
She need to hang up the thong...
sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 379 reads

bury the heels and go on a nature backpacking get your soul back type journey. Nobody I know feels this way. While the lines are clear (for the lucid), every provider I know self included, enjoys this work and the clients to some degree.

Providing to me means staying in the optimistic. No matter how bad last client we open the door with the hope and expectation that there will be mutual respect and fingers crossed…mutual pleasure.  

I see most of my clients as really fucking cool guys who risk a lot in order to procure some well deserved pleasure.

I am all too happy to oblige. It's fucking…not rocket science, someone give her a lolipop.

This is from the website Reddit which is basically just a series of forums where people comment on all sorts of shit.   This is from a thread asking escorts how much of their work is work and how much is pleasure:

I've been in this escort industry for almost 5 years. In short, 100% of work is just work. My clients are usually middle aged wealthy guys (hourly rate is pretty damn high). Surprisingly, some of the client I had were really good looking and fit. I'd hit on them if we meet in a bar or a club. But since we always met under in such circumstances ($for sex), I have absolutely no respect for them no matter how good looking/funny they are.
Of course I act like that they are the most charming & interesting men in the world. Simply because I am paid to give them a good time, not to show my true feelings.
I am also extremely good at faking orgasm. My client would think they he just gave me the most amazing sex I've ever had in my life, but in reality, not even close. In my 5 years of service, I've probably only went off about 5 times when doing it with clients. And even then, those orgasm had nothing to do with the clients or their technique.
There really is no pleasure during work since it takes a lot of effort/energy to fake and make it looks real. My normal routine usually includes dinner,after dinner entertainment and then sex. Sex is the easiest part. One thing good about this job is that you get very good at talking to people and making them feel good about themselves. I could make the ugliest pile of bald crap feels like he is the king of the world. I have a lot of tricks to give my clients the illusion that I am genuinely interested in them rather than their money as the night goes on.
The only pleasure I get from this line of work is that I keep learning/discovering new techniques/tricks to make my clients feel better and climax faster. Usually I gave my client at least a good solid 20 min before I really start working on him. Once I start, the average client will not last longer than 2 min. Meanwhile, I also have to fake the most amazing orgram(s), so the client won't mind the cumming a lot quicker than he usually does.
My goal is always to give my client a really good time while trying to get away from their filthy bodies as soon as I can.
Edit: I apologize for my poor phrasing about having no respect for my clients. I meant to say I don't find them attractive. I do respect them as a human being."

Here is the link if you want to read more:

Some ladies hold this opinion, some don't.  Some ladies will have real orgasms, some won't.  You're going to drive yourself nuts wondering whether she's having a good time or not. Just enjoy yourself and don't overthink it.

That's one woman's opinion and how she operates. You can't lump every woman in this business into that category. I agree it's hard to tell if she's faking an O when you don't know each other well. Over time, some girls will guide us to what they like the most and in those cases, she may just have a real O.

As for the rest of her comments, I'm sure many think exactly like her but not all. Still, after reading this and other escort blogs with similar attitudes, it makes me want to quit. If I get the slightest hint that a provider doesn't like me in some way, she'll never see me again. And that goes for providers I've seen many times, I'm always on the lookout for sudden changes in behavior that aren't flattering. I'm not in this to disgust women - any sign of this is definitely a boner killer. If she's such a good actress that she can fool me, more power to her but at some point she'll slip up and I'll catch it. And that will be the last session with her.

There are days that we all have where we see someone demanding and draining and all we want is some ice to ease the cooch and a brandy to ease the mind.  There are also days where the person just made us feel bad/nasty/unclean and to the shower we reside for a 1/2hr.  Those days are work for ALL of us, well maybe not Bebe but I am sure for her even once in a while to.  Thankfully those days are few.

Screening while necessary is work, probably the part all of us wish we could skip but wont for our and your safety.  That has to be done for everyone from the guests that check out peechy keen to those who have a small red flag, to the ones with HUGE red flags to those with very little info, and of course the ones with references that never get back to us.  That part is always work and generally a newer lady may do many in a day while I only do 1-2a week.  Keep in mind about 50% or so of those screened actually visit, some mean to but just can't make it happen then time falls away and well....  Work without making a dime.  LOL  

The actual visits, if you are a nice normal guy with no crazy desires or bad manners or hygiene issues the date takes little work aside for what we do to prep for you(shave everything, lather head to toe, dry hair, moisturize whole body, fix hair, do makeup, lightly scent body, add tasty bits, pick the right outfit and add heels and quite a few other things).  The more notice you provide the less "work" like it feels.

If you are a submissive and say I have had a very bad day your session will be cake for me and actually a big stress reliever.  While I personally do not like to cause pain(and for the most part will not aside from a little sting if desired, never been a heavy dominant), I do not mind at all taking on a more dominant role and working out my frustrations on those who desire it.  So those for me are nearly never an effort at all.

Some guests are alot of work, the more you ask for certain things the more it pulls away from a ladies enjoyment unless they enjoy that and say they do.  So for me someone who maps out my time with them is work, if I can't run with it and make the experience unique to you and I then it looses the personal feeling and I feel more like an actress then a lover...

Those are my thoughts though.  

Keep in mind there are many types of providers, those that do it only for the money, those who do it for the fun and the money, and then those who love to be used and the money helps them love it more.  Without the kind of finance we make I doubt many of us ladies would be here.  Granted I was a slut long before I became what I am now, the biggest difference is as a slut I get to pick and now you all get to pick if you would like to do me or not.

Hi Sage,

Your piece just made me tear up a little bit. This is work and a job and it's certainly not like other work and jobs, and what you said about how it feels pretty much nails it for most girls who do this from choice I would think.
Some guys make me feel amazing and beautiful and some are better in bed than a few boyfriends I've chosen to sleep with. There are days though when someone is smelly and lazy and rude and constantly tries to jam a finger up my ass and the acting component of the time is so exhausting I am on the edge of just saying 'get up, get dressed, take your money and get the hell off me and out of my sight'  
Luckily those are few and far between, particularly in the USA where I choose to fly to work over the UK because gents here are mostly just that - gentlemen who are polite and talk to me like a woman, and value our time together and my expertise and attention.
If I won the lottery tomorrow I would never work again - but then nor would most people in any job :)

StillSearching459 reads

One more thing I will have to try to keep out of my mind when I am with a provider. I mean I kinda figured she was lying when she said she thought I was attractive, but wow!!  Lol

many of you become more attractive as time goes on.  While looks are something we might initially find attractive, with time a personality matters more even to us.  Typical woman.  Normally if we actually take the time to comment about something like that we mean it because face it little comments like that are NOT why you come back.  Just because we are a pro doesn't automatically make us liars for the $

Of course we're initially attracted by looks and body but it's a provider's overall personality and chemistry that keeps up coming back. Women are a bit different (from what I've been told) in that looks don't seem to be as important as personality and hygiene. For men, looks and body are always important but when we get a great personality and chemistry to boot.. well, she turns into an ATF.

Posted By: StillSearching
One more thing I will have to try to keep out of my mind when I am with a provider. I mean I kinda figured she was lying when she said she thought I was attractive, but wow!!  Lol
Big, too!

WICardinalfan456 reads

The way this provider talks in the article, leads me to wonder if she is gay?  

(Not that there is anything wrong with that).  Just the nasty tone toward men.

Hey, if it were up to me I would be monogamous, but given my work situation (I work alone at home), location in the mid west, age, the likely hood toward robust dating is limited.

I maybe over 50 but the thought of being chaste until I find love again is ridiculous.  Good behavior for kids in high school, but I am not in high school......

So, does that make me a scum bag, I do not think so.......

I've found all the dialog on this thread enlightening and refreshing.  
Pleased to understand some providers perspective , even if some are jaded.  

But let's own up to the contradictions-
Intimacy in ten minutes?
Strangers who are lovers?

That part of the excitement in this hobby / profession.  

I've found new fulfillment since hobby ing. And I am fortunate to have found a few women who APPEAR to really enjoy what they are doing. That's what they have led me believe in all their words and actions if I'm being duped what a blissful delusion. I may even admire that more!!!  

My ATF has only come to organism on a few of our encounter s so I think it's genuine. And she tells me it was good for her. How great is that!  I have great delight in the mutual pleasure. And I can see that having a bubble burst for a guy will send him looking elsewhere.  

But do the reality check guys. Take a VERY long look at yourself after your shower. Use that full length mirror!!  Is that a body that deserves the likes of the beauty you've met on TER. And you walked in knowing 95% of what to expect ( if you used your head). She agreed to fuck you on only 5% of knowing you.  

Kiss their feet and enjoy the show!!!
Give thes ladies the utmost respect they deserve. When I have that attitude I find it far more enjoyable for both of us.  
Why be a jerk when you can choose to be a gentleman?  And everyone has a better time.  

Posted By: bottlerocket12
This is from the website Reddit which is basically just a series of forums where people comment on all sorts of shit.   This is from a thread asking escorts how much of their work is work and how much is pleasure:  
 I've been in this escort industry for almost 5 years. In short, 100% of work is just work. My clients are usually middle aged wealthy guys (hourly rate is pretty damn high). Surprisingly, some of the client I had were really good looking and fit. I'd hit on them if we meet in a bar or a club. But since we always met under in such circumstances ($for sex), I have absolutely no respect for them no matter how good looking/funny they are.  
 Of course I act like that they are the most charming & interesting men in the world. Simply because I am paid to give them a good time, not to show my true feelings.  
 I am also extremely good at faking orgasm. My client would think they he just gave me the most amazing sex I've ever had in my life, but in reality, not even close. In my 5 years of service, I've probably only went off about 5 times when doing it with clients. And even then, those orgasm had nothing to do with the clients or their technique.  
 There really is no pleasure during work since it takes a lot of effort/energy to fake and make it looks real. My normal routine usually includes dinner,after dinner entertainment and then sex. Sex is the easiest part. One thing good about this job is that you get very good at talking to people and making them feel good about themselves. I could make the ugliest pile of bald crap feels like he is the king of the world. I have a lot of tricks to give my clients the illusion that I am genuinely interested in them rather than their money as the night goes on.  
 The only pleasure I get from this line of work is that I keep learning/discovering new techniques/tricks to make my clients feel better and climax faster. Usually I gave my client at least a good solid 20 min before I really start working on him. Once I start, the average client will not last longer than 2 min. Meanwhile, I also have to fake the most amazing orgram(s), so the client won't mind the cumming a lot quicker than he usually does.  
 My goal is always to give my client a really good time while trying to get away from their filthy bodies as soon as I can.  
 Edit: I apologize for my poor phrasing about having no respect for my clients. I meant to say I don't find them attractive. I do respect them as a human being."  
 Here is the link if you want to read more:

Don't assume she means the same thing you would when she says "wealthy men" or "pretty damned high" hourly rate.  Check the grammar and language, and frankly, even $50 an hour could fairly be called a pretty damned high hourly rate (six figures) compared to other jobs you can do with not necessarily an education and 5 years experience.  So she may not have other good options, and surely, surely her disgust shows when she's working.

Or, maybe she just had a really bad day.  Or needs a vacation.

Those sentiments look more like comments you'd see on stripperweb, where the girls work hard and aren't treated particularly well, for meh income.  I don't think most escorts feel that way.

Whether it's true, who knows...

She definitely needs a vacation - permanently.

The truth is that no job, regardless of how well it pays, is worth it if you don't get at least some enjoyment out of it.  For somebody to be happy, there needs to be growth in whatever it is they do.  They have to feel like in some small way society benefits from them doing it.   I actually feel sorry for her because she puts all this effort into trying to convince others and herself that she is above all the people she spends her days with and yet there she is bed with them everyday.   She is an active participant in a lifestyle that she looks down upon.  Therefore, you have to discern that she looks down upon herself as well and responds to that by attacking the men.   Outward hatred is always a symptom of internal strife.  To be honest, I don't think I would do this if I didn't feel some kind of emotional attachment to the women I see.   It doesn't happen with all of them but with the ones it does happen with, it feels real enough.  It's naive to believe that there won't be some kind of mutual emotion shared in all these random meet-ups and there won't be mutual attraction as well.  That said, I wouldn't mind seeing her out of curiosity.   I bet I could prove her wrong for an hour.

Crisis25337 reads

I remember the first time I saw a writing like that. It's depressing. But I'm glad to have found at least 2 that clearly enjoy their work.

bury the heels and go on a nature backpacking get your soul back type journey. Nobody I know feels this way. While the lines are clear (for the lucid), every provider I know self included, enjoys this work and the clients to some degree.

Providing to me means staying in the optimistic. No matter how bad last client we open the door with the hope and expectation that there will be mutual respect and fingers crossed…mutual pleasure.  

I see most of my clients as really fucking cool guys who risk a lot in order to procure some well deserved pleasure.

I am all too happy to oblige. It's fucking…not rocket science, someone give her a lolipop.

she's obviously conflicted and not coming from a place of mind/body/spirit giving/compassion...
just the almighty moola.  Yuck.  I consider myself a temple goddess, decompressing and rejuvenating the warrior before he returns home to society, or back to battle.  It's an honor to be able to make someone so happy, to share your energy, get rid of his stress and watch him come back to life...You're a new man, you can go now!

Boyz are my favorite toyz.  I admit, I do not take most men very seriously...come on, you know how you are!
Feed 'em, f*ck 'em and keep 'em entertained, I's simple to make men happy.  
We WOMEN, on the other hand, we are complicated as sheeet, can hardly predict ourselves, let alone YOU figuring out what we are going to do next!

I feel sorry for this lady.  She needs to go back to school, or sumthin...I've been in this biz for a long time, I think I'm rated #51 in the country because I enjoy my time with clients 95% of the time.  I've also switched gears as needed, according to changes/evolution in my attitudes and sexuality.  So go big or go home!!
Bring HEART to this biz or get out of it.

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