
Re: who cares if she's legit
nomoreegnog 6 Reviews 753 reads

While you may have been "formulaic" as you mention you certainly weren't diligent enough to perform a simple routine check of similarly named providers before opening up shop.  Being formulaic I might want to sell this new MP3/smartphone device under my newly formed company "Applesauce" simply because I love applesauce.  Oh no.  I'm not copying off of any well established companies that have a similar product.  We've all heard of the pick-your-porno-name game using the street you grew up on and whatever other crap you want to use, but I'd still have taken a few minutes before entering this realm to do a little spot check to see what the top 10 girls in the US were named.  

Fact is there is a highly reviewed and well established provider (even holding the title of #1 worldwide for a period of time) who happens to have a name similar to yours.  Now you on the other hand have no reviews to speak of.  You can claim you wanted to stay under the radar or whatever, but when hobbyists look up providers they tend to think of you as a newbie until you have a few reviews under your belt.    

As far as using Veda, it's a funny coincidence that after the top few girls in the top 100 had Veda sites, a flood of Veda sites emerged.  Even if the Veda name isn't at the bottom (because you can pay Veda to remove it) the sites all look the same.  I'm not implying AW started it all because you can see some of Veda's earlier work on their site.  It's just a funny coincidence I'm sure other seasoned hobbyists have noted as well.  Put this together with a similar name and it's pretty obvious where my comment came from.

Remember this IS a business (no matter what fantasy you or I or any other person on either side of the game wants to think) and you might want to make sure you don't piss in someone else's cereal before you start selling a similar product.  

My accusations are based on some simple observations.  Call them uncanny coincidences, but it certainly isn't much of a stretch to see where I'm coming from.  Be offended all you want at my comments.  It would have never been mentioned had your name been similar to say the 99th ranked provider in the US for example, but when you can easily be perceived as a copycat don't throw up your arms and act like the person who noticed it is off base.

No info on TER, but she seems to be a class act.  Great website and blog.  Seems like a lot of work if she's not legit.  Any info either a reply or PM would be appreciated.

GaGambler1275 reads

Dallas has so many women to choose from that are not only every bit as beautiful, but known quantities as well. I know price is probably not an issue, but why chance a HDH without reviews when there are dozens of women with reviews, who are even more beautiful, that are in the $400-500 range? Oh well, each to their own I suppose.

Just out of curiosity, where did you stumble across her website?

GaGambler1246 reads

Too good for TER, but not too good to advertise on EROS.

Take your chances if you'd like, but I would certainly take a pass. $750 hr in a city like Dallas should guarantee you the best, this one is every bit as sketchy as a $150 hr BP girl, just with better pics. With no presence anywhere she has no reputation at all for her to have to protect. she could shut down her web site tomorrow, save all the content, and be back in business if 15 minutes under another name.

You could very well be right on this one, but she has put a lot of effort in her presentation. Her blog has been up for a while, her pics are professional, and she paid very close to 2K on the Veda website alone. EROS Dallas Has lots of Rip-off girls, but none have truly invested in their presentation. Lauren and Jenn have so many ripoff reports, you would think Stormi would revoke her right to advertise.  

To each his own when it comes to the whole privacy and discretion issue. I'm quite torn myself, but I look at it as a consumer is just like you. If she doesn't have a review, and you can't talk to anyone about he experience- good or bad- you may as well go with BP.  

While I'm part time, and I don't put myself out there enough to have tons of reviews, I understand their purpose and welcome them. And reviewers.

I agree with you on the cost of her ad, but, the pics can't be verified, there are no reviews anywhere and, the rate doesn't match the market in Dallas, nor other markets - She may be writing the blog for other reasons and running the web site, but, you would think that someone who has met her will do a search, like me and, write a comment to this post - or, maybe she will post her own reply - She may also be a very low volume person, looking for something infrequent and more personal, however, in the end, this is what it is and, you would need to verify the pics, read reviews, look at the reviewer and, even have a phone number to speak to the voice, behind the pics and ads.

GaGambler1067 reads

who thinks high rates equate to low volume and high quality. Sometimes they just mean a fool and his money..............

I also have to add that while the lady depicted in the ad/blog appears to be rather attractive, she's not really "all that" and there are dozens of well reviewed women in the DFW at least as attractive who are known quantities. Not to mention it's a rare woman who commands over $500 hr in this market. Just claiming you are special doesn't make you so.

The difference between the woman that charges $200 and the one who charges $1500 an hour is the balls to ask for it. And there are men out there who, probably like the OP, will pay for what they want. That doesn't make him a sucker. Being a sucker implies that he will regret meeting her. But I think he should expect an above level communication about expectations.  

Then you have to understand why Companions charge what they charge. It's not because of any market. It's about HER goals, availability, and pride. Yes, pride. Not everyone comes into the industry the same way and with the same thought process.  

And charging more isn't supposed to make her special to YOU, but an indicator of how special she is to herself, and in turn, how special she treats you. She may not have the time or the need to have 5 $200/hr dates in order to make the same money because you can't afford it. She may have regular clients or an income that meets her needs, so she doesn't have the need to appeal to those on a limited budget. Who knows, who cares. But let's not be judgmental either way. He likes her, and I hope he has fun.  

Hell, none of us are really 'all that'. The sum of ALL of our parts is what really matters.

GaGambler1113 reads

What I save my disdain for, are the guys who fall all over themselves for average women who through great marketing are able to get twice the rate of women who provide the same service and are just as beautiful,yet only get half the price.

It's not providers, it's the same mentality that gets women to shop at high dollar stores where the help is rude to them, because it's "classy" or the guy who pays $200 for a bottle of $40 wine and truly believes he is getting a quality wine because the waiter told him so.

Oh well, if the guys that do this are happy with their choices, then who am I to rain on their parade? I know most people think I am grossly overpaid for what I do as well. lol

Personally I currently know two very beautiful high rate women.. women who look like playboy centerfolds ... who are sweet as pie,  that are starving.   no business.  old clients helping them cover bills. etc.

Success is a word that means different things to different people.  One casual acquaintance who prices herself very high ... owns nothing it seems, travels constantly.  Is that a life?  for her I guess it works.  Maybe she has savings and ?...  she also has an attitude with women..and the way she talks about her clients.. hard to believe she has any respect of even likes them.  How does she treat them face to face?  I wonder.    apparently that attitude appeals to some men becuz I read her ads and am shocked anyone ever contacts her.  Maybe some men need a 'mean mommy' or to feel humble or psychologically abused.  

Low volume is pretty much every escort.  Have you noticed tons of ladies out there and how terrible the economy is?  there is some crazy idea that we are open 9am-9pm rolling men thru hourly...Phone ringing off the hook..   or that the money is all that matters.  A guy calls and wants to give up cash and it is a 'go'.     Not so.  

Here is a fact: Women who charge high prices are no different then the lower market priced escort in this respect: we all prefer to see men we like.  If a bunch of men we liked, who seemed fun and cool called us, we'd see more men.  Unfortunately if a lady cares who she sees,  it rarely happens we have the opportunity to see more then one man a day if even that.  Low or High rates.

I have no doubt this Wintour lady is a real escort.  If it is solely a matter of you really loving her pictures and little else matters.  If a women doesn't look like her pictures and has high rates likely she will not be in biz more than a year.  I would say to see her.  no probs.  

one more point. if you hire that average priced escort, take a little time to find someone who you jive with and vice versa... if you have a fantastic time.. tip her a few extra bills.  she will remember you fondly... thrill when you call her again.  She will go the extra mile to accommodate you.  
isn't it the most wonderful feeling to get to be a HERO?    We ALL are needing more dollars now a day even the women who present themselves as HDH.   Unless they have other sources of income. which is possible.  

More likely, girls who are set, with no worries, usually have one very kind client friend taking care of the lion's share.  IMHO    

That is my opinion.  Now let the sharks attack.  "business is great"  " high rate escorts are just better"  etc.

GaGambler1140 reads

This is the first actual discussion I have seen on this board in a long, long time.

Nice to see a few of you ladies offering up your opinions. Maybe I will have to eat my words about there being "no one in the bleachers" lol

Sorry that business is off for most of you, I do my part, I expect to see at least 3-4 ladies this week, but I can't lift the market up all by myself, afterall I am not as young as I used to be. lol

I will confess I rarely go above a certain price point myself, which when in here in Dallas is about $300 hr unless someone really strikes my fancy. It's not that I can't afford it, it's just that there are so many quality ladies in Dallas for $300 or less, it would be impossible to see them all, and I have never found that a higher price tag equals a better experience where it comes to P4P sex, I have actually found the opposite to be true, once you have discounted the bottom of the barrel $100-150 hr BP girls of course.

agree -  
I also still believe this is clever marketing, plus a blog with soap opera topics, but I seriously doubt that there is a 10 behind the curtain - maybe an 8 and, the normal Dallas rates should apply - notice that there hasn't been a reply from soeone with direct experience -

I personally meet some of the girls with higher end rates. Myself and wasn't impress in person with their looks outside of the over photoshop pictures. So I couldnt imagine what the guys think once they open the doors.

GaGambler1054 reads

I find the "higher end" ladies tend to be less generous with their time than those towards the middle.

I certainly can't knock someone trying to make as much as they can with what they were given to work with, but I personally don't get the attraction to most of the HDH's.

Okay - you point out that she has spent a lot of money on her presentation - that includes a great -aka magical possibly? - photographer. I have rarely (never?) seen 'high end' photography result in the comment 'she's looks better than her pictures'.

There are so many ladies in Dallas that are HDH at 300 and up - I know of nobody over 600 an hour and they have reviews out the ying yang on TERs Top 100 - why would you risk 1500 on a no review lady?

2414atty1239 reads

Posted By: MT91151
No info on TER, but she seems to be a class act.  Great website and blog.  Seems like a lot of work if she's not legit.  Any info either a reply or PM would be appreciated.
She is an exceptionally beautiful woman. And she has a fantastic body, bombshell type. Very womanly figure. And by that I do not mean she's fat, she's in very good shape. I think she is worth every penny and then some. She is exceptionally intelligent, with a wry sense of humor. Actually, you have to be careful, it would be very easy to fall for this woman. If you can afford her, then she is the type of woman you'd wish you'd met before you met your wife. As she does not like "reviews", so I will leave it at that.

looks to me like she's trying to capitalize on the success of a very highly rated provider who has taken the time to actually build her reputation.  Ms. Wyntour has even gone as far as to use the same web designer.  Definitely NOT a class act thing to do.  It's easy to copycat someone but actually building your own name presents a challenge.

Posted By: nomoreegnog
looks to me like she's trying to capitalize on the success of a very highly rated provider who has taken the time to actually build her reputation.  Ms. Wyntour has even gone as far as to use the same web designer.  Definitely NOT a class act thing to do.  It's easy to copycat someone but actually building your own name presents a challenge.
Well, this is interesting.  I did not feel the need to respond to the purely speculative comments from the other members, but feel the need to address your accusation.

Who exactly are you accusing me of copying?  Are you accusing me of copying their website?  Veda Designs is a very common web designer for providers.  Are you accusing me of copying their name?  The Audrey Wintour alias is a derivative of both Audrey Hepburn and Anna Wintour.  Please clarify your comments?

I was very formulaic in my approach into this realm, but did not copy or try to "capitalize on the success of a highly rated provider".  I do not appreciate this slander.

While you may have been "formulaic" as you mention you certainly weren't diligent enough to perform a simple routine check of similarly named providers before opening up shop.  Being formulaic I might want to sell this new MP3/smartphone device under my newly formed company "Applesauce" simply because I love applesauce.  Oh no.  I'm not copying off of any well established companies that have a similar product.  We've all heard of the pick-your-porno-name game using the street you grew up on and whatever other crap you want to use, but I'd still have taken a few minutes before entering this realm to do a little spot check to see what the top 10 girls in the US were named.  

Fact is there is a highly reviewed and well established provider (even holding the title of #1 worldwide for a period of time) who happens to have a name similar to yours.  Now you on the other hand have no reviews to speak of.  You can claim you wanted to stay under the radar or whatever, but when hobbyists look up providers they tend to think of you as a newbie until you have a few reviews under your belt.    

As far as using Veda, it's a funny coincidence that after the top few girls in the top 100 had Veda sites, a flood of Veda sites emerged.  Even if the Veda name isn't at the bottom (because you can pay Veda to remove it) the sites all look the same.  I'm not implying AW started it all because you can see some of Veda's earlier work on their site.  It's just a funny coincidence I'm sure other seasoned hobbyists have noted as well.  Put this together with a similar name and it's pretty obvious where my comment came from.

Remember this IS a business (no matter what fantasy you or I or any other person on either side of the game wants to think) and you might want to make sure you don't piss in someone else's cereal before you start selling a similar product.  

My accusations are based on some simple observations.  Call them uncanny coincidences, but it certainly isn't much of a stretch to see where I'm coming from.  Be offended all you want at my comments.  It would have never been mentioned had your name been similar to say the 99th ranked provider in the US for example, but when you can easily be perceived as a copycat don't throw up your arms and act like the person who noticed it is off base.

This is all news to me and the first I've heard of me copying someone.  Honestly, I just joined this website to address your accusation and apparently I cannot even access the "Top 100 Providers" list without a VIP membership.

We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

Take care

Posted By: AudreyWintour
This is all news to me and the first I've heard of me copying someone.  Honestly, I just joined this website to address your accusation and apparently I cannot even access the "Top 100 Providers" list without a VIP membership.  
 We will have to agree to disagree on this one.  
 Take care.  
Whether you intended to copy or not I'm making you aware that it looks like you have.  I believe I've made my point as to how this can be easily derived and how you could have easily avoided this situation.

You're an idiot.  Just thought I would let you know in case you weren't sure.

I like the way you TELL us that she copying some well-known provider, but you won't actually NAME the other provider so we can judge for ourselves.

And did you really write that the other lady holds a "title" of No. 1 provider in the world?  Like that is actually a serious title?  No. 1 according to whom?  How exactly is that judged anyhow?

It is kind of like asserting that chocolate cake is the number one best tasting food in the world.  Stuff like that is a matter of personal taste, not objective measurement.  Other people may think steak is the best tasting and may not care for chocolate at all.  Why even mention something that inane?

So, tell us, who is this wonderful "World's No. 1 Hooker" from whom Audrey is supposedly stealing business?

I thought the name Audrey Wintour was a knock-off of Anna Wintour (the fashion publisher) and/or Audrey Hepburn.

And to put all the mystery to rest, AUDREY WINTOUR IS REAL.  I have seen her many times.  She doesn't like reviews because of all the abusive drama that goes along with a review of a lady that charges $1500.  In other words, she is smarter that the ass hats that would belittle her in reviews.

Posted By: nomoreegnog
While you may have been "formulaic" as you mention you certainly weren't diligent enough to perform a simple routine check of similarly named providers before opening up shop.  Being formulaic I might want to sell this new MP3/smartphone device under my newly formed company "Applesauce" simply because I love applesauce.  Oh no.  I'm not copying off of any well established companies that have a similar product.  We've all heard of the pick-your-porno-name game using the street you grew up on and whatever other crap you want to use, but I'd still have taken a few minutes before entering this realm to do a little spot check to see what the top 10 girls in the US were named.    
 Fact is there is a highly reviewed and well established provider (even holding the title of #1 worldwide for a period of time) who happens to have a name similar to yours.  Now you on the other hand have no reviews to speak of.  You can claim you wanted to stay under the radar or whatever, but when hobbyists look up providers they tend to think of you as a newbie until you have a few reviews under your belt.    
 As far as using Veda, it's a funny coincidence that after the top few girls in the top 100 had Veda sites, a flood of Veda sites emerged.  Even if the Veda name isn't at the bottom (because you can pay Veda to remove it) the sites all look the same.  I'm not implying AW started it all because you can see some of Veda's earlier work on their site.  It's just a funny coincidence I'm sure other seasoned hobbyists have noted as well.  Put this together with a similar name and it's pretty obvious where my comment came from.  
 Remember this IS a business (no matter what fantasy you or I or any other person on either side of the game wants to think) and you might want to make sure you don't piss in someone else's cereal before you start selling a similar product.    
 My accusations are based on some simple observations.  Call them uncanny coincidences, but it certainly isn't much of a stretch to see where I'm coming from.  Be offended all you want at my comments.  It would have never been mentioned had your name been similar to say the 99th ranked provider in the US for example, but when you can easily be perceived as a copycat don't throw up your arms and act like the person who noticed it is off base.
-- Modified on 10/21/2014 3:37:02 PM

mark4funct1105 reads

Maybe I can clear at least a little up.  I have seen this woman a couple times.  The last time the bartender who knows me, commented how stunning she was.  She isnt playboy fake stunning, but that beautiful real girl next door who knows how to dress and impress.  What really sets her aside to me is she is even smarter.  We have sat and laughed over casual drinks for hours.  Most all of the women I hear about in the $300 to $700 range wont do this.  

If you want to know what the difference with her is, I'll try and tell you in my opinion.  Remember, this is only my opinion.  You all are entitled to yours and I to mine.  If I want to get a car, everyone can get a Cadillac.  Thats great.  Not everyone can get a Ferrari.  If you have the means, why wouldnt you want a Ferrari?!?!  This girl is high class, beautiful, and eloquent.  Shes worth every penny.  

I dont care if her web site is a copy or not.  Her personality and beauty is not a copy.  She is unique.  Who cares if the ad isnt.

So in short, in my opinion, I havent met another provider with her style or grace.  Or ever heard of one.  Fault her if you want, but I couldnt be happier I took the chance with her.  And now call her a friend.  I like Ferraris.


Posted By: MT91151
No info on TER, but she seems to be a class act.  Great website and blog.  Seems like a lot of work if she's not legit.  Any info either a reply or PM would be appreciated.

Maybe out of the Dallas price range but definitely charging a fair price for what you are getting.  She is stunning and amazing, will leave it at that.

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