
Re:Once you are a member, why do ladies ask for more info?
Tammies Treats 8787 reads

Some ladies will ask for additional information just to make sure you are who you say you are.  It's not about wanting your SSN or mother's maiden name. It's about preventing fraud or possible dangerous situations.  I have had more than enough gentlemen tell me that they are members of RS2K when in fact they were not listed at all. I've had a few tell me a different name than listed on their ID.  Should I feel safe in their presence and just trust everyone who says they are nice men?  On my appointment form, I ask for full name, phone numbers and I verify with your drivers license and/or picture ID.  This is for MY safety, not future blackmail.  

RS2K is not for everyone, but it certainly can make screening and level of comfort a lot easier.

Is it safe to provide personal information to this site in order to become member?

This question has been asked several times by many different people.  I expect you will not get a straight answer just as all the other times its been asked.

I contacted RS2K and was not satisfied with how much information they wanted.  So I chose not to use them. Go with your gut.


Hi thanks, I just to register....! Do you know any good provider in chicago area. i just moved here and i am new at this...!!

mike1120039117 reads

I have been a member since 2000.  I gave them my electric bill and mortgage bill to varify my address and info.  I have experienced no problems, and I have been provided great women to enjoy over the years.  

RS2000 is #1 in my book.  They told me that after varification, my info i sent would be destroyed.  I only have to presume they did destroy the evidence.

I suggest you send the info and get that membership.  

ps. good question!


Look at it this way...whenever you want to see a provider you probably will have to give out more info that you'd really like to someone you don't know...can be risky

At least with RS2K you give that info out ONE time and forever after you are easily verified...they do say they destroy your info...I tend to believe this because they have a financial motive to keep your info secret

If a hobbyist's info ever became public because of them they'd be out of business so fast it wouldn't be funny and they know this

Is there SOME risk?  Sure but nowhere near as much as giving all that private information out to every provider you see

Personally I'd think most ladies would be happy to know the guy who contacts her is registered with RS2K...RS2K checks you out far more thoroughly than most providers can check you out even if they were inclined to go that far for every client

It's a win win for both sides

newielouie8994 reads

They must keep some records--probably you're name and address in some membership log.  How else would they remember you?  No Thanks!!

They have been great for me.  No hassle, great service, fun ladies.  I even use them when I am traveling which works out great.  In my opinion they are a must have...Sirslam

CuriousBystander9956 reads

I, too, was not comfortable with the info asked for by RS2K and chose not to join. I've seen many ads that state an RS2K membership is required in order to schedule time. But then they still ask for an appointment form to be sent asking for everything from physical description, work info, picture, drivers license, etc.

Some ladies will ask for additional information just to make sure you are who you say you are.  It's not about wanting your SSN or mother's maiden name. It's about preventing fraud or possible dangerous situations.  I have had more than enough gentlemen tell me that they are members of RS2K when in fact they were not listed at all. I've had a few tell me a different name than listed on their ID.  Should I feel safe in their presence and just trust everyone who says they are nice men?  On my appointment form, I ask for full name, phone numbers and I verify with your drivers license and/or picture ID.  This is for MY safety, not future blackmail.  

RS2K is not for everyone, but it certainly can make screening and level of comfort a lot easier.

Only you as a client knows your secret password (rs2000 key). If the provider can't use that key and wants more info, time to go on and use another provider. No point in giving out so much more info. rs2000 already got the information before making you a member. I think it is fine to show a drivers license on the first appointment and that is it.

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