
Re: Many people believe
GBsmiling 41 Reviews 975 reads
1 / 23

This will be interesting to see how this plays out and if it could have any impact  
on the hobby now and in the future.

-- Modified on 2/26/2015 2:14:12 PM

srs273 43 Reviews 716 reads
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I have a friend that believes in conspiracies  and the ski is falling. We talk about this net issue a lot. I think it is good and that many are misinformed. This levels the playing field. Here is an article that explained it very well...

It gives the FCC ability to fine big internet companies if they pick and choose who gets to see what ..

truu1 77 Reviews 729 reads
3 / 23

that any time the government extends its control over anything it goes to shit.  

I'm one of them.  

Government is so bloated and grossly inefficient it can't help but fuck everything up.

srs273 43 Reviews 608 reads
4 / 23

I don't disagree, but my friend says its just a way to control and see what we are doing.... who are we kidding, they already do that.. This changes nothing.

I like to live in my little corner of the world. i cant change anything up the food chain so I will keep my personal business personal and live my life without worrying who is watching me... I'm not a big fish so they don't care about me!
Posted By: truu1
that any time the government extends its control over anything it goes to shit.  
 I'm one of them.  
 Government is so bloated and grossly inefficient it can't help but fuck everything up.

normancooper 471 reads
5 / 23

Be careful of idiotic generalizations.  

Those same people think our military is amazing and hold up retarded signs like "Keep your guvment hands off my medicare!"

Ahh, stupid, so so fresh on this site.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 567 reads
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give the best service to those who pay for it?

cece See my TER Reviews 577 reads
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keep believing that the govt doesnt do any good...  

then remember without the govt you wouldnt have roads, bridges, clean running water, gas, electric and oh how the list goes on.... yea you are right govt is not worth anything lets just privatize everything and see if your food is safe to eat, and drugs are safe ... and oh how the list goes on...  

yea i am with stupid... get rid of govt all together... oh how it would be so much better....

till the first disaster happens and then you will be swearing why isnt the govt here yet....

oh what was i thinking that the govt does good....

truu1 77 Reviews 655 reads
8 / 23

Yeah, the military is run so well. Look how much our soldiers (and I was one) love Obama.  If left alone it works very well, but big guvment fucks it up.  

If Medicare was moved to the private sector it would function at least 10 times more efficiently and the outcomes for those patients would be far better.  

So Yes, big government does fuck everything up.

Posted By: normancooper
Be careful of idiotic generalizations.    
 Those same people think our military is amazing and hold up retarded signs like "Keep your guvment hands off my medicare!"  
 Ahh, stupid, so so fresh on this site.

CANBANFAN 18 Reviews 509 reads
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Because companies such as Netflix are NOT the only ones paying for service...we the people AKA customers are paying $$$ for our internet access and if I want to watch something on YOUTUBE or even YOUPORN i shouldn't have my movie lockup because Comcast sold the bandwith to Netflix. Few people know this, but Comcast throttles the speed on selected websites in order to force them to pay. That's called extortion.

truu1 77 Reviews 672 reads
10 / 23

WOW, I say big bloated government (See our debit and deficits) and assume I don't think that that they don't provide some vital services and that it should be completely eliminated.  

Don't you think we could get by with about 100,000 less federal employees? There are multple millions of them most with retirement and benefit packages that are embarrassingly generous. (check how many more this administration added) Or maybe spend a Trillion or so less a year? You know balance the budget? Maybe we could cut a few of the 120,000 federal employees earning 200k or more. What do you think? Maybe just the ones that surf porn all day or maybe just the ones that owe more then a billion in taxes...  

Obamacare? We've spent 20 billion or far more, who knows they lie about it all the time, to give an additional 5 million people coverage. (most that they claim got coverage already had coverage) We couldn't have done that better or for less money?  And now less people have coverage overall? Hard to believe.

Hey lets open the boarder. Wide open, everyone's welcome. That couldn't possibly go bad.

You think government builds roads and bridges? No they tax you and I so they can pay their buddies to build them at bloated rates.  Gas and electric are regulated and run by private companies. I agree we do need some government but what does all of this have to do with them asserting control of the internet which has run amazingly well so far?

Posted By: cece
keep believing that the govt doesnt do any good...  
 then remember without the govt you wouldnt have roads, bridges, clean running water, gas, electric and oh how the list goes on.... yea you are right govt is not worth anything lets just privatize everything and see if your food is safe to eat, and drugs are safe ... and oh how the list goes on...  
 yea i am with stupid... get rid of govt all together... oh how it would be so much better....  
 till the first disaster happens and then you will be swearing why isnt the govt here yet....  
 oh what was i thinking that the govt does good....

BennieJett 10 Reviews 546 reads
11 / 23

The FCC didn't just approve net neutrality.  They also passed an order to get around state laws (that's local government) that limit municipalities (even more local government) from setting up broadband services.  That will increase competition, breaking up local monopolies, and better service and lower costs will follow.  The FCC is opening markets in this case, not restraining them.

TwoMints 653 reads
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Comcast owes the bandwidth and the wires that they installed. If Netflix or their customers use more shouldn't they pay more? If you buy ice cream, a gallon costs more then a pint... If you download 100 gigs a month and I download 5 we should pay the same?

Bandwidth isn't unlimited so if one company is hogging a lot of it, they should pay more so Comcast can afford to upgrade their systems to handle the ever increasing demands on their bandwidth.


Because companies such as Netflix are NOT the only ones paying for service...we the people AKA customers are paying $$$ for our internet access and if I want to watch something on YOUTUBE or even YOUPORN i shouldn't have my movie lockup because Comcast sold the bandwith to Netflix. Few people know this, but Comcast throttles the speed on selected websites in order to force them to pay. That's called extortion.

harvey44 33 Reviews 493 reads
13 / 23

Sounds like the government is extending its control so that the internet is corporations

CANBANFAN 18 Reviews 509 reads
14 / 23

I have the most expensive Comcast internet...for what I pay each month I expect to be able to watch anything without the site freezing...

normancooper 697 reads
15 / 23

Another deranged obama hater.

Let's see, the guy gets bin laden, kills more terrorists than anyone in history and ends two wars, all while overseeing the greatest economic recovery among western nations.  yea, what a terrible manager.  soldiers in general aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, the ones i served with weren't anyway.  Trillions wasted in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of dead iraqi civilians, over 5000 dead US troops and now the rise of ISIS.  Looks like you are right, the govt overseeing the military (when run by half-wits like gw bush) is a bad idea.  

only an idiot would privatize national security.  capitalism dictates profit over anything else.  only someone who has never served would subject those that do to private companies that would watch every penny and screw the troops.  How many wars would be started just to keep up profits?  Some people just have no brains

Bowman1138 30 Reviews 474 reads
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People tend to forget that the "Internet" was started by the government as a way to decentralize military command and control in the event of a major nuclear attack.  Without government funding in the beginning, there would be no internet.

I don't want Comcast to slow down my internet because they're having a dispute with Google, or ban YouTube because Google doesn't want to pay their fees.  I have NO CHOICE but to get my high speed internet from Com-fucking-cast, and I don't want a for-profit corporation telling me what I can or cannot have access to.  I also don't want the government to do that either.  But I trust that the government has my back more than I trust greedy-ass Comcast to have my back.

All the FCC is doing is regulating the internet access the same way they regulate the phone access, so everybody is playing fair and equal.

normancooper 499 reads
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Pretty much EVERYTHING you said is a LIE or an exaggeration.  This is what happens when you watch fox news all day; you become a complely delusional nutjob.

This administration has actually shrunk govt in relation to the last one and accounting for population growth.  Look it up.  Google is your friend.  

More people have healthcare now than before the ACA.  Again, Google is your friend.

I find it ironic that a crazy right-winger complains about "trillions" wasted after the unholy clusterfuck that was the iraq war.  Again, look up the costs of health care before and after the ACA.  Costs are actually tapering off in relation to the near exponential growth before.  By the way, single-payer would have been a better option but guess who blocked that?  It sure wasn't a whole bunch of liberals.

You think you weren't paying for the uninsured before??  Who do you think picked up the tab when an uninsured person went to the ER with a heart attack?  You, Mr. Dumas.   The insurance companies charged everyone else more to pay for them since doctors and hospitals aren't free.  NOW, Mr. Dumas, maybe these people can get preventative care before they get a heart attack, while also paying their fair share.  I thought you guys didn't like free-loaders?  Again, Google is your friend to actually discover the truth.

 Oh wait, that's right, reality has a liberal bias

normancooper 548 reads
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TwoMints 524 reads
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Good idea, don't let Facts get in the way...
Posted By: normancooper
Yeah, don't let the FACTS get in the way of a delusional rant though.  

normancooper 402 reads
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Hahaha, your graph supports the article I posted!!!  

 Wow, you are so stupid!  Ha ha ha!

MasterOfTheObvious 445 reads
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srs273 43 Reviews 529 reads
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asiantantric 163 Reviews 559 reads
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I have never had any issues with internet speed on Comcast.

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