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Think you know everything there is to know about sex? Think again!

Don't get all crazy!
The vibrator was originally invented in the 19th century as a way to reduce "hysteria." That seems a little extreme. However, we do not recommend testing that theory by taking away a woman's vibrator to see if she goes into a hysterical fit. That's just dangerous.

Swarms of swimmers
Your average healthy man produces approximately 300 million sperm in just a teaspoon of his semen. However, it only takes one little swimmer to fertilize a woman’s egg.

Like it
Forget post-coital cuddling! According to a poll by consumer electronics site, 36 percent of people under the age of 35 check their Facebook and Twitter accounts after a roll in the hay. Hopefully, they are not posting any pictures!

Get some!
Think men get laid more than women? Wrong! According to Men’s Fitness, women have sex 17 percent more often than the average guy. Go girls!

Make it last
Even though the male O seems to get all the attention, it turns out the women get the last laugh when it comes to climaxing. The average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds — 14 seconds longer than the male's six-second O.
Orgasms are good for you
Orgasms are good for your health! They can lower a woman's risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer and even depression. So have sex and get happy!

Sex counts as a workout! During 30 minutes of active sex, you burn about 200 calories.

Get hot
Even though straight women reported only being aroused by men, researchers at the Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, found that most women in a study became aroused by every sexual stimulus they saw — including nude male and female bodies, heterosexual and homosexual sex and even animal sex.

That's not so bad
When aroused, people are not as likely to think things are disgusting, according to a study published in the online journal.

Use your brain
Researchers at Rutgers University, who used fMRI scanners to find out exactly what happens in your brain when you're aroused, found that different regions of the brain became activated in response to stimulation of the vagina, cervix, clitoris and nipples.
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