
Ze plane, Ze plane
Stickythong 416 reads

And so another episode of, "Fantasy Island" begins......

I love Lamont's Provider Friday check to see "Who rocked your world?".  I am equally interested in the reverse side of the coin - "Who's world got rocked?"  Like many of you, giving a provider pleasure is just as much a part of the experience for me and receiving it.  Love a woman who grabs my head, locks her thighs and demands that I DATY until she is exhausted or  feeling her shudder next to me as  my magic wand finds just the right spot, at just the right speed, with just the right pressure.  

Favorites may range from the violent thrashers, to the muffled screamers, to the marathoners who just come over and over.  

So share your ATF's.  Who is she, how does it work, and what's her poison?

Ladies, if you would like to chip in I'd love to hear your side.  Especially interested in what trips your trigger best.

-- Modified on 7/1/2015 11:02:04 AM

CavalierServente671 reads

But I always assume the that the providers do not climax, and are not even thinking about it.  

Why would a beautiful young lady find a 50-year-old guy attractive, no matter what his physical condition?  I realize that the this type of age-discrepancy relationship can exist, but it usually takes more that $400 and a load of cum shoved down her throat to establish this.  

I assume that provider "climaxes" are just signals from the provider that it's time to stopp DATY, or to switch positions, or to get the guy to finally cum.

I wish I wasn't so cynical, but come on:  go to your local bar and see how many hot 30-year-olds are flirting with the 50-year-old guys.

Or maybe I'm just shitty in bed, and guys can really make an escort have three organisms within 60 minutes of first meeting her.  (If this is true, I wish the reviews has more specific details of how to do this, so that I can use these same

-- Modified on 7/1/2015 10:45:49 AM

-- Modified on 7/1/2015 10:46:53 AM

Bummer !  Next thing you will tell me Santa Clause isn't real. Ignorance can be bliss.

Stickythong417 reads

And so another episode of, "Fantasy Island" begins......

One of my very best orgasms of this year was with a 72 year-old man who I find physically repulsive.  

I can have good sex with anyone as long as they are good in bed. My level of physical attraction towards has nothing to do with how easily how I orgasm or the intensity of my orgasms. BUT, I am very male brained in how I view sex and sexuality. I am usually able to find something hot or fuckable in everyone.

You're right, you won't see me out at a local bar doing some silly song and dance. This eliminates the need for all of that. Yes, you're there for a reason, yes, you're being very sweet and leaving me some spending money for when we part, but that doesn't mean that we can't still have fun. Most people have at least one redeeming quality that isn't even that hard to find. There's no need for your partner to be conventionally attractive to enjoy the time :-)

It always amazes me that there can be so much variety in a sexual experience.  Each time I am with a guy the combination of how I have sex and how he has sex is unique and I love it!

Sometimes it's better than other times.

 I totally understand why some guys want to come and be pampered for an hour, and I am perfectly happy to do that. If you want to lie there and let me do my thing and take care of you then that's what I want to do.

But, I especially appreciate when my guy makes an effort to participate regardless of his skill level or appearance. It's more fun for everybody when it's a two-person activity.  Be brave!  Interact with her.  Make if feel real.  That's when it feels real for me, when the gentleman gets actively involved.

Come on!  We're not naive!  We know that what you're saying could easily be true.  It takes effort to suspend disbelief on our part, just as much as it takes effort on your part to be intimate with a client who's not your physical type.  (I suppose it's easier when the hobbyist and the provider are close in age.)  But the hobby has a strong fantasy element to it, and we're just looking for ways to live it out.  So let us suspend disbelief, and we'll return the favor by being clean and courteous.

-- Modified on 7/4/2015 11:02:39 PM

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