
RCP Please E-mail me
nicerack69 287 Reviews 15851 reads
1 / 13

Do most people spend their time on ASPD.net?

I know Texas has some of the best ladies and clubs and AMP and Studios in the country . . . but it doesn't seem to get talked about much on this board.

BigLouie 16612 reads
2 / 13

Honestly most guys in Texas hang out on ASPD.NET.  No board has really been able to make a dint in their popularity. A number of boards have Texas sections and they are all dead also.

One of the big advantages of ASPD is the many different forums for each city, Co-Ed Discussion, Spas, Independent, Agencies, Pig Pen (for sports, politics and the like, non-hobby stuff). They have a lot of pluses that are hard to go against.

RCProNo1 9 Reviews 15443 reads
3 / 13

Well, as the moderator here, what do you guys think we could do to try to get more activity?

Ask questions?  Start polls?

Any suggestions are welcomed!

BigLouie 18587 reads
4 / 13

Here are my thoughts. ANY board is going to have a difficult if not impossible time going against ASPD. First as mentioned ASPD has multiple sections. You can pop into one and see reviews, you can pop into another and read about sports or politics, you can pop into another and read exchanges between the ladies and the guys. A number of spas/agencies have their own sections where they talk about who is new, changes in the schedule. Here you have one section that covers the WHOLE state, not Houston, Dallas but TEXAS.

Also ASPD is a VERY social place. There is a lot of interaction not just on the board but in person. A lot of the guys hang together and then post about their exploits. You see guys talk about being out at this club or that club together. You see guys talk about going to this spa or that spa with their friends. Also there are a lot of parties that all the active posters attend and then they post about it.

Has TER ever thought of hosting parties in Texas to meet and greet and get people to post?

RCProNo1 do you even live in Texas?  

To get more going you would basically have to redesign the entire layout of TER plus the way it operates.

Don't feel bad, TBD has the same problem as does YMMV which is a Houston based board. Both dead as can be in the face of the ASPD juggernaut.

BigLouie 15445 reads
5 / 13

RCP please e-mail me at [email protected]

-- Modified on 6/5/2004 8:29:43 AM

RomanTraveler 63 Reviews 16972 reads
6 / 13

The ASPD reviews are a disappointment to me. In general, they do not compare to the TER reviews. For some reason, the guys tend not to be explicit in their comments. Hobbiests need explicit details (bbbj, cim, etc) to help us determine whether a provider is worth seeing. Effusive praise is not particularly helpful, since we all have our varying preferences when it comes to what we expect from a provider.

-- Modified on 6/6/2004 4:25:24 AM

BigLouie 17141 reads
7 / 13

I have not found a board where the reviews are really accurate. Even on TER I have found way too many fake or bogus reviews. There is one review in the Houston section of a girl that retired over a year ago and left the city and the guy claims to have seen her last month. Yea right. I have also had appointments with girls and asked about services covered in TER reviews only to find that reality of what really happened was far differnt than what was written.

I will say that on ASPD there is two different sytles. Houston and Dallas. Dallas tends to be very less explicit while Houston tends to be pretty graphic.

Number 6 124 Reviews 18395 reads
8 / 13

ASPD has been long established, and it seems like all the major studios/spas/(and my favorite euphemism) "relaxation centers" have a presence there.

TER sells limited advertising per se, if they sold more and had the respective tie-ins, they may do better. The review database helps, and there's quite a nice selection for Texas, but I think it will take some time before you can make a fair comparison between TER and ASPD.

GunsnTexas 14207 reads
9 / 13

Don't put TER down as it is one of the most valuable sources we have.  That said, seems as if you are out banging the gong for ASPD--home of the biggest bunch of B.S. around.  You talk about a bunch of guys who "think" they can control ladies, other guys and so forth, then go to ASPD and believe everything you read there.  
ASPD has reviews of girls from the street and is loaded with false braggadocio.  Go look if you haven't noticed that.  
If nothing else, ASPD is always good for a laugh.
TER rules!!!!

BigLouie 17764 reads
10 / 13

My point is the no review on ANY board can truly be believed.  TER is a very good reference for a number of cities especially Las Vegas and the West Coast. However I take ALL reviews, regardless of where I read them "with a grain of salt" as the old saying goes. For every review on ASPD you may object to as loaded with false braggadocio I can point out one on here that is just as loaded with false braggadocio.

I do feel there are way more reviews on here that are of appointments that NEVER happened.

HoseSniffer 21 Reviews 17257 reads
11 / 13

When considering the success of this board or sad the Dallas one on TBD versus the one on ASPD I think you need to consider cost.  ASPD is about $8/month, IIRC, both TER and TBD cost oin the order of $20/month.  The cost/benifit in many people's mind may be what leads them to the ASPD door to post.

One could surmise why haven't more boards gone over to ASPD, that I can't answer.  But cost has to be at least part of the analysis.

AllisonSA 16461 reads
12 / 13

Just wanted to say hi and put my two cents in:)
For one, ASPD has a lot of provider interaction compared to this board. I think the guys would frequent TER a lot more if there was more females posting. TER is not a "provider friendly" site. I have had reviews on here for a while and have been contacted by several gentlemen but I really have no way of screening them. On ASPD I can click search, type in there handle and it will show me everything that they have posted. So it is very easy to be screened. Every provider wants to feel safe:) Plus, they have a pm system where I can verify that the gentleman is who he says he is.
So, I decide to join TER but in order to ever contact anyone off here you have to pay:) On ASPD providers access is always free. Sure, I can post, but emailing etc. for screening purposes is out of the question. Which brings me back to the orignal statement...you want the Texas boards to get busy...you need more females to feel comfortable to come here. All I see are the same providers posting over and over.
Just like others have said, ASPD is a lot easier to read. They have different sections so you can go straight to what you are looking for.
As for the parties, trust me they are a blast!!
Well, that is all I have to say:) Just remember that movie "If you build it, they will come" :)


rocket_rabbit 1 Reviews 13662 reads
13 / 13

I agree with Allison.  TER is not a very provider friendly site.  Just browsing through these posts, looking for provider ads in a specific city is v v difficult.

ASPD does have that over TER.  I'll give you that.  However, I've dropped my ASPD membership and will never consider going back.  I've seen too many posts on ASPD where one is left with the suspicion that the moderators and many of the senior memebers are neo-natzi hooligans who like nothing better than to beat up on newbies - constantly trying to create doubt about anything that did not come from someone they know and trust.  As such, I would agree with GunsnTexas's comments in this thread - there appear to be too many folks on ASPD with a "holier than thou" attitude.

Lastly, it is my humble opinion that TER's review section blows away ASPD's.  TER is a great source of info - keep up the great work !!!  

Wish list:
Just like ya'll, I like to see the Texas boards become more active on TER.  I think one of the ways to do that is to offer some space where providers can advertise easily, and members can search those ads by city.  That in itself will create activity, not only between provider and members but also among memebers as they discuss their experiences.

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