FKK Clubs

Re: Take A Look At TER's New Sponsor
derkdiggler 18401 reads

The term FKK and sauna club have caused some confusion with some people. Let me explain what I've found. First can we agree FKK is a term taken from "Nudist" which defined "nude". Now sauna means sauna and has noting to do with sex. You can find a sauna club like Bad Homburg and there is not sex going on. Its about hot pools, saunas massage etc. It was not till some sex clubs started to use the term FKK sauna club that it meant something else. I don't even think Schieferhof "Bernd's" used the FKK term. Oase used it and they've been around, the old Red Carpet clubs such as Freunde 39, Grimsberg, etc's where the term was more common and meant something. Today people that have only known about FKK clubs use it all the time since this defines the clubs to the public. The problem is that the totally nude part has changed. But for some reason everyone still lumps the clubs all into one category. Personally a true FKK sauna club is like Schieferhof those that allow the women to wear clothing are hybrids. Nothing against any of them but when you come down to it, where do you separate a brothel and an FKK club?

OK so then there are places like Traum Paradise which is NOT an FKK and they make this clear on their website as guests are often confused and expect and FKK club. Food is also not part of the definition and only over the years did the owners figure it out that if you feed people they wills stay longer. Those of you who have been at this game for a while used to live on cookies, coffee and softdrinks at best.

I understand Stephan wants to use the name Spa for men, but in the US when we think Spa for men we don't relate having women at the spa. Thus some guys will thing "gay" so he needs to take care when using this concept. Like Spa for women one thinks "only for women". Or would you expect a spa for women with MEN? Imagine that, the women pay?

OK so I don't want to start a flame war going here, this is just my opinion. I agree VV is a spa for men and the term fits, don't tell your wife or girl friends. You'll have to visit to understand the term, its about making you feel good and YES it is for men.

Years back when I first found FKK clubs, I was in a German book store and I ran into this book "FKK's" it was sealed in plastic and had naked women on the cover. My German reading skills were not that great so I bought the book. Now I want to share with you that it did not have one address that I know of today. It contained as you might think, nothing but nudist clubs all over Europe. I still have that book and keep it as a memento. Years back there were no listings in the newspapers or web sites with this info. The internet? Its changed the world and with it we have new terms.....FKK sauna clubs, now to take this one step further look into the exact translation of FKK which means free body culture or nudist in English. Nothing about sex, and I'm sure if you run into one of these REAL nudist they would not agree with you as to what FKK means to them.

Guess I gotta check out VV next time in Germany lol.

VillaVertigo18084 reads

Saunaclubs, FKK Clubs or Spa for Men are all the same. They use only different names.

derkdiggler18402 reads

The term FKK and sauna club have caused some confusion with some people. Let me explain what I've found. First can we agree FKK is a term taken from "Nudist" which defined "nude". Now sauna means sauna and has noting to do with sex. You can find a sauna club like Bad Homburg and there is not sex going on. Its about hot pools, saunas massage etc. It was not till some sex clubs started to use the term FKK sauna club that it meant something else. I don't even think Schieferhof "Bernd's" used the FKK term. Oase used it and they've been around, the old Red Carpet clubs such as Freunde 39, Grimsberg, etc's where the term was more common and meant something. Today people that have only known about FKK clubs use it all the time since this defines the clubs to the public. The problem is that the totally nude part has changed. But for some reason everyone still lumps the clubs all into one category. Personally a true FKK sauna club is like Schieferhof those that allow the women to wear clothing are hybrids. Nothing against any of them but when you come down to it, where do you separate a brothel and an FKK club?

OK so then there are places like Traum Paradise which is NOT an FKK and they make this clear on their website as guests are often confused and expect and FKK club. Food is also not part of the definition and only over the years did the owners figure it out that if you feed people they wills stay longer. Those of you who have been at this game for a while used to live on cookies, coffee and softdrinks at best.

I understand Stephan wants to use the name Spa for men, but in the US when we think Spa for men we don't relate having women at the spa. Thus some guys will thing "gay" so he needs to take care when using this concept. Like Spa for women one thinks "only for women". Or would you expect a spa for women with MEN? Imagine that, the women pay?

OK so I don't want to start a flame war going here, this is just my opinion. I agree VV is a spa for men and the term fits, don't tell your wife or girl friends. You'll have to visit to understand the term, its about making you feel good and YES it is for men.

Years back when I first found FKK clubs, I was in a German book store and I ran into this book "FKK's" it was sealed in plastic and had naked women on the cover. My German reading skills were not that great so I bought the book. Now I want to share with you that it did not have one address that I know of today. It contained as you might think, nothing but nudist clubs all over Europe. I still have that book and keep it as a memento. Years back there were no listings in the newspapers or web sites with this info. The internet? Its changed the world and with it we have new terms.....FKK sauna clubs, now to take this one step further look into the exact translation of FKK which means free body culture or nudist in English. Nothing about sex, and I'm sure if you run into one of these REAL nudist they would not agree with you as to what FKK means to them.

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