the circumcision part, but I can say when I went with this past summer, the guide knew all the club guidelines and most of the owners/managers which perhaps in part, facilitated club entry of the two guys of Indian ethnic origin with us (one 30yo from Canada and another in his late 60s originally from India). From what I could tell, they never had a problem getting in nor being serviced. Actually, I think the older guy may have been blown off by a couple girls across the 6 day tour, but if so, they were discrete about it and expressed reasons other than his nationality (and probably age) as to why they weren't available. Even with that caveat, he found plenty of women who were happy to give him a mind-blowing good time.

So, I'd concur that if you want to maximize your experience and minimize the possibility of being turned away, you wouldn't go wrong with an trip. There's a lot to be said for hanging with an experienced guide and other new friends you meet in the group, especially for a newbie.

PussyLoverDC15074 reads

I'm a US Citizen of Indian origin. Moved to this country almost 12 yrs ago, and have never been back. I consider myself a well groomed, well educated and well behaved person. I've never had any problem hobbying in the US because of my race. I've been really itching to go to hit the FKK scene, but don't want to spend thousands of dollars in air-fare and lodging only to be turned down by the club authorities.

I was thinking of doing the FKK tour and signing up on website. What are my chances of being turned away? The reason why I ask is that there has been some exchange about this in a post on the next page.  I can completely understand if some ladies are not interested in having session with me due to my race.  I'm sure there would be plenty of them to choose from.

Any help or first hand information from people with "darker skin color" (as weird as this may sound) is much appreciated

chandra2812564 reads

I am not an Indian (contrary to my TER id sounding Indian).  I have been in Germany on business for about 2 months and have visited FKKs number of times in Germany and also in Prague, Czech Republic once.   At least when I was in those clubs I have never seen any person of color let alone any dark Indian.   My best bet, you should have no problem.   Since the girls work for money, I don't think they are selective.  Girls look for (1). Impeccable hygiene all over especially your teeth and breath. and MOST IMPORTANT (2). YOU ARE CIRCUMSCISED.

If you don't have (2), don't bet your money there.

PussyLoverDC15104 reads

I'm very clean, but no I am not circumcised - unfortunately. None of the American providers have issue with that.

rod823913586 reads

I'm not sure about the circumcision part, but I can say when I went with this past summer, the guide knew all the club guidelines and most of the owners/managers which perhaps in part, facilitated club entry of the two guys of Indian ethnic origin with us (one 30yo from Canada and another in his late 60s originally from India). From what I could tell, they never had a problem getting in nor being serviced. Actually, I think the older guy may have been blown off by a couple girls across the 6 day tour, but if so, they were discrete about it and expressed reasons other than his nationality (and probably age) as to why they weren't available. Even with that caveat, he found plenty of women who were happy to give him a mind-blowing good time.

So, I'd concur that if you want to maximize your experience and minimize the possibility of being turned away, you wouldn't go wrong with an trip. There's a lot to be said for hanging with an experienced guide and other new friends you meet in the group, especially for a newbie.

PussyLoverDC15894 reads

Thanks. That's what I thought. I just checked Wealth of information there. There is a post from a black gentleman, an Asian guy, and also a handicapped guy. That gives me some level of confidence.

Also glad to hear the two Indian guys could get in and have fun.

chandra2814730 reads

I am only a month and half in to FKK and my German colleagues did tell me that some of the girls refuse to see guys who are not cut.   It is considered unhealthy.    If the organ is not cleaned thoroughly may transmit bacteria.   Also any infection inside the outer skin cannot be detected.    It is easy to clean a cut dick.

Again, if the girl has no problem, go for it.

chandra2815360 reads

Being on the topic, just wanted to share some information.  On this board, it may be targeted for a wrong audience but hey who knows who gets what in this business.   As much as we men try to be safe, it is expected of us to make sure the women are safe too.

Cervical Cancer in Female Partners of
Uncircumcised Men

In the USA there are 12,000 new cases and 4,000 deaths from cervical cancer each year [Centers, 2006]. Treatment of each case costs $20,000 to $40,000 (American Cancer Society figures). This works out at a total of $24 to $48 million. Then there is the social cost and devastation to individuals and families.

A number of studies have documented higher rates of cervical cancer in women who have had one or more male sexual partners who were uncircumcised. Whereas the earlier studies were somewhat equivocal the evidence from a large international study published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine, to be discussed later, provided overwhelming evidence of the link between lack of male circumcision and cervical cancer in the female sexual partner

Is there any problems with an uncircumcised penis?

1) the WHO and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) stated that male circumcision is an efficacious intervention for HIV prevention...rcumcision has been judged by the WHO to be a cost-effective method to reduce the spread of HIV in a population

PussyLoverDC14094 reads

Point taken. But I am not worried about being uncut and turned down by a woman. If a woman has problem with that, fine. I will respect her boundaries. What I was (am) somewhat worried about is being turned down at the gate for being of Indian descent. Sticking to ffktour seems to be the best way to mitigate the risk.

PussyLoverDC14435 reads

Any help is appreciated. Not just from people of Indian origin. I'm sorry if that didn't come out right.

trme412998 reads

I was on the same boat until last week. I took a chance and went on my own. There is no worries. You are welcomed in every club. No body stopped me from doing anything in the club. Visited: Oase, Palace, Villa vertigo, Bernds. Every one of them had its own plus and minus. All in all i liked Villa vertigo. Good atmosphere. Good number of hostess. Separate Smoking and Non smoking area. Good parking space. Modern Facility. WIFI. They even have Overnight stay( not with hostess). Go ahead and do it on your own lot cheaper.

I'm pretty impressed you made it to all those clubs...on your own...did you rent a car? train? did the recent weather there have much of an impact...I'd love to go to Villa Vertigo...but I think it's near Dusseldorf...I'll only be in to hear how you traveled?

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