
Re: "lies, lies everywhere"
Rick_Blaine 236 Reviews 1204 reads
1 / 21

Sounds like a title of a Big Bang Theory episode.  But it does relate to the Big Bang, I guess.  Well, I digress.  Well, now I rhyme.

Shit.  Here's my point.  After reading the situation with the fake review of Elsa.....

Wouldn't it be cool if the ladies here (the trusted ones) could actually respond to the review given to them with an opportunity to say "never happened" to weed out the fakers who are just writing Penthouse Forum bs or trying to fake their way into VIP?  

Would also be great comedy to see responses like "he actually didn't make me cum - not even close"..."he shouldn't call it his manhood, he should call it his boyhood"...."he didn't cum three times, and I have tmj now to prove it".

Would love to hear how ladies would LIKE to respond to some of their reviewers...

Dr Who revived 668 reads
2 / 21

There's plenty of deception in P4P.  Some gals are honest, some guys are honest.  However there's no shortage of liars on both sides.

Frankly over the years I've realized that where there's smoke there's fire.

Some here will overtly manufacture the victim card...simply to create drama. about some names of those "trustworthy" members?  I for one am curious.
Posted By: dudehaas
Sounds like a title of a Big Bang Theory episode.  But it does relate to the Big Bang, I guess.  Well, I digress.  Well, now I rhyme.  
 Shit.  Here's my point.  After reading the situation with the fake review of Elsa.....  
 Wouldn't it be cool if the ladies here (the trusted ones) could actually respond to the review given to them with an opportunity to say "never happened" to weed out the fakers who are just writing Penthouse Forum bs or trying to fake their way into VIP?    
 Would also be great comedy to see responses like "he actually didn't make me cum - not even close"..."he shouldn't call it his manhood, he should call it his boyhood"...."he didn't cum three times, and I have tmj now to prove it".  
 Would love to hear how ladies would LIKE to respond to some of their reviewers....  

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 594 reads
3 / 21

A secret between the sheets...

I speak generally about overall experiences in and out of the game, but to put a specific name and act together takes away the secret shared between two people.

I do like reading what he likes to say in my reviews though, and if I have a problem with it, I go directly to the source first. I have not yet had to make anything public about a man - that's just tacky. :)


Arovet 62 Reviews 573 reads
4 / 21

Dicks like the one who wrote the BBFS review on Elsa generally aren't imaginative enough to mix it up so it's easy enough to spot the thread of bullshit running through all their reviews, not to mention anyone with half a brain should learn pretty quickly to throw out outlier reviews. I do agree it would be hilarious to see review rebuttals, but don't hold your you say, how they would LIKE to actually do so would be the equivalent of a chef coming out of the kitchen to loudly tell a customer he doesn't know what medium rare means.  Oh you've never seen that happen? Exactly.

Whatchyasay 590 reads
5 / 21

Lies, lies everywhere.  As bad as reviewers are, the fault may not just lie with them.  Once established, a reviewer may feel pressure to give high marks, lest their pro comes after them in forums.  Unfortunately you can have a pro with tons of good reviews but she is actually not that attractive.  Many on this here website give good reviews for whitelist and others are just dumb - perhaps they liked talking with the pro, so they give her 10 for looks.  What the heck

Arovet 62 Reviews 555 reads
6 / 21

But if you post a rant about reviewers, please do so under your real handle so as to demonstrate the unimpeachable fairness of your own reviews...if in fact you write them. If you don't please refrain from disparaging those that do, regardless what you may think of their's chicken shit.

Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 495 reads
7 / 21


Whatchyasay 569 reads
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I laugh.  Must you be president to criticize president?  Its very funny for me

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 2:18:58 AM

dodge55 192 Reviews 451 reads
9 / 21

If you expect anyone to agree with your opinion, you need to show some credibility by showing evidence that you write honest reviews yourself.

Whatchyasay 514 reads
10 / 21

hit too close to home, yes?  me thinks the lady dothest protest too muchest.

asiantantric 163 Reviews 518 reads
11 / 21

Its possible to spot the fake reviews and fake details once you have been in this hobby for a while.

Your suggestion that providers out fake reviews is a great. But if providers only come on the boards and object to low scoring reviews their motives are questionable.  

The real fakers are the ones that give scores in the general range that the providers have. They are difficult to spot. This is where providers should step up.

Sage is a great gal. I remember a few years back when she stepped up and pointed out a fake review about her, even though the scores were good. I wish everyone is like Sage.

The session details should be left as is if the session really happened. If a lady outs that it will be bad for business.

GaGambler 473 reads
12 / 21

and "tacky" is most likely the nicest word you could think of to describe what you are talking about

BTW this has been tried on other forums, and it has been an unmitigated disaster everywhere it's been tried. You think TER is full of drama and trainwrecks, you should see some of the boards where this type of thing is allowed.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 442 reads
13 / 21

That's not our job. We're supposed to be the experts. They're just having fun. I wouldn't want to know someone was reviewing my sexual (or any) performance, good or bad, on social forums or other if it wasn't what I did for a living. It's supposed to be private.

Regarding the whole Nicoletta thing, everything has been said and done to deal with that, (and more). I would appreciate not being pulled into that whole mess. I want nothing to do with it on either end. If I have not posted anything like that about a client, nor defended anyone else doing so, then that's enough proof needed to stay far away from having to explain someone else's actions.

-- Modified on 10/12/2014 5:22:46 PM

ApplePiePussy 54 Reviews 371 reads
15 / 21

I don't write reviews on here because there is a fundamental flaw with this site.  The reviews should only be accessible to the reviewers and not the escorts.  You might say that that wouldn't be fair for them since the review could be a lie but it is always the reviewers who are calling out the bullshit reviews and not the ladies.  It is a self-moderating dynamic.  There are enough of us to negate any malicious reviews.    

The reason people use aliases (you know on top of the original alias) is because of the drama and gossip that goes with letting us play together like this.  There are a lot of people who have a full life that come here seeking reliable information for a once or twice a month encounter.   Then there are others who seem to constantly crave attention and drama, and somehow believe that white knighting and exaggerated reviews will lead to increased attention in their sessions.   It may initially but then the girls will see them for what they are, which is an easily manipulated cash-carrying client with self-esteem issues, essentially an ATM that never complains.

To say OP's points are diminished because he doesn't "reveal" his true internet identity is an Ad Hominem attack.  OP is just protecting himself.  He has a right to do so

Arovet 62 Reviews 477 reads
16 / 21

Writing reviews is a choice, by all means purchase VIP and use the reviews to your advantage whether you choose to write them or not, that's what the site is for and the more who use it the less profit there is in running scams (well, probably not but maybe it helps a few avoid them). But to come out here under an alias and vaguely paint all reviews with the same broad brush of negativity is pointless and insulting. I've found most reviews to be useful and certainly better than having no information at all. Ad hominem attack? Maybe, but I think not fallacious.

Whatchyasay 337 reads
17 / 21

Where did I say all reviewers sir?  I say there lots of reviewers like that.  if you insulted maybe it apply to you.

Arovet 62 Reviews 288 reads
18 / 21

Maybe you didn't use the word "all" but you implied bad reviews are endemic. And maybe they are, but what is bitching about it without posting your own fair reviews going to achieve? So your rant was pointless and whiny, which was my main point anway.

By the way, love your stock "maybe it's you" response to every comment on this thread, your 3rd grade debating skills are most impressive.

Whatchyasay 349 reads
20 / 21

maybe you have problem because you are illiterate and think everything is about you.  you are obviously very stupid man with small penis.  maybe you should learn english and get penis pump for your small penis?  then you will be stupid man with average penis.  it is step up, no?

Arovet 62 Reviews 361 reads
21 / 21

Now THIS is an ad hominem attack!

Posted By: Whatchyasay
maybe you have problem because you are illiterate and think everything is about you.  you are obviously very stupid man with small penis.  maybe you should learn english and get penis pump for your small penis?  then you will be stupid man with average penis.  it is step up, no?

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