
The great part about this business is that you're your own boss and you choose who you want to see
CatalinaGreen See my TER Reviews 338 reads

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
but I have encountered several phone calls in the past week from Chicago based guys... Okay, not several but "a lot"!  
 When I am in Chicago my rates are 2 1/2 times what they are in my home base. That is still low for your area.  
 Anyways I am trying to figure out why guys seem to think that contacting me is a good idea when they are not willing to pay my home base rates when coming to see me up north.  
 It is very disrespectful to answer me back with "But I am driving an hour and a half to come see you so I need a break on the rate".  
 I didn't ask you to come see me. It is great you want to see me. However for the 5 gallons of gas you spend to drive up by me, that has nothing to do with me. It is obvious you are trying to save money by driving north and my time is non negotiable. Oh wow, you spent 15$ to come to me, when I don't even advertise, not even in Milwaukee. These are TER guys who only notice me because of my reviews as I don't advertise at all. Yes, it takes time to drive to me. That is your choice.  
 I finally have been getting frustrated enough that I have straight out told a few that they can pay my Chicago rates then.  
 I am pretty reasonably priced. I do have plenty of regulars and new people to fill in my time.  
 I just don't feel that it is about seeing me, but just trying to find some cheap ladies. For all I know, you could already be in my area for work or whatever.  
 Anyone else deal with this? Use aliases if needed. I am sure some of you guys will fess up about this, under an alias.  
 I just don't get why I have to tell guys 4-6 times the same thing. You know what is listed. It is very simple.

but I have encountered several phone calls in the past week from Chicago based guys... Okay, not several but "a lot"!

When I am in Chicago my rates are 2 1/2 times what they are in my home base. That is still low for your area.

Anyways I am trying to figure out why guys seem to think that contacting me is a good idea when they are not willing to pay my home base rates when coming to see me up north.

It is very disrespectful to answer me back with "But I am driving an hour and a half to come see you so I need a break on the rate".

I didn't ask you to come see me. It is great you want to see me. However for the 5 gallons of gas you spend to drive up by me, that has nothing to do with me. It is obvious you are trying to save money by driving north and my time is non negotiable. Oh wow, you spent 15$ to come to me, when I don't even advertise, not even in Milwaukee. These are TER guys who only notice me because of my reviews as I don't advertise at all. Yes, it takes time to drive to me. That is your choice.  

I finally have been getting frustrated enough that I have straight out told a few that they can pay my Chicago rates then.

I am pretty reasonably priced. I do have plenty of regulars and new people to fill in my time.

I just don't feel that it is about seeing me, but just trying to find some cheap ladies. For all I know, you could already be in my area for work or whatever.

Anyone else deal with this? Use aliases if needed. I am sure some of you guys will fess up about this, under an alias.

I just don't get why I have to tell guys 4-6 times the same thing. You know what is listed. It is very simple.

That being said...dont let it get to you.There are plenty of guys that are willing to pay and not give you a hard time about it

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 3:32:13 AM

As I guy, the first thing I look at are the woman's rates. It amazes me that guys pull shit like this, but then again, it shouldn't. We're guys after all and too many of us are full of bluster & BS.

As a Boston guy, I might drive an hour or more to see a woman, but that's my choice. Ditto if I go somewhere where I have to pay for parking. I accept that as the price of admission in a crowded area.  Personally, I'd look for an excuse to go to Milwaukee to see you. Ditto for Chicago - I need well-paying clients to send me to your lovely city so I can enjoy all its delightful women.  If I do go, I'm certainly not going to ask anyone for a discount because I came to see them.

There will always be the bad mixed in with the good.

One time when I was visiting New York City 50% of my pre-booked appointments ended up canceling. 50%!   I've never had another week on tour with a cancellation rate that high. Was it New York City? No. It was just a bad week.  

I've been to New York City several times and nothing like that ever happened before that time or again.

Have a good day Alexandra!

No one expects a discounted bill after going to an exclusive, out of the way, restaurant because they know the budget for going to this exclusive restaurant includes the bill and tip as well as the travel costs. It would be lovely if clients would apply the same logic to their dates with us.

YNOT2017490 reads

Because it really gets old hearing providers complaining about their customers. You do realize that you make more in an hour than many people do in a week. Just so you know, many guys also have a DO NOT SEE LIST and posting on threads like this is a good way to get on those lists.

For the record, I've never canceled on short notice. I never haggle for a deal. In fact several ladies that I see regularly say they have grandfather existing clients but I just pay them the new rate.

SassyBitch414 reads

She can post and say whatever she wants. If you don't like it then don't read it simple as that. Furthermore, just because a provider makes a certain amount that does not give a client any right whatsoever to try and haggle their prices. If they can't afford the providers rate then they should look elsewhere. As far as a do not see list who gives a fuck. From your attitude you not seeing them is doing them a favor. Who wants to see a miserable rude monger... Do not see lists go both ways.

This is a commission only based sales / marketing job. The work is the marketing. The actual date is payday, and a "job well done" fuckin from the boss. 😆

-- Modified on 3/2/2017 12:44:34 AM

I agree hit them with the Block List! When they checked out your website I'm sure they saw under your Rates that they are "NON-NEGOTIABLE". So they need to deal with your rates or keep it moving girl!  

- Gaby

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
but I have encountered several phone calls in the past week from Chicago based guys... Okay, not several but "a lot"!  
 When I am in Chicago my rates are 2 1/2 times what they are in my home base. That is still low for your area.  
 Anyways I am trying to figure out why guys seem to think that contacting me is a good idea when they are not willing to pay my home base rates when coming to see me up north.  
 It is very disrespectful to answer me back with "But I am driving an hour and a half to come see you so I need a break on the rate".  
 I didn't ask you to come see me. It is great you want to see me. However for the 5 gallons of gas you spend to drive up by me, that has nothing to do with me. It is obvious you are trying to save money by driving north and my time is non negotiable. Oh wow, you spent 15$ to come to me, when I don't even advertise, not even in Milwaukee. These are TER guys who only notice me because of my reviews as I don't advertise at all. Yes, it takes time to drive to me. That is your choice.  
 I finally have been getting frustrated enough that I have straight out told a few that they can pay my Chicago rates then.  
 I am pretty reasonably priced. I do have plenty of regulars and new people to fill in my time.  
 I just don't feel that it is about seeing me, but just trying to find some cheap ladies. For all I know, you could already be in my area for work or whatever.  
 Anyone else deal with this? Use aliases if needed. I am sure some of you guys will fess up about this, under an alias.  
 I just don't get why I have to tell guys 4-6 times the same thing. You know what is listed. It is very simple.

A lot of powerful business men do not get to where they are
 by taking the first offer tossed their way.
  They learn to negotiate.  It's a GAME.
  I know you girls don't like that word, negotiate.

To ease your feelings of being disrespected,
it is comforting to know where They(guys) may be coming from.
There is no need to take it personally.

I also can see in your writing why they would feel they can negotiate with you.
You are defending your reasoning behind your fees that you have selected.
I sense you are struggling with the fees.  
That allows them to come back with what they Want to be paying.

You do not need to explain why you feel you deserve your fee, when you KNOW you deserve your fee.
Just be nice, kind, firm, solid, unwavering, positive, unshakeable, confident.

Being mean and defensive with the lead is not a fun way to play the game.
The key is to not take it personally.

SassyBitch372 reads

A "powerful business man" would not have to negotiate a provider's donation. That's not game. That's being cheap, disrespectful, and rude. You're are a bit delusional in your logic. She's not taking it personally. She simply saying she's not going to put up with that nonsense and rightfully so. You're the one taking it personally. She can explain why she deserves her fee especially when some cheapskate is trying to get a bargain. She doesn't have to be anything other than what she wants and who are you to question that. Clearly, she's not struggling with her fees which is why she doesn't see mongers who are hagglers. Then your stating of, "with what they want to be paying" is telling that you're off your rocker. Clients don't set the donation providers do. If someone is out of their price range they need to look elsewhere or save their money so they can afford them. It's not a game. It's a business and you shouldn't take it personally.

Negotiating is a part of Business.

She is obviously shaken by all the guys telling her what they want to pay.
She has lost her power in her inability to cope with the way a guy will communicate his desires.

Bitching and Whining about it will not help and puts the girl in a lower position.
It's a very weak stance.

The only way to gain power over the situation is to Understand the dynamics of what is going on.

Yes, some girls are not ready to learn this and  
will remain in unhappiness, every time a guy asks for what he wants.

the fact that
was crying for help on another Board.

She gave me the permission to throw in a new way to look at the situation.
Solving a problem on the same level in which it was created does not work.

This is how I know to help and it will,,, when comprehension of the words sets in.

*Always available for help to the ladies!

Your Welcome!

These types are just being mean. I used to deal with that shit all the time, and honestly? They never booked. Tons and tons of work for time wasters!

No thanks.

I welcome negotiating, where you figure out a good value proposition for everybody.  Are you looking for a three week engagement?  I can bring my price down.  Are we going sailing? I usually pay for that, sure my rate can be lower.

Haggling is offering less for the same, just because.  It isn't disrespectful, but it does elicit an eye roll and 'delete' from me, and it DEFINITELY isn't how powerful businessmen get where they are.

(And... An ad is a request for offers.  The men are making, not taking offers, whether first, last, both or either...)

Send to trash, block, and a nice "go fuck yourself" will go a long way.

Who gives a shit what some dipshit client with awful negotiation skills thinks about you? lol!  

You don't HAVE to tell anybody anything. This is not a customer service hotline. It's escorting. If they don't want to go by your rules, they don't count as a customer - so you don't have to answer them.

Good luck, and let it roll off your back. The more you respond, the more they are going to keep bothering you. Ignore, ignore, ignore!!!

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 11:36:56 PM

Viriato249 reads

I try to have a respectful relationship with my providers. I don't argue over prices for services, and I don't see women who are outside of my price range. Unfortunately, it's also hard to find out donations over the phone. Especially for providers who don't have a lot of reviews online. At least if there's a review, fellow mongers will generally give an idea of how much cash to bring with me. I don't want to waste your time or mine. And I definitely don't want to be "that guy."

Believe it or not some guys will pay a higher rate in Milwaukee...I decided if they don't want to pay then I don't want them as a client. Guys will pay what you ask for. Many guys are always trying to get a discount. It's not disrespectful, it's how some guys operate. Don't take it so personally.

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