FKK Clubs

Madrid Club?
solidnineny 27 Reviews 27018 reads

Can anyone recommend any clubs in Madrid? Heading there this weekend. An ideal setup would be like Artemis in Berlin.

Thanks for any help.

not exactly a fkk club, but in Madrid "club" has a special meaning. It's not like lounge or bar here in the states. Ask any taxi driver in Madrid to take you to El Capitan. Each girl sits at a table by her self, and all are (at least 2 years ago) stunning Penthouse level knockouts. Very very refined atmosphere, but I do not believe any shenanigans occurs on site.

derkdiggler16147 reads

With the recent decline of jobs and money in places like Spain its no wonder so many women from Spain now work in Germany. You'd be surprised, first clue is the speak Spanish and no German. Then when you ask them why they're in Germany they all say "no money in Spain". This has been going on for a few years now, not only Romania, Bulgaria and other EB countries but Spain as well. I had heard that Madrid had a good club scene (Brothels).

Would be nice to get an update from someone who has been recently.

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