
Re:The Michelles Escorts / Houston connection...
Whawk 6 Reviews 6263 reads

Absolutely right, regarding pricing here vs elsewhere.  I can tell you Seattle, Dallas, Orlando, Ft Lauderdale New Jersey typically $$$  as the norm.  
One typical misconception is the more you pay, the better the experience.
If you do your homework, and some cross-referencing, you can find some real gems out there.  Paid $$$ for an entire evening (well it ended up that way) with probably a 9 out of 10 looks wise, who was the best sex I ever had... And I found her accidently on an aol hometown page.
You have to do your homework; Ive read too many horror stories about 800 dollar half hours to teach me reviews help, but they are self-serving.
Get in on a newbie developing clientel, and the best way you can tip is by repeat business.   Most good providers will honor an old rate,  as long as youve left a positive impression


Did anyone ever notice this... Nick is bringing in ladies who have been working in Houston Texas.  Examples:

Cindy of Michelles is Tina of Amazing Escorts of Houston
Vanessa of Michelles is Vanessa of Elite Studio of Houston
Gabby of Michelles is Gabriella of Elite Studio of Houston
Joelle of Michelles is Joelle of Elite Studio of Houston

The man who runs Elite Studio and Amazing Escorts is the same man who operates Houston Escapes... his name is John and he kind of has a monopoly when it comes to escort services in Houston.  Anyway if you check those websites, you will see the same girls and some of the same pictures.  With regards to Joelle, she is wearing the same bathing suit on both sites.

R.A.P.S. has reviews of these ladies and they are legit girls.  I can attest for Vanessa myself! While I like the fact that Nick is bringing in some wonderful talent, I find it interesting that the rates in Houston are only $240 while Nick charges $400... and yes, FS is offered at the Houston rate.  I will add that Cindy/Tina is 400 whether in Chicago or Houston.

Keep bring the girls Nick... but drop the rate a little would ya?

Thomas Jenkins

Chgo_Bad_Boy8165 reads

Tom sure did an awesome job in his research & I agree with him for Nick to bring down the 'rates' on these beautiful young women.

Let's make a nice thread for Nick to read so that he now will understands where we(clients)are comming from for the rates on all the young women(except two)are almost 50% more thru Michelle's.

Thank you Tom.

-- Modified on 7/29/2004 12:47:47 PM

rowdyfuck8648 reads

I have scanned rates in the past and shown that Chicago averages 75 to 100 bucks an hour more on average than other major metro areas, and has the higest number of visiting escorts as a result.  It now has the highest average hourly rates in the nation, passing New York.

But I was immediately slammed (gently lol) because of it by the local escorts, even though I was really just presenting the marketing facts.  Run the numbers yourself, just pick a rating of an escort, then log the hourly rates in all the major cities and see what you come up with.  Do it on TER or Big Diggie, it does not matter.  Count average visiting escorts off Eros for a couple months.  The marketing does not lie... and Michelles just charges what the market will bear here.

Don't blame the escorts... its our fault for paying those rates.  The men wont pay them in Atlannta, Seattle, LA, Phoenix, Texas, Denver....

The ladies are just doing business according to sound marketing principles, and it would be silly to be upset with them or the agencies for that.

That's very true. Markets will always reach equilibrium. I'm wondering what factors make it so in Chicago. Any ideas anybody? I am pretty amazed that our rates here are higher than even NY or LA. Rowdy did you happen to notice where the lowest rates are found?

rowdyfuck9053 reads

Its been a while since I ran it ( I was actually thinking of doing it as a project for my marketing class,  on the underground economy)  but I believe median lowest was Seattle area or Canada border.  Atlanta, Houston were good as well.

New York used to be higher, but ours crept up.  LA is very close, but the number of lower end advertisers brings the overall average down.

as to why... thats hard say, but I suspect from the general tenor of the boards that there may be a little more "status in overpaying" here, a midwestern mindset.  Its not just in this field, it crops up in some industrial markets as well.  Usually the east coast is pretty brutal in commodity markets compared to the midwest.

If you check out some of the other boards outside Chicago, there tend to be more critical statements and less provider presence..the guys possibly are a little harder and more demanding in other cities.  We certainly have many more ladies here who censor their reviews.

So its a pocket of higher pricing and higher demand.

The pricing doesn't seem any great surprise to me. I travel on business a fair amount. Without undertaking any quantifiable research, my experience is that the major cities on both coasts (Boston, New York, DC, Miami, San Francisco, LA) are at least as high, and in some cases higher than Chicago. On the other hand, Denver, Dallas, Atlanta, Houston and the like tend to be lower than Chicago. But that seems about the same experience I find when going out to dinner, or ordering a cocktail, or booking a hotel room. While I haven't lived in the cities mentioned, its also consistent with bigger ticket purchases such as housing prices in those various locales.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting the same thing for less. But next thing ya know somebody is going to be suggesting I lower the fees on my professional services too. I'm not going to be any too thrilled with that idea........:)

raiders9900 reads

Does anybody know what happened to Heather/Sloan at Michelles?  Is you on her own again?

Absolutely right, regarding pricing here vs elsewhere.  I can tell you Seattle, Dallas, Orlando, Ft Lauderdale New Jersey typically $$$  as the norm.  
One typical misconception is the more you pay, the better the experience.
If you do your homework, and some cross-referencing, you can find some real gems out there.  Paid $$$ for an entire evening (well it ended up that way) with probably a 9 out of 10 looks wise, who was the best sex I ever had... And I found her accidently on an aol hometown page.
You have to do your homework; Ive read too many horror stories about 800 dollar half hours to teach me reviews help, but they are self-serving.
Get in on a newbie developing clientel, and the best way you can tip is by repeat business.   Most good providers will honor an old rate,  as long as youve left a positive impression


Agreed, keep bringing the girls. I think Nick deserves a premium for his stable, variety, and convenience, but how about upgrading the incall locations? Generally, they suck.

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