
What they said... ditto
ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 7666 reads

Obviously this particular provider is a flake... forget about her.  We all run across this experience sooner or later... just another given in the hobby.

The provider was running a special on TER a couple of weeks ago and I called her and sent her an email with a couple of references. She sent me an email the following morning telling she would call me that day to confirm our appointment. She NEVER called back. I did not call or send her an email(I just thought she was really busy and probably forgot) She ran the same special about 10 days ago. I called her again and sent her an email with my references. She called me the next day and we confirmed an appointment for the following day. I cancelled a bunch of appointments for work so that I could see her. She called me the morning of our appointment(1PM) and asked for my references again. She never checked them out two days before when I gave them to her. She then called me and told me she could not make it until 3PM and she had not heard back from my references. I called one of my references and she told me that she had returned her email to verify me. I then called the provider and left a message telling her that my reference had emailed her back. She NEVER called back!!! I was so pissed, but I called her the next day and sent her an email(I was very nice, but I told her how disappointed I was) She never got back to me. I have since called her twice and sent her two emails asking her what happened. I still have not heard from her. I'M SO PISSED NOW!!! What should I do?

Should I let everyone know who she is and see if anyone else has had a similar problem with her?

but, that "leopard probably will not change it's spots" and guys will still want to see her, though maybe less.

I'm having trouble with my TER mail; if you wish to reach me try [email protected].

YOu should post her name, I'm sure if she did it to you she has done it to others, this very everyone will know to avoid her and maybe after she see's her name she may change her worked in the past with other providers......02


Look at it this way; if she acted like that before you met, you're probably lucky you never hooked up with her.  There are plenty of other excellent providers in Chicago.

Although not nearly as rude as you have been treated, I have had close to the same experience with 2 providers this month.  

The date of the appointment instead of calling to confirm they send an email canceling, if I didn't go back to the office I would have been waiting in a hotel parking lot both times.

The cancellations were not that big of a thing but it would have been polite to at least call at that point.

It must be the weather or the water, but it shouldn't be so much work to pay to get laid.

PeterPickle7439 reads

Your time is just as valuable as hers.  I'm sure if you pulled the same B.S. on her she'd flip out and never see you again.

You should tell her to pound sand and find yourself a lady that isn't a total flake.

If you want someone to tell you she is the best thing on earth since canned beer, you won't. Honestly, if 20 guys told you to keep trying to see this unnamed girl and she kept zooming you, what would you do then?

Move on man; there are plenty of other girls who have their heads screwed on a lot straighter.

But  don't think for a minute you are the first or  last  guy this has happend to with her or others.

Post a review on her telling what happened. That's what this board is for.

Sometimes it is just not meant to be.  It could be that there are issues and it is just not going to work.  I know it is dissappointing.

I would also consider revealing her name so that others know that this may be a problem.  However, that may be a fight you don't want to start so, if you do, stick to the facts and be polite.

Find another lady and move on.  I hope you have a great experience soon.

Remember, there is no good karma or bad karma, only karma.

Obviously this particular provider is a flake... forget about her.  We all run across this experience sooner or later... just another given in the hobby.

I too have had similar experience with two well known and reviewd providers in the last month.  I guess they don't want or need the business...

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