
Thanks so much, Jimmy! Make a girl feel good about herself..(e)red_smile
MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 375 reads


I hope this isn't misunderstood as it is really meant to help everyone out.  During my last 15+ years in the hobby, one thing hasn't changed...scheduling appointments can be a real pain in the ass for both parties.
Again, this isn't meant to be a bitch session, but rather to be helpful. From my point of view, there are a lot of full voicemails, outdated calendars, changed locations, too long of response for emails, or simply not getting back at all. The general theme I hear is the volume of inquiries can overwhelm someone who is handling this on their own.  
As an effort to streamline this a bit, it would be helpful to be more upfront about locations, rates, and updated calendars. I believe that many are. But if you fall into the category of "I get a ton of emails inquiring about 'where I am', or rates", then maybe you're not being as upfront as you should be. This could cut down on much of the inquiries. For instance, if I knew what the rates were upfront then I wouldn't waste anyone's time with an inquiry.  
Or the "I'm not in your city right now" response when advertising on our local sites.  
Really, its about just keeping information out there more up to date to reduce the emails/calls for basic information. This would allow the more "to the point" emails/calls to rise to the top and get quicker response and more efficient interactions.  
Of course this isn't everyone, but if you find yourself overwhelmed then first be thankful that hobbyist have noticed, and second be critical of the types of inquiries you're getting. Maybe an adjustment to your marketing would give more efficient results.

Just my opinion.

yours is an Excellent Opinion!

I think that was one of the nicest, well-spoken, well-thought-out post I've ever read, regarding the topic you touched on.   oh, and kind-spirited too!  I would hope no one would see your post as a literal "bitch session"...well, and if they did, would be missing the entire intent and spirit of your post.  

Just an add on.....Even with doing ALL of that which you mentioned....women STILL get the "what is your availability" type of emails.  Yes, hard to believe, but it's true. :)
But you are SPOT_ON when you say it would "reduce the emails/calls for basic information".  Especially about rates, that seems like the ultimate "no-brainer".  

I take GREAT pains to keep my website calendar updated....and I still get "where are you "emails several times a week.  Oh, and then even when the Visiting Dates are Clearly stated in the Ad Post title....  I get emails after a visit....from someone asking, "are you still here?    But that's another topic. :)  hey, why read when you can just look at pics right....  


anyway, I have a Q. for you;  Have you noticed if the ones who are lamenting about those types of emails are the SAME ones that that don't update all of those categories in their advertising venues?  ie. website, ads, TER profile, etc.  or was it more of a general observation on your part.

A shameless assistant Plug....  lol.....
It's awesome when a lady recognizes that part of her business would be better served by enlisting the aide of an assistant.   During the couple of years or so in the hobby life...I thought...assistant??  and continued night after night to spend my last hour before bed...answering emails.....thinking there has GOT to be a better way.  And then when I started actually looking for one, my biggest concern was that I would not find someone who would be compatible and agreeable with how "I" do things...and would want to do things "their way".   When I interviewed several people, it was pretty apparent which categories they fell in to.   and  wow, looking back, Now that I have the BestOneEver, I can't believe that I waited so long!!  It's literally changed my life in such a positive way.   Great Assistant/Provider Chemistry is awesome.    

:) Portia

This business is all about marketing. Some very upfront and truthful, and others not too much. Its the nature of the business. I don't want to sound pandering, but it seems to me that if a lady seems overwhelmed by the response then she should be thankful yet understand what the inquiries are for.

To specifically answer your questions...yes. Some ads and personal websites are just asking for those "silly" questions. Some have visiting dates that are months off. Though my post really isn't an attempt to slander anyone as who are any of us to judge how someone runs their business, but rather to point out that the lady's can minimize some of the inquiries that can be very time consuming. Imagine if you could remove 50% (just a guess) of those type of inquiries what you could do with that time. Faster response, more time to yourself, whatever.

And, your website is very well done and it shows you take time and effort to keep it up to date

with all the sites out there, sometimes things can get a little confusing no matter how on top of it a woman 'attempts' to be in this gesture as far as her information. I would say best bet would be to find the 'most' updated material you can, whether it be an ad recently placed wherever she advertises regularly or however you found her. Perhaps the dates of those ads could help as to where she is or going to be or any other info she is trying to convey as the most recent. But I agree, it can be a bit confusing when she's on various different sites plus her website filled with information, hopefully all spelling out the same thing. There is no harm in asking a question though whether to reduce emails or not. If you are truly interested in seeing a woman, I don't think she'd have a problem answering your questions and I have to believe most women will get back to you in ample time with an answer, especially if it's to ultimately make your acquaintance.

I'm sorry, but after I went to your website, I've go nothing. Wow!  

Ok...back to this. I haven't any issue going through the multiple sources of info for the ladies, nor sending emails or phone calls. I was thinking rather from my point of view, but of the lady's point of view. Your website in particular is very helpful in the sense that I know the very bare minimum to see if it warrants further research. I know when you'll be here and your rates. From that, I can decide to look you up on TER (or whatever website) and move forward from there.  

However, if lacking that basic info, then i would send a note. Judging by your website, I imagine you get a ton of inquiries to go through each day. Without the info, I would guess many would be about rates and "are you in my town" (I'm betting you get a fair amount of those anyway, guys can only think with one head).  

Anyways, its my 2 cents.  

May 20-22? Well, I better get on that then! Marking my calendar. Just wow!

Too cute. Yes, I like to keep my website simple, direct and to the point. There is so much info out there I can only imagine how overwhelming it is for you guys to flip through it all, let alone to have to choose amongst the sea of beauties. I honestly, don't know how you guys do it LOL.  

But yes, I will be out next month, very excited to say the least. Chicago has been on my bucket list for quite a while now and am hoping the weather will be beautiful with spring in the air. I'll look forward to hearing from you (off the beaten path of course) and from the 'sound' of you...looks like a wonderful time indeed.  

Until then, enjoy yourself.....  


Get a million inquiries for basic info.

I get calls asking for my rates everyday, or my location or when I'm doing incalls when ALL that information is easy to find on my website. And when I direct them to my website, they stop responding or lose interest. It's almost a no-win situation for some of us.

that providers don't want to state their availability until they get screening info and guys don't want to give up their screening info until they know the provider's availability??

My first thought was that my calender is only open, when we fit;-)
Even my best clients have to book in advance regardless of whether I'm in town or not, because I, like you, have other things to do.
Even having a very limited schedule, I'm happy to postpone screening until I answer the basic question...
"Are you available on said date" affirmatively.
Pet peeve, is being asked the question for a same day appointment by a first time client.  
That is always, no.

definite catch-22 there. But I can certainly see that.

No matter how open and up front I am about my rates, general location, and availability, I still get these questions on a daily basis. Even on ads where my rates and location are specifically stated, I still get questions pertaining to these things.  

I have a specific calendar on my site so that potential clients can see my availability.  But just because I'm available doesn't mean that I'll see you.  I tell potential clients up front that availability is not only dependent on my schedule, but on their verification. If clients are p411 or RS2K, no issue.  But some guys like to try and book same-day with a provider reference.  While lots of lovely ladies are very prompt, some providers need more time to reply, and I like to give them plenty of time to respond.  

My regular clients are very good about scheduling in advance, which in my case, is always best.

Personally, I'd say that a lady's website is always your best bet for getting questions answered.  

On a semi unrelated note: someone from this board emailed me last week to let me know about a typo on my touring dates page. It was very much appreciated, because otherwise it appeared as though I'm a time traveler.

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