
Re: I'm washing my hands of this.
willow506 456 reads

Thought I would add this post to this thread' as I suspect most of you are to self absorbed or lazy to respond to a thread you haven't commented on.  

i agree just venting. A family member did pass away. Funeral was Saturday. My comments on Chloe are unfortunately quite accurate. Kat knows this because I never booked with her again. But that said the rest of it was uncalled for and an example of poor judgement . As for all of you, what a bunch of self righteous losers. This is all you can do with your life. I at least had the excuse of writing some ill advised posts when I was drunk and upset and stuck in an airport trying to get to family. The rest of you are what you said by your own pen, and to anyone looking from the outside clearly a bunch of people who need to consider what really matters in life. How many dead and dying in Nepal?  How many poor children living in poverty in the greatest country on earth. I think we all need to focus on what is important in life and NONE of what is important is on this site.  No doubt some self absorbed moron will try and suggest I am trying to deflect anger at me by "playing on the bad fortune of others" or some such nonsense. But the reality is I have never met any of you, including Kat and Erin. And never will. So what I think of you or what you think of me or anyone else on this site, I say who cares. Maybe you should focus your energy and time on something or someone who matters to you. And with that I bid you all a good nite and cancel my account on this site. Really you have nothing better to do in your life then read this crap. To search on line for some thread to comment on. Wow.  If that is true then we are all truly not worthy of the life, joys and possibilities we have all been given. Bye now

willow5063705 reads

Wow check her website. Apparently all her customers are liars and scum

Posted By: willow506
Wow check her website. Apparently all her customers are liars and scum
Considering I was one of her customers, you have no ideal what you are talking about and probably should refrain from embarrassing yourself any further.  i have seen her several times and she has been nothing but open and honest.  Her website and photo's are accurate.

willow5061003 reads

Well my advice is never piss her off. Like having a close family member die and have to cancel on short notice. That appRently bring out the real Erin and her real views of her customers. Just saying. The real character shows through when you need to show some empathy to someone. Also, the fact that she created a thinly veiled threat by way of a tweet from another provider about exposing personal information.  Well just saying I would keep my head up in dealing with h

Posted By: willow506
Well my advice is never piss her off. Like having a close family member die and have to cancel on short notice.  I know every guy uses that as an excuse, but I am being honest! That rule shouldn't apply to me, so I am going to have a hissy fit and harass & stalk her across TER & TWITTER! I will flame her and all her clients! So there! The cancellation fee doesn't apply to me! I'm special!
Now noone has to read between the lines.



willow506681 reads

Wow we all know who you submit to. I never said her pictures were or were not accurate. Maybe you should actually take a moment to read what you are responding to before you do someone else's bidding. Just speaking the obvious

normancooper734 reads

would give out personal information.

THIS is exactly why you don't use RS2K or give out real names or information.  ALL of you can see the consequences.

That was your first mistake Willow.  Your second was even thinking about paying a cancellation fee.  Good grief.  Grow a pair.  You think a provider would ever give out a free session because they had to cancel?

Many hobbyists including myself are comfortable giving out MINIMUM required personal information.  Name, age, location, and sometimes line of work.  Not my cholesterol level, last visit to a proctologist, or my car maintenance record!
Gut feeling, trust, and more importantly word-of-mouth from other hobby buddies all factor in when you decide to exchange info.  I have met highly-rated providers who occasionally run background check and will ask to see my driver's license on our first meeting.  When you request that a provider never keep records of ID once verified and delete info, you assume she will honor your request.  Is this a safe assumption?  For the most part, yes, specifically for ladies with ratings approaching 9-10, not a BP lady who has a dozen grammatical errors in her ad.

Apparently there are "idiots" like myself who do the same, many of whom I exchange PM and emails with.  We never ran in trouble as far as being exposed or our ID been disclosed.  I would love to hear a confirmed story of such.

Posted By: normancooper
would give out personal information.  
 THIS is exactly why you don't use RS2K or give out real names or information.  ALL of you can see the consequences.  
 That was your first mistake Willow.  Your second was even thinking about paying a cancellation fee.  Good grief.  Grow a pair.  You think a provider would ever give out a free session because they had to cancel??  

ModernLover66759 reads

I looked and can't figure out what you're talking about

willow506666 reads

Just go through her tweets   Unless she has deleted them. And look at her friends tweet in response to her tweet about clients not using the dead relative to excuse to back out of bookings. I had a close relative pass a day or so before a booking I had made with Erin. I gave her as much advance notice as I could and apologized about the late notice, I also explained the circumstances. The response is in her tweeter chain. I have never met Erin. I got her name from kat at art of submission in New York  when I had to break the appointment, because I had to cancel my plans to travel to Chicago to attend to a family matter (by the way I am the executor of the deceased's estate, which means I have to ok the funeral plans) the response I got was to demand a cancellation fee. When I indicated I thought his wa a bit much given the circumstances I got an email from kat, apparently at Erin's request, that I pay Erin a cancellation fee or she would never do business we me again. Just wondering how this all got to his point. Not really happy so just speaking out about my view of Erin. Which is essentially that she seems to think her clients are a bunch of lying pigs who just want to  take advantage of her. Her apparent response is obvious from my comments above. Just wondering. I had a family member die. Admittedly had to cancel on short ( more than 24 hours notice) and somehow I am the focal point for all that is wrong in this business

You do realize most guys lie about that, right? You should have kept it private and explained. All you did is make us high end ladies wonder about you. If that really happened with family passing on, I feel for you... but to blast her and her reviews is not ok by any means. You did pretty well put out there that she is fake and others are lying. Don't yell at the guys who say they saw her and that she was real when you are all angry that she thought you were lying. If you lived in our shoes for a day, you'd get it. Pick your fights with the ripoffs and B&S. You did pretty well say everything about her and her reviewers are a lie. Which includes her pictures.  

I don't see what the big ass deal is, she doesn't want to see you anymore, right or wrong..... and you went a step further and called out everyone as a phony. If she ripped you off or is B&S tell the board. If she didn't accept your reason, then don't ever book with her. You went after the guys and her when you posted this. I am the first to run my mouth, but seriously???

Life happens and I get that. What I don't get is you flaming everyone. We hear that excuse too many times. Mostly it is a fake excuse.  

Also do you realize our income depends on those who book to pay? We gave up seeing others for you. I am not trying to be mean here, but you need to see both sides. She could see your side too. I wouldn't ever make someone pay canceling fee if he showed me he was honest about it. Too many lie about it and we all caught on to it. Most used excuse to leave us hanging. You want out of the fee? IMHO, then show her you are being for real. Then she is a shithead for not understanding. Life happens but also us gals can't be left without and screwed because you and others have issues going on. It would be rude for her not to understand, but it is obvious to me she feels you are lying.... which is what the majority say or do to get out of appts. That is not fair to us at all.

Posted By: willow506
Just go through her tweets   Unless she has deleted them. And look at her friends tweet in response to her tweet about clients not using the dead relative to excuse to back out of bookings. I had a close relative pass a day or so before a booking I had made with Erin. I gave her as much advance notice as I could and apologized about the late notice, I also explained the circumstances. The response is in her tweeter chain. I have never met Erin. I got her name from kat at art of submission in New York  when I had to break the appointment, because I had to cancel my plans to travel to Chicago to attend to a family matter (by the way I am the executor of the deceased's estate, which means I have to ok the funeral plans) the response I got was to demand a cancellation fee. When I indicated I thought his wa a bit much given the circumstances I got an email from kat, apparently at Erin's request, that I pay Erin a cancellation fee or she would never do business we me again. Just wondering how this all got to his point. Not really happy so just speaking out about my view of Erin. Which is essentially that she seems to think her clients are a bunch of lying pigs who just want to  take advantage of her. Her apparent response is obvious from my comments above. Just wondering. I had a family member die. Admittedly had to cancel on short ( more than 24 hours notice) and somehow I am the focal point for all that is wrong in this business  
-- Modified on 4/26/2015 2:55:20 AM

willow506563 reads

I did keep it private and explain. Erin then decided to contact my reference kat at art of submission, whom I had a very good relationship with. As near as I can tell the fact I cancelled, with more than 24 hours notice , owing to a death in my family has some how resulted in kat black balling me from her service   I have even offered to pay some kind of restitution to Erin,  I have asked her to at least apologize for her harsh attitude to my loss as a condition of me making a payment but so far she has refused. Really trying to figure out what I did wrong. Apparently it was a close family member dying at an in opportune time.  I appreciate you in the business have heard it all before. I have been a very good client with art of submission over the years and now, for reasons beyond my comprehension I am the one being made a scape goat.  Really I have offered to pay Erin, but she can' t see fit to. Apologize or send me a PO box to pay her.

normancooper545 reads

I don't think that word means what you think it means, dear.

..which you know, is really cute.  Apparently I struck a nerve.  

I already PM'd the OP about this, prior to seeing the twitter posts because I was confused about the content of his message.  

After seeing the twitter posts, I'm not confused at all.  

OP, if you'd like to talk about this like adults, I'm open to that.  


-- Modified on 4/26/2015 12:42:56 AM

Do you know how many guys I've had suddenly have "food poisoning", "dead relatives", and even "organ transplants" lately?! I'm waiting for the guy that has a relative that gets food poisoning, subsequently needs a transplant and then dies...It's an epidemic, a plague, something...I'm surprised half the population isn't 6 feet under just in this month alone.

It's something we hear on a regular basis and unfortunately it's usually not at all true. It's as if the more grandiose or extreme the reason, the more we'll be willing to just throw our hands up and accept being dicked over last minute. All of mine but one fought paying a cancellation fee and demanded leeway, etc. Your physician, dentist, hairdresser, etc. all do not accept this either. They all charge fees for last minute cancels. We are selling a luxury here, not water or air. We manage our days/expenses based on projected booked income.

Things indeed really do happen. But 24 hours is not enough notice not to pay a cancellation fee, as she is very likely already denied your scheduled time/date many times to others and cannot re-book that last minute.

It was also absolutely appropriate for her to reach out to your reference and make her aware of the situation. I would want to know if someone I referred cancelled last minute and then wanted to publicly out the provider he last minute cancelled on as if she was in the wrong. I would not wish to continue to "okay" that person.

What's amazing to me is that you, being the executor of the estate, have so much time to spend posting on here and Twitter about it...

normancooper673 reads

Really, cancellation fee??  

Like providers don't cancel all the time & at the last minute.  Do we get reimbursed for our wasted time and money???

I've heard it all, from aunt flo coming to visit to pick your illness here.  Funny thing is, they make a miraculous recovery the next day, since you can read about it from another hobbyist who probably offered a longer appt.  

I'll pay a cancellation fee when y'all discount your next session heavily

He knew about the cancellation fee when he booked.  All she did was invoke it, not spring it on him.  There are some girls who have such a fee.  If you don't want to pay it, don't book with them in the first place. And don't whine about it or try to injure their rep after the fact.

GaGambler755 reads

and then there are guys like Norm, who NEVER supports the woman, also regardless of the facts.

I don't want to be in either camp, and I don't like this "us against them" mentality. I try to base my decisions on the facts as presented and in this case the facts are clearly on Erin's side.

and for a guy who is supposed to be grieving the loss of a loved one, he does seem to have an awful lot of time to devote to "hooker matters" and he still hasn't answered my question from below, What kind of fucking name is "Willow" for a guy???

Maybe Pansy was already taken... shrugs!

Posted By: GaGambler

and for a guy who is supposed to be grieving the loss of a loved one, he does seem to have an awful lot of time to devote to "hooker matters" and he still hasn't answered my question from below, What kind of fucking name is "Willow" for a guy???

normancooper607 reads

She does have a reverse cancellation policy while most do not.  That is fair in my view.

I do maintain that it is a bad idea to give out personal info as not all ladies are as sane as most of thr ones here on TER.

I actually do offer the same amount I request when I cancel on a client. I think that's only fair. I've seen many other ladies do this as well.

I'm soooo glad you ran your ignorant pie hole enough to get on my DNS list simply for being a complete moron.

When a provider cancels on you, are you out money??? NO. Erin was! HUGE DIFFERENCE!!! You're only out pussy when a girl cancels and you may think you're going to die, but you won't.  

Sounds like from your posts you get cancelled on a lot...hmmm, I'm really wondering with your attitude why that could be...

normancooper411 reads

You obviously can't read.  Not a shocker.  

I'd never see you anyway...ROFLMAO.

And you're obviously not used to high end women on TER's TOP 100...

You've no idea how many DNS lists you've made by posting the most uneducated, unmerited statements to this thread. Good job there big boy ; )

Now crawl back under your rock and save your pennies for the girls that don't care if you tell them your name is John Smith and don't care if you get food poisoning last minute and don't pay them...because lots of girls like that exist...where the unicorns live, right?!

normancooper319 reads

Good one.  I'd love to see that.  Lol.  Haven't laughed that hard in awhile.  Thank you.  Don't let anyone tell you you have no good qualities.

Well, Norm, I can positively say you have no good qualities left about you..too bad you have to pay just for company : (

Glad I could give you a giggle ; )


normancooper208 reads

Too bad you will never know who I really am.  ROFL.

I'd don't pay for company babe, I pay for you to leave.  LOL!

Tedc11664 reads

I am a little sensitive to the comment about getting an Organ transplant and dying.  

I was on a waiting list for a transplant and had an appointment with a provider that I see when she visits. I got the call that an organ was available the night before the appointment. I emailed her with an apology and offered to pay her for the appointment.  She would hear nothing of it and wished me the best. We have had several wonderful appointments post transplant.  

I am glad that I didn't have to die as proof that I wasn't lying as you suggest.

You had a past with this provider it seems, so I'm sure she understood and was aware of your circumstances.  I'd think that most providers would understand.  If a regular client of mine, or a client that seems me whenever I'm in town came to me with a similar circumstance, I'd be more than understanding.  

You have rapport with that provider.  What the OP did and what Alexandra is speaking about are completely different scenarios than what you're speaking of.  

It's when individuals cancel appointments with catastrophic emergencies fully knowing a lady has a cancellation policy, refuse to pay the fee, and then continue to remain in contact with the lady after refusing to pay the fee.  You didn't do any of those things at all

I was speaking about the ones who lie. I don't have a cancellation policy, so when a guy lies to me... I am screwed.  
**** Oops, I thought you were talking about this Alexandra, me. lol. My mistake.****

It is always fair to be understanding if you are not sure if he is telling the truth. There is no reason to ask for a cancellation fee if he is being honest. Treat others as you'd want to be treated. When it is obviously a lie, then the girls have a right for cancellation fees if that is their policy. Me, if you are lying, you go on the DNS list of mine.  

Some gals are understanding, others less so. Some see through the BS. I am glad the guy who was being honest had an understanding provider who was nice and concerned about him, that is the way it is suppose to be. He wasn't to get charged and he didn't. That is good.

For the OP of the thread:

The OP wants to go tell the full story now... but when you are going to post a thread, take the time to clearly say what you have to say. All you wanted to say was her reviewers are all liars. Came out of nowhere and was very much a flame and nasty vs what you could have done is properly put out the whole story and kept it on topic about you and her vs throwing all of her guys under the bus.  

I looked on Twitter and there is no one posting about outing you and no one retweeted her tweet. They just favored it. When you are going to blast someone, make sure you are speaking on truth.  

I made my earlier post clear on how I felt, and as I said, if it is really true about the death I feel for you.... but you do come across by your actions as being on a rant to ruin her and you have a lot of time to post here when you should be dealing with family matters RIGHT? At no point did you talk about this nicely, even when you posted this thread. I am not in the middle of whatever happened.... my issue is you just threw this all out there and got nasty with everyone vs being clear on what your issue was. It was more important to you to get even and flame everyone off the bat.  

Posted By: MissErinBlack
You had a past with this provider it seems, so I'm sure she understood and was aware of your circumstances.  I'd think that most providers would understand.  If a regular client of mine, or a client that seems me whenever I'm in town came to me with a similar circumstance, I'd be more than understanding.    
 You have rapport with that provider.  What the OP did and what Alexandra is speaking about are completely different scenarios than what you're speaking of.  
 It's when individuals cancel appointments with catastrophic emergencies fully knowing a lady has a cancellation policy, refuse to pay the fee, and then continue to remain in contact with the lady after refusing to pay the fee.  You didn't do any of those things at all.  
-- Modified on 4/26/2015 2:57:21 PM

Tedc11429 reads

Don't get me wrong, I think it is completely wrong to use a fake excuse to cancel. I was just sensitive to the comment about transplants. This is just me, but unless a lady cancels after I have left to meet her or just blows off the appointment it is worse for the client to cancel with short notice than the provider. If a provider cancels I still have money in my pocket and the provider looses money because she likely could have booked that time.

and not a single person, man or woman said anything different. You are a-o-k and is understandable.

Posted By: Tedc11
Don't get me wrong, I think it is completely wrong to use a fake excuse to cancel. I was just sensitive to the comment about transplants. This is just me, but unless a lady cancels after I have left to meet her or just blows off the appointment it is worse for the client to cancel with short notice than the provider. If a provider cancels I still have money in my pocket and the provider looses money because she likely could have booked that time.

Geez, settle down ted, I was never referring to you, for the record. I may have to start a vagina transplant list with all of this sensitivity...

No one ever said that no one needs or gets transplants. It does happen. People do die. I get that. I brought it up because it did happen to me twice in the last week alone and the specific reason for 2/7 last minute cancels were 'transplants'. So go bust the guys balls for using it as an excuse when it's not. I know neither one of these guys or their relatives received any transplants BTW...they simply wanted to get out of paying what they agreed to and thought the more morbid the reasoning the more I wouldn't ask for the fee. Oh, and how do I know that? By the reviews they made for someone else, or their Twitter posts, etc...these were both guys I had never seen before and took many, many emails arguing over the fee when they were supposed to be in can you understand my point?

You know what one excuse was? He just totally forgot he scheduled me and he brought his gf on his business trip with him and couldn't get out to see me. Again, a guy I'd never seen before. You know why I believed him? He apologized, he paid the cancel fee and he offered a deposit for his re-schedule. No bitching. No moaning. No food poisoning, etc.

It is ridiculous to cancel on someone last minute and not pay a fee. Two totally separate and different situations. It sucks when ladies do it too, it's not right, and not all of them probably tell the truth either, but the ladies are out money when it's last minute and the guys aren't.

And I sincerely hope you're now well and back to having fun!

After the litany of insults flung at me last night via email, Twitter, and TER, and the harassment that both Kat and I have received, I'm done. I just can't anymore with this Vaudeville act.  It's just not funny anymore.

Kat and AOS have referenced other clients to me in the past, and they have been nothing but lovely. On the basis of good faith, I decided not to ask the OP for a deposit (which he may or may not have paid, who knows). Because the OP came with such good references, I figured should anything arise, he'd follow my cancellation policy.  
The OP and I had extensive email negotiation concerning the extended session he was booking, and came to an agreement.  The session was to be on Friday 4/24.  I sent confirmation on Wednesday 4/22 and heard nothing until 4/23 when the OP cancelled his appointment.  Because he cancelled the day before on such a long booking, I sent a request for my cancellation fee (my policy is clearly stated on my website). He refused to pay, and I informed his reference as such.  I even went so far as to tell his reference that I had no expectations as to what she should or should not do with this information, and told her that personally blacklisting the OP was her choice alone.  Who am I to demand that someone blacklist a client?  Kat told me she would contact the OP. She was met with malice towards her and the other ladies of AOS.  

No big deal, right? It's not like cancellation policies are enforceable unless someone is booking through P411. I wrote it off, and tweeted this tweet, verbatim :

"Hobbyists: don't use the "death in the family" route to get out of a session/cancellation fee. It's bad karma."  

Those of you who aren't blocked from the account like the OP is can feel free to look for yourselves should this ridiculousness continue to interest you.  No one responded to the tweet; 2 people favorited it.  There was never any threat to reveal client information; I have zero to gain from such folly. Also, if you read the OP's post pertaining to this situation, he claims that one of my provider friends on twitter said she would reveal his information for me. That tweet never existed, and if it did exist, I can't delete a tweet that I didn't  write.  

As for the "death in the family" reason/excuse for cancellation? I don't need it.  If someone did indeed die, then my condolences.  But as the executor of the deceased's estate, how does the OP have the time and energy to harass Kat and me? I Shouldn't the OP be mourning and taking care of said estate, not troubling himself with petty hooker nonsense?

I don't care why the OP cancelled his appointment, honestly.  But because so much time and energy was taken in negotiating the original session, and since I'd denied other appointments for the time scheduled by the OP, I requested my cancellation fee.  

I have since received barrage of tweets directed at me from the OP from 2 separate accounts, along with 11 emails, and this chain of posts. The email content vacillates between insults, asking for an apology on behalf of the deceased, and trying to get me to open a PO box in order for the OP to send me the cancellation fee. They're manic, confusing messages at best.  

I've repeatedly told the OP that I'm not interested in opening a PO box, and that I don't care about the cancellation fee.  At this point I simply want to be left alone.  

If any of you have any questions pertaining to this matter, you're welcome to message me or email me.                              

Posted By: willow506
Wow check her website. Apparently all her customers are liars and scum
-- Modified on 4/26/2015 9:07:57 AM

Sometimes a close relative DOES pass away forcing a cancellation. It happened to me in January and the Chicago lady I was seeing without question was extremely gracious and kind. She knows me well so that counted for something and she easily could have googled and discovered I really did have a parent die several days prior to an extended engagement. My point? Only that its not always a bogus excuse though I'd agree it is often. I offered to compensate her and she of course refused and I have since made it up to her in spades. Its all about relationships and it would appear the OP has torched several here.

There are far too many anomalies in the OP's story to respond to, nor do I care about his rants. But I do want to support Miss Erin. My side of the story echoes her's closely. Not only did she NOT demand that I contact him or blacklist him, she thoughtfully pointed out that since he had been fair to us up to date, perhaps we should keep him as a client - she did not want to hurt our business. It was my idea to contact him since I was horribly embarrassed that I had pointed him her way and had provided a reference for him (disgusted face). The OP has some odd notion that Erin made or manipulated me into writing to him. That is not so. I wanted to support Erin and so I thought to try to reconcile their differences.

What started out as polite, mature, rational, open communication (on my part) quickly snowballed into a barrage of insults against me, my friends, my business practices and my ethics - all without basis in reality. I even pointed out that with a recent death close to him, perhaps it was time to let go of the negativity, and focus on the positives in life and allow us to do so too. But no, he continued to disparage me. There is just no going back.

What actually kind of amuses me - he keeps saying that I made thinly veiled threats that I would blacklist him from me and my friends - this is only partially true. I did not thinly veil anything, I outright said it. I believe I said something to the effect of "To preserve the integrity of our relationship, I'd appreciate if you could take care of our friends as you do us. If you don't (and I really hope you do), then we no longer feel comfortable seeing you as I'll always know that you've offended a friend of ours." See? Plainly spoken.

Honestly, I stopped opening the six or so emails from him after I told him to please never contact me again. I have too much joy, happiness, great clients and positive relationships in my life to allow his negativity and anger to affect me.

One positive side to this - I got to know Miss Erin better and admire her for her strength, wisdom, professionalism, support and general kick-assed-ness. Hos over bros:)

willow506457 reads

Thought I would add this post to this thread' as I suspect most of you are to self absorbed or lazy to respond to a thread you haven't commented on.  

i agree just venting. A family member did pass away. Funeral was Saturday. My comments on Chloe are unfortunately quite accurate. Kat knows this because I never booked with her again. But that said the rest of it was uncalled for and an example of poor judgement . As for all of you, what a bunch of self righteous losers. This is all you can do with your life. I at least had the excuse of writing some ill advised posts when I was drunk and upset and stuck in an airport trying to get to family. The rest of you are what you said by your own pen, and to anyone looking from the outside clearly a bunch of people who need to consider what really matters in life. How many dead and dying in Nepal?  How many poor children living in poverty in the greatest country on earth. I think we all need to focus on what is important in life and NONE of what is important is on this site.  No doubt some self absorbed moron will try and suggest I am trying to deflect anger at me by "playing on the bad fortune of others" or some such nonsense. But the reality is I have never met any of you, including Kat and Erin. And never will. So what I think of you or what you think of me or anyone else on this site, I say who cares. Maybe you should focus your energy and time on something or someone who matters to you. And with that I bid you all a good nite and cancel my account on this site. Really you have nothing better to do in your life then read this crap. To search on line for some thread to comment on. Wow.  If that is true then we are all truly not worthy of the life, joys and possibilities we have all been given. Bye now

Then why leave a review for a session from a year ago suddenly??? Doesn't seem spiteful in the least...

You seemed so very concerned for the general population, why let all of these poor guys suffer at the hands of Chloe for an entire year without your warning?!

GaGambler411 reads

My first reaction to his post/s was "what a bitch" (sorry Erin) but the more he posts and the more I read the less believable his story sounds and the more I start to take Erin's side.

So congratulations "willow" you have managed to convince even this "asshole" who would never dream of paying a cancellation fee myself that most like Erin is in the right and you are in the wrong. What you did is a significant accomplishment as I am in the camp that unless a hooker offers her own "cancellation fee" if she has to cancel, or if she has had to lay out hard money specifically for YOUR date, you don't owe shit, but no, you have convinced me by your own words that yes you are a dickhead and you should simply pay the lady and move on.

BTW what kind of fucking name is "willow" for a man??? Is there something you would like to share with the class??? lol

Hey TT, nice to see you posting,

Much appreciated support!  

And as I've stated before, I do have a reverse cancellation policy. If for some reason I ever have to cancel or reschedule an appointment, I always offer more time or a discount. Client's choice. :)

For the one time I had to cancel on several guys and had to run down to KY to get there in time for my niece to be born. I was already going 2 days later, just to be there a week and a half before the due date.... but she decided to pop out lol. Even the Dr thought she'd be coming after due date. Literally I got a surprise call that she was going into labor and had to throw everything in the car and drive like a bandit to get there. Got there a few minutes before she was born.

They all got discounts and actually already knew I was going for the birth before ever booking. I felt bad that I wasn't coming back for 5 weeks and felt I should be fair to them for being understanding. So thanks to my amazing niece, Auntie lost a bunch of money. It was worth it though :D

Posted By: MissErinBlack
Much appreciated support!  
 And as I've stated before, I do have a reverse cancellation policy. If for some reason I ever have to cancel or reschedule an appointment, I always offer more time or a discount. Client's choice. :)

Exactly why we love you.
PS: Rod is gone, we think.  You missed an epic, serial, multi-board melt down. Or maybe you were lurking?

when he's supposed to be grieving and attended to estate matter and such. This is literally unbelievable!

Steph grrrrrr....

and where have you been hiding?

Analias396 reads

1. Denial of fee
2. Anger over the fact that the fee was stated upfront
3. Bargaining for a lower fee
4. Depression over the fact that it was affecting another relationship
5. Acceptance of the fact that he screwed u

I have no idea why the words my original post did not show up but it seems to have vanished.  Anyway, here is what it said.

I got up this morning and started reading this thread on TER and I thought to myself I am totally screwed.  I had an appointment booked with Erin and I thought that based on the events on this board, i.e. this post, Erin might be totally pissed and set out to prove to me what type of scumbags men really are.  Or, on the flip side, she would try to show me just hot and sensual she can be to those of us who do not cancel on her.  Being the professional that she is and fortunately for me it was the latter and not the former.  My time with Erin was one of the hottest experiences that I have ever had and I think that it might have been due, in part, to the events taking place on this thread.  However, as we all know from reading her reviews she provides an excellent experience to all of those who are fortunate enough to spend some time with her.

Willow, on a more serious note(and yes the above is true) my sincerest condolences on the loss of your relative or loved one if this actually did happen.  I do not believe that any of us on this board would make light of such a sad event as this is something that none of us ever want to have to deal with.  

-- Modified on 4/26/2015 4:00:04 PM

Several ladies have mentioned Black Listing a customer like "willow" for his behavior.  But what you're suggesting, while appropriate, is NOT really a Black Listing, it is putting him on a DNS (Do Not See) list. A true Black Listing means putting someone on a site like the National Black List, often with his real name and other personal information out in public.  In other words, outing him.  This is a legitimate thing to do when he's done something very serious like robbery, stalking, harassment, or rape. But that is not what you mean in this case.
So please be more careful with the terminology you use.

Don't know about that, sweetheart. Maybe that's what you'd prefer the blacklist be for, but  that's not the case. I've seen it many times for guys like Willow that cancel last minute and don't pay the required fee. Bogus or legit excuse. Cancel last minute and don't pay (as long as the policy wasn't sprung on him, and it wasn't here) it is a legitimate reason to blacklist.

Why should he only be on Erin's DNS? I, as any other lady on here, want him on the national blacklist so we can say no to his appointment request. Why would we want to take the chance on him?!

It's also not necessarily public, as not just anyone can access it, and it doesn't have to be his true identifying information, it's just whatever he used, so it even catches the guys that think they can misbehave using a fake name...

Posted By: inicky46
Several ladies have mentioned Black Listing a customer like "willow" for his behavior.  But what you're suggesting, while appropriate, is NOT really a Black Listing, it is putting him on a DNS (Do Not See) list. A true Black Listing means putting someone on a site like the National Black List, often with his real name and other personal information out in public.  In other words, outing him.  This is a legitimate thing to do when he's done something very serious like robbery, stalking, harassment, or rape. But that is not what you mean in this case.  
 So please be more careful with the terminology you use.  

A couple of my friends over at The Art of Submission woke up this morning to a nasty surprise. He's reviewed one provider (who has a great reputation) with an unfair, low review even though he has not seen her for over half a year and confessed he enjoyed the session after the fact. Another friend suspects he will negatively review her soon too, even though he has seen her twice, really enjoyed himself, and was planning on seeing her again.

I also received more threats last night to expose my personal location and information to the "gossip channels"


"Oh man i bet a few folks at those gossip column TV shows, if they knew your address might think it would be cool to spend a few days checking out the comings and goings from your apt. Might make for some fun interviews for them."

"What's the street address and apt number of your fun little place in NYC.  Oh wait I have that info. Isn't great that I save my email and text messages."

Erin and I have moved on. When will he?

Because reviews of a session must be written within 90 days of the date it happened.  Since you say he last saw them "over half a year" ago the review is not eligible for publication.

I mean come the fuck on. this has gotten unreal.

The guy has exposed himself as a complete fucktard and now, once TER sees he's posted a bogus review, he will be dealt with by them.  I don't think we'll be seeing much of him for a while.

. . .  this never would have been allowed to continue to this degree, the OP would have been immediately moderated (if not banned), and the thread taken down by now.

GaGambler463 reads

but I like to give people more than enough rope to hang themselves (hi Deb) and why would you want this thread to come down in the first place?

Do you really think this thread has hurt Erin in the slightest? Quite the contrary, she comes out looking great in this thread and the OP has shown his true colors so all the other ladies in Chicago can decide for themselves if they want to see him or not, and my guess is that after this, many of them will not.

So let me repeat my question, why in the world would you want this thread taken down?

I'm certain it would have stayed up. Funtimes always made the call on pulling posts and he was all about letting people vent. We may have closed it once it reached the point of repetitive whining, but it would have stayed up. Now Dancingbear was more strict, so I have no idea what he might have done. Gonzo would have let the train go through the wall at Union Station.  ;-

willow506488 reads

Posted By: Sojourner7
I'm certain it would have stayed up. Funtimes always made the call on pulling posts and he was all about letting people vent. We may have closed it once it reached the point of repetitive whining, but it would have stayed up. Now Dancingbear was more strict, so I have no idea what he might have done. Gonzo would have let the train go through the wall at Union Station.  ;-)  
i agree just venting. A family member did pass away. Funeral was Saturday. My comments on Chloe are unfortunately quite accurate. Kat knows this because I never booked with her again. But that said the rest of it was uncalled for and an example of poor judgement . As for all of you, what a bunch of self righteous losers. This is all you can do with your life. I at least had the excuse of writing some ill advised posts when I was drunk and upset and stuck in an airport trying to get to family. The rest of you are what you said by your own pen, and to anyone looking from the outside clearly a bunch of people who need to consider what really matters in life. How many dead and dying in Nepal?  How many poor children living in poverty in the greatest country on earth. I think we all need to focus on what is important in life and NONE of what is important is on this site.  No doubt some self absorbed moron will try and suggest I am trying to deflect anger at me by "playing on the bad fortune of others" or some such nonsense. But the reality is I have never met any of you, including Kat and Erin. And never will. So what I think of you or what you think of me or anyone else on this site, I say who cares. Maybe you should focus your energy and time on something or someone who matters to you. And with that I bid you all a good nite and cancel my account on this site. Really you have nothing better to do in your life then read this crap. To search on line for some thread to comment on. Wow.  If that is true then we are all truly not worthy of the life, joys and possibilities we have all been given. Bye now.

GaGambler484 reads

I went out and restocked on rope, hit me up if you need some. Consider it my final gift to you on your way out. lmao

I remember an email (and probably still have it) that says you feel bad for cheating on Chloe for possibly exploring with another provider. If you liked her enough to feel guilty about cheating, then your review is BS. You liked her enough to see her for multiple extended sessions, then all of a sudden, now she's a horrible provider? Makes no sense. You might've had better chemistry with the second provider, but I seem to remember you raving the same about Chloe.

I would be done with this except you took it out on a Chloe, who is one of my best friends, and I'm not going to rest until I help her fix the situation.

When we first started escorting we reached out to lots of ladies cause we knew jack about the escorting side, only the kink side.  Know who got back to us?  Miss Erin Black.

Guess who helped us, for free, with no agenda for no reason other than she is a great person?  Miss Erin Black.

When my mother became ill and Betsy and I went on hiatus for over 8 months so we could take care of her, guess who never forgot about us?  Miss Erin Black

When she passed away last fall and we returned to escorting, guess who was right there?  Miss Erin Black.

When this happened, guess who didn't go running to everyone she knew?  Miss Erin Black.  We took a break from reading TER and this is the first we have heard about it.  Because she has class and is an adult.  Unlike you.

She is not only a naturally kinky, stunning, and incredibly hot.  She is one of the finest people we have ever met.  And we are not the only one who thinks so.  Her reputation speaks for itself.

And reading this, we are not the only ones who think you are an insufferable asshole, either.  Did you really think a woman of her caliber can have her reputation tainted by you?  Your hilarious.  And again, an asshole

And the only person I see being a liar and scum is you Willow.  You are a real piece of work, to come on here and slander a lady with an amazing rep and threaten as well as write fake reviews of ladies you disagree with over this matter.  REALLY?  Someone doesn't like getting called out even though he sure started this whole darn thing.

Didn't you have the unfortunate issue of a recently deceased to deal with?  WTF are you doing here?  Go do your job of dealing with the estate/funeral/wake and grieving so you can get your big head on straight.

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