
Re: What is the 'worth' of a man... HighandTight
tennislover 10 Reviews 770 reads

It seems that he left this community a little better because of his presence.  That's a good measure of a man who made a difference.  Godspeed!

It is with a heavy heart that I post that our beloved friend has passed away last night in the hospital.  

As we all deal with his passing, and reflect upon our 'missing' friend let's take time to honor his life.

HighandTight was a family man.  Those of us who knew him understood that his humorous posts disguised a difficult family life.  One he felt honorbound to remain in as he was 'needed' there to provide for his family, keep the peace, problem solve and do his best keep those around him from crashing out of control.  This hobby was his escape.  His means of maintaining sanity.  It was also a way to make 'friends.'. Friends, who like myself, grew to love him deeply.

What is the value of a man?  A man who loved life, despite his turmoil, cherished his family, despite the fact that he was taken for granted, cared and supported his TER family and who kept his faith till the very end. What is the value of this man?  Priceless!!!  

Also, albeit late in the game, his family grew to appreciate what a wonderful husband and father he was and was at his bedside at the end.  This gave him great comfort in the end.

I have been in touch with the family and will have information about the memorial mass when it becomes available.

HighandTight I love you and miss you.  You are at peace now.  Your friendship enriched my life and there is now an empty space in my heart.  The result of losing one so dear.

Fly with the Angels...

-- Modified on 10/1/2008 11:09:09 AM

-- Modified on 10/1/2008 11:10:42 AM

The only appropriate quote from the bible that I can think of:, "Jesus wept."

May High&Tight be united with the Exalted&Almighty.

Ojala que ya no estas sufriendo.

I loved HighandTight.  I will miss him with a great intensity.  He touched my life.  He took the time to know ME.

Nothing will ever be "the same".  The Chicago Board will miss his humor,  The Meet and Greet's will miss his presence.

We found out last night that H&T was probably not going to make it thorough the night, when I took my dogs out for a walk, I looked up and asked my mom and dad to please welcome him and take care of him.

I know they did.

You've gone home to be with God now

And you'll be missed by us all

You didn't leave our hearts empty,

You left them filled with so much love.

...You left them filled with so much love"

My sentiments exactly. Thank you, Kelly.


One thing that H&T did was 'raise the bar' on how people interact on this board. In rememberance of him, let's do our best to keep that up moving forward.

I am at a loss for words...

You hold a special place in my heart, H&T. I will miss in peace.


and I will remember High and Tight at every Meet and Greet I attend...  High and Tight, you will be truly missed not by me but by many.

The true measure of a man is not just what he did in life, but how he left life for others.  I believe he made our community a better place, a friendlier place...

Thank you Jim, for being the wonderful friend/father/husband/lover/contributor/philosopher/confidant as well as a general wise guy.  You left this world a better place and for that I thank you...

I hope those angels up there know how to suck a good cock and show you a great time, Sage

trippydrt885 reads

God Bless you High and Tight, and remember everyone, don't mourn the life that's gone, celebrate the life that was.

Good bye my friend,I will miss you.I know you are no longer in pain and in a much better place.You have touched many peoples lifes with your wit and humor.I will rise my glass to you tonight,and remember you.

Good bye friend good bye

Does anyone know where H&T got his nickname from? Was he in the military at some point in his life? Hence the name HighandTight, for the military short buzzcuts.

He will be missed for what he is, and for what he has left on this earth - friends and family that he touched and that love him deeply.

He was a true gentleman with a great sense of humor.  He loved my array of aliases, and inspired me to some debauchery on these boards. He'll be missed in a big way.

May the angels above have huge tits friend! ;-)

God bless you!

Well said Fuzzy....he sure was quick with a wink and a smile. Sometimes you meet a person that just makes life a little more fun. I won't ever forget some of the things he said when we got together at times, really funny stuff. He'll always be present tense to me though, I can't imagine him not being around to share stories with anymore. I have been fortunate to have made a couple very close friends in this community

Rest in peace buddy

Even though I never had the personal pleasure of being in the same room with H&T, I admired him greatly and shared a pm or two with him. My heart is heavy for this loss to the world. There are more than enough negative and harmful people to go around, but spirits such as his are rare. The good thing about such a spirit is that it is not trapped in the physical flesh and soars in minds and hearts always. REST IN PEACE friend and know that your mark was deep.


It seems that he left this community a little better because of his presence.  That's a good measure of a man who made a difference.  Godspeed!

shaka7001003 reads

He seemed to have touched many peoples lives and one has to admire that.

I had the honor of meeting Highandtight at the July and August Meet and Greet.  At the August Meet and Greet I spent an hour chatting with him, he was quite worried about the future.  His worries are now gone, but so is a very sweet, caring, loving'll be forever in our prayers.

We have lost a wonderful person today.

A Sad Day...

I echo all previous sentiments. H&T was always a joy to see at M&G's, smiling, laughing, and telling jokes. Though I did not know him well other than the M&G's, he always remembered my name and spoke to me as if we were old friends.

For all the attention he received, it did not seem to go to his head. H&T shared his gifts to the community and for that I am thankful.

My condolences to those who were closer to him, especially Sinthia.  

H&T may have dropped his body but his Soul is still with us in Spirit!!

Blessings to you H&T! Rest in Peace!

That isn't one more thing that I could say to add to what Sinthia so eloquently posted. I want to say to Sin and all the other gals and guys he loved here, thank you for being his friend.

So, it's with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to my "husband."  I know each of us were the fantasy wife that he wish he had. The hobby changed his life and gave him something to look forward to.

In a sense, we were the family he really wanted. But, he stuck by the one life gave him.

Honorable is what I call him.  I loved him too.

I'll miss you greatly dear sweet man. But you'll never be forgotten.


-- Modified on 10/1/2008 11:09:22 AM

H&T shall forever have a place in my heart.  There is a hole in the Chicago hobby community that will never be filled.  

The Chicago hobby scene is a richly diverse community of modern day outlaws who share a passion for life and an enthusiasm for erotic stress relief.  H&T embodied those qualities and wrapped them in the ideal hobbyist's body, mind, and soul.  He had a fire within him that burned brightly.  The resulting glow emitted a vigor that few possess.  His zest for life was admirable.  

He was one of the sexiest men I have ever encountered.  That sexiness went far beyond his gorgeous male member.  The sexiest things a man can possess are confidence, kindness, and a good sense of humor.  H&T had those three things in spades.  

His embrace made you worthy.  His smile made you warm.  His kiss sparked your passion.  His hardness made you wet.  His laugh made your cynicism fade away.  His presence made you feel that everything is pretty cool in our little universe.  

I will miss his presence on the board.  I will miss his gusto in the boudoir.  I will miss him at the M&G's.  I will miss his tender embrace.  I will miss the countless times he made me smile and laugh.

If there are busty escorts in heaven, I am sure H&T is submitting his references right now.  

May he know the peace that comes from the end of mortal pain and the joy that comes from living in God for eternity.

May his family and friends take comfort in remembrance of his life.

H&T, my dear friend, you are gone, but not forgotten.

-- Modified on 10/1/2008 11:45:44 AM

he touched many and will not be forgotten. His suffering has ended and he is in a better place now. I will miss him.


HighandTight exemplified the true meaning of being a Man. His humor, intelligence, love for life, and love for others is something all of us should keep in our hearts and try to strive for.
A true Amigo to all.

I never thought I would look forward to getting to heaven this much. A true man among man is gone, yet we lost an angel among us as well. I ahve heard it said that any man who treats children and animals well, it shows his character. That was a great description of the HT Man. He treated my dog like gold, spoiled her rotten when he came to call, and showered me with gifts and good cheer as well. I will never forget our dinners, e-mails, his cards, and warm embraces.

Thanks God he is truly in a better place. I love you!!!

I wish I had met him. I only know him from his posts. My heart goes out to his family, and to all of you who he has touched so deeply.

His pain is gone. Remember him fondly.

As I felt the sorrow of these posts, I began to write something, with some sad concepts of wishing H&T had won the challenge, or was around longer for more to know, but I stopped myself.

No, it is far better to realize that we should be "happy" because he is now free of mortal pain; some can feel cozy feelings about memories they have; and maybe the rest of us, who might have been on the fringe, should go about the day with smiles on our faces - for that is likely what H&T would have wanted. Smiles (rather than tears) of the wonderful times he had within the community, smiles of how he showed his humor and distinguished nature, and yet more smiles about how happy he is, to know of so many heartfelt memories of the good times.

You are right Rimtrip,

HighandTight ALWAYS had a joke for me. Smiles to you in heaven sweetheart.

I miss you already.

Very sad, as someone who has had cancer cut through his family like a scythe through wheat all I can say is that at least his suffering is at an end ,and I hope and wish for the best for his loved ones who are left grieving.

God does not give you the people you want.
He gives you the people you need
To help you, to hurt you,
To leave you, to love you,
And to make you into the
Person you were meant to be!

High and Tight was one of those people who helped you and loved and touched so many people in this community is such a beautiful positive way! He will be so missed in many hearts.

your battle is over my friend rest peacefully now......

I can only echo everyone else's sentiments at the passing of a good man.  I will miss his wit, his energy and his passion and his love for life - despite the heavy burdens that he carried.  I respected his candor and when he told you something, you never had to worry about it being shaded by self-interest, bias or agenda.  He was genuine, unique and never afraid to say what was on his mind.  In a way, the world looks just a little less interesting than it did with him in it.  Perhaps his passing will serve as a reminder to all of us that life is precious, short and best not wasted on hurtful pursuits.

No doubt Heaven has a new greeter and he's wearing a 70's white tuxedo jacket and giving out hugs and kisses to all who enter.  I will miss you my friend.

I'd say something but Patdown put it all in perfect words.

H&T was the true leader of our little community.

May God Bless him and everyone he touched.

He always made us laugh, and I will miss his spirit. He will be missed.  Here's to you HighandTight.

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Everything remains as it was.
The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no sorrow in your tone.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without  effort
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was.
There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting,  when we meet again.

I will miss him and very sad that we just started our friendship and it was shortlived but one of the best. his advice and attitude was greatly appreciated.
He will bring joy to the angels especially if they are busty!

I am very saddened by the passing of HighandTight. When I went to my first party, it was HighandTight who made me feel welcome. I knew noone at the party and admittedly was a little nervous. It was HighandTight who introduced himself to me and we began to chat about the hobby. We exchanged jokes and I left the party knowing I had made a friend. Whenever my schedule allowed me to attend a party or a Meet&Greet, I always looked forward to seeing HighandTight. He always had a few new jokes and  always brought smiles to everyone's face. I will miss you and may you rest in peace.
Your friend, Mark.

The Chicago Board is special, different from Boards from other cities across the TER spectrum. This difference, that we are a community, a family, can be traced to one person: High and Tight.

He left his mark on all of us, as withessed by the outpouring of emotion here. Because of him, I do not feel like a hobbyist among providers and other hobbyists. I feel like a friend within a close-knit group of ladies and gentlemen.

We all share the pain and sorrow of this great loss.

We are all saddened by H&T's passing.

Rest in peace highandtight.  May you be in hobby heaven soon.

Till we meet again. I'll miss your sincerely warm welcoming attitude.

Indeed..Goodbye and Godspeed. I will never forget you and your unique talent of bringing people together in the spirit of laughter and camaraderie.....

I "formally" introduced myself to H&T at the last M&G I attended {earlier this year}. I extended my hand to shake his, but instead he pulled me to him and gave me the tightest hug and biggest kiss I’ve had in a long time. His touch stayed with me for some time and whenever I’d read his posts on this board, I immediately thought of that “moment” I share with him months ago. His touch stayed with me for some time...and now I know why. He was a VERY special person. He will definitely be missed.

R.I.P. H&T, you’re one hell of a guy!


It's a great loss for all of us. But he is at someplace where he can be happy all the time. It was something he got here in brief snatches of time with the lovely ladies in this hobby.

I don't know how long he suffered pain, but it seems it was since his recent surgery. If so, it was a blessing that he went quickly if he had to go. God bless this special man.

While many times I winced at his corny posts, it was his consistent sense of humor that I'll miss the most.  So many times this and other boards can be drama and bitching, but H & T was good for a laugh (or attempts) in his posts.  

THAT is what we need - laughter - on a regular basis, to keep us all going.  H & T, may you have them cracking up, up in the clouds.
You'll be missed.


I will always remember the first time I met the infamous H&T in person. It was a double with JC. We were both there and I must confess I was a little apprehensive because of all the stories I had heard.I instantly knew that my apprehension was warranted when he walked into the room with  his grooming bag in hand and JC quickly got into position. After he was finished with JC, it was my turn, so I followed suit and took the position. It was the best damn shave I had ever gotten. From that moment I was in love with a man who was a true gentleman. He was kind and loving and one hell of a great shaver! He was such a great and loyal friend to many of my great friends. I can say with sincerity that I am a better person for knowing him and I am grateful for the time we were all able to spend with him. He will be truly missed!!

He was a wonderful man with a great sense of humor.I will definitely miss him on this board...

I will miss you and all that you have provided within this community.  You were a good friend and and I trust that you are now at peace.

We look for the review of a few of the angels to follow.

I attended my first M&G this past Spring and I was quite nervous as I did not know anyone in attendance. Kelly and H&T approached me and asked if I had met some of the ladies. When I confided that I had not and was a little awkward they immediately took me under their wings and introduced me to many of those gathered. I was humbled and grateful for the kindness. I have a vividpicture of H&T moving thru out the room in his white tux serenading the ladies and laughing with all. Thank you for making me feel welcome.


I am standing on the seashore.
A Ship spreads her sail to the
morning breeze and starts for the ocean.
I am watching her until she fades
on the horizon, and someone at my
side says, "she's gone!"
"Gone where?" The loss of sight is in
Me - not in her. Just at that moment
when someone says, "She's gone," there
are others watching her coming. Other
voices take up the glad shout,
"Here she comes!"
That is Dying.
Henry Van Dyke (adapted)

High & Tight - you will be missed

May you Rest in Peace.

I believe I am a better person for knowing you.

I only met him once and spoke to him briefly at a Meet & Greet.  I mostly knew him through his posts.  But I heard a lot of nice things about him, and I agree with all of them.

Rest in peace, High & Tight.

Thank God I went to Kelly's September Meet and Greet, where we had our last embrace and jokes! God bless that man, he had a wonderful spirit!

I have known H&T for about three years from various M&G's

One day I concocted a crazy idea to meet some willing "civilians". He enthusiastically said "I'm In". I posted invitations for a "Not Strings Attached Group Date" The idea was 3-4 guys and 3-4 ladies interested in NSA sex would go to dinner together and see what happens.

Putting the party together was an adventure. H&T had LOTS of ideas about invitations, who to choose, where to go to dinner. he was like a kid. I shared the emails and pics of the ladies we had a few laughes with that. He and I talked on the phone about a dozen times during the 4 weeks it took to put the thing together. Lots of emails exchanged. Lots of funny stuff.

When we finally got to the place for dinner we had a pretty rag tag bunch. It was me H&T and another known hobbiest from this board and three very nice ladies from about 32 to 48 years young.

There was LOTs of anticipation. These women understood what NSA meant right? LOL. Saving you the details. We had a good dinner, shared a few good stories, had a few laughs but nobody got laid. (we were very enthusiastic but so naive) He and I laughed about it a few times and I promised to put another one togehter again.

He was a really nice guy. I enjoyed his company

Sleep well H&T

I only met him once, but we often engaged in repartee right here. He enriched my life and a I am better for it.


-- Modified on 10/1/2008 6:44:53 PM

I remember his postings and he seemed like a true gentleman sorry to here him pass! Sinful1 you are a true saint to see someone in their darkest hours! It goes to show we are all mortals and one day our time will come. By the looks of his reviews he lived it full to the very end and definelty left this world a little better to live in. Thanks again for sharing! Angela

When ever I think of him, it will be with a smile.  He always had a way of making people around him feel good.  To me he was encouraging and so very lighthearted.  He was eloquent and I will always remember his ladies roasts. What an example of a fine fine gentleman. Rest forever is sweet peace.

Even though I never met Highandtight I will miss his wisdom and sense of humor here.  No words can adequately convey the loss his passing leaves us with.  I wish his family and loved ones peace.  Rest peaceful kind soul.

This is a sad day. He will be missed immensely. His wit and effervescence touched all our lives...May his soul rest in peace.

you are gone but not forgotten. Rest in peace my friend, and God Bless You.

dickus2129 reads

So live that when thy summons comes to join  
The innumerable caravan which moves  
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,  
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,  
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave  
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

--William Cullen Bryant, 1821.

Hats off, my friend.

-- Modified on 10/1/2008 9:37:05 PM

May HighandTight be free from suffering.  So nice he felt comfort and love as he passed on.

A very touching tribute Sinthia.  I feel like I understand what H&T went through with his family situation after reading your words. The hobby is my escape also and it's good to read about another man who knew how to make it all work for him.

This hobby can be as simple as NSA sex. If that's all a guy wants there is nothing wrong with that.  Just don't forget to treat the ladies you come in contact with with the respect and dignity that you would want in return.  You may be surprised how much you can enjoy the time spent and even the friendships that can develop in the most unlikely places.

HighandTight was a very lucky man.  He really understood what life was about, how to live it and how to enjoy it. It's obvious from the thread that those around him felt lucky as well.

Sincere thanks and loving memory. Words cannot describe what you have done for so many. Godspeed my friend.

I am a newcomer to the hobby.  I met H&T at the few M&G's I have attended.   He was funny, smart, and it was obvious how many people loved him.  Toasts were made in his honor, and I could tell without knowing him,  that he was touched by that.

My condolences to his family, and all his friends here on this board and everywhere else.

While I didn't have the opportunity to know him as well as many of you I do know that he was one of the first people to welcome me to a M&G in Chicago a few years back. I will never forget his warm smile, lively conversation and engaging personality.

We've truly lost one of the 'good' ones.


I'm just a newbie on this board and haven't posted much, but one of my first posts got me beat up a bit and H&T threw in his 2 cents along the way and stood up for a new guy.  I'd been looking at the board and reading posts for about a month before joining and can say that from what I had read he was a cool guy and a good friend to those that knew him and (from my experience) people he just met.  I don't usually like jumping in on a thread like this because I don't want to stick my nose in where it isn't wanted(or needed) but felt like saying something this time.

Peace brother,

Landem1669 reads

there has been a thread like this - over a thousand reads in 24 hours, nearly a hundred replies, references and links to it posted on other boards, here and elsewhere.

The first time was a thread I started just over a year ago on the New York board, about the passing of a very special provider. And now comes the passing of a gentleman who was obviously a very special hobbyist.

I did now know HighAndTight, although I wish that I had had the opportunity to meet him. I do have a few friends, both ladies and gentlemen, who knew him and considered him a friend.

To those who did know him ... I hope that you find some comfort in all of the expressions of love, grief and sympathy from our community, as I found in those similar expressions a year ago.

I am sometimes amazed at how many truly wonderful, loving, caring people there are in this little "community of ours." But then ...this is a rather amazing community which we all have created here.

Perhaps, in the last 48 hours, a very special hobbyist and a very special lady met in another place, a place which those of us here cannot yet know. If they did ... I'll bet they had a hell of a good time.

Sinthia, I know just how hard it was for you to write that beautiful tribute. But I know that it was a labor of love. And I am sure it is appreciated by all who have read it. Be well.

-- Modified on 10/2/2008 7:12:16 PM

I had the honor of getting to meet High and Tight on three occassions this past year while on a business assignemnt in Chicago and I was always grateful for his friendship, fellowship, wit and loving kindness.

I just wish he could have experienced what I feel would be the ultimate introduction to true southern hospitality and that is a double with Kacey Cummings and Amanda Leigh Daniels.

Rest in peace, my friend, because you left the world better than you found it!

He may have left this world, but he will never leave our hearts. He was a great man and his suffering has finally ended. I hope that all of his loved ones are comforted in knowing that he is in a better place, a place where he can finally rest in peace and comfort.

Sinthia, please let me know (if it isn't already too late) about any arrangements you hear of.

[email protected]

Although I've never met H&T his banter and friendliness on the board was a great welcome when I first posted last year for my visit to Chicago. He was a positive attribute to this Chicago board. His jokes and humor Always caught my attention and made me laugh. So as I read this post a poem came to mind that I think he would appreciate:
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

HE WILL BE MISSED! May God Bless his family during this hard time!

...he was really a great fellow. I never heard him say a bad thing about anyone. He loved the hobby and everyone in it. I only knew him for a short while from the Meet and Greets, but I'll never forget him.

Thank you for your lovely tribute, Sinful.

He was a staple of the Chicago board and was clearly held in very high regard and loved in the community.

May he be in peace, and may you all be blessed for your touching comments and memories.  I'm certain he appreciates it.

What saddening news. My prayers go out to him and his family. I'm so happy I had the chance to meet him as he was a one of those rare people you run across too few times in life. His posts were some of the best ever, always bringing laughter and a smile to my face.

He will be deeply missed.

XO Ellyse

but it was quite a presence he had. I followed the updates and although I knew he wasn't well, I always thought the outcome would be for recovery.

God bless him and those he loved.

no panties being worn to Kwasi's party in your honor... I wouldn't want you to lose $50 to anyone up there.



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