
Stupid question, see her website!!!!!
nucleardick 7458 reads


rodder226559 reads

Does anyone have any idea as to why Ginger retired.  Is she ill? or some other reason.

rowdyfuck5964 reads

Given the number of us she saw AND her "style"-  if it was due to a mysterious illness of her own and not her parents, I'd suggest we all get tested right quick.

She was a pretty nice lady tho-  It wouldnt suprise me if she did go care for her parents.

Sexy Talaya7068 reads

She worked hard to please you, and this is what's said behind her back? One thing I agree with, she is nice, too nice to have things like this implicated.

Lamont Cranston6585 reads

but that advice seems wise. I wish I knew more.

Sexy Talaya6952 reads

If you were really so worried about disease, then the time to question this was when you went to see her. But this is what you say about her behind her back, now that she's retired and may not come back to defend herself against these allegations that have not been proven?

Lamont Cranston7825 reads

If one of her clients is 'ill', chivalry is the last thing on his mind!!!

Is there a bad time to get tested?

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