FKK Clubs

So I gave FKK Mainhatten (Frankfurt am Main) a chance...
cldcguy 4 Reviews 27801 reads

So I gave FKK Mainhatten (Frankfurt am Main) a chance... but I wish I had just gone to Oase instead.

This happened the last time I strayed away from Oase by going to Palace, too.  I come out feeling like I would have just done a lot better at Oase.  I just got back a couple of hours ago, so this is pretty fresh.

So, to be fair, it was a 10pm on a Monday night.  Perhaps it's not the best time/night for this, but, I didn't get to pick which night I'd be able to go.  That said, at any time you kind of expect a certain level of service and Mainhatten just wasn't providing that.

To avoid confusion, I'm talking about this place -

Getting there was easy, it was a cheap taxi ride for me.  WAY cheaper than Oase, so it has a +1 before I've even arrived.  I saved EUR 30 here.

The entrance fee was the same, EUR 65, but Mainhatten also includes free beer (EUR 10 a bottle at Oase!) as well as the usual soft drinks and coffee.  Another +1 to Mainhatten.

I'd never been to Mainhatten before so the woman at the front desk walked me through their set up.  Towels are at the front desk as are the smaller lockers, locker room is next door, as is the shower, with the main bar off to one side and the food area and some rooms off to the other.  This was a big -1 to me because that made the locker room, and specifically the shower, a passage way through the club.  I kind-of like having an area where the only other people around are also showering and not just passing through to go do whatever, including the girls.

Moving in to the bar area.  The place was INCREDIBLY smokey.  Honestly, if you have even the slightest problem with smoke, DO NOT GO HERE.  You will hate it.  It's not a non-smoking bar like at Oase.  The rest of the club does seem to be non-smoking though.

The good thing about the bar though was the hot bar tender.  Sadly, she was the hottest woman in the entire club.  Short, tight, long blonde hair tied up. Sheer white pants you could clearly see her panties through.  Hot.  Shame she wasn't available otherwise I'd still be there :D

So on to the girls.. there were 10 or so, but, none of them were in the A team.  I probably would have just left if this wasn't my last night in Germany, so I stuck it out hoping that I would find that diamond in the rough, and eventually I did (more later).  One of the problems I encountered was that almost none of the girls spoke English.  I tried to chat with at least 5 of them and was barely able to converse.  Yes I know this is Germany and yes I know I should speak German here, but cut me some slack.. I'm a tourist, not a resident!  and they want to sell their wares to me after all.  But it get worse, a large portion don't even speak German, they were only able to speak in their native tongues, mostly Hungarian and Romanian.  There was also a short girl with absolutely no chest who kept bugging me, but could speak some English, that said she was a gypsy.  She wasn't at all appealing.

The first girl I saw who interested me spoke zero English and zero German, so I was unable to even get basic concepts across to here, which was a big shame because she looked like she would have been worth talking to.

After maybe another 30 minutes of drinking cola lights I made eye contact with a pretty good looking girl with really long black hair.  I had to go over to her.  The girls here don't seem to care to approach you.  It's not like Oase or Palace where they chase you down.  You could sit in Mainhatten all night and not talk to anyone (save the one gypsy girl)  if you so desired.  Her "name" was Deborah and she was from Romania.  She spoke enough English that after about 15 minutes of playing around at the bar I decided to take her to a room.  Deborah didn't like to kiss but was ok with DATY, which I did for about 10 minutes, until she came (there was no faking that mess ;) ).  Then she wanted to do a CBJ on me but I said no thanks, just get on top, and we spent another maybe 10 minutes of her riding me until i came.  It was pretty good, all thing considered.

After this I went back downstairs, paid her EUR 60 and took a shower.  Again, this was in the room that links the bar area with the food area via the lockers and a long hall way.  I really did not like this set up.

Once showered I went in search of the food.  This was an odd experience, as I walked in to the food area an older woman and man, both dressed in club clothing (not sex workers, fully clothed) pointed and laughed at me!  I have no idea why (I checked all over!) and they were speaking in fast German so I had no hope of understanding even simple words.  It certainly didn't make me feel welcome though.  The food though wasn't actually that bad.  I had a burger.  The food area has tables like a diner, it's nice.  If you're with a buddy or 3 you'd be happy to hang out here with them for a while, watch the TV and drink the free beer on tap, no matter how bad the girls were.

After the food I went back to the bar, spent another 45 minutes looking around and and drinking cola light, and then chatting with this other Romanian girl.  I sort-of decided I'd go with her just because.. but when I asked her if she liked DATY she said it was extra, so that's when I said yeah.. no thanks.

Shortly after, I left.  I gave up looking for a 2nd girl worth spending money on.  I don't think she was there tonight.

In short.. Mainhatten is a great place to go if you have limited funds and don't want to spend them on transportation.  It's a great place to go if you like smoking in bars, and, you want to go to a smoking bar with several buddies and drink all the free beer you can whilst looking at naked girls (who will look better the more beer you drink, thankfully)  It's also a pretty good place to go to take the same buddies to sit and eat burgers, curry or salad while watching a game on TV.

But for everything else.. there's still Oase.

If I could re-do tonight, there is no question that I'd be hitting up Oase instead.

Sorry Mainhatten.  Maybe sometime I'll be here with a group and I won't mind spending EUR 65 to get in knowing I'll be drinking a lot of beer, good looking girls or not.  I'll come back then.

Your experience almost mirrors mine...I only spent time with a super hot polish gal...petite..but didn't speak any english...oh well still had fun...the food there was good...

But you're could spend the whole night there without anyone approaching you....the polish gal I had to go after her. I would not return to this club...I actually liked Palace for the quality of girls there...and the "they come after you experience". I'm heading back in a few months for another business trip...can't seem to sign up for enough of them!

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