
Re: So what you want is...
AlyssaTantra See my TER Reviews 973 reads

I interpret as, " your looking for a less educated woman who you are looking to get away with the most amount of service you possibly can and pay as little as you can get away with."  
To each his own good luck on your search Sir.

I started a topic awhile back about this and it got buried under newer posts. I think we got a lot of great input, so I wanted to put this out here again. This subject is really important to me as someone who finds satisfaction in the hobby, but only if the providers involved in it are meeting expectations. Most of you who posted in the previous thread agreed that there is definitely a downward trend in overall quality, and provided some reasons for it. Are there any other factors that are contributing to this? Is there any hope for a return to what it used to be like 2-3 years ago? Otherwise, I might need to take an extended break from this hobby.

In all seriousness, the lack of ditzy, blonde-haired, college-aged party girl type of providers does not make any sense to me. If someone wants to respond with a list of providers that fit this description, please do so. The only one I can think of is Violet. She is the only one in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, which is just ridiculous. There are providers who advertise as being that kind of girl, but a lot of them are from Europe. While they are enjoyable, sometimes we don't relate on a cultural level. I never said other types of providers are not worth seeing. I like the variety of the hobby, but I am sensing that a lot of true locals are for whatever reason not choosing escorting as an option.

Violet is not ditzy...I think he was trying to say we need more girls like her

Yeah I wasn't calling her ditzy. I think most of you know what my frustrations are about. Most of us, deep down, at least occasionally want to see providers that are like the smoking hot girl from high school or college.

Lately, there's been too much "exotic" or "classy" or "gorgeous".

I just want young and hot. Pretty simple.

I think it's all a matter of where he's possibly looking?  And what he's willing to fork out- **on any given day you can find woman/girls that are hot or absolutely beautiful!!  By
Just checking the various places. - maybe that's it? He's not a member of the various places?

- and some ! After I read the reviews and look at the pics , I don't know why the hell the guy choose them. -

I'm on P411 and RS2K. People are incorrectly assuming that I don't see traveling providers. I do see them, in some part because I haven't been able to find satisfaction locally. It has gotten to the point where I would go through the first 200 results in P411 under Illinois - all cities, and nothing seems to click.

Posted By: robert1985
I think it's all a matter of where he's possibly looking?  And what he's willing to fork out- **on any given day you can find woman/girls that are hot or absolutely beautiful!!  By  
 Just checking the various places. - maybe that's it? He's not a member of the various places?  
 - and some ! After I read the reviews and look at the pics , I don't know why the hell the guy choose them. -

Whoever messaged me, I'm not VIP, so can't read it.

Oh my...if not VIP how can you do proper research?

to yng96864
sent 3/23/2015 8:33:10 PM
subject Young poontang

Becky / Kaylee #162983 is coming in April

Marianna / Helena #252054 says she comes to Chicago every 6-8 weeks

Both are high on my TO DO LIST

normancooper1197 reads

Believe it or not, young hot blondes would rather not suck an old, hairy, ugly man's  smelly cock all day.  Now that the economy has turned, I believe many would rather work a real job with benefits than let some bald, overweight dude with halitosis lie on top of them for half an hour.  Sucks for us, good for them.  Thanks a lot Obama

ModernLover66883 reads

The more I drink the less I notice my gut :(

WICardinalfan962 reads

Are you spying on me.......

Jack_Inhoff1342 reads

I happen to agree with you. The Chicago escort scene has really started to suck.  There are few great escorts still left, but the quality has gone down from what it was just as recently as 2011.  There is a silver lining to this, though. Because of the lack of quality, I'm saving more money, so my bank account thanks me.

Capt.Cunnilingist708 reads

Now you can spend more time Jack_Inoff

 Chicago has plenty of fine ladies Jack just pay them unless you can not handle there fee.

precummonster1102 reads

and shook us all up a bit, a lot went UTR. Since then, BP became more prevalent and a lot of newbs and scary chicks came to the scene. I for one went other ways to find what I wanted out of this lifestyle and saw my regulars. I've seen nothing to change my mind about the current situation therefore I see no reason to change my search pattern. Though friends send gems my way from time to time I'm pretty happy with the hand I have. I certainly don't want to discourage anyone from finding their desires and visiting providers supply the variety needed here. I also know there are a few here that go above and beyond.  

IMHO now that the economy is coming back there will be more available for those who provide us with what we want, those that bring it will be around, some get carried off to who knows where and then there's the new crop that like in some businesses, has a high turn over. Patience, being verified and verifying who you're seeing as always, is the rule of the day.  

Play safe, have fun and I always recommend being yourself :)

I'm in the middle of Detroit and Chicago, and constantly cry when I see all the beautiful ladies that advertise in Chicago.  Detroit is a waste land, with the same ladies advertising there week after week.  Rarely does any new talent visit there, (why should they, the city is broke), and the few hot ladies charge at least 500 an hour and require a deposit when scheduling the appointment.  

You Chicago guys have hundreds of hot ladies there, all over the city, and countless lovely ladies that are always visiting and if I didn't have a 3 hour plus drive to get there, and didn't hate with a passion going downtown, I'd be broke trying to see them all.  

You are just spoiled

I booked 4 traveling ladies this said her flight got cancelled but she hasn't updated even in her home town so I doubt it was true...another came down with the flu and the other two were flakes

I hope April will be some talent on my radar...

WICardinalfan838 reads

With a few exceptions (and you know who you are) Wisconsin is the same way.

Jack_Inhoff1193 reads

An overview of this site will reveal that Chicago is now known as the capital of BSC providers.  We've had one provider on here try to openly retaliate for what she perceived as a bad review and another one openly try to extort/blackmail johns. This could be another reason why good people on both sides don't want to do business here.

or you are looking in all the wrong places and expecting to pay virtually nothing for something. That's mho based on your previous posts on here....

Try approaching local colleges/universities, calling this an "internship" program.  Find experienced providers willing to take on an apprentice, training and supervising these newbies as necessary... a hefty percentage of the donation will naturally go to her sponsor, but you can also reap some of the rewards in exchange for setting up this program.

If you can rig it so the interns also get college credit, this will be a winner on all levels: YOU do all the startup legwork, and are rewarded not only monetarily, but also by having access to new ladies of the type you desire;  the PROVIDER SPONSORS get a new duo partner, an assistant to help with scheduling, screening, etc.,  more traffic to her ads/website, and a cut of her intern's earnings; and lastly the COLLEGE-STUDENT INTERNS gain knowledge about a profession they may not have otherwise considered, valuable life experience, college credit and hey.... let them have a few bucks for their efforts too (amount to be determined by sponsor, based upon performance, of course) which is far better compensation than many (most) internships.


You know, the last time this was posted i didn't say anything.  

But now...Now I'll say something and wait for the backlash that's sure to come. Because I just cannot anymore with this entitled bullshit.

The pissing and moaning is really unbecoming.  You're fucking upset that youre not attracted to many of the hookers that Chicago has to offer.  What a problem to have to complain about. If you're so upset that none of Chicago's hookers are hot enough for you to throw your dick into, why not support touring hookers that you think ARE hot enough for you to throw your dick into by actually scheduling appointments in advance with them? Or, you know, actually bring a hooker here that you'd like to fuck.  

Oh. hang on. That means you have to spend extra cash. Holy shit. What a novel idea.  Spending extra cash on something you really, really want? Who's ever thought of that?!  

Not to mention, according to lots of hooker who tour, Chicago tricks are notoriously some of the most last-minute around. When most hookers tour other cities, they at least receive enough pre-bookings to guarantee their costs being handled.  In Chicago? Shit. the highest, most well-reviewed hookers (ones that fit the description you're particularly looking for) come to Chicago with no bookings whatsoever and pray to Santa Muerte that johns schedule while they're here. Our city is notorious for last-minute stuff, and that's enough to make most hookers stay away.  If you want better, "higher-quality" hookers to throw your dick into, then make it appealing for them to come here.  

So until the time comes that you'd like to spend extra money on either flying a hooker to you, or pre-booking with a touring hooker, or finding a sugar baby that's actually in college and desperate to have her loans paid off,  just realize that not every hooker in Chicago is obligated to be attractive to you. In fact, none of them are.  


I find it odd that a hobbyist needs to vent, rant and complain to other hobbyists and local providers about said providers "lack of quality"!

I have been hobbying for three and a half years and have been with 80% local girls and 20% traveling. I rarely miss an appointment and have had rare instances of cancellations happening to me. 95% of our local ladies have been wonderful. Sure, we don't always click, and sometimes there are issues like performance and appearance disparities from ads to reality, but, for the most part, our ladies are great. The odds are actually better than meeting non pro ladies.

Call me crazy, but I think we have a plethora of eligible ladies here to date. Many I have repeated with and many of them I have been with over a half dozen times. Some from a few years ago have left, and some new ones have arrived. Some leave, some leave and come back. But we have always had a fine choice of ladies to choose from. And choices? White, Black, Asian (Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese), Hispanic, German, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, East Indian, American Indian, and many I did not mention-ALL LOCAL GIRLS. And I still have a list of local ladies I have yet to see.    

I think we should appreciate what we have and not complain about what we do not have. Any hobbyist who really thinks we have no providers for him needs to join a monastery and worship a higher calling, or try moving to Gary, Indiana or Dubuque, Iowa and see how things are hopping there!

Finally, thank you to all of our cities wonderful ladies!

Bingo!  You nailed it. Seriously, THIS is it.    

As much complaining that goes on regarding 'BSC' hookers by people here, no one realizes that the Chicago client reputation is much, much worse.  I have met wonderful people here, but then again, I don't subscribe to the "if he emails me, I should see him" nor do I take to the 'email bullying', requests for extra time/reduced donation for good reviews, insults when I ask them for screening info, bargaining (johns who tell you all hookers will negotiate are wrong, I block people) or the best:  I HAVE MONEY - WHY NO SELL ME PUSSY?  WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?  It is exactly why I have my assistant. I am easy like Sunday morning, delete and move on.  To positive things, and gentlemen.  I couldn't imagine touring and dealing with that, seriously.  

Visiting ladies get treated MUCH worse in Chicago.  It's a known fact in the provider world.  They don't complain publicly as they have tact (cough cough), they just don't come back or come back UTR for regs they like.  

I see those who approach me professionally, and ignore the rest.  But the Chicago client rep is massive for douch-i-ness.  Which is a shame, because I have met some great guys.  And had some really intense awesome experiences.  It's just the douches always scream the loudest, and the nice guys get lost in the frustration of dealing with, well, all the things I listed above.

And for the record, I am ok with not being someone's type.  I truly dig other hookers and like them.  But maybe people here should stop with the BSC hooker stuff, and take a look in the good 'ol John mirror.  It has a huge effect on finding what you seek.  

 If there was no problem, quality visiting ladies would be here ALL THE TIME.  And also, there would be a huge influx of those who would move here.




Posted By: MissErinBlack
You know, the last time this was posted i didn't say anything.    
 But now...Now I'll say something and wait for the backlash that's sure to come. Because I just cannot anymore with this entitled bullshit.  
 The pissing and moaning is really unbecoming.  You're fucking upset that youre not attracted to many of the hookers that Chicago has to offer.  What a problem to have to complain about. If you're so upset that none of Chicago's hookers are hot enough for you to throw your dick into, why not support touring hookers that you think ARE hot enough for you to throw your dick into by actually scheduling appointments in advance with them? Or, you know, actually bring a hooker here that you'd like to fuck.  
 Oh. hang on. That means you have to spend extra cash. Holy shit. What a novel idea.  Spending extra cash on something you really, really want? Who's ever thought of that?!  
 Not to mention, according to lots of hooker who tour, Chicago tricks are notoriously some of the most last-minute around. When most hookers tour other cities, they at least receive enough pre-bookings to guarantee their costs being handled.  In Chicago? Shit. the highest, most well-reviewed hookers (ones that fit the description you're particularly looking for) come to Chicago with no bookings whatsoever and pray to Santa Muerte that johns schedule while they're here. Our city is notorious for last-minute stuff, and that's enough to make most hookers stay away.  If you want better, "higher-quality" hookers to throw your dick into, then make it appealing for them to come here.  
 So until the time comes that you'd like to spend extra money on either flying a hooker to you, or pre-booking with a touring hooker, or finding a sugar baby that's actually in college and desperate to have her loans paid off,  just realize that not every hooker in Chicago is obligated to be attractive to you. In fact, none of them are.    

A "ditzy" provider? Well flaky behavior tends to transcend all aspects of life. So you want someone who doesn't communicate well, cancels appointments, is inconsistent? This business takes a lot of work and patience, to build a good reputation. A "ditzy" person probably doesn't have the skills to manage the business or appointments appropriately

I interpret as, " your looking for a less educated woman who you are looking to get away with the most amount of service you possibly can and pay as little as you can get away with."  
To each his own good luck on your search Sir.

I want to make this clear because some people think this is just me being spoiled in Chicago. The issue was never about Chicago versus other areas. It was just about the quality now versus a few years ago. I think Chicago is great compared to other Midwest cities. I guess the improvement of the economy is having a negative effect on the hobby everywhere. It was wrong to single out Chicago.

Posted By: yng96864
I started a topic awhile back about this and it got buried under newer posts. I think we got a lot of great input, so I wanted to put this out here again. This subject is really important to me as someone who finds satisfaction in the hobby, but only if the providers involved in it are meeting expectations. Most of you who posted in the previous thread agreed that there is definitely a downward trend in overall quality, and provided some reasons for it. Are there any other factors that are contributing to this? Is there any hope for a return to what it used to be like 2-3 years ago? Otherwise, I might need to take an extended break from this hobby.  
 In all seriousness, the lack of ditzy, blonde-haired, college-aged party girl type of providers does not make any sense to me. If someone wants to respond with a list of providers that fit this description, please do so. The only one I can think of is Violet. She is the only one in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, which is just ridiculous. There are providers who advertise as being that kind of girl, but a lot of them are from Europe. While they are enjoyable, sometimes we don't relate on a cultural level. I never said other types of providers are not worth seeing. I like the variety of the hobby, but I am sensing that a lot of true locals are for whatever reason not choosing escorting as an option.

In case it has escaped you as to why some ladies are responding in an offended manner, allow me to explain my own viewpoint.

You first state that there is a lack of "quality providers" then go on to state that what you are really speaking of is a blonde college-aged party girl.  Thus, you are saying that anything OTHER than that type, is of lesser quality.    
Did you really intend to stamp all of the provider contributors here who are NOT that type, as "low quality"??
If so, then you have rightfully earned any and all vitriol that comes your way.

There are ladies of all ages & physical descriptions both here in Chicagoland and worldwide who are deemed "high quality" by a great many hobbyists.   Not just the type you seem to desire most.

To put it out there (albeit in not so many words, but this is how many readers interpreted it) that only your preferred type is the best quality..... well, that is very narrow-minded, at best.

Dude, if you're going to be shallow and entitled, at least own it. Because instead, you just insulted ALL providers that don't get your dick hard instead of just the providers in Chicago that don't get your dick hard.  

Keep on diggin' that hole, man.  We're rooting for ya

Frankly (and I don't mean this as an insult as I haven't had enough discussion with you for me to know if you are venting, dreaming or just that shallow), it sounds to me as though you are intimidated by adult women and want an inexperienced submissive type. At one time I think we all wanted the same - However, that was when we too were inexperienced and pursuing anything that was warm, wet and willing. With age and experience I, and I suspect most men, have come to appreciate the finer things in life. This includes, and perhaps concludes in many cases, with that perfect lady who stimulates you in every way imaginable.

I will freely admit that I am rather new as a hobbyist and as such perhaps my lack of experience doesn't hold much weight with some. I have done a ton of research on providers in the Chicago area and have excluded anyone who meets your description. The idea of meeting someone who is 'ditzy' is a complete turnoff to me. I don't care if she is a 10 in every other way, if I can't have a decent conversation with her I am not interested. Sure, conversation is not the real purpose of the meeting. At the same time, the purpose isn't just sticking my dick in a hot hole either. It should be, at least in my mind, as much of a mental experience as it is a physical experience. The combined package is what makes it memorable for me. It's what makes me dream about and pursue more. In my case I have a great conversationalist at home - And, I appreciate that. In some cases I imaging johns have a great trophy at home too. But, I think the majority of johns out there want the complete package. I know I am not going to drop the cash for anything less that the complete package.

I think you're exactly right. I read a thread on another board recently where a guy was actually complaining that his dates seemed to be "getting off" because when that happened, he felt obligated to help them finish. He said he just wanted to get off himself. I think he must have been in his early twenties. If not physically, then certainly mentally.  

I just hope most of these guys do mature to the point where they can appreciate an equal sex partner. But, kids like grape juice. Takes an adult to appreciate the complexities of wine.

Many may be choosing to go the sugarbaby route. Others may be heading for green pastures. (Vegas) Could be that they just aren't that public about providing and that they exist but you just haven't found them.

I don't get it. Sure they are fun/exciting to look at but it doesn't mean that their provided services match up with the local talent. Many that I see of "that" variety, are only offering cover everything and asking for a higher donation then locally available.  

I imagine most of your issue is their donation rate. For 600 an hour, you'll find what you are looking for.  

For me, I find that there has been an increase in choices over the last half a year.  It's a lot better then last fall.

Posted By: yng96864
I started a topic awhile back about this and it got buried under newer posts. I think we got a lot of great input, so I wanted to put this out here again. This subject is really important to me as someone who finds satisfaction in the hobby, but only if the providers involved in it are meeting expectations. Most of you who posted in the previous thread agreed that there is definitely a downward trend in overall quality, and provided some reasons for it. Are there any other factors that are contributing to this? Is there any hope for a return to what it used to be like 2-3 years ago? Otherwise, I might need to take an extended break from this hobby.  
 In all seriousness, the lack of ditzy, blonde-haired, college-aged party girl type of providers does not make any sense to me. If someone wants to respond with a list of providers that fit this description, please do so. The only one I can think of is Violet. She is the only one in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, which is just ridiculous. There are providers who advertise as being that kind of girl, but a lot of them are from Europe. While they are enjoyable, sometimes we don't relate on a cultural level. I never said other types of providers are not worth seeing. I like the variety of the hobby, but I am sensing that a lot of true locals are for whatever reason not choosing escorting as an option.

Each city can be different in how well a lady does with business, even if she has a solid reputation. At the end of the day, ladies go where they are making money, and I guess the "ditzy, blonde-haired, college-aged party girl types" don't get enough support here? Perhaps the market, as a whole, prefers something else? This does not negate your interests, but it might be a reflection of what the market will bear...


Posted By: yng96864
I started a topic awhile back about this and it got buried under newer posts. I think we got a lot of great input, so I wanted to put this out here again. This subject is really important to me as someone who finds satisfaction in the hobby, but only if the providers involved in it are meeting expectations. Most of you who posted in the previous thread agreed that there is definitely a downward trend in overall quality, and provided some reasons for it. Are there any other factors that are contributing to this? Is there any hope for a return to what it used to be like 2-3 years ago? Otherwise, I might need to take an extended break from this hobby.  
 In all seriousness, the lack of ditzy, blonde-haired, college-aged party girl type of providers does not make any sense to me. If someone wants to respond with a list of providers that fit this description, please do so. The only one I can think of is Violet. She is the only one in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, which is just ridiculous. There are providers who advertise as being that kind of girl, but a lot of them are from Europe. While they are enjoyable, sometimes we don't relate on a cultural level. I never said other types of providers are not worth seeing. I like the variety of the hobby, but I am sensing that a lot of true locals are for whatever reason not choosing escorting as an option.

ROGM982 reads

There are still quality local gals in Chicago. You'll have to do your research and info finding to find them. But they're out here. From an Economic point of view, it may have sent some gals out of state. But there are still some nice local gals in Chicago.

I think its obvious at this point that you stirred up the hornets nest by mixing your description of your favorite age & style and a general tag of 'quality'.  I think Chicago is pretty universally regarded as a high-quality market with a good variety of choices, but you're also right that the younger, mid-priced, semi-amateur providers are under-represented here.

There are some, but they seem to come and go quickly.  The girls of that age that can manage this successfully as a business and ensure their own safety are a minority, and as a result many of them come and go quickly, and the ones that do last move pretty quickly up into the higher price brackets.  With 'ditzy' comes lots of problems & risks - they are easy prey for pimps and traffickers promising them better cashflow, the money they make often gets spent faster than they make it, and they end up in and out of the legal system.  

But keep your eyes open over the summer - there seem to be more that match your 'targetting' that pop up or pass through town when its warmer.

It sounds like you are looking for a specific type, but based on my rating along with those of many others in this city, I'd say Chicago isn't lacking quality. And I'm a true local. I don't get why you equate quality or "true local" with dumb and blonde.  

Maybe you just can't handle gals like me. Or for example Bree Breeze.... she's one of the top rated in the COUNTRY... But DRATS! She's black and intelligent. Fuck. Sorry, can't help ya.

Oh.... OH.... I have my friend Alexis Wilder! She's blonde! But, fuck, she's got a degree in psychology.  

I'm so sorry for your loss......

Eighteen years ago I was in law school.  The Internet was young and exciting.  Folks using electronic means to market themselves in the hobby were entering a new world.  Recall Craigslist started in 1995 and Backpage in 2004.  I had at least 2 law school classmates who were selling services on the Internet.  I knew of at least one woman in my law firm summer class who was doing the same.  I taught undergrads while in school and I had at least two students who were selling services on Craigslist.  When I started work at a big law firm I met at least two staff people who "moonlighted" as providers. Why did they all do it?  It was novel, trendy, and different.  LEO was no where to be found.  Risks were low.

But do your math.  The women who were 20 then are 38 now.  They are not gone, but most have moved on.  Those who I still know?  A couple are married with kids.  One is a school teacher who still sees "friends."  One works in NY.  The exciting ones are not gone, they are just older.

Why not exciting young ones today? More risk.  I recall when one of the legal assistants got canned at work because someone found pictures of her naked on the internet.  That was bad for her day job.  Recall that LEO has caught more than one chicago lawyer who was also "providing."  That made for ugly headlines.  Anyone who has done a Google photo search knows that as that software gets better lots of unwelcome images can show up on a search.

Also frankly the novelty has worn off.  It is easier to be a sugar baby than an escort.  It is easier to be a stripper than an escort.  Today unless you plan to market only on backpage their are costs to enter the market. You have to pay RS2K if you want to verify clients.  You have to pay for a web page.  In 2000 you could just do Craigs List ads.

Since those days you also got TER.  Compare OLD TER reviews to new ones.  Much more detail.  That changes what folks do.  I don't know if guys realize this but detailed reviews create expectations.  If I see someone and we connect and I see her again, we may do things she does not want to do with other guys. TER makes you provide detail for VIP reviews.  That creates tension going forward.

Example: when in 2002 a still in college provider needed to finish a paper by tomorrow and asked me to help and then let me go in the back door to reward me, that is not TER review material. And yes I wrote her paper and it got a good grade.  Which is why you will not find that in any review I wrote.  The problem is that if I wanted today to review her I would have to provide lots of that kind of detail  or I don't get VIP.

I am probably not thinking of everything.

-- Modified on 3/25/2015 11:04:46 PM

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