
You surely don't believe "inflation" has anything to do with rates??red_smile
Dr Who revived 884 reads

If you actually believe that nonsense, I would be very happy to direct you to the Federal tables that are continuously published on CPI and other economic barometers.  I use these quite often to calculate various inventory values for all sorts of commodities.  Unfortunately, hookers, as a commodity isn't on this site.  But FWIW, inflation is something that is way in the rear view mirror..and I mean way back there.

If a gal wants to raise her rates successfully, she is getting more calls than she can accommodate on her current rates.  This is more in line with "supply and demand".  And that is generally independent of any type of "inflationary/deflationary" economy.

And as I posted up earlier, many of us follow the "spot markets" here pretty closely.  And it is alway "humorous" to see the gals raise their rates (as you allude) only to see the "specials" follow within a few months.

But that tactic works well for the novice player.  He doesn't pay much attention to trends.  And like macdaddy1944 comments, if he wants a gal, damn her rates.  He just goes with it.  You gals hope that there are lots of macdaddy's out there.  And perhaps there are enough to keep your rates high enough for you.

But for those fellas that are interested in NOT overpaying for a gal, they watch the trends and make their "move" when the prices are in line with what they are comfortable spending.  And if those prices for that gal doesn't come down, there's plenty of options out there.

I've noticed lately that a lot of providers that I am interested in seeing these days are $500 per hour or more.  That used to seem high to me and I always thought of my usual range as $300 - $400, but maybe I am just behind the times.

What do you think of as your regular range?

is the price point that should work.  What I can or do spend is my comfort zone.  And whatever the next fella spends is his comfort zone.

If you want to pay a gal 500 for an hour of time..go for it.  But if it causes some angst that is too much for some sweat.  Plenty of very talented, attractive and selfless gals in almost any price range.

The 500+ gals may have enough fellas that come a "callin", so they stick at that number.  If not enough fellas are "a callin"..they offer "specials".  Just watch the boards and the ads and you'll find plenty of 500+ gals offering "specials".  There's a few on these boards that just are "out there" with their crazy pricing info.  Simply disregard those gals till "the rent needs to be paid" and then jump on the "specials".  And those gals stick out like a "sore thumb".

Or stick with the gals that have a solid history of consistency in pricing and services and you will be justly rewarded.  That way you can avoid those gals that "panic" when the money runs short (or out)!  And avoid their drama nonsense.

In Chicago the upscale lady is between $350-$400. I'm seeing more and more ladies set themselves apart a little by going up from $400 to $450 recently so I think inflation is evident over the last 6 months or so. I am going to be doing the same shortly. Tho I only offer an hourly rate to my regulars and my min date is an hour and a half for new friends.

I would say if your price point is $500/hr, you like the more luxurious things in life and are willing to pay for it. Expensive tastes, if you will :)

Hope that helps!

Veronica Sweets

Posted By: jimhalsted
I've noticed lately that a lot of providers that I am interested in seeing these days are $500 per hour or more.  That used to seem high to me and I always thought of my usual range as $300 - $400, but maybe I am just behind the times.

What do you think of as your regular range?

If you actually believe that nonsense, I would be very happy to direct you to the Federal tables that are continuously published on CPI and other economic barometers.  I use these quite often to calculate various inventory values for all sorts of commodities.  Unfortunately, hookers, as a commodity isn't on this site.  But FWIW, inflation is something that is way in the rear view mirror..and I mean way back there.

If a gal wants to raise her rates successfully, she is getting more calls than she can accommodate on her current rates.  This is more in line with "supply and demand".  And that is generally independent of any type of "inflationary/deflationary" economy.

And as I posted up earlier, many of us follow the "spot markets" here pretty closely.  And it is alway "humorous" to see the gals raise their rates (as you allude) only to see the "specials" follow within a few months.

But that tactic works well for the novice player.  He doesn't pay much attention to trends.  And like macdaddy1944 comments, if he wants a gal, damn her rates.  He just goes with it.  You gals hope that there are lots of macdaddy's out there.  And perhaps there are enough to keep your rates high enough for you.

But for those fellas that are interested in NOT overpaying for a gal, they watch the trends and make their "move" when the prices are in line with what they are comfortable spending.  And if those prices for that gal doesn't come down, there's plenty of options out there.

RogueLuver1065 reads get what you pay for, most of the time anyway. As discretionary funds dry up, so do many hobbiests. As one sees on a daily basis, the price asked for companionship is all over the charts. Ask yourself this: is the lady worth the price of the ticket? Deals are out there, and one can have a wonderful journey for a less expensive ticket. I guess that's why they call us educated consumers. On the other hand, as it has already been stated, those that can pay big ticket prices...continue to spur the inflation. It all comes down to labido. :)

i really dont have one..if she is on my 'gotta have' or bucket list..i really do not care about the money..if this is a once in a lifetime opportunity i am sure not going to check my wallet for cash availability..i know too many hobbyists who have passed up the chance to see someone that they really want to see and regret it later..maybe i have a different philosophy than the penny pinchers..if you are a penny pincher..maybe you shouldnt be hobbying..i say go for it while you have the might be your only not be chicken shit about it..i do not have any regrets whatsoever..i never will..

oldchiguy1093 reads

Issue depends on economic ability and your hobbying practices.  There are obviously some gents in an economic bracket for whom $500+ is no issue.  There are others who only hobby occasionally.  If hobbying is an occasional bucket list thing, then price is not much of an object.  For gents with average means who hobby frequently, price matters. If a girl can fill her dance card consistently with the first two catagories of gents, she will charge the big bucks.  If she can't, she will have to price her services where the majority of gents can consistently afford them.  Capitalism at its best.

and I bet the ladies love you! I would be one of those hobbyists who have passed up that once in a lifetime opportunity - over and over again. Thing is, there are a lot of "once in a lifetime opportunities" and those opportunities tend to repeat and there are always guys like you who step up to the plate and fulfill their dreams. I'm fine with that and the ladies who command high rates are justified in getting whatever they can command.

However, the vast majority of us aren't rich but we aren't penny pinchers either. We middle class are what keeps businesses rolling over the long term. I bet most providers would rather have long-term customers than the one and done variety. But hey, if they can get a guy like you to repeat, more power to them :-)

Me? I'm sticking with my lovely reasonably-priced ladies who, did I mention, are lovely? I'm in my sweet spot and not so interested in high-priced filet garnished with trimmings for which I have no taste.
Like the food analogy? Where's Foody, I need a steak damn it!

"There's a lot of cubic zirconia out there that look and taste like the real thing."

My thought is this, my comfort zone is the $400-$500 an hour provider.  I have spent as mush as $700+ and trying to connect again with one because she's been on my bucket list.  These girls that are asking $$$$ an hour, as much as I would like to contribute, I can't just  out of principle.  There's a provider coming in from out of town (and don't get me wrong, they can charge WHATEVER THEY WANT) who wants $2000 with a 2 hr min.  A 2 hour min???  REALLY???? Sorry first of all, I don't want to date her nor I do I need anymore than an hour (and when asked her hourly, she quoted me at $1400hr and she's not even a porn star).  Secondly, she is NO BETTER than our BEST (The Renata's & Dodda's of Chicago.  I pluralized them because the list is so long of OUR great girls) so why would I pay that kinda price when I can consistently take care of OUR OWN? Not everybody is a Rockefeller but, we shouldn't support these high end providers (with their price's) that come into town and don't offer anything different on their menu than OUR VERY OWN.  Support OUR girls.  If we continue paying the price"s that these out of towners ask A) it will drive up the other price's ("if they're getting it than I should get it too" attitude) and B) it take's money out of OUR OWN girls pockets which once again will just lead to the raising of prices once again.  Please don't get me wrong there are a lot of great provider's that do come in from out of town that do offer fair price's and with them I always try in incorporate one of OUR OWN in to the mix :) and usually the reason why I might see them alone is because my local favorites aren't available and they DO HAVE competitive price's for our market.

I'm sure this may stir up some opinion's out there but that what the discussion board is all about... Opinion's.

(Let's just hope this thread doesn't get censored it's quite interesting to hear what's being said).

That's my .02


Crusher13790 reads

I believe you are referring to the gal who is currently rated #2 in the US, and was very recently number 1.  Since you obviously haven't seen her, under what criteria are you convinced "she is NO BETTER than our BEST" when they two ladies you referred to are well down the same list?

Posted By: SnakePliskken
"There's a lot of cubic zirconia out there that look and taste like the real thing."

My thought is this, my comfort zone is the $400-$500 an hour provider.  I have spent as mush as $700+ and trying to connect again with one because she's been on my bucket list.  These girls that are asking $$$$ an hour, as much as I would like to contribute, I can't just  out of principle.  There's a provider coming in from out of town (and don't get me wrong, they can charge WHATEVER THEY WANT) who wants $2000 with a 2 hr min.  A 2 hour min???  REALLY???? Sorry first of all, I don't want to date her nor I do I need anymore than an hour (and when asked her hourly, she quoted me at $1400hr and she's not even a porn star).  Secondly, she is NO BETTER than our BEST (The Renata's & Dodda's of Chicago.  I pluralized them because the list is so long of OUR great girls) so why would I pay that kinda price when I can consistently take care of OUR OWN? Not everybody is a Rockefeller but, we shouldn't support these high end providers (with their price's) that come into town and don't offer anything different on their menu than OUR VERY OWN.  Support OUR girls.  If we continue paying the price"s that these out of towners ask A) it will drive up the other price's ("if they're getting it than I should get it too" attitude) and B) it take's money out of OUR OWN girls pockets which once again will just lead to the raising of prices once again.  Please don't get me wrong there are a lot of great provider's that do come in from out of town that do offer fair price's and with them I always try in incorporate one of OUR OWN in to the mix :) and usually the reason why I might see them alone is because my local favorites aren't available and they DO HAVE competitive price's for our market.

I'm sure this may stir up some opinion's out there but that what the discussion board is all about... Opinion's.

(Let's just hope this thread doesn't get censored it's quite interesting to hear what's being said).

That's my .02


Any gal is free to charge whatever she wants to charge.  And the success of that is predicated on enough fellas paying them that rate so they can live however it is they want to live.  Just because EC is charging $ 2k for 2 hours is not to your liking, I would suspect that there are enough fellas that have already lined her up, or else you'll see that she will "cancel the tour".  And how often have we seen that deal around here?

The OP was asking us to comment on our price points.  And for me I've been with the HDH gals, and simply don't feel like that was a value to me.  And it seems you concur with that analysis based on your post.

But had I never tried some of these gals I would have wondered what the attraction (and justification of such a multiple of the "normal" rates) was.  And now I know the me...none!!

But there's always another new fella that doesn't know...and in so many cases he carries the freight.  I was one of those guys once, and I am sure that there are so many that show up every day that the gals are able to support these higher rates.  And when there is a "lull of new fellas"...the specials come out.

This is a very predictable method that many of the gals use.  And in some cases the very reason I wouldn't spend two cents on seeing those that subscribe to that model.  But that won't stop those that haven't yet figured this out.

The "funny" part is that many of the touring gals that show up here post some asinine rates for gals that are "clearly (IMHO)" mediocre in looks...over 40+...and have typical menus.  But yet, they come back over and over, so there's fellas out here that are seeing them.  Unfortunately they don't write the reviews to discuss this.  So many of us rely on the back channeling method.  That works well for me :)

...but I don't think that between the posters and the lurkers on this board and local/regional boards combined that we can have all that great an effect on the market price. I doubt our segment of the paying side of the equation is large enough.

panos991297 reads

"You get what you pay for " yada yada
The most Ive spent is 500 and generally pay around $ 350
I strongly feel that 350 should be the ceiling for one hour with a top shelf GFE
If they brought the prices down I would see them more often.
I generally see 3-4 girls a month and the prices are wearing me down
To ask for 500-1000..even 2, insane in my book
BUT ( !!! ) I dont blame the girls one bit.. its the men that pay these outrageous prices that ruin it for the other guys

$300 to (maybe) $350.  Above $350 I just move on to the next ad.  Seeing a $500 escort once a week is $26,000 a year of after-tax dollars or $40,000 of your gross yearly income.

I look at the service and the price... and of course the looks.  For example, I may see a lady advertising $300, which isn't bad by any means, but has several options that are not on the menu.  In that case, there is likely no chance I see her even though the price isn't bad.  

But to answer your question a bit better, I will rarely go over $500 and I probably stick closer to $400 overall.  Of course, as I said above though, it isn't black and white.  It really all depends on the whole package.  And like macdaddy, I will pay over my "limit" for a lady that just catches my eye.

And for the ladies that charge very high as SP mentioned, I have no plans to see them.  However, I would probably go there for someone famous like a porn star or model that I have seen around for years... a "dream" date I guess, for lack of a better term.

I realize that my response is probably all over the place, but I do put a lot of thought into who I see and what mood I'm in.

I try and make it easy.  I have a couple of girls I see regularly.  When I think about a girl that charges more I read reviews and look at her pictures and decide if she is worth the extra money.  Usually I decide she isn't worth it (with a couple of awesome exceptions). .

I am surprised at the rate some of the guys here think is normal.  There was a time that 350 was considered the norm and you could find great girls for 300 (I still think anything above 350 better be extremely justified).  And honestly, there is amazing talent in this city that charges 200 or 250 (many for outcall only, so add 50 for the room).  She is gone now, but read the reviews on Veronica.  She was 200 and her skills would match any of those 500-600 girls and exceed many.  I am not saying the girls should all drop their rates to 200, but that you should do your research on all the girls including those that are "only" 200.  A girl is great or terrible on her own merits, charging 600 or 200 doesn't make her better or worse.

Plus, haven't you noticed that a lot of those 500-600 girls charge that based completely on being young and looking good.  They have zero skills and really are only good to look at?

And even some in the $250 range. However, as a provider, I have found that I generally deal with a more respectful clientele when they are paying my regular rate of $350. I don't have to deal with the bargain hunters asking inappropriate questions or trying to get more time or service without compensating me accordingly. That is the main reason I personally charge what I do.

I offer specials to my regular clientele through my yahoo group, because let's face it, times are tough for most right now. I offer specials on here to direct gentlemen to my preferred times for appointments since I have a busy schedule outside of the hobby and most of you like instant gratification. I can't always play on an hour's notice, but during those special times I can. I have another job that keeps me very busy so I am very low volume when it comes to this business, and I am perfectly ok with that. Just because a lady runs a special doesn't mean she is desperate. It is called strategic marketing.

Just my $0.02

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