
Re: Once again, read the fucking post in its entirety!
Jdalla 1539 reads
1 / 48

Is it my imagination or are there less high end providers in Chicago than there was a year ago?  Hope it isn't a long term trend!

Jack_Inhoff 1295 reads
2 / 48

I'm probably going to get shit from both hookers and fellow johns, but when I first started this in the Chicago area, I thought the market in Chicago was awesome. In my opinion, it has significantly declined.  Why is this? It could be for many reasons. I know of a few who have since retired. Also, Illinois and Chicago, thanks to the Illinois democratic party machine, have experienced significant economic decline.  it could be that some to many people have moved on to greener pastures.  

Feel free to give me shit for this comment. I probably deserve it. LOL!

cece See my TER Reviews 1161 reads
3 / 48

so providers have moved from Chicago because of the Illinois democratic party machine? The democratic party machine has been here for as long as I have lived in Chicago so how is this year different?

Besides? Last time I checked the stock market has tripled under Obama, and has crashed under bush (which the housing market still has not recovered from), Reagan, and Hoover.

Maybe it is you who doesn't know how to plan his finances properly....

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 1125 reads
4 / 48

He's obviously alluding to the dire financial straights Illinois finds itself in given the multiple billions of dollars in unfunded  public sector pension obligations, the Supreme Court's recent decision implying it will strike down any legislation diminishing these benefits as unconstitutional, the recent 66% increase in the state income tax, and the exodus of business and employees to Wisconsin, Indiana, etc.  

Does that help?

Denny183 9 Reviews 849 reads
5 / 48

Check out the CRA -  What Fannie and Freddie and Barney Frank were making the banks do
to have more " affordable housing ".  Frank said everything was just fine right up to the time
it crashed.  Just like BO says he cant do anything without Congress,  neither could GWB.

cece See my TER Reviews 1007 reads
6 / 48

66% increase in state income tax? So you are now paying 66% of your income to the state of Illinois?  

For your information.... state employees, govt emloyees and few other do not pay into social security and they do pay towards their pensions. When will people get educated. This is why govt and state employees take a lower salary during their working years in exchange for their security during their retirement years. These employees do not qualify for social security, there is no 401k for them to contribute to etc.  

Illinois is in trouble because there has been more republicans then democrats who have gone to jail for corruption. Also, Illinois is not a blue state it is a red state overall. Dupage, Lake, McHenry and many other counties surrounding Chicago are all republican and Lake county has the highest property taxes in the state and in the country... look it up before you blame it on "state finances"...

Oh and there is an exodus to Indiana and Wisconsin? Are the big companies leaving? Please give me a link of this "exodus of companies" that are leaving the state. Do we have a plethora of homes for sale in Chicago? or is this more talk that is unsubstantiated.

IsorokuYamamoto 673 reads
7 / 48

"Stock market has tripled under O'bama." Really? I wish. And darling, don't liberals like you hate the 'markets' and those who profit from it? Now I'm confused. Go back into hiding. Please.  

Posted By: cece
so providers have moved from Chicago because of the Illinois democratic party machine? The democratic party machine has been here for as long as I have lived in Chicago so how is this year different?  
 Besides? Last time I checked the stock market has tripled under Obama, and has crashed under bush (which the housing market still has not recovered from), Reagan, and Hoover.  
 Maybe it is you who doesn't know how to plan his finances properly....

JoesephAldruski 693 reads
8 / 48

I love the blame on Frank as the cause of the financial crisis.  So dumb, it's funny.  A independent commission found that lack of regulation was to blame for the financial crisis, specifically the repeal of Glass-Steagall under clinton (from conservative pressure).  Of course GWB did nothing about it, because well, he's a "conservative", and an idiot (which many consider a redundant statement).  In either case, any democratic legislation to fix that issue would have been vetoed by W.  Watered down liberal economic policy saved us from a second Great Depression.  A larger stimulus would have gotten us a better recovery but there were too many DINOs in congress.  

 You want fiscal conservatism?  Go take a look at the UK, who tried austerity after the recession.  They have a triple dip recession as their reward.  You want to see it in action here?  Go take a look at Kansas, which cut taxes and govt spending.   They are hurting so much that tons of repubs are backing the dem gov candidate over brownstain.

Now if Wisconsin is so great for business and such a paradise, why aren't they doing so well??  Scotty "shit for brains" Walker didn't even come close to his campaign guarantee of new jobs delivered.  Never mind the scandals he has on his plate.  A recent article showed a greater tax burden in WI than IL for citizens.  Sure Illinois politicians are crooked  - aren't the last two governors in jail ( one from each party?)

If you are trying to peg republicans as doing anything but the bidding of millionaires and billionaires, do it some place else.  We're all stocked up on crazy over here, thank you very much.

JoesephAldruski 719 reads
9 / 48

Not quite tripled, but pretty close.  Look up the numbers clown.  I know it must hurt you to see a Dem (once again) rescue the economy after a repub fucks it all up, but that is just what happened.  Ole W left the economy in free-fall and Obama and the dems prevented a second Depression.  I know, the facts hurt your idiotic ideology, but you can't dispute the numbers.  Eat that shit bitch.

You are 'confused', because you are a low IQ assclown.  Liberals don't hate the markets.  They hate the fact that the tax code and economic system is rigged.  Why was ole mittens all secretive about his tax returns again??  Yeah, that's what I thought.  STFU

HangingwithBears 727 reads
10 / 48

Who said anything about paying 66% tax? He was talking about the 2% rate hike to 5% that your Democratic buddies are hell-bent on keeping in place after the election. Remember, the tax rate used to be 3% until Quinn got greedy? And the nearly doubling of tolls?

Entitlement, that's what it's all about for you Dems. Those unfunded pensions are due to Mikey owning Illinois along with his corrupt friends. Keep raising our income, sales, and property taxes and you'll see a mass exodus to Indiana. Hell, it's already happening, Crown Point is on a building boom!

IL is on a dead-end road. This entire state will be one large Detroit within 10 years with the Dems at the helm.

-- Modified on 7/21/2014 6:30:12 PM

IsorokuYamamoto 810 reads
11 / 48

I couldn't get past your second sentence. Are you really that uh dense?  

Posted By: cece
66% increase in state income tax? So you are now paying 66% of your income to the state of Illinois?  
 For your information.... state employees, govt emloyees and few other do not pay into social security and they do pay towards their pensions. When will people get educated. This is why govt and state employees take a lower salary during their working years in exchange for their security during their retirement years. These employees do not qualify for social security, there is no 401k for them to contribute to etc.  
 Illinois is in trouble because there has been more republicans then democrats who have gone to jail for corruption. Also, Illinois is not a blue state it is a red state overall. Dupage, Lake, McHenry and many other counties surrounding Chicago are all republican and Lake county has the highest property taxes in the state and in the country... look it up before you blame it on "state finances"...  
 Oh and there is an exodus to Indiana and Wisconsin? Are the big companies leaving? Please give me a link of this "exodus of companies" that are leaving the state. Do we have a plethora of homes for sale in Chicago? or is this more talk that is unsubstantiated.
-- Modified on 7/21/2014 4:52:52 PM

IsorokuYamamoto 517 reads
12 / 48

The DOW has approximately DOUBLED under O'bama. Not TRIPLED. Asshat. If you want to talk about how good the economy is doing, lets discuss the labor participation rate, wage stagnation, average hourly work week, and the realy unemployment rate which includes those who have quit looking for work. That would be U6 now over 12%. Gas prices? Double what they were six years ago. So you can tell me to 'eat that shit bitch" and "STFU" all you want but get back to me on these when you can being the economic genius you are. You're just a bitter, unemployed, stupid jackass who's never amounted to and never will anything in his life. As for the marked DOUBLING, its all about the Fed. Not O'bama. And at least we saved GM. That's worked out pretty well eh?

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Not quite tripled, but pretty close.  Look up the numbers clown.  I know it must hurt you to see a Dem (once again) rescue the economy after a repub fucks it all up, but that is just what happened.  Ole W left the economy in free-fall and Obama and the dems prevented a second Depression.  I know, the facts hurt your idiotic ideology, but you can't dispute the numbers.  Eat that shit bitch.  
 You are 'confused', because you are a low IQ assclown.  Liberals don't hate the markets.  They hate the fact that the tax code and economic system is rigged.  Why was ole mittens all secretive about his tax returns again??  Yeah, that's what I thought.  STFU.  

IsorokuYamamoto 505 reads
13 / 48

Well, in WI our taxes have gone down and we have a budget surplus for the first time in years. What do you think about that Barney?

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
I love the blame on Frank as the cause of the financial crisis.  So dumb, it's funny.  A independent commission found that lack of regulation was to blame for the financial crisis, specifically the repeal of Glass-Steagall under clinton (from conservative pressure).  Of course GWB did nothing about it, because well, he's a "conservative", and an idiot (which many consider a redundant statement).  In either case, any democratic legislation to fix that issue would have been vetoed by W.  Watered down liberal economic policy saved us from a second Great Depression.  A larger stimulus would have gotten us a better recovery but there were too many DINOs in congress.  
  You want fiscal conservatism?  Go take a look at the UK, who tried austerity after the recession.  They have a triple dip recession as their reward.  You want to see it in action here?  Go take a look at Kansas, which cut taxes and govt spending.   They are hurting so much that tons of repubs are backing the dem gov candidate over brownstain.  
 Now if Wisconsin is so great for business and such a paradise, why aren't they doing so well??  Scotty "shit for brains" Walker didn't even come close to his campaign guarantee of new jobs delivered.  Never mind the scandals he has on his plate.  A recent article showed a greater tax burden in WI than IL for citizens.  Sure Illinois politicians are crooked  - aren't the last two governors in jail ( one from each party?)  
 If you are trying to peg republicans as doing anything but the bidding of millionaires and billionaires, do it some place else.  We're all stocked up on crazy over here, thank you very much.

JoesephAldruski 617 reads
14 / 48

When you listen to faux news, you get half of the story.  Sure, lay off teachers and other public workers, and any state would collect a surplus.  How smart will your kids be then?   Who cares, right??  Eff the kids, as long as your taxes go down, right Mr. Dumas??

Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Well, in WI our taxes have gone down and we have a budget surplus for the first time in years. What do you think about that Barney?  
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
I love the blame on Frank as the cause of the financial crisis.  So dumb, it's funny.  A independent commission found that lack of regulation was to blame for the financial crisis, specifically the repeal of Glass-Steagall under clinton (from conservative pressure).  Of course GWB did nothing about it, because well, he's a "conservative", and an idiot (which many consider a redundant statement).  In either case, any democratic legislation to fix that issue would have been vetoed by W.  Watered down liberal economic policy saved us from a second Great Depression.  A larger stimulus would have gotten us a better recovery but there were too many DINOs in congress.    
   You want fiscal conservatism?  Go take a look at the UK, who tried austerity after the recession.  They have a triple dip recession as their reward.  You want to see it in action here?  Go take a look at Kansas, which cut taxes and govt spending.   They are hurting so much that tons of repubs are backing the dem gov candidate over brownstain.  
  Now if Wisconsin is so great for business and such a paradise, why aren't they doing so well??  Scotty "shit for brains" Walker didn't even come close to his campaign guarantee of new jobs delivered.  Never mind the scandals he has on his plate.  A recent article showed a greater tax burden in WI than IL for citizens.  Sure Illinois politicians are crooked  - aren't the last two governors in jail ( one from each party?)  
  If you are trying to peg republicans as doing anything but the bidding of millionaires and billionaires, do it some place else.  We're all stocked up on crazy over here, thank you very much.

hgfgs 24 Reviews 659 reads
15 / 48

Taxes, job market causing people to leave Illinois
May 13, 2014|By Diana Sroka Rickert

Megan Ciaburri grew up in the northern suburbs. When she married someone from the area, she expected they would get an apartment in Chicago or buy their own home in the 'burbs.

Their jobs are here. Their families are here. But come July, the newlyweds will be packing their bags for Texas.


"I thought it was going to be a lifetime thing — living in the Chicago area," said Ciaburri, 28. "But I just don't see us getting ahead by staying here."

Sky-high property taxes make homeownership a pipe dream, she explained. And the job market — terrible. It seems there are always more headlines about companies leaving Illinois than moving in. She and her husband both have jobs now, but what about in five years when there might be kids in the picture?

As Ciaburri laid out all the reasons why it made sense to move, my heart ached.

I was born in Chicago, raised on Superdawg and Portillo's. In my early 20s, I made a hard pitch for Illinois to my then-boyfriend-now-husband.

"It's better here," I told him.

It should be. But thousands of people just like Ciaburri have decided it's not.

A startling pair of Gallup polls recently suggested that Illinoisans are an unhappy lot. Half of us would move elsewhere if we could. One in 4 says Illinois is the worst possible place to live in the entire U.S.

Naysayers claim it's all talk. It isn't.

Not long after the Gallup polls came out, the Internal Revenue Service released fresh numbers showing which states people are moving to and which states people are fleeing.

Spoiler: Illinois didn't earn any positive marks in this report, either.

According to the IRS, Illinoisans don't just want to move; they are moving. And they've been moving for a long time.

From 1995 to 2010, Illinois lost more than 850,000 people to other states. That's after you offset the number of people who actually moved in.

The bleeding is bad; on net, 1 person leaves Illinois every 10 minutes.

Texas ranks No. 1 in net population gain from Illinois. Many who move, Ciaburri and her husband included, don't even have jobs lined up before they head southwest.

It's a phenomenon George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen first noticed several years ago: Because of Texas' explosive economic growth, people are more willing to take a chance there than stick around for whatever they've got here.

But it's not just Texas and warmer climates drawing people away. Illinois loses people to every single one of its border states.


Larry Ladner and his wife Kathleen just bought a house in Crown Point, Ind. As soon as their home in Aurora sells, they'll be ex-Illinoisans.

"When we had this house built, we thought it would be our forever house," said Ladner, 63.

Then a few years ago, they were curious what their money could buy over the border.

They found a lakefront home almost as large as their place in Aurora. Their property taxes here: nearly $10,000 this year. In Crown Point: about $2,500, including homeowners association fees.

The math made the decision for them.

For a lot of years, Illinois seemed like it was "better than" Indiana. Illinois had history and culture. Bigger companies and better jobs. Nicer neighborhoods and more glamorous cities. Indiana was like the modest younger brother of the Midwest.

But while Illinois was living it up, Indiana grew up. New leadership in the Indiana's governor's mansion focused on making sure the middle class was employed, homes were affordable and educational opportunities were expanded. The state started competing for companies and jobs — and winning.

The payoff is evident. Indiana has become a destination spot for Illinoisans like the Ladners, who still want access to our airports and city, without paying the high prices.

Indiana has made improvements, but it's not a perfect place. Just like Illinois, Indiana also loses people to Texas. But consider this: For every Hoosier who high-tails it to Texas, four Illinoisans move into Indiana, the IRS found.

We've reached a point at which Illinoisans think moving to Indiana is trading up.

The other day, I was complaining to a friend about Indiana's advertising takeover at Ogilvie Transportation Center. Every day when I'm among the thousands of commuters walking to the Metra after a long day of work, electronic signs taunt me:

"Illinoyed by higher taxes?" they read.

Here's how my friend — who recently moved to Arkansas — responded: Yes, it's annoying. But what's really annoying is that Indiana is probably right.

Chicago Tribune May 13, 2014.

If you can't comprehend the difference in a 67% increase in the income tax and a 67% income tax rate, god help you.

BTW, you sent me your pics, if I met you in a bar I would go home by myself.


Posted By: cece
66% increase in state income tax? So you are now paying 66% of your income to the state of Illinois?  
 For your information.... state employees, govt emloyees and few other do not pay into social security and they do pay towards their pensions. When will people get educated. This is why govt and state employees take a lower salary during their working years in exchange for their security during their retirement years. These employees do not qualify for social security, there is no 401k for them to contribute to etc.  
 Illinois is in trouble because there has been more republicans then democrats who have gone to jail for corruption. Also, Illinois is not a blue state it is a red state overall. Dupage, Lake, McHenry and many other counties surrounding Chicago are all republican and Lake county has the highest property taxes in the state and in the country... look it up before you blame it on "state finances"...  
 Oh and there is an exodus to Indiana and Wisconsin? Are the big companies leaving? Please give me a link of this "exodus of companies" that are leaving the state. Do we have a plethora of homes for sale in Chicago? or is this more talk that is unsubstantiated.

JoesephAldruski 828 reads
16 / 48

Your understanding of the economy is as good as your understanding of the government.  I guess the president is like an emperor in your pea brain.  History will remember the republican congress as being the most obstructionist in history.  Think about that for a moment.  When the economy needed help to reduce all the factors you cited, where was john boehner?   That's right, doing nothing.  

Why don't you tell me what happened to the jobs numbers after the stimulus was enacted.  Conveniently forgot that, did you?  The stimulus should have been much larger like ....wait for it....wait for it...Nobel prize winning LIBERAL economist Paul Krugman advised.  You know, the guy who predicted the housing crash?  Yeah, pretty effing smart, huh?  Too many wishy-washy dems and DINOs only passed a weak bill, just like a weak healthcare law.  

You think your idiotic ideology is somehow right, when the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us are supposed to wait for the trickle from the billionaires' ball sacs?   Your dumb, good for nothing party caused this crash.  What happened after reagan left office?  Starts with the letter R.  I know you can say it.  

Guess what?  The whole civilized world thinks you are a bunch of idiots.  Look it up

JoesephAldruski 1411 reads
17 / 48

GTFOH.  What are you waiting for?!?

Go to Indiana asshole.  No one gives a shit.

IsorokuYamamoto 534 reads
18 / 48

Well, your closing paragraph is dead on. Your boy O'bama has everything to do with that. Maybe the Dutch will stand up to Putin? Or your heroes from Scandinavia? How about another Media Matters piece to seal the deal? Please?

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Your understanding of the economy is as good as your understanding of the government.  I guess the president is like an emperor in your pea brain.  History will remember the republican congress as being the most obstructionist in history.  Think about that for a moment.  When the economy needed help to reduce all the factors you cited, where was john boehner?   That's right, doing nothing.    
 Why don't you tell me what happened to the jobs numbers after the stimulus was enacted.  Conveniently forgot that, did you?  The stimulus should have been much larger like ....wait for it....wait for it...Nobel prize winning LIBERAL economist Paul Krugman advised.  You know, the guy who predicted the housing crash?  Yeah, pretty effing smart, huh?  Too many wishy-washy dems and DINOs only passed a weak bill, just like a weak healthcare law.    
 You think your idiotic ideology is somehow right, when the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us are supposed to wait for the trickle from the billionaires' ball sacs?   Your dumb, good for nothing party caused this crash.  What happened after reagan left office?  Starts with the letter R.  I know you can say it.    
 Guess what?  The whole civilized world thinks you are a bunch of idiots.  Look it up.  

IsorokuYamamoto 538 reads
19 / 48

Media Matters, lol. You're funny guy. What's next?

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
When you listen to faux news, you get half of the story.  Sure, lay off teachers and other public workers, and any state would collect a surplus.  How smart will your kids be then?   Who cares, right??  Eff the kids, as long as your taxes go down, right Mr. Dumas??  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Well, in WI our taxes have gone down and we have a budget surplus for the first time in years. What do you think about that Barney?  
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
I love the blame on Frank as the cause of the financial crisis.  So dumb, it's funny.  A independent commission found that lack of regulation was to blame for the financial crisis, specifically the repeal of Glass-Steagall under clinton (from conservative pressure).  Of course GWB did nothing about it, because well, he's a "conservative", and an idiot (which many consider a redundant statement).  In either case, any democratic legislation to fix that issue would have been vetoed by W.  Watered down liberal economic policy saved us from a second Great Depression.  A larger stimulus would have gotten us a better recovery but there were too many DINOs in congress.    
    You want fiscal conservatism?  Go take a look at the UK, who tried austerity after the recession.  They have a triple dip recession as their reward.  You want to see it in action here?  Go take a look at Kansas, which cut taxes and govt spending.   They are hurting so much that tons of repubs are backing the dem gov candidate over brownstain.    
   Now if Wisconsin is so great for business and such a paradise, why aren't they doing so well??  Scotty "shit for brains" Walker didn't even come close to his campaign guarantee of new jobs delivered.  Never mind the scandals he has on his plate.  A recent article showed a greater tax burden in WI than IL for citizens.  Sure Illinois politicians are crooked  - aren't the last two governors in jail ( one from each party?)    
   If you are trying to peg republicans as doing anything but the bidding of millionaires and billionaires, do it some place else.  We're all stocked up on crazy over here, thank you very much.

JoesephAldruski 569 reads
20 / 48

Haha...stupid Fox News watcher. Hahahahaha.

The whole world laughs at you!!  Hahahahahahaha!

JoesephAldruski 580 reads
21 / 48

And yet, dumb twats like you are still here.  Move dumbass, if it is sooo bad here

AdrianaSoJuicy4u See my TER Reviews 932 reads
23 / 48

I've always heard Chicago is a happening place and that's been my experience . .  that's why I show up every 6 weeks or so :)

Love your beautiful city!


MissLolaLuxe See my TER Reviews 542 reads
24 / 48

I understand there is an objective definition of what a "high end" provider is.... But I'm curious to know what qualities you believe a "high end" provider possesses

Portia Eden See my TER Reviews 661 reads
25 / 48

+ 1 !!!  

Portia + Chicago = Excellent Adventures!

Posted By: AdrianaSoJuicy4u
I've always heard Chicago is a happening place and that's been my experience . .  that's why I show up every 6 weeks or so :)  
 Love your beautiful city!  

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 812 reads
26 / 48

But I'm back. ;)  

Btw, I've met some super hot ladies around the Chicagoland area. Hot, great dates, great conversations, great bars, great food, hopefully soon great sex lolol

trueblue1965 34 Reviews 496 reads
27 / 48

I'm pretty new to the hobby. So my answer won't be definitive. But some of the key characteristics, I would say, are:

-Does she carry herself with poise and expect respect... and give it?
-Would you be proud to be seen with her in public on a really nice date (SO issues aside)?
-Does she have a professionally done site? Good pictures, which don't make an obvious attempt at hiding those physical imperfections that tend to diminish a score on looks?
-Is she attentive? Does she treat you like you are the only thing on her mind for the allotted time?  
-Is she intuitive enough to swing to either GFE or PSE just by reading your mood?
-Does she make an effort with her lingerie? Does it match? Is it 'top shelf' or simply... simple.
-Does she rate (objectively) a 9 or above in all the usual categories? Not necessarily BDSM or Greek, but pretty much all the rest.  
-Can she cleverly carry on a discussion and never let on the realities of her 'real life' before you open the door to that? (I realize this is touchy. But to a great extent, I think we can agree this is about 'an escape from reality.'
-Though we all have to start somewhere, and I am generalizing, BP doesn't seem to be the place to find 'high end.'

Like I said... not all inclusive. But it's a start

IsorokuYamamoto 693 reads
28 / 48

ule #1 for high class escorts? They avoid posting stupid shit anywhere here.  

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
I understand there is an objective definition of what a "high end" provider is.... But I'm curious to know what qualities you believe a "high end" provider possesses?  

IsorokuYamamoto 843 reads
29 / 48

And all you can do is insult sans facts. Sucks to be you huh?

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
And yet, dumb twats like you are still here.  Move dumbass, if it is sooo bad here.  

JoesephAldruski 663 reads
30 / 48

Yes, more war from the war monger retardlicans again.  Always great when someone else goes off to die, isn't it?  This time with Russia no less.  I guess the iraq fiasco didn't teach you idiots anything.  5K soldiers dead.  Trillions wasted.  For what?

Thank God you idiots are no where near the levers of power.  The stupid is noxious.  Republicans don't just embarrass Americans, they embarrass the human species.

Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Well, your closing paragraph is dead on. Your boy O'bama has everything to do with that. Maybe the Dutch will stand up to Putin? Or your heroes from Scandinavia? How about another Media Matters piece to seal the deal? Please?  
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Your understanding of the economy is as good as your understanding of the government.  I guess the president is like an emperor in your pea brain.  History will remember the republican congress as being the most obstructionist in history.  Think about that for a moment.  When the economy needed help to reduce all the factors you cited, where was john boehner?   That's right, doing nothing.    
  Why don't you tell me what happened to the jobs numbers after the stimulus was enacted.  Conveniently forgot that, did you?  The stimulus should have been much larger like ....wait for it....wait for it...Nobel prize winning LIBERAL economist Paul Krugman advised.  You know, the guy who predicted the housing crash?  Yeah, pretty effing smart, huh?  Too many wishy-washy dems and DINOs only passed a weak bill, just like a weak healthcare law.    
  You think your idiotic ideology is somehow right, when the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us are supposed to wait for the trickle from the billionaires' ball sacs?   Your dumb, good for nothing party caused this crash.  What happened after reagan left office?  Starts with the letter R.  I know you can say it.    
  Guess what?  The whole civilized world thinks you are a bunch of idiots.  Look it up.  

JoesephAldruski 770 reads
31 / 48

Here's a fact :  Republican philosophy got the country in this mess.  Bush inherited a great economy and flushed it down the drain.  HW Bush got reagan's recession.  Awesome presidents.  Where's that trickle, ronnie?????

Sucks to be on the side of the dumbshits, huh?  You do know the whole world points and laughs at you dumbasses, right?

Here's some facts for your brainwashed ass:

sexxyleeza See my TER Reviews 605 reads
32 / 48

I feel that Chicago has no loyalty to is local girls. when you travel to other cities the girls are more partial to the local girls. Here they want more visiting girls. then when visiting girls or gone they wonder why there is no money.

Dr Who revived 703 reads
33 / 48

There's a reason your phone doesn't ring.

Posted By: sexxyleeza
I feel that Chicago has no loyalty to is local girls. when you travel to other cities the girls are more partial to the local girls. Here they want more visiting girls. then when visiting girls or gone they wonder why there is no money.

Dr Who revived 601 reads
34 / 48

Just curious!

If you about STFU or run for office and fix the problems that you're ranting about.

Or just be another Monday morning QB and blame everyone else for your lot in life.  It's much easier to do that.
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Here's a fact :  Republican philosophy got the country in this mess.  Bush inherited a great economy and flushed it down the drain.  HW Bush got reagan's recession.  Awesome presidents.  Where's that trickle, ronnie?????  
 Sucks to be on the side of the dumbshits, huh?  You do know the whole world points and laughs at you dumbasses, right?  
 Here's some facts for your brainwashed ass:

Dr Who revived 805 reads
35 / 48

Have you personally interviewed every person in the world?  ;)

STFU already and be part of the solution.  How about it?  Let me know which office you're running for and if your platform is somewhat interesting, I may vote for you.

Or just scream about all the incompetent assholes (based on your asinine posts) who are doing their best to address YOUR issues.  That's what all of you lazy ass kvetchers do.  

I'll bet you've never seen the inside of City Hall...let alone tried to be part of any activist group. have to get over to McD's and have your quarter pounder with cheese...large fries and sulk about your lot in life.
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Yes, more war from the war monger retardlicans again.  Always great when someone else goes off to die, isn't it?  This time with Russia no less.  I guess the iraq fiasco didn't teach you idiots anything.  5K soldiers dead.  Trillions wasted.  For what?  
 Thank God you idiots are no where near the levers of power.  The stupid is noxious.  Republicans don't just embarrass Americans, they embarrass the human species.  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Well, your closing paragraph is dead on. Your boy O'bama has everything to do with that. Maybe the Dutch will stand up to Putin? Or your heroes from Scandinavia? How about another Media Matters piece to seal the deal? Please?  
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Your understanding of the economy is as good as your understanding of the government.  I guess the president is like an emperor in your pea brain.  History will remember the republican congress as being the most obstructionist in history.  Think about that for a moment.  When the economy needed help to reduce all the factors you cited, where was john boehner?   That's right, doing nothing.      
   Why don't you tell me what happened to the jobs numbers after the stimulus was enacted.  Conveniently forgot that, did you?  The stimulus should have been much larger like ....wait for it....wait for it...Nobel prize winning LIBERAL economist Paul Krugman advised.  You know, the guy who predicted the housing crash?  Yeah, pretty effing smart, huh?  Too many wishy-washy dems and DINOs only passed a weak bill, just like a weak healthcare law.      
   You think your idiotic ideology is somehow right, when the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us are supposed to wait for the trickle from the billionaires' ball sacs?   Your dumb, good for nothing party caused this crash.  What happened after reagan left office?  Starts with the letter R.  I know you can say it.      
   Guess what?  The whole civilized world thinks you are a bunch of idiots.  Look it up.    

JoesephAldruski 835 reads
36 / 48

How do you know I'm not doing something about it, twat-for-days?  Careful what you assume.

Merely beating down idiots and their asinine beliefs doesn't mean I am unsuccessful, nor does it mean I am not doing something about it.

Facts and logic are wonderful things..

Dr Who revived 554 reads
37 / 48

You love to pull up self-serving polls to justify your laziness.

Now STFU and pick your order of McD's.  I assume you're using the LINK card to pay for it.

As others have commented...another link is coming?  LOL

But you're a compassionate soul...I can see that  ;)

McD's for all your constituents.  And no new taxes!!

Oh...those who can do..those who can't complain.  Read your own drivel and at least be man enough to own it.
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
How do you know I'm not doing something about it, twat-for-days?  Careful what you assume.  
 Merely beating down idiots and their asinine beliefs doesn't mean I am unsuccessful, nor does it mean I am not doing something about it.  
 Facts and logic are wonderful things...  

IsorokuYamamoto 644 reads
38 / 48

"When you run into an asshole in the morning you've run into an asshole. When you run into assholes all day, YOU'RE the asshole." Raylan Givens.  

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
How do you know I'm not doing something about it, twat-for-days?  Careful what you assume.  
 Merely beating down idiots and their asinine beliefs doesn't mean I am unsuccessful, nor does it mean I am not doing something about it.  
 Facts and logic are wonderful things...  

sexxyleeza See my TER Reviews 683 reads
39 / 48

Well those are not my reviews. Most of my clients are regulars and my phone does ring quite a bit. So am not sure where you get your information but, unless you have tapped my line you have no clue how much my phone rings. That to me takes a lot of nerve.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
There's a reason your phone doesn't ring.  
Posted By: sexxyleeza
I feel that Chicago has no loyalty to is local girls. when you travel to other cities the girls are more partial to the local girls. Here they want more visiting girls. then when visiting girls or gone they wonder why there is no money.

JoesephAldruski 500 reads
40 / 48

If you have a problem with me saying nearly every western civilized democracy is more in line with liberalism and abhors the sheer stupidity that has infected the Republican Party, please provide a counter example to any of the following issues:
guns, war, torture and POW treatment, human rights, gay rights, women's rights, workers' rights and labor laws, environmental laws, the death penalty, prisoner treatment, clean energy, drug laws, tax laws, education, climate change, healthcare and most any social service, and finally, since it is TER, sex workers' rights and regulations.

Yeah, I thought not.  

 That is what is known as an EPIC beatdown folks.  NEXT!!

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Have you personally interviewed every person in the world?  ;)  
 STFU already and be part of the solution.  How about it?  Let me know which office you're running for and if your platform is somewhat interesting, I may vote for you.  
 Or just scream about all the incompetent assholes (based on your asinine posts) who are doing their best to address YOUR issues.  That's what all of you lazy ass kvetchers do.    
 I'll bet you've never seen the inside of City Hall...let alone tried to be part of any activist group. have to get over to McD's and have your quarter pounder with cheese...large fries and sulk about your lot in life.  
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Yes, more war from the war monger retardlicans again.  Always great when someone else goes off to die, isn't it?  This time with Russia no less.  I guess the iraq fiasco didn't teach you idiots anything.  5K soldiers dead.  Trillions wasted.  For what?  
  Thank God you idiots are no where near the levers of power.  The stupid is noxious.  Republicans don't just embarrass Americans, they embarrass the human species.  
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Well, your closing paragraph is dead on. Your boy O'bama has everything to do with that. Maybe the Dutch will stand up to Putin? Or your heroes from Scandinavia? How about another Media Matters piece to seal the deal? Please?    
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Your understanding of the economy is as good as your understanding of the government.  I guess the president is like an emperor in your pea brain.  History will remember the republican congress as being the most obstructionist in history.  Think about that for a moment.  When the economy needed help to reduce all the factors you cited, where was john boehner?   That's right, doing nothing.      
    Why don't you tell me what happened to the jobs numbers after the stimulus was enacted.  Conveniently forgot that, did you?  The stimulus should have been much larger like ....wait for it....wait for it...Nobel prize winning LIBERAL economist Paul Krugman advised.  You know, the guy who predicted the housing crash?  Yeah, pretty effing smart, huh?  Too many wishy-washy dems and DINOs only passed a weak bill, just like a weak healthcare law.      
    You think your idiotic ideology is somehow right, when the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us are supposed to wait for the trickle from the billionaires' ball sacs?   Your dumb, good for nothing party caused this crash.  What happened after reagan left office?  Starts with the letter R.  I know you can say it.      
    Guess what?  The whole civilized world thinks you are a bunch of idiots.  Look it up.    

HangingwithBears 677 reads
41 / 48
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 640 reads
42 / 48
JoesephAldruski 609 reads
43 / 48

Hush now, it will all be over soon.  That sound you hear, yes, that's the whimpering of your pseudo-intellectual right-wing nutjobs trying to come up with a cogent response to this devasting beatdown by Paul Krugman, you know, the Nobel Prize winning economist that is regarded as the leader of his field.

So if you are trying to talk up the merits of fiscal conservatism, your side just got blitzed.  And Krugman isn't the only one to destroy your idiotic one-percenter arguments.  Look up Stiglitz and Piketty.  Now, if you think you are smarter and more knowledgeable than nobel prize winning PhDs in Economics, then you likely have syphilis and I feel even more sorry for you.

What you clowns should be asking is, why is it that CEOs used to make 40X what the average worker makes and now they make 400X what an average worker makes?  And more importantly, why do people keep voting for politicians who will never change this disparity?  Republicans have been brainwashed to vote against their economic interests, plain and simple.  They vote on guns, or religion, or abortion, or ridiculous lies about the poor getting too many handouts.  Meanwhile, the rich laugh heartily while getting richer and the poor and middle class keep getting the shaft.  It is sad really.

USMC2012jarhead 28 Reviews 478 reads
44 / 48

that was some next level thrashing of republican trolls Joe A.  

Nice work sir!

IsorokuYamamoto 621 reads
45 / 48

Paul Krugman? He of Enron consulting fame? He of summer school SUNY job paying $150K? Right. Well done. Loser.  

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Hush now, it will all be over soon.  That sound you hear, yes, that's the whimpering of your pseudo-intellectual right-wing nutjobs trying to come up with a cogent response to this devasting beatdown by Paul Krugman, you know, the Nobel Prize winning economist that is regarded as the leader of his field.  
 So if you are trying to talk up the merits of fiscal conservatism, your side just got blitzed.  And Krugman isn't the only one to destroy your idiotic one-percenter arguments.  Look up Stiglitz and Piketty.  Now, if you think you are smarter and more knowledgeable than nobel prize winning PhDs in Economics, then you likely have syphilis and I feel even more sorry for you.  
 What you clowns should be asking is, why is it that CEOs used to make 40X what the average worker makes and now they make 400X what an average worker makes?  And more importantly, why do people keep voting for politicians who will never change this disparity?  Republicans have been brainwashed to vote against their economic interests, plain and simple.  They vote on guns, or religion, or abortion, or ridiculous lies about the poor getting too many handouts.  Meanwhile, the rich laugh heartily while getting richer and the poor and middle class keep getting the shaft.  It is sad really.  
-- Modified on 7/24/2014 3:09:02 PM

IsorokuYamamoto 568 reads
46 / 48

Do you know how lame it is liking all your own posts?

Posted By: JoesephAldruski
 If you have a problem with me saying nearly every western civilized democracy is more in line with liberalism and abhors the sheer stupidity that has infected the Republican Party, please provide a counter example to any of the following issues:  
 guns, war, torture and POW treatment, human rights, gay rights, women's rights, workers' rights and labor laws, environmental laws, the death penalty, prisoner treatment, clean energy, drug laws, tax laws, education, climate change, healthcare and most any social service, and finally, since it is TER, sex workers' rights and regulations.  
 Yeah, I thought not.  
  That is what is known as an EPIC beatdown folks.  NEXT!!  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
Have you personally interviewed every person in the world?  ;)  
  STFU already and be part of the solution.  How about it?  Let me know which office you're running for and if your platform is somewhat interesting, I may vote for you.  
  Or just scream about all the incompetent assholes (based on your asinine posts) who are doing their best to address YOUR issues.  That's what all of you lazy ass kvetchers do.    
  I'll bet you've never seen the inside of City Hall...let alone tried to be part of any activist group. have to get over to McD's and have your quarter pounder with cheese...large fries and sulk about your lot in life.  
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Yes, more war from the war monger retardlicans again.  Always great when someone else goes off to die, isn't it?  This time with Russia no less.  I guess the iraq fiasco didn't teach you idiots anything.  5K soldiers dead.  Trillions wasted.  For what?    
   Thank God you idiots are no where near the levers of power.  The stupid is noxious.  Republicans don't just embarrass Americans, they embarrass the human species.    
Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Well, your closing paragraph is dead on. Your boy O'bama has everything to do with that. Maybe the Dutch will stand up to Putin? Or your heroes from Scandinavia? How about another Media Matters piece to seal the deal? Please?    
Posted By: JoesephAldruski
Your understanding of the economy is as good as your understanding of the government.  I guess the president is like an emperor in your pea brain.  History will remember the republican congress as being the most obstructionist in history.  Think about that for a moment.  When the economy needed help to reduce all the factors you cited, where was john boehner?   That's right, doing nothing.        
     Why don't you tell me what happened to the jobs numbers after the stimulus was enacted.  Conveniently forgot that, did you?  The stimulus should have been much larger like ....wait for it....wait for it...Nobel prize winning LIBERAL economist Paul Krugman advised.  You know, the guy who predicted the housing crash?  Yeah, pretty effing smart, huh?  Too many wishy-washy dems and DINOs only passed a weak bill, just like a weak healthcare law.        
     You think your idiotic ideology is somehow right, when the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us are supposed to wait for the trickle from the billionaires' ball sacs?   Your dumb, good for nothing party caused this crash.  What happened after reagan left office?  Starts with the letter R.  I know you can say it.        
     Guess what?  The whole civilized world thinks you are a bunch of idiots.  Look it up.      

JoesephAldruski 509 reads
47 / 48

Aww, poor baby, beatdown sting too much?  Go cry to mommy.

JoesephAldruski 682 reads
48 / 48

Bwahahaha.  He of predicting the crash fame?  He of predicting a tepid recovery with the tepid stimulus fame?  Yup.  By the way, he's joined by pretty much any accomplished economist not paid by faux news and gop donors.  There's a reason he has a Nobel, son.

Another beatdown for the sad pathetic right wing tool.  Man, you seem really butthurt about it.  Maybe you should try something you are good at, like licking an anus, since this here is getting very embarrassing.

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