
Re: Oh. This wasn't a knock on ladies who give specials. It's a knock on the guys who continually
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1337 reads
1 / 27

lol. Yes. I'm the special.

Ladies, don't let these guys scout for desperate pussy to pass your pussy around to their friends like cheap meat.  

I was told a while back by a mentor in business "Never give a deal to someone. They talk, and you will lose your full paying customers."

It's not fair to the guys who truly take care of you to waste your energy on a slew of desperate pussy networkers.

Ladies, you're a beautiful person, and the more you expose yourself to people who treat you well, beautiful, and worthy, the beautiful and worthy you will feel. (In a healthy / not entitled way.)

Hanging around with entitled people like deal seekers will only make you feel entitled, but empty inside.

Keep it moving!

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 647 reads
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TwoMints 645 reads
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I've never asked for a discount, but if you are 500 an hour, I'm not likely to pay it, so you get moved to the excluded list because I get sick of looking at you unless you have spectacular scores. That means no 8's.  

I agree, you shouldn't lower your rates if you are making the money you need/desire but if you can't pay the bills, offering a short term special is only good business. Just like most every other business in the world does...

Most every provider has sycophants that continue to tell them that they are perfect even when they've gained a few pounds or have started to look their age. Life is to short to worry about what someone else is going to do. You need to do what's best for you. For some that's sticking to their guns, for some it's time for a "sale". For me, a 50 dollar discount isn't going to change my mind anyway. If I'm interested enough to call, 450 or 500 is the same thing. Now 600 an hour is to much, especially when you open their profile and they don't even offer CIM..

hardknocks6 37 Reviews 610 reads
4 / 27

Courtney -- this post confuses me.  There are lots of very good providers that offer deals every once in a while, and I doubt seriously that it hurts their business.  I would guess that there are deals being offered all up and down the east coast right this minute -- for incall, lol.

I also know that deals are offered all the time -- review deals, grandfathering, different rates while touring (I live in a low-income state and touring ladies often have much lower rates here) and I'm guessing specials to the "guys that really take care of you", etc.

I'm not familiar with the Chicago market.  Does your post refer to a special type of problem, or a difficult group of men?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 497 reads
5 / 27

contact quarterly to sniff out if you're 'getting desperate'. Like little spies. Most likely not only for themselves.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

P.S. If a guy sees an ad and sees a special, or a lady offers it, I am also not knocking people who take a deal. I am just talking about the little spies.  

Anyway, best for me to just ignore, but I just was feeling a little feisty today. Some guys like feisty ladies. ;)

-- Modified on 1/23/2016 8:54:05 PM

hardknocks6 37 Reviews 458 reads
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littlecheddar53 67 Reviews 578 reads
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I don't think that anyone has a problem with guys taking women up on there specials, whatever they may be. I think the issue is with guys wanting the special rate after it is over or asking for reduced rates when the lady is at full price.

kayjaykay 26 Reviews 331 reads
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Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 463 reads
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BigBuffStud 60 Reviews 496 reads
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When a house is listed for sale at $245k, you end up paying $235k.
A Toyota has a MSRP of $28,700, you end up paying $27,100.
A jar of jelly at Walmart is $3.00, but you pay $5.00 at Sam's Club for two jars.
You do multiple business transactions at the Bank, you get a discount on the next one's.
You pay a landscaper to mow the lawn once for $30, you get an every 2 week plan, and its $27.00.
You buy your coffee at Speedway, every 7th cup is free ( pun intended).
There are two agencies in Chicago where you book 9 appointments, the 10th one is free.
Escorts/Agencies offer discounts if you provide a review on TER.
If someone asks for a discount in my business, fine. I sometimes agree to it, and sometimes i don't. And i still may get the deal even if there's no discount given (which happens quite a bit).  
I surely do not get offended by such requests. If that were the case, my own business would suffer if a discount isn't applied from time to time to gain a client/customer for an extended period of time. Referrals are key to ANY business. And gaining a referral, by offering a discount, is Econ 101.
Bottom line is - there's nothing wrong with offering or asking for a discount. I'm sure each and every provider out there has asked for a discount in their personal lives on just about anything and everything. Is this hypocritical? There's no difference.
If you're offended by being asked, then move on.

seeker000 24 Reviews 400 reads
12 / 27

Posted By: Courtney.Ova

 Anyway, best for me to just ignore, but I just was feeling a little feisty today. Some guys like feisty ladies. ;)  
This was really an ad to get the attention of guys who like "feisty ladies".  You're so clever Courtney.

seeker000 24 Reviews 327 reads
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Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 437 reads
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I've been getting requests during dates (lurkers) to post something fun. No inspiration beforehand until I got those three PM's from the same old shit heads. ;)  

I most definitely wanted to address this publicly for the Chicago ladies who get the same exact "You're the top of my list. What can you give me. XX lady over here is giving me $225 for outcall." And also make sure they don't tell anyone I am giving that shit out after I send my "fuck off" email back lol.



Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 453 reads
16 / 27

do you really want to go into a personalized service such as this where anything can make or break a session and lowball a lady?  Making a lower offer is saying to us, hey I think you are pretty hot and I love your reviews I just don't think you are worth what you think you are worth(yes, we really think we are worth what we charge which is why we picked that #) and still think you are going to have the same mind blowing experience you would have had at full rate?  The chances are unlikely you will get as good a service and you get what you pay for.

You say you do not get offended, but your business is not nearly as personal as ours.  It is IMPOSSIBLE for a lady to not take it personally when you tell her that her value to you is lower then she values herself at.

I do not think it is a good idea to ever ASK a lady for a discount, however I do think if someone is priced high for you watch and wait till she offers a special or ask her if she ever offers specials or discounts for any reason.  There is a HUGE difference between the 2.

I can also tell you from knowing MANY ladies that when you ask for deals outright, you do get filed and info shared for it and quickly known as "cheap".   If that is the rep you want, go for it but IMHO it is not something you want to follow you.

FYI, i don't offer discounts unless I personally offer them...  If someone asks I decline.  I feel that personally my gifting should always be my choice.  And yes, those who contact me trying to get a deal when 1 isn't offered I do feel are time wasting cheap asses and I will often decline then when I have specials going just because.  Guess they should have waited till I offered.  

Courtney I hear you on the feisty, I am totally feeling it....  Maybe to many loads of laundry done today staying home in the cold.

beechnut 1 Reviews 478 reads
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Posted By: TwoMints
I've never asked for a discount, but if you are 500 an hour, I'm not likely to pay it, so you get moved to the excluded list because I get sick of looking at you unless you have spectacular scores. That means no 8's.  
 I agree, you shouldn't lower your rates if you are making the money you need/desire but if you can't pay the bills, offering a short term special is only good business. Just like most every other business in the world does...  
 Most every provider has sycophants that continue to tell them that they are perfect even when they've gained a few pounds or have started to look their age. Life is to short to worry about what someone else is going to do. You need to do what's best for you. For some that's sticking to their guns, for some it's time for a "sale". For me, a 50 dollar discount isn't going to change my mind anyway. If I'm interested enough to call, 450 or 500 is the same thing. Now 600 an hour is to much, especially when you open their profile and they don't even offer CIM...  
It's all relative. For most people it takes a week to make the kind or money that most escorts pull down in an hour. As more folks lose their jobs to robots and other technology, it may be a matter of time before they can't pull down this kind of money. Right now only about the top 20 percent of income earners can afford the average provider. I do hope someday the so-called hobby will become more affordable to the masses. It should be like every other business in that, if you don't please your customer, somebody else will. IOW, that means their is competition, and even those folks on sites such as Backpage are potential competition.  

My advice to hobbyists is not to spread word around, and that way maybe you could cut a deal a bit more often if it is needed. After all, department and grocery stores offer deals and sales regularly. None of this is mean to bring down the value of those involved; it is just simple fact. Most do operate on a "my way or the highway" basis; something which would never fly in most of the mainstream business world. Perhaps the prime example of this is how so many jobs in the automotive industry were lost because the unions were staunchly "my way or the highway". It may have taken a while, but they got a big comeuppance in time. So maybe a little flexibility can go far. Just not spread the gossip mill.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 470 reads
18 / 27

I don't have to explain this to, but sometimes in explaining it to the guys who don't get it, the ones who do see the difference.

Goals for 2017 is to graduate from the temptation to explain haha.

There are stores who will offer a deal, or give a discount on a broken or scratched up piece of furniture, or a ripped article of clothing.

Then there are the stores who will not have their name on a scratched up piece of furniture or a ripped article of clothing.

I bought (or was bought) and 000-28EC Martin guitar. Eric Clapton edition. He refuses to sell the guitar if the buyer doesn't also purchase the custom case with the guitar, to keep the guitar in mint condition. I wasn't allowed to buy the guitar without this case at the store. And this guitar wasn't cheap either.

Eric Clapton, if anyone, knows about not 'selling out' and keeping it real, tailored, and true to himself AND the types of customers he wants to attract.

With a custom guitar, if you don't want it to sound like utter shit in 6 months, must be stored in it's case, with a de-humidifier AND a humidifier in the body of the guitar while stored. It also has to be stored within certain temperatures so the wood won't buckle, crack, dry out, or bow.

The guitar has to be oiled, and sent in for readjustment every six months.

You don't have to do that. You never have to change the strings, and you can be cheap in your care of a pure wooden guitar that is built for sound, not strength. It requires a lot of care and maintenance, and must be stored in places that aren't dumpy with unmoderated temperature levels.

"What a picky guitar. Such a princess. That guitar thinks it's a god. It looks just like any guitar."

For someone who has played regularly for 23 years, a guitar is not just a guitar. And the care is expensive & timely. IF you DON'T take care of it the way it was designed to be cared for, (or nobody knew you were supposed to,) it will wear out quickly.

If you DO maintain it, it not only stays in shape, but it appreciates in value over time, and also starts to sound even better over time as the wood matures.  

If you CAN'T, then get the fake wood guitars that are simply for playing. They sound great, but won't mature like the other one, nor will it appreciate in value as much... those are more meant for the everyday use, and is much more durable. But the sound won't compare. Not for a trained ear, at least.

A tailored, real wood instrument is not meant for being passed around at a campfire. (Not in my opinion, if you want that thing to last.) Sure, anyone can play it just like a real guitar, but not many can appreciate it for what it really does to the person who sat down and played lots of guitars, and hand picked that specific one from a group of even the same brand of guitars. (The wood is different on every single one.)

I'm not handing my guitar to someone who will try to run it dry, and use it like a false wood guitar. They're great for some things, but I can guarantee you if some guys I see knew I was just throwing myself around just because a bunch of people asked for discounts, then came to him worn out, he would not be seeing me again. Not until I go get my 6 month set up.  


-- Modified on 1/24/2016 3:57:31 PM

BigBuffStud 60 Reviews 422 reads
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Unfortunately, each and everything that has a price, is a commodity. A service related business is just that. I get the fact that Sage said "it's a personal" type of business and thats its difficult not to take it personal and effects a woman self-worth. I get understand that completely. And just because this business if more of a "personal" sort of transaction. Doesn't mean i have to pay more or be guilted into paying more, just so that i don't hurt someone's feelings.
Should i pay the MSRP of a car, just because the salesman has a wife, kids, and is behind on his mortgage?  

Many people/businesses get offended by being asked for a discount. Am i offended when potential customers ask me? Of course i am. I know for a fact my services are worth every bit of what i charge - and i do also take it personally. Its a dog-eat-dog-world though. Milk-bone underwear isn't optional.
Is the aspiring model that thinks she's a smoking-beautiful-hot ass chick offended when an agency offers a low ball price for her modeling services? Of course she is. Does she do the show anyway? Of course she does. Is the college grad who graduates with a 4.0 perfect average offended when a potential employer offers him/her a starting salary of lets say $28k a year? Does that person feel offended, taken-advantaged of, or made to feel bad? OF course he/she does. Do they take the job? Of they do.  
It doesn't matter if its a car, a house, an escort, or anything else.  
I know this sounds very harsh. Especially when trying to communicate via typing. My tone is not meant to be harsh at all. I'm just pointing out the facts. And emotions aren't part of the facts.
Many, many men/women ask for discounts. Its part of our society. We shouldn't ALL be put in that same category if i ask or someone else asks. I get that it might be frustrating.  
Have i asked for a discount? Of course. Has the gal agreed? Of course.
Have i asked for a discount and the gal declines? Of course. Did i see her anyway? Of course i did.
Our society encourages asking for discounts. It's everywhere.  
Hmmm- maybe, just maybe i have received a discount from someone in this thread. Wouldn't that be interesting? And no, it wasn't from Jack Bauer.
By the way, i do not have VIP right now, so i can't read the PM's.  
I might pay up though now that i see TER is offering a free 90 days of VIP if i pay for 1 year.  Now that sure is interesting.  Touche!!!!!

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 3:08:02 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 372 reads
20 / 27

I 100% agree, and probably believe that even stronger than you do. And I used to let the dog-eat-dog world eat me up. Now I bark and bite back. Or just ignore.  

Just tell me if someone can go into a Michelin-Star restaurant at $500-$750 per person for a 4 hour progressive french meal, and ask for a discount by insulting their food, or comparing them to Steak and Shake ($4 meals), or even Gibson's Steak house ($60-70 per person).

If you think about it, you get insulted when asked for discounts. Have you ever thought that maybe you should be insulted and/or at least annoyed? I would NEVER go into a store and ask for a discount. Ever. I tip very well, and take care of my servers, bar tenders, whatever. I pay full price.  

I do get upset about stuff that is already over, because it reminds me of when I stretched myself too thin, and let people just wear me out. Everyone suffers when their friend/family member/counterpart/sexual partner is worn out by allowing people to take advantage of them.

No one wants to be around the burnt out person for very long. And speaking of Walmart, I HATE going to Walmart. I pay the extra and go to Walgreens lol.

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 4:14:33 PM

BigBuffStud 60 Reviews 382 reads
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on a can of Spam or a bag of oranges. Its not going to happen. Let's not be ticky-tacky. Of course there are plenty of "products" where a discount is not an option.  
Products are different than a service.

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 447 reads
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hen someone tells me that they can't afford my rate and that Sally Sue did "X, Y, Z" for "$", I simply tell him to get back in touch with Sally Sue. Problem solved.  

Everyone is entitled to hobby, but I'm not entitled to provide for everyone.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 467 reads
23 / 27

Have you ever sold your body to someone who expects spectacular passion and service?

Imagine if you had to not only have sex with, but also have passionate, open, wild sex with those people after asking you for a discount before they'd even ever had your service before.

Let me know how that goes.

For the record, anyone I have ever given any type of discount to (by their request, this excludes VIP arrangements I personally offered for very faithful clients) missed out on open and honest sex, and got "the show". and not only never came back, but also let others know how much they disliked me when I wouldn't do it again and again and again.

Try fucking your clients, even after you know what they have said about you, (including one PMer today) then get back to me right before they write a review on you. :)

Edited for this. Also, let me know how it feels when you had one of those people you had sex with email all of your favorite reviewing clients to tell them all of the flaws they noticed about you that they wanted to put into the heads of your other customers. A year, or even years after you gave them your "discount" "just this one time" that was demanded over and over again at the hopes they won't tell everyone bad things about you.

You have no idea how much this happens, and you have no idea what it feels like.

I don't regret one bit warning other ladies about something that REALLY hurts. I'm strong enough to deal with it, but I sure wish there were a crash course in this stuff, so I could have avoided a lot of extra steps.

I was told by a writer that you can't write about something you haven't lived. And if you do, the people who have actually lived it will roll their eyes, because they know it's BS.

I'm not going to enjoy a documentary on an escort's life if the closest the writer ever got to selling sex was interviewing escorts. lol.  :)
Posted By: BigBuffStud
on a can of Spam or a bag of oranges. Its not going to happen. Let's not be ticky-tacky. Of course there are plenty of "products" where a discount is not an option.  
 Products are different than a service.
-- Modified on 1/24/2016 5:50:46 PM

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 6:13:05 PM

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 412 reads
24 / 27

like why are you telling me so and so is giving you a discount, I really don't care and it is none of my business.  If you want that gifting then go there.  

I have had people do this with my friends where they ask me how much for this long of a session after they have set it up and then tell me that my friend so and so does it for them for this amount.  I just give them my gifting and explain we have different giftings

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 403 reads
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Lately I've learned the wonders of ignoring people. But sometimes I just want to send my Bill Murray meme lol.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 292 reads
27 / 27
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