
Re: Reviews...
Montero1510 See my TER Reviews 1261 reads
1 / 22

I just read a most horrific review about myself. And while I can't remember who exactly would have written such horrible things about me, I have one question. If a guy is having such a HORRIBLE time on a date, why can't they just speak up. Instead, they seem to suffer in silence then run to their computers and trash the gal on the various review sites.  

Just seems so childish

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 611 reads
2 / 22

And that the review is really true. Contact ADMIN at the same time, to say you're concerned that the review is fake.    

I've gotten a couple of fake reviews removed this way, so while they unfortunately don't all get pulled, it is possible.  

If this guy verifies that you actually met him.... yeah, it's immature and very small-minded behavior.  And he probably blew everything out of proportion over one tiny, little thing.  

Some a-holes write "revenge reviews" for seemingly no reason whatsoever.  And trying to figure out "why" will just make you crazy.  I know.  ;-)

The good news is that you have an awesome reputation with many great, glowing reviews to show for it; so even if you cannot get this one negative review removed, it won't have a lasting impact.  :-)


\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 615 reads
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1)  MOST IMPORTANT!!  Get your TER page up to date with ALL the details.  Do you now offer CIM?  No longer do anal?  Change the details on your TER page to reflect this.  Make sure there aren't any "don't knows" on your services offered page.  If a john is expecting you to do someting and you don't, that is a surefire way to get a bad review.  Just take some time and email TER and they will do it.  I cannot emphasize this enough.

2)  Relatedly, update your pics and current age, weight.  Again see above.

3) Don't book yourselves crazy.  Do you think we don't know you have seen 5 guys before us?  This leads to you being less than 100% and punctuality problems.  Cancelling and rescheduling only make your scores go down.  You might think that you will be making more money by servicing 10 guys a day but when your scores go down, so does your rate and business.

ModernLover66 465 reads
4 / 22

Nobody really believes a review like that when all your others are like 8, 9, 10. Your reputation is solid.

truu1 77 Reviews 489 reads
5 / 22

You have tons of great reviews, I doubt one poor one, whether it's accurate or not, isn't going to effect your business all that much.

I think most guys that book and have read your reviews realize that you aren't a 20 something woman and aren't booking you thinking that you are. Your body's still in great shape and as your performance scores suggest, you aren't lacking skills BTS

drbob45 471 reads
6 / 22

Looking at your review history, I assume I know which review you are talking about.  I wouldn't worry too much about it given all of the other reviews that you have.  

When I am looking at someones reviews, if there is a reviewer who's scores stand out from the rest, I will generally ignore it myself.   I also will look at the other reviews he has made and see if I have seen other providers on his list so that I can determine how he is rating them.  With the reviewer in question, he claims to be a TER member since 2001, with reviews that are "accurate" yet he has only reviewed 4 people and his last review was in 2010.  In short, I wouldn't worry too much about it, although you can certainly try to get TER to remove it.

In terms of your question on why do people sit quietly and then criticize later, I think that's just the nature of the business.  Providers want anonymity in their ads, which is understandable.  But then we don't always know who we are meeting until we arrive.  Also, the pictures we do see can lead us to have high expectations (I always try to think of a provider's pictures as the best possible angle/lighting etc. for a provider and tone down expectations).  At that point, you've paid the money, so you likely try to make the experience as worthwhile as possible, but if you know its not going to go well, there's not much you can say to change that.  And there is no use in being rude.  

I personally don't write critical reviews.  I believe in the mantra of "if you can't say something nice..." and figure that it has the same effect.  A provider lacking in reviews will draw questions from potential customers (at least the ones that do their homework), without me having to be vocal about it.  However, TER giving free premium membership for writing reviews causes some people to review everyone they see, no matter what (or in some cases writing fake reviews).  I'm not saying his review is fake, but he certainly had an incentive to write the review from a monetary perspective.

Montero1510 See my TER Reviews 516 reads
7 / 22

Agreed. And thank you .. I just wish, if a guy isn't having an outstanding time, they let me know. I would GLADLY return their donations.. I don't want ANYONE to have a less than perfect time .. I'm human, I may have a bad day.. But I always put 100% into my dates. And if I'm performing sub par, I want to know about it. I love constructive criticism .. That guy in the review sounded like he hated me? Lol. AnywAy, thanks again. 💋

Posted By: truu1
You have tons of great reviews, I doubt one poor one, whether it's accurate or not, isn't going to effect your business all that much.  
 I think most guys that book and have read your reviews realize that you aren't a 20 something woman and aren't booking you thinking that you are. Your body's still in great shape and as your performance scores suggest, you aren't lacking skills BTS.  

Montero1510 See my TER Reviews 580 reads
8 / 22

What a great way to look at things. Thank you.  


Montero1510 See my TER Reviews 570 reads
9 / 22

Agreed. Girls should keep their info up to date.  

Sometimes I wish I could write a little blurb below the review telling MY side.

But thanks again for the feedback. Xoxo

Montero1510 See my TER Reviews 437 reads
10 / 22

Very helpful.    Thank you💋

liamdoherty 25 Reviews 349 reads
11 / 22

I do, I would not worry.
There are all kinds out in this hobby, for all types of reasons.

Doll, your history is fantastic as you are.

My take on peeps:
There are you are...whe these 2 connect passion ensues.
There are the apathetic...
Then the haters, no matter what you do they must hate to make themselves feel good.
No worries doll.

Assman33 323 reads
12 / 22

I am really sorry you got an awful review.  I myself have had a few experiences where a provider did not look like her pic's was much heavier an older. However I would not trash them in a review I just wouldn't see them again.  I really would not get any satisfaction by trying to hurt someone's business

Absolut481 4 Reviews 311 reads
13 / 22

The guy was probably intimidated by you and couldn't perform to the expectations he put on himself.  My experience with you is consistent with other reviews but certainly not that one.
Don't beat yourself up over it.

GaGambler 340 reads
14 / 22

I am sure we have all heard about providers who have "gently" tried to tell a guy about his hygiene issues, only to be rewarded with a scathing review. Well the same thing happens in reverse, where the guy tries to offer "constructive criticism" only to have the provider go BSC on him, cut the session off immediately, and put him on a BLS.

It's a shame the guy has to be quite so harsh in his review of you, but take solace in the fact that it's your "entire body of work" that most guys look for in your reviews, not an outlier that is not representative of your overall reputation.

One other thing for both sides to ask ourselves, is there really a nice way to tell someone they are old or fat, or otherwise physically unattractive? I mean honestly, what do you say to the elephant man (or woman) once he or she has already walked through your door?

StapleCenter 617 Reviews 339 reads
15 / 22

Montero, forget that one review.  I'll still be seeing you, cuz you're one of the best.  And that ass of!  :

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 356 reads
16 / 22

...some guys (emphasis on SOME) are either giant douches or huge pussies or both (neither better than the other) and take the easy way out of running to their computers and trash the girl. I hate to compare this industry to the restaurant industry but still usually if you have a problem and speak up right away the server/manager will do their best to rectify on the spot instead of you suffering in silence and trashing them on any and every site that'll let you submit a review.

knight47 16 Reviews 289 reads
17 / 22

Your reputation is established...impeccable even. Though we haven't met yet, we've chatted a half dozen times or so. You remain firmly at the top of my list, and no reviews from any number of nobody's would change that. Several established reviewers maybe, but even then I doubt it. No random review will discourage most guys

Posted By: Montero1510
I just read a most horrific review about myself. And while I can't remember who exactly would have written such horrible things about me, I have one question. If a guy is having such a HORRIBLE time on a date, why can't they just speak up. Instead, they seem to suffer in silence then run to their computers and trash the gal on the various review sites.  
 Just seems so childish.  

littlecheddar53 67 Reviews 398 reads
18 / 22

a 4 or 5 score in an ocean full or 8s, 9s and 10s, I always assume it has something to do with the guy and not the provider.  Hell  girl, even on your worst day you would still probably be a 7!!

elrond 139 Reviews 386 reads
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Anyone who has truly seen you is usually overwhelmed by your energy and willing to please attitude. Either the individual was thinking about someone else or had some degree of mental lapse.

In any case move on and don't worry about it. You have a huge group of happy hobbyisy who have met you here in Chicago! I needed my bowl of Wheaties and 8 hours of sleep after our last meeting.


JoeAverageHobbyist 311 reads
20 / 22

Not sure which review you're talking about.  Has it been removed?

ModernLover66 280 reads
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Greenbo1 8 Reviews 252 reads
22 / 22

As I'm not seen this particular provider --- I totally disagree with you guys....  

The WHOLE POINT of this website is to provide the client with as much detail and truthful knowledge of the provider that he wants to see... If you guys are rating girls high and saying all nice things just to be nice, then that defeats the purpose. I'm all for being nice - but if I'm paying $300-$400 plus for an encounter - I expect it to be worthwhile and something much better than I can get for $160... If I'm paying for this, I scrutinize and relate the provider to what I have been with in my normal life and/or what I see in my normal life.  

I don't give too many providers a 10 and Model Material ratings unless that girl is a knockout. To get that rating, you have to be "that girl". The one you see in real life and think "OMG - SHE IS FANTASTIC"... Not the girl you see and go "Hey she's attractive" and move on. My point is that I've been burned by reviewers on this website 'over ranking' ladies in my opinion. You can be nice and be honest at the same time.  

Because I've been burned - I now really study who I'm going to see because I don't get to indulge often and I don't want to waste money. I don't always leave a review as well. When I want something quick and decent, I go the Asian route because I've had some really good experiences for a lot less money. And, If it's not a great experience, then I'm only at $160 and not $400.  

SO be honest because guys like me depend on it. I've often wondered what some of these reviewers most be sleeping with in their real life in order to give some of the girls the high marks they do - most not be good.

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