
Re:HELP!! Need advice from Providers!!
HEARTBREAKKID 3 Reviews 7149 reads

    Hey this happened to me too a couple of months ago i met this girl via another girl this girl was very good looking saw her a couple of times i guess i got hooked, but one day she came to my house crying asking me for help i thought we must have really connected she asked me if i could do her a favor if i could loan her money because she was about to loose her kids, house and a bunch of crap that i realize now it was all lies and that she will pay back as soon as possible i said ok gave her the money but eight months later im still waiting.
The message in my story and yours is that both got screwed sometimes because you try to be a nice person people take advantage of you, but to bring your own kids into this that is despicable. What you can do is forget about that money is something that comes and goes there are many providers and what you can do is tell who she is although that doesnt seem to be ethical because of the repercussions that this could bring but in the other hand it might happened again so its up to you to do what you think is best.

This might not help you but you are not alone how many more cases beside yours and mine have happened but due to the kind of hobby we are into we cannot speak free. Because of my job and my reputation is anybody know that im in this millions of millions will be lost and most important how do i look infront of my family, but that is another issue. Like i said do the best for you and dont worry about what goes around comes around.

I need some advice. I am really looking for help from Providers but I suppose hobbyists should chime in too if they have something constructive to contribute. My problem is this- I find that I have been ripped off for the first time in 20 plus years of hobbying. Here are the details-

A number of months ago I started a small business which produces high quality amateur porn movies which feature escorts in the starring roles. Now quite a few of the girls that have been in my movies are also girls that I have seen in the past as regular dates and the girl that I am writing about here is one of them. She was one of my favorite girls and I have written her several stellar reviews. Her level of service was top notch in my opinion and I was happy to write the reviews for her that I did.

Now I get to know my regular dates quite well as people and they get to know me. And this lady knew that I was starting this venture and had mentioned to me on several occasions that she wanted to participate. Fair enough I thought, as soon as we could place her in a movie, we would do so.

A few months ago I received a phone call from her asking if I could advance her the payment for her shoot because she was in a financial bind and needed the help. I really was not in the position to do it, but I did it anyway because I considered her a friend and I knew that she had some children and I did not want things going badly for her.

We were not ready to do her scene at that time, so I had a session with her to make up for the loan. The following month we were ready and, thinking I was being a nice guy and not an idiot, I advanced her the money once again, with assurances from her that we would get the filming done soon. But something would always seem to come up and she would not be able to perform. The last time she said her car would not run and she could not make it. I told her that I would arrange transportation for her and to call me back.

Then, she disappeared for all intensive purposes. She refused to return phone calls and she would not respond to e-mails. Finally, I left a message threatening to make our dispute public if she continued to refuse to talk to me. That got a response. She said that she would return the money. But after two weeks of waiting I realized that I would never get my money back and that I would be in a better position if I tried to get her to do the scene. So I left her another phone message asking her about it and the response I got was in the form of an e-mail saying that she was still interested in doing the picture and would rather do that than return the money.

Fair enough I thought, but when it came time to get the thing finished once again, she resumed her silent act. I know that she is in town and working, because she posts on these boards on a regular basis. But she shows no interest in making good on her promises to me in any way shape or form. I have come to the conclusion that she has changed her mind about performing in a movie (and I can understand that, a lot of my regular dates would make great porn stars but for various reasons, do not care to participate) but also wants to keep the money too.

I think that all would agree that is no way to treat a friend that has been there for her in the past. The advice I am looking for from the ladies is how should I handle this? I am hesitant to 'out' her on the boards, because I do not want some of the ladies thinking that I am a vindictive jerk (I pride myself with my reputation with the girls, both in a recreational and professional sense). I had thought to turn her in to that electronic payment service which will remain nameless, and get her assets seized in retaliation, but ultimately would that not serve to harm her kids, who do not deserve that just because Mom is a thief?

I feel that I should not just take this lying down either, but I am unclear as to what the correct path should be. One of my regular girls told me that I should take her to small claims court (Yeah, that's going to happen- could you imagine this thing on a show like Moral Court?). Any advice you honest ladies could give would be greatly appreciated!

Diamond Jim

newielouie9024 reads

As a businessman, I would hope in the future you secure a promissory note, contract or some evidence of loan/advances made on behalf of your corportation (I hope your incorporated).  The time tested adage holds true, a fool and his money are soon parted.  Sounds brash, but as a businessman you know, this is the nature of the beast.

    Hey this happened to me too a couple of months ago i met this girl via another girl this girl was very good looking saw her a couple of times i guess i got hooked, but one day she came to my house crying asking me for help i thought we must have really connected she asked me if i could do her a favor if i could loan her money because she was about to loose her kids, house and a bunch of crap that i realize now it was all lies and that she will pay back as soon as possible i said ok gave her the money but eight months later im still waiting.
The message in my story and yours is that both got screwed sometimes because you try to be a nice person people take advantage of you, but to bring your own kids into this that is despicable. What you can do is forget about that money is something that comes and goes there are many providers and what you can do is tell who she is although that doesnt seem to be ethical because of the repercussions that this could bring but in the other hand it might happened again so its up to you to do what you think is best.

This might not help you but you are not alone how many more cases beside yours and mine have happened but due to the kind of hobby we are into we cannot speak free. Because of my job and my reputation is anybody know that im in this millions of millions will be lost and most important how do i look infront of my family, but that is another issue. Like i said do the best for you and dont worry about what goes around comes around.

I understand your situation all too well.  You try to be a nice guy but some people are just plain and simple users.  Try to collect the money and if she doesn't pay you should consider posting her info on the board.

That way it won't happen again with somebody else.  

I shoot some porn myself and out of 60 some videos only advanced money once.  Luckily she showed and did a great performance.

If nothing else consider it an educational expense.


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